CHARACTER INDEX Character Sheets

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(If obviously not human or isn't announcing what they are name here. If they have the outwardly appearance of a human label human)

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(None of your business unless asked!)

(We'll find out unless you're announcing them)
Are you a cook? A navigator? A doctor? First mate? Bed mate??)
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Saila Meg
Saila Meg





Marital Staus:



As lovely as it is to have everything, that doesn't stop one from wanting more...

Saila's story starts like any other mundane tale. She was born on the Sirgrid Isles to a loving couple, Gemba and Dollie Meg. From birth she was given anything and everything she could possibly need or want- anything except freedom.

With the isles being the paradise that they are, there would be no reason for anyone to leave when everything was available to them, but that didn't stop Saila from dreaming of a world far from the ground she stood on, and the stories from the sailors at the docks helped none. Tales of gilled monsters as big as a house, sword swinging bandits, and gold towering higher than a giant. At some point Saila was banned from visiting the docs because of these stories, but she had friends who would lend their ears and whisper to her these amazing stories in the night. Night after night she would dream of sailing away on the blue seas to explore the world she was hidden away from.

For years she dreamed these dreams until she was old enough to find herself a job. Still determined to leave the island, she worked towards getting enough money to buy herself a boat. She would just stow away on one of the boats at the docks, but with her name being so well known they'd never let her step foot on the ship. Her plan, though flawed, was simple, but after a while she was snitched on, and then her parents but the nail in that plan as well. Every she went, people would turn her away. Oh, how she begged for work! Even the oddest job she would take if they would give her a chance! From scrubbing toilets to licking boots but no one would hire her because of her parents' word.

Furious, and now more determined than ever before, she turned to a new way of getting profit: Thieving. With the Isles being subbed the safest place in the world, people were quite loose and careless with how they handled their money, and so it made it easier for her to slip behind them and steal their wallets or jewels that she would then sell at the central marker. Owners buying back their own wear right in front of them. After a while with living good with her flawless routine, she eventually forgot about her dream of leaving the isles. Instead, she spends her time leeching off of others and drinking away her stolen money.

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Renard Greenblight

Renard Greenblight
Ren, Renny

Place of birth
The Under Dark

Blood status




Renard is the eldest of four littermates. He has two sisters named Rosie and Petals and a younger brother named Simon. His mother is Bea and his father is named Tread. Renard was not always known as Renard. His name used to be Drip. He changed it after finding a book in the UnderDark where the main character was named Renard. He went by it ever since.

His father was tragically taken away Night Crawlers and so Renard had to step in and help his mother care for his siblings. As the years passed and they grew older, one day, Renard woke to find his mother gone. She had left without a word so it was just him and his siblings. Eventually they, too, parted ways and Renard hadn't seen his family again nor does he know their fate.


4'' 12



Renard was born in the dreadful depths of the Under Dark, an underground city filled with nothing but the lowliest of scum and monstrosities which the light has never seen. There are many tales and legends that surround the Under Dark on how it came to be: An angered god who so disapproved of the world's deeds that they created a vast hole within the earth in which to dump all sinful things and creatures to hopefully hide away forever; a long-ago ancient prison meant to trap unholy souls in forever but had since fallen to ruin, unleashing its angry prisoners out into the dark void; a cavern that opened up one day and birthed the monstrosities within to one day unleash upon the world; the list could go on and on.

Regardless of how it came to be, it is known far and wide by many as an unholy and dangerous place that no one wished to touch. Still, there are very few species who learned to thrive in such places, one of them being the Ratfolk. No one knows how they came to be. Perhaps a dark wizard used their dark magic to manipulate and transform a simple rat into the beings they became or years of evolution had the creatures adapt to such an unforgiving place or perhaps the Under Dark gave birth to them itself.

