IC Black City

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"I don't think I could pull it off as well. What do you -"

No, Cian is what makes it pretty.

There was no other answer he could give. Without a moment's thought, the answer came to him regardless of it being Alois's exact goal. Simon may have been ridiculously biased, but say he didn't have strong affections for the blond,his answer still would have been the same. It was more than just the eyeshadow, it was how he carried himself that made the look that much more attractive. He was attractive. And he was very aware of it, though he acted as if he didn't when Simon ever tried to make a pass. Was he oblivious or was he doing it on purpose?

Again, even as he opened his mouth to speak, to give a response to his friend's question and golden opportunity, Cian spoke. Successfully seizing the moment and shifting the topic effortlessly. With years of not only working in customer services but navigating through women and men alike, it must have been a breeze for him. Moving on without a hitch.

Simon pinched his lips and glanced at Alois, looking for a possible response on what to do next. He had been so easily blocked by the man he was trying to get to if only for a little. It was frustrating. Disheartening. Almost. Simon was a persistent bastard if nothing else. And he would make the most of it. Of course, that resolve he mustered up nearly had been forgotten when stepped out from behind the counter and reached around him.

Swallowing hard, Simon used the long sleeve of his shirt to wipe beads of water ready to fall into his eyes. To distract himself with minuscule things like that over seemed to help just a tad more rather than the way his heart had skipped a beat stupidly, and the disappointment from the earlier comment. He wasn't naive, God no, he had experienced too much to be that, just hopeful. Not that that hope always got him places.

Simon shuffled backward, slowly and thoughtfully, until his back was pressed gently against the shelf and his body besides Cian's. Tilting his chin up slightly, peering at him through thick eyelashes, he studied his face for a moment. The action wasn't necessary, he knew Cian's face, known it for years now. "The eyeshadow really makes the color of your eyes shine," he said through a small smile, gesturing to his own mismatched eyes. Cian's were blue, though, a very pretty blue. Ocean blue? Funny how he had known him for so long, and he still couldn't name the exact shade of your eyes. "So, it's not a fair ask."

A belated response, but a response nonetheless. "Now that that's been addressed," Simon reached for the candlestick in the other man's hand. They were going to have an endless supply of these wax sticks in no time. He would eventually need to change his excuse. His fingers brushed against his skin as he grabbed a hold of the item. His hands were warm ...

"And this sounds great." He sniffed the hard object and immediately pulled it away from under his nose. "What is this?" Yes, he studied, but that didn't mean he knew everything revolving the subject of magic. Like the type of candles by smell alone. Simon had a more sensitive nose than usual thanks to his vampiric heritage. "That's not lavender ..."

Simon looked up at Alois. "What do you think of this, Al? I don't think Acantha would care either way." Waving the option in front of him. He was putting more thought into this when it was only a cover. Smalltalk would suffice for but a moment.

@wren. 」​

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Akira never held back in giving compliments and certainly not when they were about Edmund. His suggestion was an all too good one, clearly reminding Akira of why it was he was going to him for help in the first place. His success may have been evidence of what he was capable of, and his kind nature showcased what an open and nonjudgmental attitude he carried, but Akira was still slow to be transparent about his work. There was always a piece of him that was always embarrassed, the fallen rockstar turned writer showing his weaknesses in his career path? What was new?

However he was not without confidence completely, and plenty of that could be attributed to the support he garnered from his mentor-mentee-like relationship with Edmund. Even if he didn't say all his praises and thanks, the man could read the gratitude from his mind in an instant. Literally. "That's a wonderful idea," Akira said swiftly, his hands already digging back into his bag to grab his moleskin.

He had to be quick in writing it down before he forgot the specifics. Wonderful memory or not, even the greatest ideas faded without a written reminder. He was sure to tackle the other concepts that he thought of alongside the suggestion, making a list of character events until Edmund called his attention back.

"Oh, I am. It's easy to get distracted while working. I can see how you miss meals now." He set aside his notebook and reached for his own onion soup first. "Of course, when I am working from home I usually find any excuse to not work and have a bit to eat." He chuckled softly, mostly to himself.

The soup was more than warm, it was still hot and it pleased him just as much as it burned the tip of his tongue. He grimaced but didn't spit it out. It was too good and he wasn't one to waste anything. Instead, he took a sip from his cold drink after. "How is the production going though? Are you expecting a big turnout?"

