Best Friends

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Thomas sighed as he laid his head against the window pane of the coach. He hadn't slept since he had taken the plane for England to America. He smiled as he gazed out of the window, streams of rain water dripping down the outside. It had been a tiring journey, but it was nearing it's end, who knows how long he'd stay in his small home town for? It seemed peaceful and scenic as he remembered, which is exactly what he wanted.

The coach pulled slowly to a stop as it arrived outside of the stop, and he took a cap to the apartment he was renting, it was a fairly modern looking building, well, compared to the old building of the surrounding town anyway. As he left the car he wondered why he had decided to come back anyway. Oh well, it was too late too worry about it now.

The cab driver handed him his suitcase as the rain started to pour down. Great....... He though to himself as he walked into the building, awkwardly smiling at everyone he caught eye contact with. He collected his keys and all the necessary paperwork from the landlord, and made his way to the 2 bedroom flat he would be staying in. Opening the door he let out a sigh and jumped onto his bed, falling alseep a few minutes later.

Isabella was running errands for her father. She had to be quick or else she had to get a beating. She gathered all the food before she headed back to the apartment. She sighed softly as she fixed her outfit. She didn't want anyone to see all her marks from her father, because then she will have to move again because people have gotten suspicious. She knew that one day that she will no longer be living soon. He will beat her to death, this is a scary thought. Isabella sighed as she finally got inside the building. She muttered a few words in French. She blinked as she saw a man standing there. She smiled and waved at the person at the desk. " Hello Sir." She siad to him. She then went to make her way to the elevator. Soon she made it to her room, and then she said, " father I got the groceries. " She said to him. She then went to go through the house, but out of no where she was hit by a glass bottle, opening her skin on her arm. She gasped and frowned. She said, " father what was that far?" She asked. The father glared. " You took forever!!" Isabella sighed and said, " Sorry," She then frowned and went to put the groceries away, before heading up to bed.​
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