The Ratfolk are extremely intelligent creatures who value stealth and cunning over everything else. To survive the Under Dark they must stick to the shadows to avoid detection from the bigger and most foul creatures that would like nothing more than to have them as a little snack. Their eyes are trained to see well into the dark with silent paws that allow them to scurry along floors and walls, carrying them to places that others would find difficult to reach, their round ears and whiskers allowing them to detect danger before it could fall upon them.

This was how Renard grew up. He had to learn to survive in such a lowly place. The Ratfolk had built their own civilization out of the ancient ruins found deep below, ruins built within the caverns of the Underdark with broken stone or wooden bridges to allow them to cross from one point to the other. The Ratfolk use glowing green stones for light as they seem to keep the creatures of the dark at bay. They would attach these stones to long sticks or embed them along the walls of their homes or hang them from ceilings.

They are inventors and makers. Renard's own family were chemists, taking what chemicals or biological wildlife found within the Under Dark they could to learn and grow. They made potions that could both heal or harm. Renard became an Alchemist like his family before him, always containing a notebook that is scribbled with many notes and hasty drawings, fascinated by how the world works around him.

Renard wanted more, though. They were so limited within the world they knew as their own. There had to be more out there. It was no secret that some are able to leave the Under Dark and return as they pleased. No one ever guarded the Under Dark. There was no need. The world above was just too bright for the creatures underneath.

So Renard left. He packed up his things and left without a word. The Ratfolk were never close to one another, even family. With there being constant unknowns and dangers, it was easy to suddenly lose the one you love so they never had any ties to one another. Death was a natural occurrence among them. Parents left their kids almost as soon as they are able to fend for themselves. Though Renard knew who his parents and siblings were, they never lived or stayed together. Though all the Ratfolk worked as a community... They were all but strangers to one another.

Renard sought knowledge beyond the dark world of his home. Though the Above World was safer, they all knew that Ratfolk were not accepted easily into society and were often mistreated or mistrusted. That was okay. Renard was not going to make friends. There had to be a better place for him, a place where he could make a difference with his knowledge, maybe even find a place for all of his kind. Because he knew that as soon as he scented the fresh brisk air and saw moonlight for the first time... He could never go back.

The Under Dark


The Shadows


Night Crawlers

Renard is a reclusive type who keeps to himself. He would rather draw himself into his studies and work. He is a socially awkward being with no real knowledge of how to deal with people. He grew up in solitude despite his vast family members and the few times he did interact with anyone, they treated him harshly, thinking him nothing more than scum.

Renard can come off as a cold individual since he often gives the cold shoulder and doesn't speak much but, when one gets to know him, he is actually a shy and gentle soul. However, at any mention of his work then he perks right up and it would be difficult for one to get him to stop chattering on and on. He would gladly talk excitedly about his work to anyone who was interested and even has deep intellectual conversations with people who could keep up with him.

However, there is another side to Renard that rarely shows... His time in the Under Dark isn't without its scars. Though the Ratfolk have been able to make themselves a decent home that isn't quite as dangerous as other locations within the Under Dark, it is still far from safe. Screams often happen deep in the night(or at least whatever time of day they would normally sleep) from the Night Crawlers that descend upon them in their sleep. Snatching them from their beds and carrying them off to be devoured. A simple expedition would end in bloodshed from being ambushed by the Shadows who lie in wait.

It is never safe. One could never lower their guard for even a second. There is always danger around every corner, everything always out to eat them, their very sanctuary even unsafe from the jaws of creatures that only view them as food. Renard is never safe from this lesson. His nights are filled with the gnashing of teeth and the screeches of the monstrosities that plague his every waking moment. He is brewed to kill to live.

One moment he would seem normal. Withdrawn and dedicated to his work. Other's like a switch goes off. He becomes the animal he is: A rat from the dark, his usual big beady black eyes turning red, piercing and dangerous as the fur rises and becomes wild. The raw animalistic instinct to survive rises in him and he would do anything to survive.