@wren. 」​

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It was a bit on the nose, wasn't it? Putting a hybrid police detective on a case following the violent and sickening killings of hybrid citizens and those who would dare to so openly engage in an interspecies relationship. But the Black City Police Department was not the most subtle in their tactic if you were on the force. And though Lenore was a hybrid, she was also a damn good detective with an equally skilled partner.

However, it made the case more close to heart. She was one to obsess, and this one had her obsessed. Always a healthy sign. Had Cosimo not insisted they take their time off, actually off she would be sitting on her desk going over every piece of evidence they collected and gfoing in to revisit the locations where the victims were found. Her mind would have been consumed in doing the grieving families justice, and bringing in the sick bastard who took it upon himself to "cleanse" their country of such atrocities.

Her Majesty herself had been quite stern about keeping the case as quiet as possible. It was politically driven after all. There would be mass panic at the news of a serial killer, one driven by ideas that a hefty number of folks agreed with. There was no telling what would happen if the news was made public. Yet, it still felt unjust to the victims to have their cause of death swept under the rug, and then forgotten. It was up to Lenore and Cosimo to at least bring them justice.

Of course, they would have to do that after they finished their drinks and "recharged" their minds. In spite of her wanting to be in the office, she was sitting at the table of Cosimo's favorite bar, her elbow on the table and cheek in her hand as she watched her goofy partner get their drinks. When he turned to smile at her, the weight on her chest lightened.

He may have had the power to manipulate the very water in their drinks, but it was the way he could lighten the sour mood that she found most impressive. That was power a person could only be born with and as far as she was concerned, only Cosimo had it. However, the young men who knocked into him had the quickest power to bring a frown to her face.

Cosimo handled the issue well, with a smile on his face and before she could even rise to her feet, he was back at their table, passing her her drink. "Thanks," she brushed the loose strands of her from her face before she took a sip from the drink. The tequila sunrise also had the power to soften her face. "Well, this is your favorite place. What would you suggest?" The brunette questioned as if she hadn't frequented the place more than once with him.

Being his partner extended outside of police work after all.

@peach 」​

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There was no universe in which Cosimo could not know that something about this case had stirred his partner. He knew her like the back of his hand, right? Maybe not after all, he couldn't pinpoint the problem and she didn't seem to want him to anyways… It would be a lie to say that it didn't bother him just a smidge, that she was facing something she didn't feel comfortable enough with him to share. But as any respectable adult, she was fairly entitled to her privacy and Cosimo would only provide support in the ways he knew how to.

They had worked their fair share of cases, though none as big as this. That of course could've been the stressor, but Cosimo wasn't convinced. What he was convinced of was that it wasn't his place to try and solve all her problems, no matter how much he wanted to.

Relaxing back in the chair beneath him and setting his beer back on the table, he shifted his attention back to Lenore. He'd been here so often he didn't even need to look at the menu anymore. "Can't go wrong with a burger. They make a killer burger- A really good burger, I mean." Cosimo quickly added between slowly rotating his shoulders back one before the other to work out some of the growing tension sitting in them. "We can do an order of onion rings too if that sounds good." He added, warm brown eyes flicking up to meet hers with a crooked smile.
Code by Jenamos
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Admittedly, he wasn't expecting Vince to grab his collar and pull him in so close, though perhaps he should have, given how frequent an occurrence this has started to become in the months they've known each other. He wants to retort, but his brain isn't functioning properly in the face of Vince's anger and the pleasantly spicy smell of his cologne. It's not that he's intimidated, regardless of what his racing heart might suggest, it's just the initial shock of being jostled.

For all that he hates the man, he can't deny the excitement of seeing him furious. Vince is short and thin, hardly intimidating in terms of stature, but he's always managed to maintain a presence that feels like it looms over the entire room. When he's angry, he's even more vibrant, like a cornered animal with nothing to lose. He enjoys being the subject of his predator's gaze because he knows that Vince, despite his insults, has an indeterminable soft spot for him. If he didn't, he never would have survived this long disrespecting him as often as he does.

This isn't nearly as pissed as he's seen Vince before, but his ears are that same shade of pink that they tend to become during one of his fits, and his sea glass eyes are burning, and it's strangely endearing.

When Vince releases him, he tries to save face by looking smug as if Vince hadn't just left him a deer in the headlights for a few seconds. "You say that a lot," he taunts, perhaps an admission of guilt but not one that's clear enough for Vince to use against him.

Vince's departure is a bit anti-climactic, leaving him huffy as he reheats the rest of their meal. "Soos, you better have started on that plate!" he calls to distract himself from Vince's irritating presence. Ugh, he sounds like a dad.

