Burnt Offering

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</p><p>His day is about to get a whole lot worse...
</p></td><td><p>Starring...</P><P>Mark Wahlberg as Karl Baxter</p><P>Monica Belluci as Vanessa Baxter</p><P>Cillian Murphy as Donald Muller</p><P>***** as the Mentor</p><P>***** as Javier Dupont</p><P>Gillian Anderson as Diana Dorsey</p><P>Antonio Banderas as the Ally</p><P>***** as the Obstacle</p></td></tr></table>​

PREMISE: An innocent man becomes caught up in a terrorist threat, and learns that even his own government cannot be trusted.

Producer's Intro: Okay, this is a novel idea from me and Palonis. You don't submit a character sheet, but you simply register your interest. Then, as a group, we develop 8 characters who we can all use in the story. We take it in turns to write scenes, with complete control over everything that happens. This way, we all help to make a unified story, rather than a collection of character monologues. No one owns a character. They only own scenes.

The 8 Character Roles are as follows:

THE HERO: An unassuming man who becomes the unwitting pawn in this thriller.
Current Information:
Name: Karl Baxter

Played by:

Personality: An overall kind man, though not the sort to be hugely charitable or entirely selfless. Humble, with no unreachable aspirations, he isn't complacent by any means he simply doesn't want to get disappointed. He is prone to the usual spectrum of human emotions but he often has a truer purpose and a spirit a little less sullied than most.


Weakness: He has no combat or self-defence training, and will do anything if his family is threatened.

Possessions: OPEN TO INPUT

Quirk: Is entirely sensory oriented, cannot bear to touch abrasive fabrics or Velcro and has a tendency to escalate laughter into uncontrollable guffawing…mostly a nervous tic he hasn't reconciled himself with.

Background: OPEN TO INPUT
THE LOVE INTEREST: The wife, girlfriend or heroine who eventually ends up with the hero.
Current Information:
Name: Vanessa Baxter

Played by:

Personality: OPEN TO INPUT


Weakness: Claustrophia and occasional asthma attacks

Possessions: Sharpened pencil, purse, cellphone


Background: Born to a family of three, she suffered from middle child syndrome and has been compensating for a lack of success for years. Works as an editor in a publishing company but has held the same position for ten years and she stresses that it's becoming a permanent position rather than anything else. Met her husband on a subway train…she left her cell phone and he picked it up…kept in contact ever since. Secretly she's afraid of children and although she has a son, Raymond, she worries he will not be raised successfully by such a busy mother.
THE VILLAIN: The big bad. Works for either the government or a terrorist group.
Current Information:
Name: Matthew Kingsley

Played by:

Personality: Devout to his cause, willing to pay any price for acheiving his goals, though he'll gladly take the shortest and safest route if it's available. Though he knows how the world is, he is willing to change it for what he believes is right, no matter who he has to kill for that.

Skills: Master equestrian, trained in massage therapy and thus pressure points, locksmithing.


Possessions: Antique silver watch on a chain


Background: OPEN TO INPUT
THE MENTOR: Someone who inspires the Hero, teaching him a valuable lesson.
Current Information:

Played by: OPEN TO INPUT

Personality: OPEN TO INPUT

Skills: Advanced hacking skills, counter-intelligence skills, explosives knowledge.

Weakness: Has a prosthetic left hand and extensive scarring over the chest and left side of his body, extending even to his face…making him terrible at subterfuge in the conventional sense. Is getting up there in years and while still physically fit, is battling with years of heavy smoking. He tends to fixate on minor issues, a scar from something large failed in the past no doubt.

Possessions: Cigars, a box of matches, and a folding knife.

Quirk: Drinks a whole lot of green tea.

Background: The mentor was once a volunteer fire-fighter who tried to find happiness by endangering his/her own life and never once found even a shred of the fulfillment he/she was looking for. When a pile of rubble fell on them in a burning building, they lost all will to live for months after learning that they lost a limb and suffered severe scarring.
THE ALLY: Someone who helps the Hero in an active way.
Current Information:

Played by:

Personality: Tends to act cooler then he really is, playing the debonair secret agent while compensating for a trekkie imbedded deeply in his being. He tries to make his words sound appropriate for the secret agent schtick which sometimes comes off as cliché, but around good friends he allows more of his eccentric personality to push through. But watch out…in the thick of conflict, he's single mindedly focused on goals at hand.

