Cat's in the cradle (Melia and Taliesin)

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Dominic arched an eyebrow as Kristie opened the door to let in fresh air. "Oh, it's not that bad," he said. But then he didn't have quite the sensitive nose that Kristie had either. "Let me guess, he's gotten himself through college level calculus in the time since he was here last? Oh- so he does have the ability to write neatly," he said as he began flipping through Matt's notebook. He chuckled at some of the pages where Matt had gotten frustrated, writing big bold "WHAT THE FUCK?" across half solved problems. The interesting part was that he seemed to have an easier time with word problems. Particularly the ones relating to space travel, which were frequently used in math courses to apply the calculus that was learned in each lesson. And in Matt's case, those were the ones that mattered anyway. Still, Dominic found his fair share of mistakes throughout Matt's work, far more than he was used to seeing out of Matt.

Matt took his time coming back. Of course he had also fallen asleep in the shower, but at least now he smelled much better and had even freshly brushed his teeth, though Dominic didn't want to know who's tooth brush he'd borrowed to do that. Thank goodness he kept his own tooth brush in his desk drawer for that exact reason, though out of habit, he pulled it open to check it's position, and in that moment the tooth brush returned to it's position as Matt tossed the tooth brush back in the drawer.

"Fucking-" Dominic swore, pulling the toothbrush out and throwing it in the trash. Now he would have to go buy a new one. And he wouldn't be able to brush his teeth after lunch. "How did you even get that without me noticing? Don't you dare use my toothbrush again!"

Matt flashed one of Dominic's charming smiles right back at him. "Karma's a bitch, isn't it?"
Kristie ignored his eyebrow in lieu of answering the other question. "He probably has, but you're the engineer so you tell me." As far as she was concerned it was a lot of formulas and such that she didn't recognize at all and wasn't too interested in actually learning. After about 5 minutes of clearing her sensitive nasal passages she finally closed the door and came over to the table to watch Dominic. She took a nearby wall and took this time to admire his features, which were by far more interesting to her than the calculus problems he was looking at. She once again had a moment where her responsible side told her to stop it while the rest of her pretty much ignored it.

She couldn't help a soft giggle at Matt's petty revenge, though she actually found herself quite surprised that Matt apparently had some skill in sleight of hand. That would explain why he wasn't too bothered by her being a thief, apparently he had indulged in that himself at some point. She was annoyed that she hadn't noticed before reminding herself she hadn't entered the room until after Matt had left. She did flash a secret knowing smile in Matt's direction, feeling not at all sorry for Dominic. His teeth would survive a missed brushing or two. She now also had a good idea of how Matt had waltzed his way into the hangar so easily before. "And that's why you keep a backup toothbrush around." She was imaging one of those folding ones, easy to put into a purse or a pocket. Though of course then her mind imagined Matt sticking his hand in Dominic's pocket, then replaced it with her and went down from there. She wanted to hit her head on the wall a little bit.
Matt ignored Mr. Howard's annoyance and sat in the chair across from him, tugging awkwardly at the jeans that hung a little awkwardly off his hips. He hated the way denim felt against his legs and never wore jeans for this very reason. Plus Mr. Howard liked them to hug against his legs and Matt was not really a fan of the way they hugged around his knees but were too loose around his hips.

But that was only because he had stick thighs and nothing for hipbones but calves that jutted a bit because of his biking everywhere. Mr. Howard worked out and so his legs were muscular and his abs more toned so these were much more suited for him. Matt picked irritatedly at the material, trying constantly to pull it off his skin.

Kristie seemed to approve of his little trick with the toothbrush and he grinned proudly at her while he patted the seat next to him so she would come sit. Mr. Howard had never specifically talked about how important dental care was to him, however Matt had picked up on it over time, noticing little habits like him disappearing to brush his teeth after every meal and very regular dental appointments for cleaning and whitening. Matt had never seen anyone with such perfect teeth before.

"Kristie came with again because she's going to help make sure we don't miss any little details that could go wrong in this mission," he said, keeping his tone professional.
Kristie was a little leery of sitting next to Matt even though he had taken a proper shower but she told the visceral reaction to go take a hike and sat down as casually as if she hadn't hesitated for a moment. Matt now smelled more like Dominic than himself, which was a bit weird. She hadn't been expecting Matt's words, though she supposed she should have and was quite flustered when he spoke. It sounded rather silly to her now that he said it. She wasn't stupid or uneducated but she hardly felt like she had the qualifications to be sitting here and actually have any worthwhile input, unless they needed some help with computer stuff and what she had seen in the cockpit before seemed like they didn't need much.

