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Ah, and the demigod. Son of his Sister, the goddess of the World he sought to dominate. The Nephew of the Darkness. But he was nothing like Xanethus. Too holy. But this new form was fresh, mortal, and unstable. Simple men could be corrupted. But he was not the one Xanethus sought, however much of a threat he may someday become. No. He had seen warriors of light, men, and shadow, hired killers, shamans, a demigod of the Spirits, and an ambitious half-elf with the designs to replace Xanethus. But he sought a different power. A member of his own race, sent to destroy his own brother....
First, we are riding from the gates of the Heavens, bidding the gatekeeper a farewell. We tug on our hood to show courtesy as we ride out on a ghastly steed. The ghost of a pegasus, a shade black as night, and the knight riding it. Then, we fall from the clouds into the world, diving for our destiny, and our destination. We fall and hit the ground by a spring. We hear whispers of a naked man falling out of a cathedral. The wind gossips like men, and thus we find our destination. The Great Spirits dub him "The Phoenix of Healing Fires" We prefer to call him the Phoenix.

We are, of course, but one. We are the Avatar of Divine Retribution, a holy demigod. We prefer the name Aurus.

Now, we are freeing our mount into the spirit realm until further notice, and freeing our Angelic Forme for a more mortal one. A young girl, archer, huntress. We are still Aurus, all the same.

Now Aurus walked from the wilds to the village wherein the Phoenix had appeared. He was to be the First Apostle. Only Aurus himself could bring death to this Phoenix. That was not his purpose, as this Phoenix was an ally. Now he needed only find him. The winds of course spake to him with tones of whispers and susurrations. He was at the cathedral, he was at the clothes shoppe, he was at the tavern. He was naked? Exciting, unexpected, complicating. Aurus smirked and checked the way. He knew the Phoenix would start at the cathedral, for that was the consensus of the first whispers. So, to the streets he - or rather, she - took, searching for the naked - or mostly naked - man-Phoenix.
Anettia sat on the roof of a large building with her eyes focused on everything around her, her fingers held her cloak hood down tightly. She was feeling a bit bored with not doing absolutely nothing. Sure she should go travel somewhere else to look for work but there were a lot of people in town who seemed in need of an assassin for different reasons. Being a neutral assassin always brought in more money then just deciding to kill bad people versus good people, she did either one as long as she was paid. Of course she's strictly against killing children, she has a few rules for her job and one of them is to leave those with innocent souls alone. Children always have innocent souls from the moment they are born but when they get older they are bound to commit a sin,whether it is little or small. With a sigh Anettia placed her head into her palm as she listened around her and waited for someone who looked rich and is in need of an assassin, hopefully it isn't a troublesome job.
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