He carries his and Vince's plates out carefully, setting them down with finesse. "Anything exciting happening at the club tonight? Cordelia and I were planning to go tonight in celebration of my return."
@MaryGold | @Justin
code by wren.
Syd was more than a little drunk. He'd spent the afternoon getting wasted, and he planned to continue drinking into the night and into tomorrow morning as well. He didn't have anything stronger, so booze was going to have to do, even if the liquid poison was never quite enough on its own. Syd had gone hard, but he was excellent at carrying himself while drunk, and the people he passed on the street were likely to view him as tipsy, rather than one drink away from a coma.

He didn't really pay attention to what he was doing, not that he ever really did, as he stumbled into the door of the shop. It was some little magi store called Moonbeam. Syd stepped back from the window he had bumped into and glanced over the shop. There was a sign there that boasted divinations. The blond chuckled to himself. He didn't really need to know his future, he was a self-made man and what he'd made for himself was an early grave at the end of a burnt out life.

But he didn't see any reason not to enter the store. Someone might've been in there — someone he could talk to. It was better than wandering bored and alone on the street, so with a swaggered step, Syd swung open the door and stepped into the shop. It was not at all the kind of place he belonged in. It was cozy, warm, and peaceful — all things he wasn't. He was sure he was the sore thumb. That didn't stop him — it never did.

"Hellooo," He called, even before making himself aware of his surroundings. Beyond the general vibes, at least. But after a moment he didn't see anyone. "Anyone here?" He asked the apparently empty room.
Code by wren.
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Irene jolted at the sudden voice calling out in the front room, a loud thud echoing through shop as well as her teeth as she smacked her head on the underbelly of the table she was crouched under. " UMPH- ShiIiiiIi-" She hissed, the curse word slithering from her lips only to dissipate and fade into a deep sigh.

"Just a minute, sorry about that!" She chimed, scattering out from under the table and scrambling up to her feet to make her way over to him. She turned the corner of the hallway and smiled warmly through a bright red face, right hand rubbing the crown of her head. "Hi there, can I help you find something?" Irene inquired genuinely, holding her smile as her gaze rose to meet his.

She lifted the counter and walked out into the shop, tightening the apron around her waist and quickly adjusting her hair to make herself seem more put together despite the blush burning beneath her skin. "Or are you just browsing for today?" Irene asked finally, tipping her head slightly to the left as she spoke. Irene blinked as she caught a whiff of alcohol emanating off of him, slightly caught off guard by its presence.
Code by Jenamos
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'It fits you, awh!' Bella mentally copied Stella, her inner monologue giddy and smitten. As soon as the comment left Stella's lips, Bella felt her cheeks burn as they flushed pink. Maybe she'd wear her find on their next outing — date? This was a date wasn't it?

Bella sighed, her lips turning down in a small frown at the fact that Stella hadn't found anything she liked yet. It was sad! "We'll find you something too!" She would make it her mission to help Stella find something she liked enough to buy! It definitely wouldn't be anything like the dress she found, and she couldn't find a pair of matching socks either; but hopefully they'd find at least one thing she liked!

A cheeky grin spread across Bella's face at the elongation of her name. She meant to pick out a costume sooner — but school and life stresses started hittin' her like a ton of bricks and time just slipped away from her. "I feel like with a few days away, my options are already fairly limited," she giggles until it turns into a light laugh.

"Hey, I had a feeling you were, but I wanted to be sure!" When Stella's smile faded, it was hard for Arabella's not to match. Did she not want to dress up with her? Was she already dressing up with someone else? But soon enough, her worries were pushed away and Bella gasped at the idea. It was hard for her to contain her excitement, and her heart beamed at the thought of them together at her Halloween party.

"That would be perfect! And it's such a cute idea darlin'!" Arabella beamed, gently tugging as she took Stella's hand in hers. "Come on, I have to find a skeleton costume!"

Side mission activated.
code by wren.
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There was a thump, followed by a dissipating swear. Someone had hit something. A feminine voice called out from the back. Syd nodded to himself but said nothing. He took the time to wander around a little, looking at the various items for sale and doing his best not to bump into any of them, with mixed success. He didn't break anything, at least, but there was plenty of time for that to change. Nothing particularly stood out to him among the myriad of wares. That made sense, it wasn't a shop for him, but he still picked up various things with no real purpose other than examining them closer.