She mostly said that so that Matt would listen to her concerns, not that she was too sure she would be able to help really at all. And with him just blurting it out to Dominic…well she couldn't help but blush a bit and flash Dominic a quick 'don't question it' look. She didn't know him well enough to even guess at what he might think at the statement but she felt sure there was a lot of questioning involved. "Well, as best I can." She murmured as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably, so glad her human form had slightly less ridiculous body signals for her emotions.
Dominic raised an eyebrow at her, he had even more questions now than he had started with, but flipped to a new page in Matt's notebook and but on a serious expression.

"Well alright then, let's brainstorm a list of all of the things that can go wrong on this mission in this column. And in this column, a solution to each of those problems. I'll start," He said as he drew a line down the center of the page, and then for good measure, made one on the next page, and the page after that, anticipating that this would be quite a long list.

"1. Weight. The more weight you have the more energy it takes to launch, therefore the more fuel you need to use, and the less you have to accelerate once you get out there.
2. Oxygen. You need oxygen to breathe.
3. Water. You need water to drink.
4. Food. Heavens how are you supposed to pack enough food for your entire life onto a tiny ship, huh?
5. Your sanity. You really think you can spend all that time alone for the rest of your life in total darkness? Have fun with that.
6. HEAT. The further you get from the sun the more cold it gets, Matt. Subzero temperatures. It gets so cold that atoms slow down.
7. Time. It takes thousands of years to reach another star.
8. Probability. It's never been done.
9. Medical. What if you get sick?
10. Power. How are you going to power the ship?
11. Launch. Again, fuel.
12. Error. When something goes wrong, because it will go wrong can you fix it? Matt, can you get out of the bloody ship and fix it?
13. Communication. I think it's privy that we are able to communicate.
14," he paused, running out of things he could think of off the top of his head. He looked toward Kristie and Matt expectantly.
Kristie was quite relieved that Dominic didn't follow up with any of the questions he obviously had and moved on to the exercise. Once she had something else to focus her mind on her teenage girl like anxiety fluttered off to the teenage girl who needed it. As a 28 year old woman, she had no use for it.

She pushed the annoyance at her behavior there to the back of her mind and focused on the fairly comprehensive list Dominic started writing. As could be expected, he hit upon a lot of her bigger concerns and she had to take a moment to kick that teenage girl anxiety back to where it belonged. She wasn't here to necessarily put a lot of input into this process, she was here to make sure the two men were talking rationally and actually working on solutions instead of trying underhanded tactics that just set the other man off. Ideally, she would still have Matt stay on earth but in the meantime she had no problem with him using that amazing brain of his to advance the progress of science. If they did somehow cross everything off the list they were making well…she could hardly complain when Matt left then.

Kristie was silent for a few moments as Dominic looked at her before piping up. "Tools, not just for repairing the ship but for being able to do pretty much anything on the planet itself as we have no idea if there is anything useable there." She was thinking a bit out, but she felt it was a valid concern to the later part of the mission. It didn't stop at just reaching the star.
Dominic gave Kristie a look that said he did not believe the ship would ever make it that far and his main concerns were for keeping Matt alive during the pointless space flight. He kept this to himself though, and wrote it down for the Matt's sake, even though he thought it was playing into the actual success of this impossible mission. This was not a game, and he couldn't help wondering why Kristie had seemingly teamed up with Matt to support him in this.

Matt still seemed unfazed by the list of problems with the mission and was already to start with the solutions to the problems listed. Before Dominic could even finish brainstorming, Matt was pointing at each item.

"For weight there's tons of options for lift off. I could meet up with refueling planes before exiting orbit, we could find some other method of take off, we could combine different methods of take off. We could send pieces up separately and let them orbit for awhile and I can go collect them before leaving-"

Dominic laughed and interrupted, "That would require you to expertly navigate your shuttle while on the cusp of falling back into Earth's gravity. That's extremely dangerous and I don't think you have the talent to pull that off."

"Get Chris to help, then," Matt retorted and then continued, "Oxygen recycling systems have already been put to use in the international space center. Same with water recycling. I don't see these as a problem." He skipped past food because he really didn't have any kind of a solution for that at the moment. "If we are communicating, as you have suggested, which I think quantum entanglement is the lead and approach we need to take with that, then I'm not really alone, am I?"