It sometimes becomes clear that he is not always there... Renard will have moments where he seems a little unhinged, sometimes talking to himself when no one else is there. Sometimes he becomes frightened of nothing, believing he sees something that isn't there while other times he would be acting completely normal. Renard often makes himself a concoction for times like these to help calm himself, knowing full well that he isn't all there but has no idea how to fix it save to keep himself calm and focused.

Tyson Dirge

Tyson Dirge
(Once known as Tyson Ackerman)

Place of birth

Blood status




First Mate

6'' 2

Weapon of choice
Two short swords

Tyson's fighting style is mostly in agility. He strikes and moves quickly, like the water, dancing around his opponent more than anything. Because of his long years of honing his swordsman skills on his Uncle's boat he knows how to handle the blade and keep himself alive. He sometimes even makes a game of it, often putting in chiding jabs or make small jokes as he swings his blades. Though it seems like he's having fun, he takes every fight seriously and despite his soft attitude, there is no mistaking the killer look in his eyes.

He used to have a name.

The Ackerman family was a wealthy family. An honorable one. They rose up from nothing and became the top trading company on the island: Ladenia. An impressive size island with many fishing towns and markets and in the center of it all was the Ackerman family.

The Ackerman's had their own ships that sailed out to the world and traded with other nearby islands with their most prized product: Salt. As it so happens, the Ackerman residence was on top of a salt mine, theirs by right, and so they were able to mine the prized ingredient and sell it for profit.

The Ackerman's, however, were not a greedy folk. They took care of the island and its people, making sure that all were thriving and were generous in their wealth. They were loved and respected by all.

Which was why the attack came as such a surprise.

No one knows what happened. One night the Ackerman manor caught aflame and all who were inside perished: The grandparents, the dear mother and father, and their poor five children...

All except one.

Unknown to the townsfolk, one child had survived, the young Tyson Ackerman. The eldest child who had been meant to inherit the family business. The manor had been attacked by a group of assassins who sail under an unknown flag, hired by Tyson's jealous uncle, Ven, brother to his father. His uncle had felt cheated out of the wealth after Tyson's father sent him away when he tried to steal from them. His Uncle did nothing except drink his money away and cheat and conned others out of their own wealth so Tyson's father wanted his terrible influence away from the family.

This did not stop his uncle. After hiring the assassins to kill his family and destroy his home, Tyson was forced to abide by his uncle. Telling him all of the family secrets and where they keep their riches. Ven decided to keep Tyson around and raise him as his own as some spiteful final act toward his dead brother. Taking his only living son and turning him into all the things his brother hated.

Growing up under his Uncle, at the young tender age of 10, Tyson was forced to learn how to steal and kill to survive. He learned quickly that the only way to stay on his uncle's good side was to make him happy, and nothing made him happier than praising him and doing everything he said. As Tyson grew older he began to realize his uncle was easy to manipulate. So long he pleased him and stay on his good side, Tyson was able to get away with a lot of things and bide his time. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to earn his freedom...and revenge.

For ten long years Tyson had to deal with his uncle's cruelty. He often went without food and was constantly beat on, either by his uncle or the crew. He started off as a cabin boy and there was no end to the constant torment placed upon him by the crew. However, he was also able to get around easily without much notice, and one would be surprised by how much one could hear when being overlooked.

Tyson listened to every word the crew would whisper among themselves and realized quickly how much they actually despised his uncle. Over time, Tyson began to report them to his uncle, earning his trust and the deceitful crew would be thrown overboard and left behind. Sometimes even shot dead in front of the others as a message. Tyson grew quickly in Ven's trust and was raised from a simple cabin boy to a proper crew member, then further still till he became Ven's most trusted ally.

But it was all a ploy. Inside Tyson was a rage. A rage that wanted out. He watched his uncle spend his family's hard earned money into nothing with drink and women. Was forced to hear his uncle speak such terrible things about his family, his father especially, then brag how easy it had all been to end them all. Even clench his teeth to keep from throwing up as his Uncle praised him. How he was different from the rest of them. How he was like a son to him.