Syd swivelled to better see the woman as she arrived from the back room. His first thought upon seeing the magi was that she was warm — warm face, warm eyes, warm smile, all wrapped in youth. She was cute, in a doe-ish sort of way.

"Should be careful," he started, "I could've easily swiped anything I wanted." He leaned back a little, his eyes jumping to a nearby crystal. He swiped it up. "Like this," he said, holding it up in front of his face. Had he actually cared about the crystal, Syd was pretty sure he could've still taken it. He wasn't a great runner, but this girl didn't look like one who was in for a tussle. Maybe he was wrong, though. That would've been exciting. But Syd wanted her company, not her things.

"Nah," he said, setting the crystal back down, less gently than intended. It made a noise a bit too loud, but at least it didn't break or anything. He wanted her company, not her stuff. But he was willing to buy things to keep it.

"Just lookin'," Syd stated, "how about you sell me on something?"
Code by wren.
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Irene watched him closely, feeling her face burning with embarrassment at his warning. " Hah, yeah… You're right, I'll be more careful in the future." She chuckled half-heartedly, awkwardly rubbing her bicep.

She blinked as the crystal clanked against the glass display counter it sat atop. Her eyes flickered over to the crystal, taking quick note that he had picked up a citrine. A transparent mustard colored stone promoting self-esteem, inner peace, and personal growth. Irene could feel the air around her turn cool and gray, the taste of a fresh crisp apple on her tongue.

She watched his movements, examining his body language closely for a moment before she spoke again. "Would you like a reading?" Irene questioned gently, looking up to try and meet his gaze. She didn't like to be put on the spot, but clearly something had drawn her attention to him. Irene politely reached her arm across from Sydney and plucked the yellow stone into her palm, feeling a sudden pit of loneliness in her gut for a flash before losing it.

"I'll put on some tea, what kind do you prefer?" Irene offered, turning to motion him towards the back room. " Don't worry about paying, I was bored anyways." She chimed, smiling warmly at him over her shoulder at him. I'm definitely making a friend today.

Her wishes were sweet and perhaps dim witted, but she believed in them.
Code by Jenamos
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Syd had the feeling that she would not be more careful.

"A reading, huh?" She didn't actually try to sell him on the idea. She just offered it as a suggestion. This girl was not a good salesman. Syd had the impression he could have bullied this girl into getting something free if he had wanted. He wondered if it was her shop or if she just worked there. Maybe he'd ask that in a bit.

"Sure, why not?" It couldn't make him feel worse. It might depress the lady, but she must've been used to reading depressing futures by now, there were more of those than there were good ones. But it was her suggestion and he wasn't gonna sweat it.

Syd hummed to himself for a moment. "Not a fan of tea," he stated matter-of-factly, not bothering to be overly polite about it. "But don't let me stop you," he added with a dismissive wave of his hand. She plucked up the stone he hadn't broken, and he wondered if she was checking just in case. It looked like a nice crystal, based on what little he knew about them, which was nothing. He liked the colour.

"You and me both, girlie," Syd responded to the woman's comment about her boredom. He'd probably still pay. She beckoned him back, tossing a darling smile over her shoulder. He shrugged and followed after her. Might as well, right? But did she realise she was leaving the front room unattended again?

She definitely wasn't going to be more careful in the future.
Code by wren.
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Irene nodded her head, moving to sit comfortably in her oversized armchair the overlooked a short, round coffee table decorated with candles and various gems and crystals. " No worries, I have coffee and marble sodas too if you want." She told him, pointing over to the mini fridge sitting in the corner of the room.

Irene placed the citrine stone on the table, a wide smile tugging at her freckles cheeks. "Do you mind if I light some candles?" She questioned, looking across the table at him. Her mind was traveling at a mile a minute, just as it always did as she worked out her nerves to preform each reading she always did. "Almos! We have company!" She announced in to the book-lined hallways of the shop, the sound of pattering paws scampering after her voice. "That's my familiar, he's a hare." She told him, sitting up in her chair to prepare herself better.

" I'm Irene, by the way!" She introduced, her hand shooting out in front of her to in attempt reach out and shake his hand. "Sorry, I should've introduced myself first…" Irene chuckled nervously, her cheeks flushing just a bit.

Man, she was really all over the place today.
Code by Jenamos
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Syd walked over to retrieve a melon soda from the mini fridge before dropping himself into the armchair across from the woman. He opened the bottle with a satisfying pop before turning his attention back to the scene. His eyes briefly searching the covered table for anything of particular interest. Mostly it was more crystals, but candles had joined the party. Satisfied with a cursory examination, Syd settled his eyes back on her. She still smiled brightly.

