Beauty and the beast esque RP?

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Swagolor Approved
Original poster
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
I've been kind of craving to do something like a beauty and the beast RP. Maybe not matching the exact plot, but something with a lovely lady and some beastly guy. I don't mind if he stays beastly or shifts into something more human like, but with ears/tail/fangs/antlers/beastly equipment, although I find myself leaning a bit towards the latter.

Most of my ideas right now revolve around a sort of beastly forest guardian. Maybe a huntress/druidess and her companion? Or a noblelady accidentally teleported into his domain? I'm open for ideas on this. Also if you have some kind of monster girl idea to go with this pairing that's fine with me too.

I'll be honest, I am kind of a great big perv so expect that, and I would like to smut kind of often. It might be a little forceful/wild with his animal instincts but nothing rapey.

Reply or PM me if you're interested!
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