Then the day finally came. Tyson practically ran his uncle's ship himself. Over the years he made his uncle dwindle his old crew further and further, and for those that remained, Tyson made friendly with. Using his cunning, Tyson managed to rise a mutiny against his uncle. Making them believe he had been hoarding gold from them all along, and watched on in silence as they tortured his Uncle for information, only looking on in cold silence as his uncle pleaded for his aid and mercy.

It never came.

Then, with the screams of his uncle finally silenced, the rest of the crew went deep below decks to begin turning the place inside out for the riches that were promised to them. All the while Tyson headed above decks and to a lone boat that was prepared for one sailor. Once in the boat he picked up a single lantern and let it drop onto the deck of his uncle's ship. He lowered himself to the water below as the ship caught aflame, thanks to the oil Tyson slowly spilt and spread all across the ship.

Tyson sailed away on his boat as screams filled the air from the burning crew members as they tried to escape the firey depths of the ship. Flinging themselves into the ocean in an attempt to save themselves. The lone ship lighting the dark ocean like a beacon.

Tyson did not plan to live after that. He packed little provisions on his boat so, in a matter of days, he was on the verge of starving to death. But he didn't care. He laid in his boat as it drifted through the sea, staring up into the stars of the night sky. Empty. He was no one. He had no name. No family. Nothing. His uncle had made him into something he never wanted to be. He had no idea who 'Tyson' was anymore.

Then he died.

Instead of floating into the afterlife, however, he was visited by Calypso. She offered him a choice: Go back and fight for a life he was meant to have, or fade away into Davy Jone's locker where nothing awaited him but more suffering. However, to go back came with a heavy price: Should he return, he would never be allowed to leave the sea. Living as a creature of the water until he found his purpose.

He chose to live. Just like that he awoke back in his boat, gasping for air, unable to find any. Not only that but he could scent something nearby...fresh meat. The scent made his mouth water.

Without thinking he threw himself over the edge of his boat and into the water...and transformed. His body grew longer. His fingers became webbed talons. Webbed spines lined his back and ended at a finned tail. Not far beneath him a shark was circling...and he dove for it.

He grabbed it with his webbed talons and tore into it effortlessly with razor sharp fangs. He was in a frenzy. Only once he devoured the shark did he begin to realize what had happened. It wouldn't be until some time later that he realized he had become a sea dragon, just like Calypso had said: A creature of the water.

Over the years he learned to coexist with this side of himself. He found he could transform at will between forms and visit the dry land but only for a limited time. If he stayed away from the water for too long then he would begin to weaken, then grow ill, then finally die.

So Tyson travels. Keeping his curse a secret and searching for the thing that would give him purpose and lift this curse so that he may live a normal life he never got to have.

Tyson had lost himself many years ago since he had been a child. For years he had been forced to be something he wasn't and when he was finally free, he had to rediscover who he is. Thus far he is actually pretty easy going. With nothing to really tie him down his worries are carefree and he finds himself able to bounce from place to place with no problem. Untouched by the financial stresses that so often plagues others.

Though Tyson grew up around ruffians and brutes, he actually rather enjoys being around other people. It had taken some time for him to warm up to other people and avoid being so wary but, over time, he learned how to read them thanks to his skills growing up on his Uncle's ship. He is pretty good at reading people and telling a bad apple from a good apple, but also to always be wary for any deceit. He is careful not to put too much trust in others but he is always the life of the party. He could make friends with just about anyone.

He has many skills in pickpocketing and lockpicking since they were skills he had to learn to survive. However, he avoids using them. He had done many bad things in his life... He didn't want to keep adding to the list. Calypso had given him another chance at life and he didn't want to ruin it.

Despite fun lifestyle, he always keeps everyone at arm's length and he disappears almost as quickly as he appears. He can't risk anyone knowing his secret. He knew the greediest of men would likely hunt him down if they ever knew what he was, and he still had trouble understanding it himself.

