Original poster
Okay, I'm blaming Ryker on telling me to follow through with this, and looking for interest. I've got all the groundwork laid, and I could follow through with it pretty easy - I just don't want to do all that work if nobody is interested in playing.
Game Masters: Reiz
Accepting New Characters: Bad Company is always accepting newvictims military rejects idiots suckers SOLDIERS.
Posting Expectations: Once or twice a week is fine by me.
Rating: E for EXPLOSIONS. Will contain violence and bad humor.
Genre: Explosive Humorus Sci-Fi
Atmosphere/Mood: Comedic with short injections of action.
Timeline: This game takes place in the future. Way far into the future. The year is 2475, and humanity has expanded into space. Slug throwers have been replaced by laser and guass weapons, and outdated tanks have long since been replaced by far more powerful - and better armed - versions. Personal space ships are not uncommon, and travel between the stars is accomplished by week-long jumps.
Basic Plot: Years of fighting between the Core Systems Free Republic and the Spartan Brigade have taught both sides an important lesson: The Marines aren't enough to secure a planet and hold it from your opponent. Both sides have recently began converting Marine companies over to Army companies, much to the displeasure of both the new Army commanders and their former Marine commanders. Thus, both sides are doing their best to kill the project. With that idea, they've gathered the worst of the absolute worst into the Core System Republic Army's Second Corps, Third Battalion, B-Company.
One of those men? You. Welcome to Bad Company, soldier.
Various Notes: The game itself is set in an all ready established universe, collectively known by those who made it as In The Shadow of the League. There is a lot to this universe - and very little of it will actually apply to this game. The least you need to know is that you're part of the Core Systems Republic Army, just recently drafted in from the Marines, and you're at war with the Spartan League. You've been deployed to a planet to be chosen, and will have various misadventures with you and your other derptastic squad-mates. If you wish to know more about the universe, there's a wiki available here, and I'm always glad to answer questions in both PM and this chat. http://sotl-traveller.wikidot.com/ Do note that despite thing being a sci-fi universe, and there being a few aliens in the universe, all characters will be humans. A short rundown of what's what in this universe can also be found here. http://sotl-traveller.wikidot.com/human
Character Sheets!
Character Name:
Gender: (CSRA accepts both Males and Females)
Age: (18+ Only)
Birthworld: (Make your own up, or browse the wiki and choose one. If browsing, anything not from Van-Ryand or Prometheus are acceptable. http://sotl-traveller.wikidot.com/human-space )
Occupation: (What do you do in the squad?)
General Appearance: (A picture would be nice!)
History: (At the very least, include WHY you were transfered to Bad Company - how did you mess up so bad that the Marines conisder you the worst of the worst?)
Also, a touch of inspiration to show you the mood I'm aiming for:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfz96fJepSU&feature=related"]YouTube- Battlefield: Bad Company - 'Totally Not' TV Ad[/ame]
Game Masters: Reiz
Accepting New Characters: Bad Company is always accepting new
Posting Expectations: Once or twice a week is fine by me.
Rating: E for EXPLOSIONS. Will contain violence and bad humor.
Genre: Explosive Humorus Sci-Fi
Atmosphere/Mood: Comedic with short injections of action.
Timeline: This game takes place in the future. Way far into the future. The year is 2475, and humanity has expanded into space. Slug throwers have been replaced by laser and guass weapons, and outdated tanks have long since been replaced by far more powerful - and better armed - versions. Personal space ships are not uncommon, and travel between the stars is accomplished by week-long jumps.
Basic Plot: Years of fighting between the Core Systems Free Republic and the Spartan Brigade have taught both sides an important lesson: The Marines aren't enough to secure a planet and hold it from your opponent. Both sides have recently began converting Marine companies over to Army companies, much to the displeasure of both the new Army commanders and their former Marine commanders. Thus, both sides are doing their best to kill the project. With that idea, they've gathered the worst of the absolute worst into the Core System Republic Army's Second Corps, Third Battalion, B-Company.
One of those men? You. Welcome to Bad Company, soldier.
Various Notes: The game itself is set in an all ready established universe, collectively known by those who made it as In The Shadow of the League. There is a lot to this universe - and very little of it will actually apply to this game. The least you need to know is that you're part of the Core Systems Republic Army, just recently drafted in from the Marines, and you're at war with the Spartan League. You've been deployed to a planet to be chosen, and will have various misadventures with you and your other derptastic squad-mates. If you wish to know more about the universe, there's a wiki available here, and I'm always glad to answer questions in both PM and this chat. http://sotl-traveller.wikidot.com/ Do note that despite thing being a sci-fi universe, and there being a few aliens in the universe, all characters will be humans. A short rundown of what's what in this universe can also be found here. http://sotl-traveller.wikidot.com/human
Character Sheets!
Character Name:
Gender: (CSRA accepts both Males and Females)
Age: (18+ Only)
Birthworld: (Make your own up, or browse the wiki and choose one. If browsing, anything not from Van-Ryand or Prometheus are acceptable. http://sotl-traveller.wikidot.com/human-space )
Occupation: (What do you do in the squad?)
General Appearance: (A picture would be nice!)
History: (At the very least, include WHY you were transfered to Bad Company - how did you mess up so bad that the Marines conisder you the worst of the worst?)
Also, a touch of inspiration to show you the mood I'm aiming for:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfz96fJepSU&feature=related"]YouTube- Battlefield: Bad Company - 'Totally Not' TV Ad[/ame]