Dominic groaned, because it was truly not the same. Then again, Matt seemed to spend most of his time alone anyway, so maybe it didn't really make that much difference. Matt didn't have a solution to the heat or the time aspects either. He listed off more fuel and nuclear options which Dominic laughed off.

"Oi, burning either of these things to gain acceleration would produce heat, so I don't see how time or heat should be a problem."

"Except when you run out, Matt."

"So I won't run out. And we won't make mistakes. So there will be no errors. And I won't get sick. What am I going to get sick from, hm? The only bacteria I'm sharing is with myself."

Dominic looked to Kristie for help. Matt never saw these things as things that were impossible to overcome. He saw them as hurdles that needed to be leapt over with enough scientific research. But there were so many factors that could go wrong, even with all the planning in the world. The research on Quantum Entanglement alone could at best create communication through morse code. And even that there was so much debate on being able to communicate with Quantum Entanglement, Dominic actually groaned out loud. The whole world was researching Quantum Entanglement in relation to communication. And it wasn't possible. Yet. He laid his head down on the desk in frustration.
Kristie had pretty much expected things to start blowing up so she went ahead and sat back while things started to escalate. At least they were being honest with each other instead of going behind the other's back to do something sneaky to deter one, like a certain idiot. Handsome as Dominic was she was probably going to be mildly annoyed with him over that for a while. So when Dominic looked in her direction he was met with an expression that was less than sympathetic.

Dominic was certainly not getting any support from her, though it was not out of spite. Now that she had talked to Matt about her concerns and heard some of his motivations and thoughts on it she was mostly supportive. Dominic definitely had some valid concerns too and she was going to deal with him and those here shortly as well. "Matt, why don't you take a walk around the hangar for a bit?" She fixed Matt with a meaningful look. She felt a bit like one of those stereotypical females, 'manipulating' the two men but sometimes you just needed a bit of strategy to deal with situations like this.
Matt gave Kristie a puzzled look but nodded and stood up. He looked between the two somewhat suspiciously but left the office and wandered out to bother Chris again. Chris was by far the next most interesting person for him to talk to and he could be a bit kinder than Mr. Howard was, though he did sometimes sense that Chris thought him as a child, as Chris was a father of 6 himself.

Dominic turned to Kristie after Matt and quirked an eyebrow at her. "So what's the deal, here. Don't tell me you are on board with him on this. No wonder he likes you," he mumbled under his breath. "Knew that was too good to be true."

He rubbed his temples, feeling an oncoming migraine and opened one of his desk drawers to find a bottle of paracetamol. He popped a few of the pills in his mouth and guzzled water from a bottle he had sitting on his desk, then folded his hands and have Kristie his utmost attention, though in that moment he couldn't help noticing that her hair color reminded him of that cat Matt had taken home a few weeks back. He wondered whatever had happened with that.
Kristie let Dominic get himself as settled as he could be, though she had a hard time not snapping at the man's assumption. Once he had his pills and she had his attention, she crossed her arms and leaned back casually, adopting a slightly more defensive pose with Dominic simply because she was a little annoyed with him and because it helped remind her she needed to keep her distance. "I am on no one's side but my own. I talked to Matt to satisfy my own concern and after I ran him through the ringer I've come to a few conclusions." She paused and let out a soft sigh, relaxing her posture just a bit.

"I would just as soon Matt never do this, just like you. I also acknowledge that while he is rather young compared to the both of us, he is an adult and entitled to his own decisions. The very fact that he is putting so much effort into this makes it clear this isn't some passing boys fancy, he is putting plenty of thought into this and is going to do everything to make sure that this mission has the best possible chance of success and if we work with him to do so, he is going to be much more likely to listen to us. You fight an enemy. You at least give your friend a little attention. And rather than telling him all the reasons it will never work, you should acknowledge to him why you are saying what you are and doing what you have. I am sure he will forgive you and your working relationship will much improve. He may be an adult who can make his own decisions, but everyone works better under a little positive reinforcement." Kristie let out a heavier sigh, feeling like she had been preaching a lot today.