Though he gets along well with anyone he meets, he still truly doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere. Not the ocean and not the land. There's still that hole deep inside... So deep and vast like the ocean itself. Unable to be filled. Futilely trying to fill it with merriment and company but it just isn't enough. His smile never quite reaches his eyes and he knows that no one truly knows him. The real him.

He hardly knows him himself.


Sea Dragon

This is the form Tyson takes when he becomes his sea dragon form. He is able to transform at will though his sea dragon cannot survive on land and needs sea water to breath. The tips of his spines as well as the markings along his body can glow, giving light to the darkest of depths, and his webbed talons and tail allow him to swim at amazing speeds.

Tail slam

Echo location
Glow in the dark
Incredible sense of smell

Cannot breath on land
Vulnerable to fire and heat

12 ft long

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Name: Argo Krin
AGE:looks to be in late 30's
SPECIES: Water Gensai
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single unless there fugly


ABILITIES: Healing and Water control the rest you'll find out later

RANKING: Stowaway

Bio: Argo was a cook for the navy in Hinawa, He poisoned the main command's food with his sisters help and put them in the hospital, they disappeared with a few belongings and found the nearest ship and stowed away, not wanting to be found by the navy. They know they will be found sooner or later, but what better way to escape trouble than to hide in a place that they won't think of? it's not the best way he would have wanted to start things, but he and his sister were sick of this toxic city after fifteen long, grueling years. It also gave them the chance to explore the world and break free from their dreaded past. Yio his sister was wanted for other crimes; the question they now ask themselves is, What do we do next.
1688780098051.pngNAME: Aconite Bane

AGE: 28

SPECIES: Chimera

> 179cm (Head to foot)
> 196cm (Tip of the ears to foot)



RANKING: Bounty Hunter/ Man-for-Hire

> Agility and Keen Senses - Being a mix of animals he cannot even name, he has quite the stamina as well as the maneuverability to execute his job. Though his senses are sharp, he somehow actively just just uses two at a time [Disregarding this when in combat. He is sharper when he is not thinking].

> Summoning - Learning the art from a young age when he started the craft, he would use the spell to summon creatures to help him with the hunt. Down side of this ability is that he needs to lead the creatures back or kill them after they completed what was needed. Either way, his energy is exhausted after.

He never lets the creatures stray around. He does not want any of them to be in this world for long.

> Hardy body - Much like a cockroach which is difficult to catch and kill, Aconite could survive injuries in which humans can't. This does not mean that he is invulnerable.


Well known as the psychopathic bunny man, Aconite is hired due to his hyper focus on the target. He would stop at nothing to take his price. He would use everything under the sun and every means in the book to take out his target. This could include kidnapping family members, razing the house to the ground, and other questionable acts not spoken in public.

If not on the hunt, Aconite could be seen people watching or engaging in pleasant conversations. He would help anyone needing it in exchange of an apple.

Aconite, though deadly, is quite gullible and has lacked a bit of common sense. Well, to him, who needs that kind of brain power when most of his problems are dealt with with blood?
1688780238335.pngName: Chilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra (Literally translated as Strawberry Ice Cream)

Nickname: "Icy"

Age: Unknown. Looks about late twenties.

Species: Mermaid/Siren

Height: 5'5"

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Amorous yet asexual

Ranking: Bard/ Seducer/ Pain in the Ass [All of which is later in the stories]

"One should never ask a lady about this else they might gaze upon the inky depths of the ocean"


Growing up with not a knowledge of the people above water, Icy quickly learned that information can be quite a dangerous thing. From drunken ramblings to sweet confessions under the blankets, rumors from nosey show owners to quips and jokes from their workers, one can gain something just by listening. All the more reason to feign interest on something or someone.

