Assassin's Doubt

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Hayden looked to Thomas, nodding before he glanced around. "There looks to be..." He paused, but only for a moment, pointing at a gap between the two mirrors. It wasn't a path that was meant to be there, but it was definitely a possible means of escape. Hayden had only noticed it because it created a nonmoving shadow in the mirror across from it. "Let's try that" He said as he approached it.
Thomas nods and takes the lead, cautiously approaching as he walks through the dark tunnel. He yells when a pair of hands yanks him out of view.

Then another pair of hands try to grab Hayden and pull him in the opposite direction.
Hayden pulled his knife, slicing at the hands.
"Thomas!" He yelled, pulling towards the other. He would not let Thomas disappear from his sight, whatever it took. "NO." He yelled, adrenaline shooting through him.
The hands jerk back for just a second, but as soon as Hayden's distracted, they grab him again.

"No sudden moves, kid. Not if you want your boyfriend alive," a steely voices says from across the room. An older man steps out of the shadows with a knife pressed to Thomas' throat.

Thomas only swallows and shakes his head. "Hayden! Hayden, you've got to get out of here! Run!" he yells.
Hayden gripped the knife tightly, but immediately noticed these people were not from his father. He stared at Thomas. "What do you want?" He asked the man, though his eyes didn't leave Thomas. His gaze was tense, but not panicked. He was almost shaking with adrenaline.
The man smirks. "I'll tell you what's going to happen. You're going to drop your weapon, let Skinner there tie your hands, and you and your friend are coming with us. We have business to attend to."

Thomas grits his teeth and almost lunges forward. "Hayden! Get your butt out of here and go get help! Run!"
Hayden spun the knife, stabbing back into the man. "You're making a mistake... whatever you want, you won't get it with us." He growled, twisting the knife in the man behind him. His mind shot to Alaster as a plan formed in his head. "You let go of Thomas." He looked to the man, then turned, shoving the man behind him, still having not removed the knife, shoving it deeper. He hoped he could find Alaster, and fast.
Thomas' eyes widen in horror as the wounded man cries out and drops to the ground. "Hayden! What are you doing?!" he bursts out.

The man holding Thomas only chuckles and presses the knife a bit harder, drawing a thin line of blood. "You seem to be confused. You're not the one in a position to give threats."

Thomas winces and shuts his eyes. "Hayden. Just run!" he chokes out.
Hayden removed the knife, using the shadows to escape out of sight. "ALASTER!" He screamed, taking off, using the outskirts to try to find an escape. He prayed the dog would hear his call, which echoed through the tent. He held the knife tightly, fear gripping his heart. Thomas... he had to save Thomas...
Thomas sighs in relief as Hayden runs to safety. Before he can even think about escaping himself, though, the man holding him sets to work yanking the boy's hands behind his back.

"Okay. We'll try this another way," the man mutters, dragging Thomas out of the mirror maze.


Alaster barrels through the edge of the tent moments later, still trailing the rope that had held him in place. He barks and skids to a stop in front of Hayden, panting and wagging his tail. Then he whimpers and gives Hayden's hand a lick. Something seems wrong.
Hayden collapsed to his knees, anger swarming over the fear. "Find Thomas... he was taken.." Hayden whispered, his voice full of hatred. He was normally cool-headed, but this.. this cut into his heart. "Thomas is in trouble."
He ran a hand over Alaster's head. "We have to save him."
Alaster whines and licks Hayden's cheeks. Then he tugs gently at the boy's sleeves to try and get him to stand up. Moments later, he sniffs along the ground at a quick trot. He follows Thomas' scent all the way to a sewer grate outside the tent. Then he barks loudly and jumps around, trying to get Hayden to open it for him.
Hayden quickly followed the pup. When they reached the sewer gate, climbing in and looking to Alaster. "Let's go." He whispered, scratching his face. The blood from his hands and knife smeared across his face as he began to revert back to his assassin senses, only caring about getting Thomas back.
The pitbull squirms into the sewer grate the moment it's open, bounding forward through the tunnels and splashing into the shallow river of treated water.

The man from before stands at the end of the tunnel. Spotting Alaster and Hayden, he smirks and lifts Thomas over the dropoff just beyond. "All right, tough guy. Stay where you are or Thomas ends up in the whirlpool. We'll see how easy it is for him to swim with tied hands."

Thomas glances up in surprise when Hayden appears with blood across his face. He looks down at the water below him a few moments. Then he looks up again and smiles. Get closer, he mouths silently.
Hayden's eyes didn't leave the man, but he did see Thomas's mouth. "Hurt him and you'll have a much bigger problem."
Hayden growled as he stepped closer. There was nothing but malice in his eyes, the knife clenched tight. "What do you want with us anyway?" He tilted his head.
"Ah, don't want to listen, huh? Fine," the man snaps. He drops Thomas over the edge with a loud splash. Then he yanks his gun out and cocks it, aiming for Hayden's legs.

Alaster snarls and barks, running in circles, but he won't move until Hayden says so.
Hayden threw his knife like a dagger. "Go Alaster!" He said as he started to run forwards. He didn't care if he was shot in the leg... he just wanted Thomas okay. He would give anything for that man. He just hoped that the other was okay.
The man stumbles back as the knife spears him through the chest, and his own body weight pulls the trigger on the gun.

Alaster jumps into the whirlpool below, swimming in circles and barking in confusion. The sound echoes through the tunnel.
Hayden felt the bullet pierce right above his knee. He collapsed, but wouldn't give in. He stood again, limping heavily to the whirlpool. "Thomas?! Thomas?!?" He yelled.
There's a whistle from above Hayden's head. Should the boy look up, Thomas is hanging off one of the rafters. "Up here, Hayden! I'm okay!" he calls. The amateur detective scrambles down and rushes to Hayden's side, tugging the boy's arm over his shoulder to take his weight. "Mr. Happy didn't count on the whirlpool being a foot deep. Not too hard to climb out of, once I got the ropes off. How bad is your leg?" he adds worriedly.