"The only thing that might ever deter him is actually going through the motions and finding it impossible. In the meantime he can continue to help your company advance greatly and we can both give him the support he needs. You keep saying it's impossible, so there's no reason to be freaking out like it is actually going to happen. Just help him, let him help you, and see just how far you can see the technology advance in your lifetime. Who knows, you may be paving the path for a Matt a couple generations down to actually achieve their dream." By the end she was wearing an expression that was both warm but serious, hoping something she said was making some sense to him.
Dominic listened. He was certainly more keen to listen to Kristie than Matt. He liked Kristie. She was logical and normal as far as he was concerned. She seemed smart and it definitely didn't hurt that she was pretty. Maybe that played into things a little bit more than average. He was only human. Another charming smile.

"Alright, yes, you're right. There's just a few concerns I have. One being that he wants to keep things so secretive. With a project this size, it's highly improbable, if not impossible for the government to not get wind of it. We'd almost have to function entirely underground. Literally. I don't doubt that he wouldn't be able to figure it out, but what worries me is the legality of the whole thing. I do not want to be involved in some grand scheme that if the government finds out about it, arrests me, arrests my partners, arrests my coworkers... There's a lot at stake here.

I mean, I don't know anything about what he does, how much of it is legal or not legal. But I have no doubt that if the right person stumbled upon his set up and any of the set up he's brainstorming for the company now, that they wouldn't be able to find something very illegal about it all. That worries me. Mostly because it's not just me who would get involved here. Everyone who works here depends on me for their job, for their security, for their research..."

Dominic sighed, again feeling extremely overwhelmed with the vastness of the project, "Do you know he wants to hire others to help out? I explained to him how someone else would essentially have to take over the business aspect of this so I could focus my entire attention on Matt's project. Do you even understand what it takes for him to deem an employee fit to work under him? The second or third day he walked in here he was telling me the employees I have whom I should fire. Because what right does he have to tell me who and who not to let go? He tells me they're not trust worthy, that he looked into their history and did research on them. He wants to do that for every single employee ever hired into my company from this day forward. It's such an extreme violation of privacy how could I ever keep staff?? He so requires them to be able to keep a secret from the government, I just-" he threw his hands up in the air and stood up, pacing the office. "I can't deal with his paranoia. I personally. Can not. Deal with it. For my bloody sanity."
Ah yes, there was that nice guy on the right side of the law she knew he was. Sure, he did have a lot of responsibility to the men under him and that was perfectly reasonable. But that was his main problem with Matt and the more he spoke she knew that was the reason why things most definitely could not go too far between them. She felt a great deal of sympathy for him though. As someone who functioned under only slightly less ridiculous levels of paranoia she knew how exhausting it could be.

So once he stood up and started pacing she found herself on her feet almost before she had realized it and strode over to catch him by the arm so he would stop for a moment. She then smiled gently and pulled him into her arms, massaging one shoulder soothing. "Breathe, its fine. There's no reason you have to go through with any of that. Just as we need to acknowledge him as an adult, you also need to tell him what is at the heart of the issue. Establish your boundaries and tell him he needs to work within the realm that you are comfortable or to find someone else. It's good to care for someone else but first and foremost you need to worry about yourself. You can't help anyone else if you are not good within yourself."

She loosened her grip on him a bit and looked up into his face. "I can be there to help speak within him. Perhaps between the three of us we can come up with a solution that works for everyone."
As soon as Kristie pulled him into her arms, Dominic's breath hitched. He had a very strong urge to kiss her right then and there but he resisted only for the sake of professionalism. He had not expected such gentleness from her, nor an embrace. They hadn't known each other for very long, though he did feel like a certain spark or connection between them. He wasn't sure if he was imagining that or not though. He was certainly not against the shoulder massaging. That felt heavenly.

"Reasoning with Matt is about as easy as wrestling a cobra. But you seem to be much more gifted at it than I am. I probably use too much logic. You've got a certain, I don't know, calming effect. For example, right now," he said gesturing at empty space. "Empathy and understanding seems to be your gift. I quite like it," he added, his true feelings seeping into the undertones of his last sentence. Now it was his turn to flush red. Then he smiled again and stepped away from her. "If you think that you can convince him to not be completely paranoid that the bloody government is going to stop him, be my guest. He's got an argument for everything. Everything." Of course, Dominic didn't know about Kristie's own paranoia. From the outside, she didn't appear to be paranoid at all. A completely normal girl who just happened to be pretty and logical and kind and empathetic and otherwise pretty darn perfect. It was hard not to remain objective for him in this regard.
Kristie was both surprised and pleased to see Dominic the one turning red this time. It was terribly cute and left her resisting a strong urge to kiss him now, but who knew how long Matt would be away and she'd rather not be in a compromising position when he did. "Well, I do my best. As I'm sure you know being good with people is a great skill to have in the business field." There were things she would brag about but this was not something she was entirely proud of. She was naturally a rather empathetic person, but she had long since put it away in a box to be brought out only with the rare people she felt comfortable with. Otherwise it was just an act to lull people into a sense of security or guilt, depending on the situation.