Skills: Special forces training, mechanic skills, hand-to-hand fighting, stealth.

Weakness: Pretty women shatter the facade built to act cool, he gets speechless and light-headed around a woman who doesn't remind him of his mother. He could hardly talk throughout the hero's entire wedding

Possessions: OPEN TO INPUT

Quirk: Obsessive compulsive disorder

Background: OPEN TO INPUT
THE TRICKSTER: A sidekick or cameo character who either provides comic relief or helps the hero take things less seriously.
Current Information:
Name: Javier Dupont

Played by: OPEN TO INPUT

Personality: Easygoing and lazy. Thinks of him or herself before anyone else, and is easily willing to run if the situation gets tense. Has a tendency to make jokes when the situation doesn't call for it.


Weakness: Is afraid of heights, darkness, and has an allergy to dogs.

Possessions: Car keys, book of zodiac fortunes, pen knife, lucky rabbit foot, and lucky stone.


Background: He/she has been a Taxi Driver for seven years and knows the city like the back of their hand. They got to know the hero after driving him at breakneck speed to a wedding. It was a mad day, and the taxi ended up getting trashed, but the taxi driver said they couldn't sue a man on his wedding day. The Hero invited the taxi driver to the wedding, and they soon became friends.
THE HERALD: A character who tries to warn the hero, marking a change in the plot.
Current Information:
Name: Diana Dorsey

Played by:

Personality: OPEN TO INPUT

Skills: Lockpicking, Firearms, and Interrogation.


Possessions: OPEN TO INPUT

Quirk: Smells strongly of citrus due to her favorite perfume.

Background: A special agent of the US Army Criminal Investigation Department, offered a job in there from having worked on the NYPD for a few years. She dated Karl while they were in college, and met later on in a diner where they catched up on their lives.
THE OBSTACLE: A character who doesn't have to be evil, but still gets in the hero's way.

Current Information:

Played by: OPEN TO INPUT

Personality: Proud and officious. He/she has a very clinical personanlity and likes things to be done according to the rules. They don't like it when the correct procedures aren't followed, and they will never compromise on traditions, no matter the stakes.

Skills: Gun specialist, Hand-to-Hand Expert, Leadership, Iron will, Tactician, Advanced Vehicle operator, model building, and intimidation.


Possessions: A necklace with a few brightly colored beads on it given to them years ago by a daughter.

Quirk: Nervous tic, winking when he/she's stressed, tired or nervous.

Background: The commander of the government task force assigned to the operation that the Hero gets tangled up in. He/She is an older agent who has worked on several situations similar to this one, with varying levels of success. When the situation goes south, he/she immediately assumes that the Hero is working for the other side, and decides to take him in.

To join this roleplay, you must submit one feature of each of the 8 roles, as follows:

- Post a name for one character
- Post a picture for another character (well-known movie star preferred)
- Post a personality for another character
- Post an unusual trait for another character (something weird about their appearance or personality)
- Post a piece of equipment/possession that another character carries
- Post a list of skills for another character
- Post a list of weaknesses for another character (physical, psychological)
- Post a background for another character

The roleplay will follow the structure below: (Best not to click the Spoiler Tag until you're comfortable with the rest of the rules)

1. THE ORDINARY WORLD: Here we post a scene to introduce the hero and show him going about his ordinary life. We can also post scenes for other characters if we need the readers to know about them at this point.

2. THE CALL TO ACTION: A single scene is posted where something happens to throw the Hero out of his ordinary life. This is the spark that ignites the story.

3. THE REFUSAL: A single scene where the Hero freaks out, terrified by either what has happened or what he has to do.

4. MEET THE MENTOR: Scenes in which the "inner characters" are introduced - people who know more about what's going on. This can include the Mentor, the Villain, the Herald, the Obstacle, or whatever. They help to propel the Hero on his real quest.

