Chaos Rising

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"This must just be a dream....", she came to this conclusion. She laughed slightly mad.
She was calm now. And a bit mad. With her handbag on her arm she left the van.
The guard received her age, gender and her name. She was tired and hungry but it wouldnt matter, right? "It is all just a dream" She walked right behind Will... staring at his neck, imaginating to see a tattoo there...

"Will.... Thank you...", she didnt know why she said this.
Akumi sighted and followed everybody else to the cots. She secretly wished for the possiblity to change what she was wearing... somewhere more private. But there was no chance for this right now, not wanting to show others a nearly naked body.... her naked body.

She snuggled into her cot and quickly fell asleep. Thinking everything would be back to normal when she wakes up. Her breathing was normal. No hint of fear was noticable now, so she felt there was no need to say goodnight... all of this is not real afterall. "Tomorrow...."
Hyun-Su found himself on a make-shift bed, at a gymnasium of a high school. He vaguely remembered what happened, it was all a haze. The poor boy was too frightened and confused by the whole situation that his recent memories of the bombing as all messed up. Also, due to those feelings, Hyun-Su was extremely silent. It was unusual for him to be like that, he was normally quite the talker. However, since that tragic event, the boy's personality will be changed quiet severely.

Su sat there quietly, with his arms wrapped around his knees tightly, with his chin resting them. He couldn't sleep at all, definitely not from what happened. It was going to be one of those sleepless nights, the ones that Hyun-Su 'loves' the most. Heck, he couldn't keep his eyes shut or his mind to stop going a million miles an hour. To be honest, he was quiet baffled that a few people were falling into slumber right now.
Noah guided Celia to an empty bunk, still speaking softly to her, telling old italian jokes and fairytales and just trying to comfort her with his voice, even though he knew it was useless to try. He watched her lift her head and followed her gaze to Will, who was rocking back and forth in a way that made him think autismo. He was ashamed for it, and looked away.

Celia felt the weight of someone's eyes on her and she looked up to meet Will's eyes. He was nervous, she saw, and afraid. She turned to Noah. "Torno indietro, va bene?" her brother nodded and she joined Will on his cot, opening her sketchbook to show him the sketch she had made of him, asleep on the bus. "Sei tu, dormire," she told him. She tapped the drawing. It's you, sleeping. She gave him a small smile of reassurance, despite her own disquiet. "Una via di fuga." A way of escape. Even if he didn't understand her, her voice was gentle and soft. Celia laid her hand over his shaking one. "Finirà tutto bene," she said, repeating her brother's words from before. "Andrà meglio, vedrai.."
Will looked up as someone approached. To his surprise, it was Celia. Without her brother. She smiled at him and sat beside him. She opened her sketchbook and his own face was staring back at him. She'd drawn him when he was asleep, a crease between his eyebrows. He looked at her, trying desperately to remember the little Italian he could remember. He had taken it in his freshman and sophomore year, but had dropped it. "Bello." He told her, remembering the word for beautiful as he stared at her.

He couldn't understand exactly what she was saying, but could detect the comfort in it. And she made him feel a little better.

He stared at the floor, before impulsively taking her hand. He remembered the one phrase that he had ingrained into his mind- or, at least, the only one that would be appropriate. He may or may not have taught himself a few Italian compliments, but didn't want to seem too forward. The only reason he held her hand was for comfort... Right?

"Si capisce l'inglese?" He asked softly.
Noah watched the exchange out of the corner of his eye, both loving her sister for her kindness and hating himself for not doing the same. He fiddled with his cell phone, knowing it wasn't going to be useful to him. He scrolled though his past texts idly and wished he had his guitar to entertain himself with.

Celia had flushed when he'd called her beautiful. Other boys had called her that, too, both in English and Italian, but his voice was kinder when he said it, more honest. She smiled.
"Si," she informed him when he asked if she could understand English. She could speak it, too, but she hadn't in a very long time. She glanced up and caught Noah's eye, who shrugged. Will's hand felt nice intertwined with hers, and she squeezed it. Will was not her brother, but she could do with another friend. Maybe more if she'd let herself.
He smiled as she told him that she could understand English. "Good. Because I don't speak Italian that well." He looked at her, still smiling. He felt a flutter of butterflies in his stomach and tried to ignore them. He hoped that it was just the stress of the whole situation. Because falling for someone in these circumstances was never a good idea, not when they didn't know if they'd be waking up in the morning. It was probably just the stress of the whole situation. He'd known Celia for a little while, so why would he only start liking her now? ... He really should stop thinking so much.