"I think Matt and I can find some sort of middle ground on this." She eased over to the table and leaned against it. "We have somewhat similar pasts, so I have a better idea of where he is coming from."
"Do you, now?" Dominic asked. "I don't actually know much about his past," he said, looking at her curiously and naturally leaning towards her in interest. He hadn't exactly taken any time to get to know Matt. He was simply that annoying guy that had a lot of money to help fund him but also insisted on being extremely involved. In everything. He sighed again and stepped over to the door attached to the hangar. "I suppose we've come to the natural point in this conversation in which we invite him back inside. Wherever he is..." And for the sake of breaking the sexual tension he was experiencing, though he wasn't about to say that out loud. Dominic disappeared out into the hangar to go look for Matt.

He returned approximately ten minutes later with Matt in tow, who was now sporting Chris's astronaut helmet, which Chris had worn on the few missions he'd been out in orbit. Matt had the sun visor pushed back, but was grinning like an idiot, though he was toddling a bit strangely because of being so top heavy. "This thing is huuuuuuge!" he exclaimed though his voice was so muffled that he was barely audible. Dominic pushed Matt forward and into the chair across from his desk and pulled the helmet off from behind.

"Oiiii," Matt exclaimed, though he still wore the hood that was worn underneath the helmet.

"We can't hear you, mate," Dominic said, setting the helmet on the desk, where Matt couldn't tear his gaze away from it.

Dominic glanced at Kristie, unsure of where to proceed next.

Matt was clearly not ready to give up the helmet though and he pulled it back onto his head and put the sun visor down. Dominic tried to protest but before he could say anything, Matt had switched the internal microphone on. "Luuuuke," he breathed obnoxiously into the microphone. "I am your father...."

Dominic rolled his eyes but couldn't help a quiet laugh. "Christ... look at what I put up with..."
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Kristie was just as happy they didn't go into her past. She didn't mind talking about it but she always had to be so careful she didn't say anything odd and she had already had a couple close calls speaking with Matt. It was also good to be away from Dominic for a while. She had not meant to complicate matters between them; she had just naturally reacted to his high level of stress. It was one of those bad cat habits. Once a person was trusted she could find herself getting very physically affectionate very quickly if she didn't watch it.

While Dominic was hunting Matt down Kristie used this time to think up just how she was going to make things remotely work for two such different men. She almost wanted to tell Matt to just find someone else and stop giving Dominic so much hell but that smacked of giving up and it was unlikely Matt would be able to find another place even half as suited towards his goal. She was having no problem seeing how Dominic got so overwhelmed from it all so easily. At least she felt she had a fair amount of the information she needed to make it somewhat possible.

She was properly distracted when Matt came in, not bothering to try and stop the amused grin from forming. Matt looked ridiculous, and once he turned the mic on he sounded as ridiculous as he looked. "You've somehow survived this far." She smiled sympathetically at Dominic before turning her gaze on Matt. They had traveled pretty far on the subject while Matt had been gone. Now she needed to start doing her job though, so she turned to Matt with another one of those serious but reassuring expressions. "Speaking of, if we're going to try and go forward with this endeavor, we need to come to some arrangements so everyone is at least moderately content." Okay, that sounded good so far. Where did she go from there?

No beating around the bush she supposed. "So if you want to continue working with Dominic, Matt, you need to master something more along the lines of hiding in plain sight." She knew there was no way he would proceed with this completely in the fashion Dominic would like, but she might be able to help arrange enough above ground obfuscation that both men would be satisfied. She was certainly quite good at it. "The level that you operate at is going to give Dominic an aneurism here shortly, and honestly trying to be so sneaky is only going to garner that exact attention you are trying to avoid."
"Hey! Who turned out the lights?" Matt exclaimed, not really listening to Kristie at first. Finally he got his head into the conversation and pulled the helmet off his head.

"Wot?" He asked, face scrunched in confusion. He listened a little more and his face scrunched further, this time in disgust at the idea. "Yeah, but that means the project has to be publicly known and then the bloody government's gonna get their nose all up in my business and start trying to get involved and then they'll set up an application process of who is most qualified to fucking go to space and it won't fucking be me!" He started to tear up a bit and tried to brush the tears away quickly.

