BB Code Help request

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Previously Kross
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
9 A.M to 12 P.M - 6 P.M to 1 A.M
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror, Romance,
1. I need help fitting the table onto the page.


  • Several children orphaned from the 'War of the Lions', are taken in by a wise, a powerful former prominent knight. He teaches them survival skills, but, perhaps more importantly--he teaches them how to fight. Each of them to fight. In his many years of servitude, he encountered all types. From Monks that could shatter stones with their hands to stealthy thieves and assassin shinobi, to the honor-bound able Samurai--to spellcasters of all types and varieties. He taught these children according to how they progressed. Like a mason chipping and chiseling away all the excess, but leaving enough for them to mold themselves into who they wanted to be. He set them on their way to mature, watched them grow from children to teenagers and finally young adults. But the past is not something to be discarded like a rusty, dull blade. It has an edge that persists and cut the deepest when least expected.

    Their guardian and only father-figure are taken by the Templars; acts of treason, desertion, and dissension. He was to be executed; burned at the stake as a heretic. The kind, old man obliged knowing that, at least the children would live on. Siegfried, the eldest and perhaps the noblest in spirit would watch as the fires consumed the man who held a smile until the very end when he was naught but ash and bone. His mindset having been fundamentally been changed by the realities of this world outside their cozy village, embarks on a bloody hunt for the man who ordered his father's execution, and to seek revenge for the slanders, the lies and ultimately--the death of his beloved father. But, first thing was first, he had to grow, he had to expand his knowledge and experience if he was to combat the Templars. Little did any of the siblings know, something much darker was lurking and stirring awake ready to unleash a second cataclysmic maelstrom of bloodshed and carnage.

    Years later, his fellow brothers and sisters, would, in disbelief, watch as he walked away a broken man. After countless fights, battles, skirmishes; vengeance wrought a burden too heavy for him to bear. He now swore a new allegiance, not to a king or noble, but to retribution itself. Alas, a fallen hero is a worthy advocate of wicked deeds. An none more so than the progeny of the Holy Knight Agrias Oaks and the famed and reviled Kensei Bernard Shaw. Can his brothers and sisters save Siegfried from the vile clutches of the Lucavi? Or worse, his self? His soul in the balance and in the hands of those he cherishes most.

  • With the kingdom of Ivalice still reeling from the 'War of the Lions' and 'Fifty Years War' a lot of effort was put into to restore order in chaotic time and who better than the Templars who've outright seized control. But, there are still some nobles, biding their time. They fragment of 'holy' relics once called the Zodiac Brave stones. While even fragmented these stones hold considerable power. The Lucavi having taken over these counts and marquise used their influence to unleash a brutal wave of terror and bloodshed. Their depravity knowing no bounds. People began being taken away on false charges and tortured ruthlessly, or disappearing entirely.

  • Squire
    Black Mage
    White Mage
    Red Mage
    Blue Mage
    Time Mage
    Holy Knight
    Dark Knight
    Fell Knight
    Sword Saint

  • ===Class=== Prerequisite: Weapons: Helmet: Equip Shields? Move Rate Jump rate Speed Physical Evasion Rate Base Attack Basic Magic Base HP Base MP
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