"I'm glad I have you guys. I wouldn't want to be stuck in the other end of the country without my friends. And you have your brother as well. You don't have to talk to me in English if it makes you uncomfortable, by the way. I can just work on my Italian." He said, staring at the floor, before forcing himself to look up at her. He grinned a little.
Drew felt slightly better as James hugged him, and was moving to hug him back when he pulled away. Looking down and away, he sighed softly, watching Will and Celia talk, and Hyun-su sit in silence. There were a few other people they're age, and several families. Wondering if they were from Las Vegas, he ran a hand through his hair, picking at his cuticles.

A young female soldier walked by, stopping. She held a cardboard box and was handing out blankets, ear plugs, and eye masks. The name on her uniform was Ashfield. She gave the group a smile, giving them all one of each of her things. "Hey, guys," she said sweetly, "everything's going to be okay. Where're you guys from?"

Drew answered, "Ohio." She appeared shocked, her eyebrows rising.

"Oh!" she said. "Well, I'll see that you all get back home, alright?" She smiled again before continuing on her way. Again, Drew sighed.

"Look, guys, we should all get some sleep. In the morning, we'll figure out what to do next." He closed his eyes for a long moment before lying down, sighing heavily. Certain that he wouldn't be getting much sleep, he kicked off his boots, not even bothering to untie them. Rubbing his temples, he yawned, his grey eyes exhausted from several hours on the road.
Will nodded as Drew suggested they get some sleep. He'd slept in the van, but he still felt like he could sleep for another few hours. He pulled off his Converse and ran his hands through his hair.

He looked at Celia. "Do you want to sleep with me?" He asked, before blushing furiously as he realised what he was saying. "Oh my god- not like that! Not like that! Fuck, I'm sorry! Oh god- never mind." He buried his head in his hands, hiding his face.
Noah couldn't help but feel protective as he watched the exchange out of the corner of his eye, but he was also proud of his sister, to see her choosing to interact with people on her own. He wrapped his blanket around himself, finding it a little small.

Celia couldn't help but burst out in peals of laughter as Will flushed and hid his face in his hands. "Proprio a dormire, allora." Just to sleep, then. She smiled and looked over at Noah, who was adjusting his blanket around himself, his eye protection on the floor beside his bed. He caught her eye and smiled reassuringly, and she smiled at him in return. After all, he was only a few feet away. She held her own materials in her hands, choosing to place her own eye wear on the floor, her ear plugs safely secured in her pocket.
Will blushed as she spoke to him again. He didn't understand exactly what she said, but understood what she meant. He copied her, putting the eye mask on the floor and the earbuds in his pocket, and picking up his blanket. He lay out straight, trying to take up as little spaces as possible by lying on his side and keeping his legs as straight was comfortable. It felt nice to have someone else's warmth with him. Okay, so he'd been practically sleeping on the others in the van, but this was different. Even if it was just in a camp bed, it was different to just being sprawled in the back of a van with someone's arm slung over your face, or someone's feet uncomfortably close to your face. And even if he didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow, having someone close was nice.
Noah stretched out on his bed, his feet hanging off the edge. His sigh was a silent exhale of breath. He wasn't quite sure how to sleep, used to his sister sleeping next to him. He rolled to his stomach, slipping his hands under his pillow. Better, he thought. But it still wasn't quite right. He closed his eyes, promising himself that one day, he'd find himself someone that wasn't his sister.

It was different to sleep with Will instead of her brother, but not unpleasant. She laid on her side, like Will was, and the be was small enough that there was only inches between them. He didn't put his arm around her, but that was fine with her. Warmth radiated from him, and she found herself leaning into him a little. It was nice, she decided. Comforting in a way that was new to her. She smiled and closed her eyes.
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