"Go for it," he responded to her question about the candles. There were a lot of them, and he wondered how many she was going to light. She called out for an "Almos" saying that they had company, which surprised him, but was fine. The more, the merrier. But she added that he was a familiar only a moment later. "Hellooo," he called out, greeting the hare before adjusting awkward several times in his chair. He was never good at sitting.

"Irene, huh?" So far she seemed pleasant enough, sweet and a little awkward. He waved a dismissive hand at her comment about introducing herself. "You're all fine."

"I'm Sydney," he said nonchalantly, adjusting once again in the plush armchair. "Or Syd."

"So, how does this reading go?"
Code by wren.
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Irene stood up, taking the large hare in her arms and gently placing the sweet creature onto the armchair where she would be sitting. " Stay here, Sweetheart," She cooed, kissing Almos between the ears. " I'll be right back."

She made her way over to the large cupboard in the room, about half of the candlesticks seemingly lighting themselves as she passed by them. "It can work in any number of ways, Sydney. I can read your palms, tea leaves, charms, runes, bones, dream analysis, just whatever feels best for you. Oh! I can do flower readings too." Irene listed, putting up dove fingers as she counted her way through the options.

" The melon is my favorite too, by the way." She mused, her nose twitching lightly as she smiled. Irene opened the cupboard to reveal delicate floral boxes of all colors and sizes with various intricate floral details. " I have basically everything so don't be shy!" She chirped.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
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"Awesome!" Jo beamed, smiling like a kid who'd gotten double fruit snacks in their lunchbox. Giving people cool tattoos they loved was an awesome job, but giving her friends tattoos they loved was even better!

She shrugged a little, grabbing a couple sheets of paper with various designs she'd drawn that were up for grabs. "I don't have anything in mind per se, but you can look through these and I have some up for grabs on the wall, if anything tickles your fancy." She chuckles, continuing to draw on her tablet until Keaton's comment warrants her to blow a raspberry.

"Oh boo, I could find something if I tried." She teased, emphasis on the if considering she knew she probably wouldn't try much at all. She'd let procrastination get the better of her and now the chances of her finding something decent were slim to none anyway.

"Costume or not, you're always welcome to chill with me! I'm sure we could find a party to crash or something."
code by wren.
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He underestimated Simon. He should know by now that the man is more clever than he appears. Cunning, even. There's certainly no other word for the way he takes advantage of how close Cian has stepped beside him to coyly study him through thick, fluttering lashes and turn the conversation right back around in his favor. The way he brings his attention to the sapphire and topaz that make up his eyes, unquestionably his most breathtaking assets, is a particularly nice touch.

He must know that he's gorgeous; there's no way that he doesn't get asked out by his peers on a regular basis. Which makes it all the more bewildering why he's so persistent in pursuing someone like Cian. Sure, he's handsome, and he's a skilled Spirit Magi, but it's not like either has earned him much in life. He's already in his thirties with no degree, a small apartment, and a job as a shop manager. He's good at sex, but he's had more than one partner accuse him of being unromantic, and many find his personality grating after a while. Simon could have anyone, so why does he keep wasting his time?

It's humiliating how he finds himself lost for words, all of his usual wit gone, chased out by the tingling flush spreading all across his head. He nearly drops the candle when Simon's fingers graze his, but mercifully, he doesn't, and he regains his balance enough to fold his arms over his chest with feigned casualness. "It's frankincense; it says it on the label."

"I think it smells nice," Alois grins, looking awfully pleased with himself. Or perhaps with Simon.

"Perfect, then buy it," he says, making his way back around the counter and holding his hand out to scan the item. "What are you using all of these candles for, anyway?"
code by wren.
Leon manages to hold back his amused snort at Isaac's flirting, but just barely. "As I tell you every time, no, that won't be necessary." Since they don't interact outside of these appointments, it's hard to know if Isaac is this flirty with everyone, or if he's a special case. It doesn't really matter, seeing as he can't date a patient, no matter how handsome and boyishly charming they are.

He only pays partial attention to Isaac's words, his focus on listening to the clarity of the man's lungs. There's a bit of a rattle, but that's not unusual given that Isaac is a smoker. "That's nice; I'm sure he'll enjoy that," he smiles. Relentless flirting aside, Isaac doesn't seem like a bad guy, and he clearly loves his little brother more than anything. As an only child, it's nice to see strong sibling bonds. Then again, when they have no one else but each other, that becomes inevitable.

