ArcRift RP Ideas

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Axe-Wielding Loner
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
At least once a day, more than likely more
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Howdy! This thread is for the purpose of cataloguing potential arcs in ArcRift. These are NOT set in stone and ANYONE can reply to them. This is simply a place for you to drop any ideas that you would want to GM yourself, or for someone else to adopt as a future Arc! Just make sure to specify which. Arcs that have been officially decided on will be added to the ArcRift Arc thread, which will be made upon Arc I's completion. If we like an idea enough, more than likely we'll approach you about hosting it!

Make sure to follow the below template in your post. And remember, have fun!

What's the name of your Arc?

What is your event's premise? Why are all these characters gathered in this one specific universe? Is it the result of a cosmic coincidence, or is there maybe something more sinister at play?

What mechanics does your event have? These help your event stand out in new, exciting ways! Mechanics would be something along the lines of a traitor mechanic where players kill each other off in a murder mystery, or the mission-based mechanic where everyone is put on teams. Try something new and fresh! Of course, if you want your roleplay to be a streamlined story with no mechanics, then that's fine too! Sometimes, a good story is better than a roleplay with a bunch of awkward gimmicks shoved in!

Other Info
What other info do you want to add to your event that doesn't apply to anything above?​
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Well... sure, why not? Here, something ultra simple.

Divine Rot

Somewhere in the Sengoku, words of the Divine Heir's blood travel wide. The Dragon's Heritage, said to grant others immortality, is something many seek for themselves-- be it for longevity, or to save their own land. Whatever the reason, those seeking it aren't afraid of shedding their own humanity for it.

Preferably focused on weaker characters, the Divine Rot event would focus on a more limited number of players who seek the Divine Heir and his power to grant Immortality for their own reasons, be they selfish or humble. Focused on small three-men groups, they would explore the land, plundering and gaining abilities in hope of reaching their ultimate objective-- learning more of the story of the land, and thus ultimately deciding what to make of the gift of Immortality once they learn of its story.

Other Info
An arc set in Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice. Mostly focused on players exploring different hidden locations and gaining new gifts through their journey. Preferably, an arc that's only taken further into the game's timeline. (Mostly because I too would die if I ran anything else.)​
ArcRift ???: The Spider's Web (Working Title)
Hosted by @thatguyinthestore and @Dave.


You all got the same exact message.

It didn't really matter how. Maybe it played through your phone. Or maybe it interrupted your favorite television show. Hell, it even played at movie theaters. And if you were in a world where technology didn't exist yet, it played through a sort of large bubble, high in the skies for all to see. At first, the image was filled with static, although the audio was clear as day.

You all heard it, no matter where you were. He made damn sure of that fact.

"Hello? This thing on? Don't worry, take a second to catch your breath. I've got all the time in the world.

If you're hearing this, it's my advice that you listen good. Your life might depend on it, y'know? Alright, where to start…"

The image soon cleared up, revealing the face of the man behind the message.


"My name is Tony Stark. On the off-chance you're from a universe that knows me, you've got me all wrong - or, him wrong, rather. You see, I've spent a long time thinking on that. On just how... stupid it all was. Fighting the good fight, putting my ass on the line for the 'mission'. I wasted so much time talking like you... thinking like you... being like you.

But now, that stops. Now, you're gonna see who Tony Stark really is.

So, I figure I'll give you a warning. A head-start, if you're feeling brave. Soon enough, I'll come for you. Your Earth, your universe, it doesn't matter. Put up all the fight you want, I'll stamp you out eventually. If you wanna stay in my good books, bend the knee when you get the chance. Because, trust me, you will bend the knee.

Or you'll die.

Take some time to think about it. Every last one of you."

And then, the video shut off, leaving you to think about what you'd just heard. And as if things were timed on some sort of cue, just when all hope seemed lost, a large, swirling, golden portal opened up beside you. And behind said portal was a masked figure. It almost resembled that of a… Spider?


"Hey," the feminine figure said through slight pants, sounding like she was out of breath. "You got that message too, right?" You nodded. "Yeah, so did a bunch of other universes. There's not a lot of time to explain, but-"

A loud rumbling noise could be heard from the other end of the portal. Whatever caused it couldn't be seen, but judging by the woman's reaction, it wasn't good.