"I've worked towards this literally my entire. Fucking. Life. And they will take that away from me so fast. You want to take it away so fast!" He said, turning to Mr. Howard, his gaze accusing. "No." His tone was childish at this point and he even turned his body away from both Mr. Howard and Kristie and folded his arms.

He'd known even before he met Mr. Howard that he was certainly not the most qualified to be an astronaut. He did not meet the physical or militaristic requirements of a NASA certified astronaut and it crushed him. He couldn't have researched the whole of the project and not been fully aware of what sort of experience and physical needs were required.

He'd spent his adolescent years trying desperately to build muscle and even tried to gain some flight experience. He actually even had a pilots license, in case he ever needed it, but he did the bare minimum to keep it up. That stuff took a lot of time, which as far as he was concerned he had better uses for. He recognized it's importance for his future though. But could he fly some of those military fast jets upside down and all the fast tricks they pulled? No. Not really. His strength was his mind, not his body. And he couldn't imagine putting in the military time or the schooling required to get to that point. There were so many important things to accomplish. Sure, he could do a lot in a day. But adding in all that? That was stretching it. A lot. Even for him. Matt was sullen in his seat. And pulled the helmet back on his head solely for the purpose of closing the other two out.
Kristie's eyes narrowed and her warm expression turned stern immediately. "Matt!" She snapped severely as she leaned over and pulled the helmet off his head. "I decided to support you on this venture because you had impressed upon me that you were actually thinking like an adult about this matter. Now you are telling me that you lied earlier and you are just a child who can't be trusted with a project of this magnitude." She sat back down, taking the helmet with her. "Did I say throw this project at the government and let them take it over? No. I was trying to tell you that by trying to shove everything in the shadows you are just making yourself and everyone here all the more suspect in the governments eyes. Who do you pay more attention to going down the street? The person who is strolling along, acting normal and going about their business, or the one that's slinking along in the shadows of the alley? You worry more about the second don't you?" She was doing her best to bleed the irritation out of her tone. She wasn't quite sure why his actions had irritated her so much but they had.
"I'm not a liar!" Matt protested, still pouting. "I just don't want them trying to fucking stop me!" He was, in fact, fully aware, because Mr. Howard had told him so, that the law would most certainly get involved in the moral and ethical side of the project and that's what worried him.

"You know full well I'm right," he said, looking at Kristie with an especially intent gaze.

Dominic nodded, one eyebrow arched. "And I don't want to get sent to prison because I've more or less killed a man, assisted suicide, homicde or some shit," he said. "Or enabled a mentally ill person," he added under his breath.

Matt shot Mr. Howard a glare. Nor did it help that he could sense Kristie's irritation either. He stood up and made his way toward the hangar door again.
Kristie muttered a curse under her breath as she watched Matt walk off once again, quickly getting tired of his habit of walking off instead of talking things out like the adult she was doing her best to see him as. She could see it now. She would spend the next several days running between the two men trying to sort this out.

The funny part was that Dominic was more the problem than Matt was, despite all of his walking off. Just how much subterfuge would he accept? Because that was what was going to be required to keep the government from stepping in and stopping Matt. She closed her eyes for several moments and sighed heavily. Why had she taken this upon herself? It's not like Matt was Tessa or anything but he had managed to worm his way into her heart nonetheless, which only made her feelings on the problem more complicated. She was helping mostly because she was sure that even with Matt's incredible mind bent on the task it would never get to the point where she would need to really worry.

Those feelings were also telling her to get up and go get him. The rest of her was telling her that she had made a good start and it was time for her to take a break. "None of the others are nearly as troublesome as him…" She said in a slightly less than sulky tone before pushing herself to her feet. "Don't go anywhere; I'll need to bum another ride off of you." She managed to flash him an amused flirty smile before vanishing out the door after her adopted annoyance. "You know Matt, things work out much better when you stop running off." She complained as she caught up to him. "I know exactly what you are concerned about. Do you think I would have even tried to speak on the subject if I did not have some idea's to work around that without having everything completely covered in secrecy? I am quite versed on walking that line and while this is a bit more complicated than my shop and charity I have every confidence I can expand the concept for this. What you need to do is stop walking off and otherwise stop stressing Dominic out so he might actually work with plans like that."
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