5. CROSSING THE THRESHOLD: An exciting scene where the Hero goes past the point of no return and enters a new and dangerous world. This is a big change of pace and a glimpse at the excitement to come.

6. FUN & GAMES: Any number of scenes in which the Hero goes through trials, makes friends and uncovers enemies. This is the "meat" of the story, and a great place for the Ally and Trickster to shine.

7. THE SPIRAL: Any number of scenes in which the bad guys start to close in and things start to get worse and worse for the hero. Desperation and tension need to be built up here.

8. THE DARK NIGHT: A scene in which the Hero reaches his lowest point, losing all hope. Sometimes there is a disaster, or someone close to the Hero gets killed. It seems that he cannot win, and he despairs. This is a very emotional moment, when all seems lost.

9. THE REWARD: A scene in which the Hero receives something - a gift, a blessing, a piece of information, a glimmer of hope. Whatever it is, it inspires the Hero to pick himself up and keep going, or start turning the tables on his enemies.

10. THE ROAD BACK: Any number of scenes in which the finale starts to build. The Hero starts taking the path back to power, figuring things out, gaining his army, gathering his resources, or whatever. Tension has to build to breaking point in these scenes.

11. THE RESURRECTION: A scene in which the enemies make their final attack and the story comes to its climax. The Hero must face the enemy alone and achieve victory without anyone else's help.

12. THE ELIXIR: Any number of scenes to tie up all the plots and say goodbye to the characters.
I'll go first...

HERO: Karl Baxter

LOVE-INTEREST: She is claustrophic and suffers from asthma attacks from time to time.

VILLAIN: He/she carries an antique silver watch on a chain.

MENTOR: Advanced hacking skills, counter-intelligence skills, explosives knowledge.

ALLY: Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

TRICKSTER: He/she has been a Taxi Driver for seven years and knows the city like the back of their hand. They got to know the hero after driving him at breakneck speed to a wedding. It was a mad day, and the taxi ended up getting trashed, but the taxi driver said they couldn't sue a man on his wedding day. The Hero invited the taxi driver to the wedding, and they soon became friends.

HERALD: Played by

OBSTACLE: Proud and officious. He/she has a very clinical personanlity and likes things to be done according to the rules. They don't like it when the correct procedures aren't followed, and they will never compromise on traditions, no matter the stakes.
Ooh! Me too!

THE HERO: Weaknesses: He hasn't ever been trained in self-defense. Can be manipulated if his family is threatened.

THE LOVE INTEREST: Possessions: Sharpened pencil, heavy purse, cell phone.

THE VILLAIN: Name: Matthew Kingsley

THE MENTOR: Unusual Trait: Drinks a whole lot of green tea.

THE ALLY: Played By:

Antonio Banderas.

THE TRICKSTER: Personality: Easygoing and lazy. Thinks of him or herself before anyone else, and is easily willing to run if the situation gets tense. Has a tendency to make jokes when the situation doesn't call for it.

THE HERALD: Skills: Lockpicking, Firearms, and Interrogation.

THE OBSTACLE: Background: The commander of the government task force assigned to the operation that the Hero gets tangled up in. He/She is an older agent who has worked on several situations similar to this one, with varying levels of success. When the situation goes south, he/she immediately assumes that the Hero is working for the other side, and decides to take him in.

LOVE INTEREST: Vanessa Baxter.

HERO: Played by

VILLAIN: Devout to his cause, willing to pay any price for acheiving his goals, though he'll gladly take the shortest and safest route if it's available. Though he knows how the world is, he is willing to change it for what he believes is right, no matter who he has to kill for that.

OBSTACLE: Nervous tic, winking when he/she's stressed, tired or nervous.

MENTOR: Cigars, a box of matches, and a folding knife.

ALLY: Special forces training, mechanic skills, hand-to-hand fighting, stealth.

TRICKSTER: Is afraid of heights, darkness, and has an allergy to dogs.

