Caw caw!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
I'll admit the title has nothing to do with me or saying hello, but what the hey!

Greetings Iwaku! I'm new the site and whatnot. I know Seriack, but we roleplayed a little on a different site. I don't know how active I'll be but I think it'd be nice to write more in general. When it comes to roleplaying I can be wordier than most, but I'm always trying to give quality over just quantity. I like a bunch of different genres, but I'll probably attach myself to cool or interesting ideas I see here.

But with that out of the way, glad to be here! :cow:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
Hello and welcome, Minna. No matter your activity level, we're glad to have you. (: If you end up having any questions, please don't hesitate asking.
Welcome to Iwaku Minna! If you want to write more, this is the place to be! Whether you want to blog, or post in the Inspiring Muses forum, or role play with one person or a group, you will find many ways to write. Settle in and please ask if you have any questions. We are here to help. and above all else, HAVE FUN!!
Welcome, Minna :) Glad you decided to check us out! Hope you enjoy the site :) Happy roleplaying!
Heya, Minna, and welcome to Iwaku! I love your avatar, it's adorable ^_^ It's nice to hear that you already have a friend here, too!

If you want a little help navigating the site, make sure to check out our guide on Getting Started ^.^
Hello and welcome. c:
Hey there Minna, welcome to Iwaku! :bsmile:

Gotta say, love your avatar, it's rather cute! Where's it from? :3
Hey Minna! Welcome to Iwaku :3

I'm pretty sure you'll find something to snare your interest, there's certainly more than a few RPs I'd like to join if my plate wasn't already dangerously full. Also, if you haven't seen it already then please take a look at the Newbie Care Package. It's full of things that should hopefully help you find your footing here in double quick time :3
Welcome to Iwaku, Minna. Any amount of activity is good for us-- no fun in overwhelming yourself with rps, is there? Take this cookie and enjoy your stay.
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