Original poster
Mama was in the zone. It was the kind of zone that only the endless droning of a bike engine and the eternal line of the interstate through the unbroken wilderness could bring. She wasn't thinking, she wasn't feeling. She barely even noticed the cigarette hanging between her lips anymore. If she was one of those yuppies, she'd call it zen, but for her it was just being.
Eventually, she began to see signs of the world coming back to life around her. A scrub brush, a desert tree, the rising of hills in the distance. Eventually, she'd find herself back in civilization, but not quite yet. She was still far enough away from the next town that she'd sleep in the desert for another night, which suited her just fine. She still had enough supplies to last her for another few days, and mentally began going through the supplies tied to the trailer behind her old trike. Now that her zone was broken, though, she yawned as if waking up from sleep, starting to notice the scenery again, now that it actually had something interesting to look at.
And she soon spotted something very interesting indeed.
Eventually, she began to see signs of the world coming back to life around her. A scrub brush, a desert tree, the rising of hills in the distance. Eventually, she'd find herself back in civilization, but not quite yet. She was still far enough away from the next town that she'd sleep in the desert for another night, which suited her just fine. She still had enough supplies to last her for another few days, and mentally began going through the supplies tied to the trailer behind her old trike. Now that her zone was broken, though, she yawned as if waking up from sleep, starting to notice the scenery again, now that it actually had something interesting to look at.
And she soon spotted something very interesting indeed.