It was easy for her to show interest. She has a thirst to know more about the land and its ever evolving ideologies and theories. It is always quite breath taking how these species mingle with others and carve the lands to their will, not letting nature's destructive tendencies stop them. And ironically, as much as she is fascinated by what the land shows, the people living on them wants to explored the inky depths of the seas.

Using this to her advantage, she made a trade. A glittering thing from the sea in exchange of stories and crafts. A gold coin for some delicacy and an hour of lessons. Though there were times she was deceived, extracting vengeance was not those who deceived her, they were usually fish food after.

Given her appearance and they way she carries herself, she was a prime target of the people in the streets. Luring them into isolated areas by either acting clueless or promising a great night. Nobody ever knew what has happened to them and, honestly, nobody cared that much as this was a place where anything goes.

To those who knows Icy, that soft spoken exterior keeps a sarcastic demon within. She could not help but quip and judge. She will intentionally pick fights just because.

Icy revels in chaos and disagreements. She loves causing them and joining in but knows when to shy away when she knows she will lose.

Her interests as of the moment are to the floating things they have called boats and ships. Knowing she will be safe when she is close to the ocean, she wanted to try to board one. She was curious. She wanted to feel the thrill about the stories of adventure. About liberating villages and listening to the tragic deaths. She wanted to feel all those.

Icy's species try to seduce everything and anything. It is easy for her to meld with the crowd and even befriend most of the population. That is if she stops herself from rambling.
> Turns back into her original form once she is in deep waters. Takes an hour or so in dry land or being dry to get her feet back.
> Uses musical instruments instead of her voice to lure her lunch in.
> Has small needles [stonefish barbs] as a warning weapon. Come close enough and she can rip someone's throat out

Original form:

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NAME: Fyrus Ferrion
AGE: 30
HEIGHT: 5'9''
SEXUALITY: Bicurious

PERSONALITY: Fyrus has a few anger issues, to be honest. He gets upset easily and has quite the short fuse. He's keen on trying to settle debates with straight up fights that don't stop until he either wins or he's too bloody and bruised to stand anymore. If he's on a job under command of a captain or a boss, he learns to tone himself down and not pick fights with others... lest he get thrown overboard or kicked out to the streets. He still loses his cool too quickly, but he's smart enough and wise enough to know how to take his frustrations out in a healthier way.

When he's not being a hothead, he can actually be rather pleasant. He smiles, he jokes, and he plays. He can be a good companion so long as he's in a good mood. He knows he has a pretty enough face to turn a few heads, and he's very happy to use that to his advantage. He's very proud of himself, maybe sometimes just a liiiittle too proud, tending to think of himself first with just a little bit of a narcissistic streak. He likes being called handsome, appreciates anyone who looks at him in that way where you know they're checking him out, and adores compliments. Really anything at all that can inflate his ego, he loves it.

BACKGROUND: Fyrus spent most of his childhood as quite the troubled youth. Getting into fights left and right, bickering over little things, he was a handful that had trouble keeping friends and rarely got along with his own family. He had far too much pent up aggression and no safe ways to just let it out. Possessing a rather foul mouth and having metaphorical sticky fingers didn't help much either. Between fighting and stealing and throwing out insults left and right, he wasn't a pleasant kid to be around.

As he got older, just a tiny bit wiser, he did start to mellow out as he found better ways to release pent up energy. If asked, he truly has no good excuses nor explanations to give as to why he led such a turmoiled and tumultuous life in his youth. Maybe it was his upbringing. Maybe he wanted attention. Honestly, attention was all kinds of nice anyway. Sometimes it was fun to be noticed by a pretty lady (or even a pretty guy) and that, in turn, was another inspiration for other ways of keeping himself entertained. He grew up to be rather pretty, too.

Sometimes looks helped him get what he wanted, sometimes it was his fighting skills, but mostly it was a combination of both. Where his personality was a little too abrasive, he gave his prettiest, most winning smile and proved himself in a ring with his fists or sharpshooting skills with a rifle to earn his place. He hadn't always wanted to be a sailor, honest or dishonest, but he had the knack for it and, hey... it paid. It also offered a great outlet for his tendencies to get a little too violent sometimes.