"Shit!" She cursed as she quickly turned back to you and reached through the portal. She grabbed whatever she could - your arm, your collar, anything - and pulled you through. "Look, all you need to know is that the whole Multiverse will be screwed without your help. And before you ask, yes, that includes your universe too."

With that said and done, the portal closed behind you. And just like that, you'd been unknowingly tangled in the multiversal shitfest that was The Spider's Web.

This event will mainly focus on the main cast going through various Spider-Universes and liberating them from familiar faces in the webhead's gallery of rogues. Green Goblin, Sandman, Mysterio, etc, etc. There aren't any "mechanics", per say, but this RP will definitely focus a lot on sacrifice, responsibility, freedom... ya know, all the fundamental stuff that makes up a good Spider-Man story. You'll be permitted two characters for this arc, as always.

I don't wanna give much else away, but consider this arc set in stone, pretty much. It's almost entirely planned out, and has been in the works between myself and Dave for a few months now. Stay tuned!​
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Madness: Project a.r.c

after you follow a strange gambler through an otherwise inconspicuous doorway in your world, you suddenly find yourself in a pitch-black room with no gambler in sight. After some time, a suspended light bulb illuminates a small section of this limitless void, just enough to barely reveal a hooded figure seated on a chair. The entity speaks to you along with others in an impossibly low tone, albeit calmly. He is The Maker, and he has a mission for you.


In Madness: Project a.r.c, you are enlisted by the maker to stop The Madness within Nevada before it's too late. Though rather vague in his instructions on how it needs to be done, he promises to guide the group in their endeavors whichever way he can. He soon drops you off in the outskirts of Nevada, as you make your trek toward Nexus City.

Eventually, you all join the S.Q. as they deem you perfect soldiers to investigate the growing activity within the now-destroyed nexus tower. This will generate a series of smaller missions which will culminate into one big finale!

Missions, missions, missions:

The main premise of this rp is the focus on team-based missions and quests. The quests that need to be completed for the story to continue are simply known as main missions and occur at a much slower rate than regular side quests. They provide a larger reward upon completion, too. As for the side quests, they appear at a higher interval and do not progress the story. The rewards are smaller, but they generally provide an opportunity to meet other individuals and complete other tasks to change the outcome of the story.

The choices of the players can heavily affect the outcome of the story, so go nuts!

Dying is nothing to fret about!:

Once the group becomes allied to the S.Q. faction, dying permanently shouldn't be a problem during some missions. Everyone will be fitted with technology that, when they're out-and-about and they pass, they will immediately respawn back at hq as a clone with their old memories. Once they respawn, they cannot return to the heat of the battle and must wait until all of their allies return from the mission - whether it be a success or a failure.

In the meantime, previously-dead members are free to explore hq where they can restock on weapons, ammo, and other goods and services. They can also participate in smaller side missions while they wait which will be posted and regularly updated on a bulletin board. Completing these side quests rewards players with a variety of treasures.

However, there won't always be a time when you will have the chance to be revived. There are some missions that, for one reason or another, will lack this protection. These missions usually gain higher rewards, but if you die... well, that brings us to our next point.

The other place of unrelenting torment:

If you happen to die while on these types of missions, you may awaken in a hellish landscape known as "the other place." Here, covered in splotches that hint at your cause of death, you are tortured endlessly as you're forced to relive past memories that have been corrupted beyond recognition. Strange outside forces torment you in this horrible dimension. You cannot be rescued from this realm unless someone from Nevada is able to yank you back to the world as you know it.

Until then, players here are free to explore the realm whenever they are not currently being smashed by boulders for a chance to encounter unique entities and even more unique quests!

The Nevadean community frowns at your shenanigans:

With so many factions and entities residing within Nevada, it ultimately depends up to you how you look upon them and - consequently - how they look upon you! Whether through main missions or side quests, you can choose to further ally yourself with other groups or even mark them as enemies. But beware: depending on who you side with and who you don't, you may attract the attention of other factions - for better or for worse.