THE HERALD: A special agent of the US Army Criminal Investigation Department, offered a job in there from having worked on the NYPD for a few years. She dated Karl while they were in college, and met later on in a diner where they catched up on their lives.

So the love interest is the wife, I'm assuming.

And it looks like the Ally and the Herald are both secret agent types...
That is where I'm going with it, yes. I figure that if it's a government conspiracy plot, then the terrorists would be a lower threat.

Also, I really wanted one of the characters to look like Antonio Banderas.

We should also totally become scriptwriters and be rich, guys.
I'm interested, if Asmo and Pal are willing to have me along, that is...?
HERO: Quirk- Is entirely sensory oriented, cannot bear to touch abrasive fabrics or Velcro and has a tendency to escalate laughter into uncontrollable guffawing…mostly a nervous tic he hasn't reconciled himself with. He always wanted to get married on a beach, so he snuck flip flops to his wedding ceremony in the church.

LOVE-INTEREST: Born to a family of three, she suffered from middle child syndrome and has been compensating for a lack of success for years. Works as an editor in a publishing company but has held the same position for ten years and she stresses that it's becoming a permanent position rather than anything else. Met her husband on a subway train…she left her cell phone and he picked it up…kept in contact ever since. Secretly she's afraid of children and although she has a son, Raymond, she worries he will not be raised successfully by such a busy mother.

VILLAIN: Played by: Cillian Murphy


MENTOR: Weakness: Has a prosthetic left hand and extensive scarring over the chest and left side of his body, extending even to his face…making him terrible at subterfuge in the conventional sense. Is getting up there in years and while still physically fit, is battling with years of heavy smoking. He tends to fixate on minor issues, a scar from something large failed in the past no doubt.

ALLY: Tends to act cooler then he really is, playing the debonair secret agent while compensating for a trekkie imbedded deeply in his being. He tries to make his words sound appropriate for the secret agent schtick which sometimes comes off as cliché, but around good friends he allows more of his eccentric personality to push through. But watch out…in the thick of conflict, he's single mindedly focused on goals at hand.

TRICKSTER: Possessions- Car keys, book of zodiac fortunes, pen knife, lucky rabbit foot, and lucky stone.

HERALD: Diana Dorsey

OBSTACLE: Skills: Gun specialist, Hand-to-Hand Expert, Leadership, Iron will, Tactician, Advanced Vehicle operator, model building, and intimidation.
THE HERO: An overall kind man, though not the sort to be hugely charitable or entirely selfless. Humble, with no unreachable aspirations, he isn't complacent by any means he simply doesn't want to get disappointed. He is prone to the usual spectrum of human emotions but he often has a truer purpose and a spirit a little less sullied than most.

THE LOVE INTEREST: Played by: Monica Belluci

THE VILLAIN: Skills: Master equestrian, trained in massage therapy and thus pressure points, locksmithing.

THE MENTOR: The mentor was once a volunteer fire-fighter who tried to find happiness by endangering his/her own life and never once found even a shred of the fulfillment he/she was looking for. When a pile of rubble fell on them in a burning building, they lost all will to live for months after learning that they lost a limb and suffered severe scarring.

Though one would expect them to be afraid of fire, they still hold a deep fixation for it and smoke regularly. They came out of their lethargy with a renewed purpose upon finding out that they could still search for their own happiness. They started an orphanage to help children now.

THE ALLY: Weakness: Pretty women shatter the facade built to act cool, he gets speechless and light-headed around a woman who doesn't remind him of his mother. He could hardly talk throughout the hero's entire wedding!

THE TRICKSTER: Javier Dupont

THE HERALD: Quirk: Smells strongly of citrus due to her favorite perfume.

THE OBSTACLE: Equipment: A necklace with a few brightly colored beads on it given to them years ago by a daughter.
Glad to have you aboard, Kitti. And Jack. And that other guy.

By the way Asmo, after a certain point, do we just go around the table again with player one, or do we wait until we have eight members?
Hmm... I guess so...

But I'll see if I can grab people...
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