Are you a message hoarder?

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Do you hoard messages in your inbox?

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I have this irritating problem of MESSAGE HOARDING. In my PMs and my email. I don't always delete things immediately cause I'm not thinking about it, or I save a message think I might need it later. (which is almost never true)

And then it all piles up and I lose tracks of the PM convos that are actually important and I was supposed to remember to reply to. T_____T

Are you also a message hoarder or do you clean your shit out regularly?
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I clean up my PMs all the time xD I only save the active ones and things I need to check up later. Especially since it says I only can have one hundred of them o.O. I don't wanna run out of space before doing my cleaning xb
Hasn't been an issue here (since I am so shiny and new!) but in the past on other forums I have kept way too much and then been unable to find what I needed. Or worse, in a mass cleaning I have deleted things I did need along with the dross. It was awful.
I only hold onto the ones that hold sentimental value to me. Ya know, ones that I can later look back on and reflect on how much has changed since then, only a select few actually fall into that category, though, and so far none from this forum. So yeah, I'm kind of a message hoarder, but not really.
I only hold onto rps. If they haven't sent anything in a while I get rid of it....unless it's a completed rp that I want to hold onto and put in a word document.... But that takes a while... and it's very lengthy.
Never. I clean them out regularly but I just wanted to click one of the shouting options.
I end up having a full inbox then deleting random convos. This has yet to get me in a fix, so I'll just keep #livingontheedge
It's always an accident. I didn't know I had to clear out the inbox on Iwaku manually so they all piled up. And on my e-mail I'll forget about deleting an e-mail when it's not relevant yet. But I do keep folders of other shit. Whenever I buy something on Steam? Put that in a folder!
I hoard like a mother [censored]! I hoard and hoard and hoard till I run out of space! Then I go on a mass deleting spree till I have nothing, and begin to miss all my messages that might be important..

My name is Hope and I am a message-holic.
If it's about a current project or RP in intentionally keep them
Other wise it's just a case of forgetting to clean them out.
I never delete emails, that is what Gmail search is for. I am too lazy to sort through pm's
I only ever delete PMs when I start running out of space, because I'm always paranoid that I'll need something from them later. I've logged onto old sites that I left long ago to grab things from PMs quite frequently, so I pretty much never delete them, heh.
I don't intentionally hoard messages, I just never bother to delete them unless I get something that pops up saying that my storage space is getting full. It's just laziness, really.
I clean the messages from time to time, if someone I have been talking to does not reply in awhile I just leave the conversation and that's that. But sometimes I get overflowed with things like that and really need to be careful not to clog up my whole PM box. :-D