Archon Story

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I once wrote the first couple chapters of a modern fantasy called Archon Story. The basic concept was that beyond the material plane there was a collection of pocket dimensions, each of which held the spirit of an immortal being called an Archon. The Archons manifested on the material plane as humans, but when they reached the age of twelve they regained memories of their past lives and their status as an Archon, and when they died on the material plane, they'd eventually regenerate into a new body and do it over again. Archons all had a unique ability called their shard--a piece of their home dimension that grants them a specific ability. Shards could be passed between Archons either willingly or through force, so one could have multiple shards. The plot was basically that an unkown Archon was attacking others and stealing shards, and the characters had to find and stop them. So basically what I'm asking is would anyone be interested if I adapted this idea to be an RP? The PCs would be part of special group that answers directly to the Council of Archons and are given more or less total immunity to the law in order to fulfill a mission (think the Spectres from Mass Effect). The mission, of course, would be to find the Archon stealing shards.

Here's the prologue I wrote for the original story that will probably end up slightly editted as the intro to the OOC if I do make this an RP:
Vladimir looked furtively over his shoulder as he walked down the empty city sidewalk in the dead of night. He was ever paranoid of being followed, especially now, when he was openly defying the Council's decision. However, he couldn't just let the matter rest where they had left it. Something had to be done. He was meeting an informant, an Archon with farsight who had been keeping track of someone for him. Vlad turned the corner into an alley with one last glance behind him, walking into a dimly lit courtyard where he expected to find his informant, a stocky man named William. However, the sihlouette he saw framed against the street lamp was not his friend's distinctive build. Instead, it was petite and short. Vlad was instantly on guard, gathering his will to be ready to defend himself with his dimensional shard, the ability to create storms. "Who are you?" He called out.

Without answering, the figure dashed forward at abnormal speed toward him, becoming visible enough for Vlad to see that it was a woman, or perhaps only a girl. He threw himself to the side as she reached him, dodging a left hook that would have taken him in the jaw. He tried to get a good look at her as he prepared his counterattack, but she was surrounded by an odd sort of black mist that obscured her features. Regardless, Vladimir held out his hand and formed a torrent of wind and rain that swept over the area. Instead of being blown off her feet, however, his assailant vanished, only to reäppear right in front of him. Vlad went staggering as she punched him in the gut, and felt her grab his hand. Realizing what she was trying to do, he attempted to pull away, but she held fast. He felt his conciousness invaded, a second mind attacking it and attempting to tear away his connection to the plane of Galehouse, and his ability to create storms. He tried to fight it, but felt a second, unfamiliar sensation accompanying it. Random fragments of memory were being pulled from his mind too, and the process interrupted his ability to focus. Before he knew it, he felt the spiritual pathway that brought him power from another dimension fading, along with his consciousness. Vladimir blacked out.

I don't want to just directly transplant the setting of the original story, so feel free to suggest ideas or changes; none of what I described is completely set in stone.
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