Bare Your Fangs [RinHaru - Free!] (CLOSED)

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❝The water is alive. Once you dive in, it will immediately bare its fangs and attack. But, there's nothing to fear. Don't resist the water. Thrust your fingers into the surface and carve an opening. Then you slide your body through that opening. Moving your arms, your head, your chest...❞


"I-I didn't mean to let go."

Haruka remained silent. He didn't know how to comfort Rin. Truthfully, he was uncomfortable around crying. His father forbade him from shedding tears when he was a child. He was expected to portray a certain image. Crying was a sign of weakness. On the other hand, his grandmother believed it was a sign of strength. As a result, Haruka broke down in front of his grandmother only. Not even his own mother would tolerate tears.

"I can swim, you know! I really can!"

A sigh escaped his lips. "I believe you," Haruka mumbled. He tilted his head slightly, peering at Rin through his peripheral vision. "Next time, however, make sure you're not far from the shore. It's too dangerous to be in deeper waters without leverage. Your kind isn't built for water," he instructed.

"...But you know, Haruka...your tail. It's really something."

His eyes lowered to the watery surface. "I hate it," he admitted. Haruka continued swimming, escorting Rin closer to shore. "It's ugly. When my kind witnessed my tail, all they see is a noble Prince. The scales are a sign of royalty. I hate it," he elaborated. He lifted his gaze, focusing on the path in front of him. "All I want to do is swim freely," he muttered quietly. A few minutes later, Haruka reached a shallow spot where Rin could touch the sea floor. He watched as Rin waded out of the water, stopping until he was waist deep.

"Haruka...why did you save me?"

Haruka shifted his head to his side, averting his gaze. " didn't deserve to die. I don't want to follow my father's law," he mumbled. Before he could react, Rin barreled into his side, capturing him in a hug. Haruka stiffened in response. His eyes widened slightly. Haruka didn't lift his arms to return the awkward hug. Fortunately, Rin pulled back and walked to shore. Haruka moved closer to Minami and grasped his dorsal fin.

"Minami? Haruka? Will you come back tomorrow night?"

Haruka craned his neck back. By the time Rin spoke again, Minami guided him farther out. Haruka contemplated for a moment. He noticed his companion slapped his tail and whistled, confirming his vote. Haruka bit his lip. He directed his attention to Rin. Haruka nodded in response.

"I will..." His voice danced along the wind.

He submerged in the water, followed by Minami. Both of them disappeared out of sight.
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