In a worst-case scenario, you could even piss the S.Q. so much they want nothing to do with you. The possibilities are endless!

Other Info:
  • This arc takes place sometime after the events of Project Nexus and is a mish-mash of both the story and arena campaigns.
  • What is mentioned here may be changed in the future, but this is generally what I've been plotting for a while now.
Well, it's just a suggestion...

Arc/Rift Regalia or Fate/Rift Extella


This is where you come in. For reasons unknown, you are pulled out of your world and materialized in this digitized plane of existence. Neon cubes seem to form the environment around you, as well. Wandering the serene pseudo digital landscape, you are soon surrounded by what looks to be mechanical effigies, wielding swords, maces, axes and bows--surrounded at all sides by a massive army.

Distinctly, they have two different colorations; gold and silver. Leading them were two beautiful women with a fierce hunger for domination. Depending on where you awaken, you will be approached by one of these two.

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    Speaking high above her army of golden effigies stands a lone blonde, clad in a long and wide red dress. Shoulders large and broad enough to be that of a military leader--a general, almost. Blonde hair tied in a bun, bound by a single red ribbon. Betwix her hands is a curved red sword, stabbed upon the platform she stands upon. She speaks like loudly with conviction--like someone of high standing, decreeing to the public.

    The woman introduces herself as Nero Claudius, and forcibly inducts you to her cause after a swift and graceful battle against you. What cause is that? To conquer the rest of the SE.RA.PH and the Moon itself under the banner--or rather, the shining silver ring-like Regalia of her 'Praetor'.

    She decrees that the other Regalia must be found--and the peaceful lands of the SE.RA.PH must be razed in search for it, burning down everything that dares stand in her way.

    The Regalia a ring that holds the power to control the very moon they stand on. There's more than meets the eye; and you can feel it.

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    Ensnaring you with encirclement tactics, the pink haired fox maiden in blue appears before you in a curious manner. Observing, staring--almost aware that something has gone awry. She questions where you come from, and what are you doing in her Kingdom--although it didn't truly matter to her, stating an ultimatum;

    Die by her hand, or flee.

    It's obvious that she doesn't seem to be interested in any conquest but rather, a peaceful life in her Millenium Capital with her 'Husband'. Though she's willing to bare her claws to those that would disturb that peaceful life of hers.

    Just as she was about to order her army to wipe you out, the silver ring on her finger glistened, and out of it, in a cluster of blue cubes emerged a young man in white, brown hair with blue markings around his collar and chest. He did not speak, yet you can feel his kind words as he offers shelter for you in his Servant's Capital, seeing how lost you all might feel.

    The fox lady protests, though ultimately allows you to live in exchange of serving in her army.

    The Regalia a ring that holds the power to control the very moon they stand on. There's more than meets the eye; and you can feel it.

Red Vs. Blue. Gold Vs. Silver. The war for Regalia to unite the Moon Cell lies on your hands!

-We're going for a Team mechanic ala Red Vs. Blue. Two Teams competing to thwart the other's plans for complete, digital lunar domination. You are allowed to pick your teams.
-We're also gonna introduce a penalty for the team who loses the mission; primarily a character sacrifice chosen by the team through a private vote.
-However, just because you're dead, doesn't mean you're out. There's a third team seeking the Regalia--and you'll be joining it if you get sacrificed.

Other Info
-Blood Gulch Blues but more anime.
-Based on the events of the game Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star, and would obviously include plot elements from it
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Messy Encore

You find yourself in a blank, white room. Suddenly, Rosalina shows up on the screen, tasking you to "kill the enemy" -- that is, either the Reds or Blues depending on the team you're on.

Whatever it meant.

All that, while you have to survive a murder mystery in the middle of...wait, why are New Donk City and the Multiverse Paradise in the middle of space?

Messy Encore will be -- you guessed it -- an unsightly amalgamation of the previous TCS/MP arcs with each other. A chapter will have you battling back-to-back against your favorite villains, another has you surviving a murder mystery, and much, much, MUCH more.

Other Info
This arc will be primarily for TCS and MP veterans, although newcomers are welcome.​
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ArcRift ???: Hoppin' Through the Falls (Working Title)
Hosted by @thatguyinthestore

An Arc based on both "Gravity Falls" and "Amphibia".

