Apocalyptic Play Land

XD Almost done with the IC, just need to write up for 2 more people.
Well due to school life, I may
be gone for a long long
time... like a couple months.
So due to that if I say
otherwise I will temporarily
shut down all of my roleplays
for a couple months. If I have
a character in your RP just
NPC him. I'm sorry guys :(
:) Thankyou for letting us know, I'll take care of him, when you return and if. IF. This RP is still rolling, and living when you get back, your character will be in a random spot. >.>; I've been dealing with school as well.

So that goes for all of you, if you think I need to get my butt in gear- kick it, send me a message with a friendly reminder. ^_^ I am still working on IC posts, as well as other things.

Another thing Liro and Lethiathan, you're clear to interact with eachother once everyone has posted, without having to wait for one of my posts (perk of playing nearby or going to nearby characters, you only need to wait for me when you move to a different area, or you've finished the challenges I've given ya.... >.> Or you look like you're gonna be stuck and die...)
=_= I'm sorry this is taking so long, I've been sick for the past 3-4 days plus I need to negotiate with 2 people who want in... .....Where'd...your CS go Shiyoumi??? o.o
Well nothings changed ol' buckaroo, you're perfectly fine.
wow I just realized I had to make another post. It'll be up in a bit