He doesn't know too much about Isaac's life beyond what little bits the man has fed him, but it's clear that he's been through the wringer. The fact that he's remained so chipper through it all is a testament to his resilience.

He considers the invitation. It's not exactly appropriate for him to socialize with patients outside of work, and Isaac might even interpret it as a date, but it's not all that morally reprehensible to go to a public party together. "I'm not really one for partying," he admits, but he can't deny the temptation. It has been a while since he's gone anywhere besides work and his house. It would probably do him good to get out a bit more. Is he crazy for even considering this?

"The pollen has been bad lately, so it could be aggravating your smoker's lung. I keep telling you to quit."
code by wren.
He can feel the way his expression softens when Akira smiles and fumbles for his notebook. He's had his fair share of admirers throughout his life, both because of his good looks and because of his musical talent, but they usually regard him with poorly concealed envy. If they don't resent him, then they hope to win his favor so that he might propel them to the top of their careers.

Akira genuinely respects him, to the point where he takes his word practically as gospel, and the gratefulness and cheer he exudes fill him with an embarrassed warmth every time he has the pleasure of seeing it. Which is often, given that the other man wears his heart on his sleeve. It's difficult to tell if that's just who he is, or if he is so open because he knows Edmund can just read his mind for the truth if he doubts him.

Regardless, he's glad that Akira can't read his mind. He's not blind to the infatuation that Akira harbors for him, and while he's flattered, and admittedly attracted to him as well, Akira is far too innocent, too young, and has too promising of a future for him to get caught up with a jaded old has-been like him. So, it would be bad if he knew how pretty Edmund finds him when his eyes light up with inspiration.

"I'm honestly not sure. It's not exactly the type of production I usually go for, which could be a turn-off for some of my clientele. Then again, it could bring in a new crowd. I fear people will be expecting me to change some things to "improve" upon it, but I'm not sure where to start with that." The fear of disappointing people is one that has tormented him for almost all of his life, but he's numbed to it in his older age. He's done nearly everything he could have ever wanted to do, what else is there to prove?

"I've found that I've started doing things more for the fun of them nowadays, or for other people's pleasure, than for my reputation. I've accomplished enough to have earned a break, I think. Do you like this musical?"
code by wren.
The woman took a moment to appreciate her familiar before putting the little guy into the oversized armchair. Then she left the chairs and table behind for a large cupboard, which Syd presumed had implements of fortune-telling. Candle wicks lit as she passed them, casting the room into warm light, and making for a dramatic scene. Syd took a moment from watching her to readjust in an effort to get comfortable. He pulled a boot up onto the chair, only sparing a trace thought for the moisture that came with it.

He nodded his head as she listed off types of divination. He knew nothing about divination. Well, nothing was a bit harsh, but he knew basically nothing. All of the names of the methods were straightforward though, which took the guesswork out. Syd pondered asking the girl if she had a favourite divination method, but he kind of thought she might insist he pick anyway. He considered asking for a tea leaf reading to be contrarian, and because it'd be funny, but he'd have to drink the tea, and he didn't much fancy that.

The man shifted again, letting his foot fall back to the ground and leaning forward. He nodded at her comment about the melon flavour, although he wasn't sure she could even see it, and was compelled to take another drink at the thought. He leaned forward and dropped his right elbow onto the table.

"Alright," Syd said, slapping his knuckles down into the table with a loud thud, something he was sure would've hurt a lot if he wasn't drunk. "How about we try a palm reading?" He wasn't sure why he picked that one, but it felt right.
Code by wren.
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Keaton took the sheets from Jo and started sifting through them, his eyes quickly scanning the designs. Obviously, he had no issue getting a tattoo on the spot, but he liked all of his tattoos to fit together into one chaotically cohesive piece. There was an aesthetic he liked to maintain, and if he couldn't find something he liked, he'd defer for the day. He was sure Jo wouldn't mind. But after going through enough of the designs, he found one he liked. It wasn't anything fancy — a small distressed music note.

"How 'bout this one? It'd look nice right here," he said, poking the outside of his left hand. Keaton's arms were covered from shoulder to wrist, and there was little space for anything new there. In general, he preferred larger, more intricate tattoos, which tended not to work as well for spontaneity.

"Mhm," Keaton hummed with amusement. He wasn't convinced. "Smells like an excuse to me."

"Sounds cool," he said. "You know any going on, or you just want to text around?"
Code by Jenamos