ABILITIES: Fyrus is, by all definitions, a sharpshooter. He's excellent with projectile weaponry, and for one very good reason. He possesses a keen eye, near eagle-like vision that allows him to see things at a great distance. Where many others rely on the aid of lenses and scopes, Fyrus can see with the naked eye.

It's made him one hell of a great gunner with near immaculate aim and an invaluable resource for any crew that hires him. Continuing to hone his skill, he tosses himself readily at anyone who could use him, any job that needs him. It doesn't matter if he's hunting game, hunting man or entertaining crowds with some target practice. If he's able to practice his shots and he gets paid for it at the end of the day then, hey, that works for him! It doesn't exactly keep him out of trouble if the job is something passing the border of laws and ends a life, but he's already done a fine enough job ensuring that he was never going to be a properly functioning member of society anyway... and it's a great way to blow off steam.

NAME: Priscilla Shaw, 'Risk'

AGE: 19, not that she keeps count


Appearance: 5'2" and tanned from shelter-less days in the sun, bright crimson hair, though it's usually more of a muddy red colour from all the grime of city life and sleeping in alleys, and thin, too thin to be healthy, though she tries her best to hide it under thick layers of tattered clothes that she clearly hasn't been able to change in quite some time



ABILITIES: Fire magic to keep her warm at night, illusion magic to help her escape the eyes of militia

RANKING: Urchin, Cabin boy (girl?)

Bio: Orphaned at birth, she was given to a priesthood where she spent most of her early life, receiving some part of an education with an astounding aptitude for learning before deciding to leave for the streets after more than a few unsavory encounters with her classmates and wishing for better and higher things, even if that meant she had to start at the bottom.

Though naturally, being protected from the outside world, it was not the same as the one she'd been told about, life became hard, and it didn't take long for her to abandon her morals and turn to theft to survive, stealing all manners of things and peddling them to whoever gave her money first, the only exception she'd made to this rule being a small spell book for beginners, teaching her the basics of magic which she made liberal use of in her urchin life.
NAME: Kwaku Kikari
View attachment 244332
*Halfway along the span of either wing are small, talon-like appendages, bearing three 'fingers' and an opposable thumb.*​

HEIGHT: 5'4"
AGE: 25
SPECIES: Chircaw
A race of humanoid birds. They are rarely seen by other species as they tend towards isolation and typically live in remote locations, often at elevations higher than most are willing to venture. Kwaku is specifically of a subspecies of Marine Chircaw and is therefore specially adapted for life across the seas. His tribe often flies between islands in a small archipelago, where they have sequestered themselves in the highlands.
Flight; boasting an impressive wingspan of 22 feet, and an immense strength thereof, Kwaku is blessed with the ability of flight. He is exceptionally skilled in this, even among others of his species. Kwaku is adept in airborne maneuvering and boasts the endurance to span large distances.
Keen Sight; with the physiology of a bird of prey comes the gift a superb eye sight. In clear daylight conditions Kwaku can effectively see for up to five miles for surveillance. Functionally as a hunter, he is capable of spotting prey from up to 1,000 feet above.
Marksman; proficient in the use of ranged weaponry. Traditionally uses javelins and crossbows.
Air Magic; skilled in Aeromancy. Chiefly used as a means of improving flight conditions and supporting maneuvers while in midair. Can be implemented combatively if needed.
Waterproof; feathers are coated in a natural chemical that serves to wick water and moisture.

