Bead arts and crafts?



Original poster
Hey, so how many of you know about hama and perler beads? I was wondering if any of you have ever done like bead art and stuff :P

I recently started up my own shop for mine... Check 'em out and stuff :) I post pictures up all the time.

Do you focus on games and stuff? I like to do games, animes,anything I can find a reference on really aha.

SO yeahh! Do you guys enjoy this kind of thing, or would like to enjoy it as a hobby? :D x
You forgot to post a link to your facebook shop, Charlie. XD

I have never done that kind of bead art before! D: But when I was little and first learning how to sew, I had a lot of fun doing pillow beadwork.

I stabbed myself a lot.
Holy buckets! It's actually art!

I remember doing it as a kid, but my things are like random-colors-everywhere squares and things like that. I'm really impressed! I love the beadstache. =D