You've heard of Gravity Falls, right?

You know, the quaint little Oregon town, nestled deeply in the Pacific Northwest. It's home of the world famous Mystery Shack and all its oddities! Not to mention the countless tales of terror, bewilderment, and downright weirdness that seem to surround it. You may be expecting our story to begin at the Mystery Shack. Perhaps it has something to do with that portal lurking beneath, hm? Well, my dear friend, you would be wrong in that particular assumption. Because our story doesn't even begin at the Mystery Shack!


"Weeheeheeheeheeheeee! It worked! I can't believe it actually worked!"

Li'l Gideon, the owner of the Tent of Telepathy, laughed from his high chair as the group sat in front of him. People from across the Multiverse who he'd pulled in to do his bidding - all thanks to that journal he'd found. Surely, they'd do as he said, and the Shack would finally be his!

After all, it's not like they had any other way home.

But little did Li'l Gideon know, this little mishap he'd caused has set in motion one of the deadliest incidents to ever grace the Multiverse. One that reached much, much farther than the quaint little town of Gravity Falls...

So, there may or may not be a Traitor mechanic for this Arc. I'm really not sure yet, because while I have a solid Afterlife planned, it really just depends on if I can fit them in organically. I probably could, but I'm not totally sure yet. For those of you who aren't aware, Traitors are basically just... well, exactly as they sound. Two or three players will be randomly assigned the role of a "Traitor", with the goal of taking out characters throughout the RP without being caught.

Again, it totally just depends on whether or not I can fit these in without them being forced. Don't by any means consider this mechanic "set in stone". If I do end up doing it, then I'll make a group dm on either Iwaku or Discord (whichever is more convenient at the time) where you can discuss tactics with each other and such.

Other Info
So, obviously I kept the premise vague, which was intentional. The plot of this Arc will be far bigger than you probably expect, and despite the premise mostly focusing on the Gravity Falls side of things, I can promise that it will be equal parts Gravity Falls as well as Amphibia. I have the plot pretty much laid out in my head, and it's gonna take a lot of turns that you probably don't expect, I feel. Even for people who just don't like either show, there will probably be something to enjoy about it.

Don't expect this for a while though, of course. While this is most certainly 100% happening at some point (I myself am extremely excited for the plot to unfold), we have the next few arcs pretty much set in stone. Like... Spiderverse will happen before this, if that's any indication. Which, ultimately, is for the best, because Amphibia hasn't concluded yet and depending on how some things in the show develop, I'll have to change some things around in regards to this Arc's plot.

But as always, stay tuned~!​
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ArcRift ???: Last Stardust
Hosted by @Dave, @BipboopRiri and @TheElenaFisher

Fuyuki City.


To the outside observer, this city is nothing spectacular. A hotspot for tourism, perhaps, with its scenic skyline and famous landmarks attracting many a keen eye. Fuyuki's greatest claim to fame arrived in the form of the Great Fire of Fuyuki, a monumental blaze that claimed hundreds of live and burned for almost an entire day, just a decade prior to the present day. With the destruction now built over, most dismiss the fire as a freakish accident and allow it to disappear into memory.

Others, however, know better. The fire was no accident.

It was the final scar left upon Fuyuki by the fourth of the Holy Grail Wars.

The Holy Grail Wars are, for the most part, shrouded in secrecy for all those who are not born into the practice of magecraft. These wars are fought between only the most adept of magi, seven in total, in a battle royale with Fuyuki City as its grand staging ground. These magi summon Heroic Spirits to aid them in the battle as Servants, declaring themselves the Masters of these spirits in an effort to claim the fruits of their labour: the Holy Grail.

This is where our story begins. One decade after the Fourth Holy Grail War, the battle lines are being drawn for what very well may be the bloodiest battle yet. The winner of the Holy Grail War is promised the power of the sacred artifact itself, a wish-making device capable of granting its holder any desire they could possibly dream of. Step into a Fuyuki City in the throes of the Fifth Grail War, disrupted by intrusions from across the Multiverse with its battle lines hastily redrawn. In the end, only one Master may stand victorious... but all may not be as it seems.