RANKING: Ideally a Guide/Scout; Crows Nest. Can also provide aerial support in combat.
Eli's Ref sheet.jpg

[Art was commished by me and it was done by from the wonderful artist linked here. ]
NAME: Eli Flynn
AGE: 23
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single [Will never change.]
PERSONALITY: Eli is not socially adept. Not that he's shy or awkward, it's just that he doesn't quite get the inner intricacies of talking. Or really interacting with others outside of beyond blunt observations or complete missing of jokes or metaphors. It can rub people the wrong way, especially magick users as Eli doesn't quite like them too much as in his eyes, most magick can be done with science and gadgets. Eli has an unhealthy dedication to his craft, going hours without eating or sleeping or even going onto days, he'll do whatever it takes to get his job done. From map-making, weapon tinkering to odd and esoteric inventions.

Despite his social skills being barely tolerable, Eli does show some compassion in his own odd way, to the point it could even be said that if someone manages to get on the list of likeable people. [Yes, that is a thing.] They can find themselves getting well-made items or getting helpful advice on the inner-workings of machines. Or endless jabbering on unique pieces of tech and science. Heaven help you if you 'bore' him or annoy him, then he will not hesitate to speak his mind on the matter.

And despite his near constant annoyed expression, Eli can quickly become excited should he find an interesting piece of information or inspiration for a new invention, walking with a bounce in his step. One can almost say he goes near manic should he be on the cusp of a breakthrough or when a new invention proves to be performing above and beyond his expectation, cackling like a mad scientist at all the new possibilities.

ABILITIES: Eli is an inventor, engineer and a man of science at heart, the man's head is always a buzzing with ideas for devices or tools to make. Granted sometimes his devices often are tossed aside because he got bored or didn't think they'd be practical. Most likely he got bored. Any inventions that are extremely useful are carried by him at all times. He may also cobble together equipment for others if they ask or if he feels they need the edge.

He also dabbles in navigation, a lot in fact since his latest fascination is creating a flying machine. A feat that has led to him having to learn about stars, maps and use of compasses to navigate the skies. He sadly has not completed this as he decided to throw himself at the books and maps to memorize every little lesson.

RANKING: Navigator/Engineer

EQUIPMENT: Scoped Flintlock Pistol, Spyglass, Grapple Rope Launcher. [Basically a device that goes over the Flintlock and uses the 'bang' to launch the grapple hook.] Tools to tinker with his equipment. A special helmet that acts as protection, but can fitted with special lens to help with seeing farther or examining jewels/items or if he's doing some metal working.

BIO: Born to a rather well-off family known for designing ships and many technical marvels, Eli grew up with superb education and parents willing to keep their son afloat with their fortune as he quickly began to delve into inventing and tinkering crazier and crazier creations as many before him until Eli decided to split off from his family considering that he didn't want to tarnish the family name should he happen to create a disaster of an invention. Barely kept afloat by selling inventions left and right, he would wander about from town to town, booking passages by offering to be a Navigator to whoever was hiring so he could travel the world to get new inspiration for new inventions, or perhaps learn something new. Or the ever-rare dream that he'd find something to keep him entertained and out of boredom's reach. [Got more juicy lore to play out in the rp proper.]
Rr'Amchi Mashalla
Captain Rr'Amchi Mashalla of the Kattacachat



Katchat/Subclass: Malla Malla


Marital Staus:
"Oh I know this one! Type B!"

"What is that a fruit?"

"Captain! Captain! Captaaaaain!"

"BRAVE! BOLD! BODACIOUS! I am Rrrrrrrrr"Amchiiii Mashallaaaaaaaaa!!!"
Starting off with the obvious, Rr'Amchi is a very loud and demanding character. They make themselves known to everyone in the room and require most if not all the attention of every individual. Being the ballistic powerhouse that they are, this attention is easily garnered along with their name being well known to most who choose the life of a pirate. They are chatty, bratty, and delusional with themselves, thinking only about their next partner, riches, and how to build their pirate empire and become a Sea God (if that is even possible for a mortal).

Rr'Amchi is a very athletic kat with his their muscles and strength focused in their legs making their kicks, and leaps greater than the average kat's, but with their focus on their lower body left their upper body weaker leaving them lacking upper body strength.​

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