Body Shaming is a huge deal

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That was a pretty rockin' way to respond to that, Estha. <3 Wurkit, gurl!

As to the rest of the blacksmailing scum, trust me: we have them at Iwaku. Some girls may be scared to point them out, and some of them may actually not have crossed the blackmailing line (yet), but they're here. Not every community is safe, and not everyone you meet is who they say they are. So be safe, ladies and gents.

As to the blackmailing itself: it's deplorable. No one deserves it, especially if it's just pictures! No woman should be ashamed of their body, or shameful of it or embarrassed over it.

Finally: just because a girl has nekkid pictures of herself, doesn't mean she wanted everyone and the world to see them. She still deserves a modicum of privacy. You do, and I do as well. Why not just put yourself in their shoes? And don't pull that holier than thou morality bullshit. It's still bullshit, you know it and I know it. Be a decent human being, yeah?

[I'm obviously joking. I think.]

In all seriousness, I know this feeling. Throughout a large part of later elementary school, middle school, and early high school, I was shamed... Probably past the point of harassment, in hindsight, though I never did anything about it, because of how skinny I was. Even still, I haven't filled out a whole lot, and get picked on from time to time, primarily for being small, for being weak. And it wasn't even my choice; it's not like I was forcing myself into an eating disorder, or food was scarce. I ate like a horse, I just never gained anything. So, I can empathize with those out there on the other end of the spectrum.

However, in the past few months, I've began to move past that, and to take a slightly different angle on my life and my past. And at the bottom line, the best advice anyone can offer you is just to let it go. What other people think of your body, doesn't really matter in the long run. If you're comfortable with it, then that's great! If not, then do something, make a difference, get yourself to a state in which you can be comfortable. It's your body, it's your choice.

Of course, this doesn't mean to completely ignore other people. There are times when people are telling you something for your own good. However, it's important to know when people are saying something to hurt, and when they're saying something because they think it's for your benefit. Because there is a point when weight can become unhealthy, but that doesn't mean that being a little on the thin side, or having a bit of a muffin-top, or even to be a "bigger" person. As long as you are within the boundaries of what is healthy, then your body is perfectly fine.

My own experiences have led me to believe that there is beauty in everyone. Even those who are physically unfit, or broken, or even those who, to others, seem cold, careless, and hateful to the outside world. Even if it's not outward beauty, or if it's buried, there is something beautiful there. Something to love in everyone. Never give up, never stop hoping.
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That was a pretty rockin' way to respond to that, Estha. <3 Wurkit, gurl!

As to the rest of the blacksmailing scum, trust me: we have them at Iwaku. Some girls may be scared to point them out, and some of them may actually not have crossed the blackmailing line (yet), but they're here. Not every community is safe, and not everyone you meet is who they say they are. So be safe, ladies and gents.

As to the blackmailing itself: it's deplorable. No one deserves it, especially if it's just pictures! No woman should be ashamed of their body, or shameful of it or embarrassed over it.

Finally: just because a girl has nekkid pictures of herself, doesn't mean she wanted everyone and the world to see them. She still deserves a modicum of privacy. You do, and I do as well. Why not just put yourself in their shoes? And don't pull that holier than thou morality bullshit. It's still bullshit, you know it and I know it. Be a decent human being, yeah?
If only simply pointing out basic human decency like this worked with people.

Though anyone who is actually deranged enough to blackmail is also deranged enough to simply look at this and go "Lol, I got tits Noob".
Soooooo, what I think I'm getting from this thread is, there will be no Hand Bra pics posted?

I r a sad :(
I was bullied quite a bit in school for my body. I was overweight most of my life and that seemed to bring out the worst in people. No girls liked me, no one wanted to be friends with the fat kid and I was pretty much cast aside. Needless to say, my confidence was non-existent and I did struggle with some self harming and suicidal thoughts. My self harming wasn't any sort of self-mutilation but I would get so frustrated at myself that I would just break down and literally beat myself up. Blacked eyes, bloody nose, busted lips, etc. That coupled with other personal issues made me a pretty sad little guy. That went on for years until I discovered something I'm good at. That was working out. I found a determination in myself that I never knew existed. It was like my whole way of thinking just shifted into this new, wonderful state of being.

Now, three years later, it's a huge aspect of my life. I lost 85 pounds the summer before my senior year and that just kept on evolving to harder more in depth training. I lift weights five days a week and work my abs daily. I even go through two phases every year to capitalize on one way of training or the other. In the winter months, I pack on the pounds and lift as heavy as I can handle to build up some solid muscle. Then in the warm months, I cut my calories focus on higher reps with lower reps and tone up. It's something that I'm happily addicted to and it's made me wonder why I was ever ashamed of my body. I'm now to the point where I'll show anyone any part of my body if they just ask to see. I'm completely comfortable in my own skin after so long and it feels amazing.

So, in conclusion, I say don't be afraid to show what you've got!
I was bullied quite a bit in school for my body. I was overweight most of my life and that seemed to bring out the worst in people. No girls liked me, no one wanted to be friends with the fat kid and I was pretty much cast aside. Needless to say, my confidence was non-existent and I did struggle with some self harming and suicidal thoughts. My self harming wasn't any sort of self-mutilation but I would get so frustrated at myself that I would just break down and literally beat myself up. Blacked eyes, bloody nose, busted lips, etc. That coupled with other personal issues made me a pretty sad little guy. That went on for years until I discovered something I'm good at. That was working out. I found a determination in myself that I never knew existed. It was like my whole way of thinking just shifted into this new, wonderful state of being.

Now, three years later, it's a huge aspect of my life. I lost 85 pounds the summer before my senior year and that just kept on evolving to harder more in depth training. I lift weights five days a week and work my abs daily. I even go through two phases every year to capitalize on one way of training or the other. In the winter months, I pack on the pounds and lift as heavy as I can handle to build up some solid muscle. Then in the warm months, I cut my calories focus on higher reps with lower reps and tone up. It's something that I'm happily addicted to and it's made me wonder why I was ever ashamed of my body. I'm now to the point where I'll show anyone any part of my body if they just ask to see. I'm completely comfortable in my own skin after so long and it feels amazing.

So, in conclusion, I say don't be afraid to show what you've got!

Congratulations on your weight loss and your confidence development! That's something that I can relate 100% to. People like to say I was confident when I was 85lbs heavier, but i was a mess of self loathing and insecurity.

So happy to see that has worked out for you ;D (pun intended)
Lol. Thank you very much! I was never confused for being confident when I was heavy so that's probably what attracted all of the bullies. You look great and if I looked like you, I'd post hand-bra pictures constantly!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Esthalia
Lol. Thank you very much! I was never confused for being confident when I was heavy so that's probably what attracted all of the bullies. You look great and if I looked like you, I'd post hand-bra pictures constantly!
D'awww, thanks sweetheart <3
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D'awww, thanks sweetheart <3
you'd look better with the extra arms. imagine if you had all those arms again. you'd be like this guy from Dungeons and Dragons!


Anyone remember the fail that was the Epic Level Handbook? =D


But Esthalia-chan just needs to worry about RACKS RACKS RACKS RACKS
you'd look better with the extra arms. imagine if you had all those arms again. you'd be like this guy from Dungeons and Dragons!


Anyone remember the fail that was the Epic Level Handbook? =D


But Esthalia-chan just needs to worry about RACKS RACKS RACKS RACKS
I'll just grow extra titties, so I can be like the brood mother from Dragon Age. ULTIMATE HOTTNESS


now who wants a kiss? ;D
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