The Fifth Holy Grail War's outcome may yet be far more sinister than any Grail War fought before.



Follow the Masters of the Fifth Holy Grail War in an all-new story designed to accommodate players writing two characters, with roleplay alternating between two groups of player characters following two different perspectives of the Grail War as it happens between chapters. Fuyuki City will act as a hub world of sorts, with players being permitted to wander its streets when duty does not call... but, as always, remain vigilant. The Grail War waits for no one, after all.


Players will use landmarks in Fuyuki City related to the Arc's main characters as 'bases' of sorts, examples including (but potentially not limited to) the Emiya Residence, household of Shirou Emiya and occasionally Sakura Matou, and Fuyuki Church, the church run by the Fifth Holy Grail War's Overseer, responsible for allocating Command Seals to Masters and maintaining order within the Grail War.

The Emiya Residence

Fuyuki Church

This Arc will focus on its characters, NPC and player alike, with the players influencing the outcome of the Grail War in ways unlike any canonical depiction seen before. Action and combat will be commonplace, and players are advised to keep this in mind when making their selections - players will not be able to summon their own Servants. The story will be linear, for the most part, with players encouraged to bounce off of the events transpiring around them and intermissions documenting happenings beyond the players' reach between chapters.

This Arc is not a continuation of any of Fate/stay night's other routes. It is an entirely new 'route', so to speak, beginning just after the start of the Fifth Holy Grail War and carrying on through to its end.​

Promises, Promises

You find yourself stuck in a forest of some kind, dazed and confused. Not sure where you are, you decide to go look for help and find yourself falling into a metallic "gold mine". Where are you? What secrets does this place hide? Why did whomever rip you away from your regular life?

Based Off Horizon Dawn Zero, Frozen Wild and Forbidden West

Join a tribe! Live out your life! Hunt robots! Find mechanical artifacts, and search for secrets. You want to be a tribal indiana jones? Live it? You want to steal stuff? Come. Want to serve a mechanical AI? Go for it.

Other Info
What other info do you want to add to your event that doesn't apply to anything above?


Terminator: Resolution

Based on the Comic Terminator Salvation: Final Battle.

Based on soldier type characters, cyborg like characters or street level characters, humans or robots alike.

Other Info


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You are a high-grade villain, plucked from your universe against your will and placed within a High Grade security prison station in the middle of space. This prison is managed by an extension of the "Multiversal Guardian Association (MGA)", a so-called multiversal authority force, who found your evil meddlings and schemes risking to disrupt the fabric of time and space itself. Whether you were on the cusp of victory or on the brink of defeat, you are now imprisoned for crimes you have not yet committed or considered.

Stripped of your armor and weapons, perhaps even being forced to wear a "magic-suppressing" collar, you expected to live out the rest of your days behind bars onboard this god-forsaken hellhole of a place. However, a message would be beamed into your head; someone was aware of your presence. And it was going to let you out, so long as you accepted to its demands. In return, he promises your freedom and you will be permitted to return to your universe.

Next thing you know, the entire space station becomes compromised and you are all freed! With the space station about to self-destruct, you head to the rendezvous point and are teleported into a large auditorium. There you are greeted to the "Overlord"; where you begin your quest to destroy the "MGA" and gain your freedom.

This RP will rely on a semi-linear narrative path that has your characters group up in teams of 3 - 4 individuals. You will be presented with multiple unique missions per chapter that each have their own unique attributes from their respected fandom universe. Accomplishing each mission will earn you unique rewards that both help you - ie: new weapons, powers, vehicles, minions, etc - as well as the entire "Overlord" team as a whole - ie: resources, minions, NPC allies, etc.

Action and combat is primarily focused, while encouraging teamwork to complete each mission.

Other Info:
- This was originally an idea to be an entire MV RP all on its own.
- The MGA is heavily based on the "Time Variance Authority" from MARVEL comics, and more prevalently from the show "Loki".
- I do not feel confident GMing this RP, at least by myself. This is more of an idea someone can pick up and either go ahead with what's written or change and alter things for their own vision. What's presented here is my baseline idea (subject to change).
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