Bright Dreams in a Dark World

"Same place, same flight time; only difference is we've been switched to the Coven's private airline." she said, pretending to be cheery, as if she hadn't just been told that there was zero chance in the world to save her best friend's life.

She turned, and made her way into the terminal, where she was spotted by a man in a black suit who led them to their plane. Once seated, Belle finally relaxed, stretching out on a comfortable seat and kicking off her boots. Just because she was working didn't mean she had to be uncomfortable, she justified to herself as she unlaced them and set them aside out of the generous aisle in the middle of the plane. "Traveling in style; I like." she said, smiling at Braedon. "Care for a drink while we wait to take off?" she asked, suddenly not in the mood for sobriety.
Braedon shook his head. "No, I'm fine," he said, obviously not one of the Scottish stereotypes who loved drinking. Leaning back in his seat, he rubs his eyes, groaning softly. He wasn't looking forwards to a long plane flight, but at least they weren't in coach. If that had been the case, he would definitely be at his wit's end.

Sighing, he brought his hands down, frowning slightly.
-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- *magic happens, and we are now in China!* -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-

Turning to Braedon, Belle smiled and put her hands behind her head, as if relaxing while standing up. "Alright, Techie, since you're fresh outta training, what's the first thing we're supposed to be doing? I know we just got done with a fourteen hour flight, but tough it out with me here." she said, deciding that she wouldn't turn her personal feelings on this mission into a reason to be sour. The kid was alright, after all, and there was no reason for her to be her usual abrasive self toward him, as if he were any other asshole the Coven had sent her as a partner.

Unfamiliar faces swirled about them, loud voices, bright lights, and more people than she remembered there being in this country than the last time she'd visited. Keeping her mind on the objective was her number one priority, however, she could feel her system slowing down due to fatigue and hunger. It was far more difficult for her to keep her mind on track when humans pressed so close to her she could hear their pulses without even trying, as if they simply did not care what she was, or that she could end their lives without a second thought. Frustrated, she turned her attention away from food, and back to her partner, still keeping her facial expression calm and almost happy seeming.
"First we find exact location of our targets, then set up surveillance, at our digression. We don't have to if we already know enough of our targets, but it is advisable if you are unfamiliar with the targets to watch them until you feel you know enough to thoroughly exterminate the target without much trouble...Right...?" he asks, turning to her.

Smiling slightly, he looks around, glad to finally be in the country he had wanted to visit since he was a kid.