Anyone play League of Legends?



Original poster
I'm looking for some peeps to play league with tomarrow evening. i need like 4 other people. maybe 5 for hexakill?
Anyways i mostly go jungle or top. So if you're interested just reply here. thank you.

Btw, my username is. xXCrazyJXx
I play league.

Brovo also plays league (yeah I just threw you under the bus, Brovo)
I play League of Legends on the North America server.
Well add me guys. cause I'm going to get back on after tomarrow.
I play league.
Brovo also plays league (yeah I just threw you under the bus, Brovo)
Actually I stopped playing League a while ago. I got to platinum and just went "nope, done." I have a life to lead and other games to play. Haven't picked it up in over a month.
A ton of people on this site play league ^^; i'm one of them and @Krnon <3 yeah budddy
I did add you, I'm just not on at the moment.
I do, I do. I'd love to try out Hexakill, but I don't really have any friends that play League anymore, QQ. My IGN is Garnet. I can probably sign on later tonight if anyone wants to play.

Actually I stopped playing League a while ago. I got to platinum and just went "nope, done." I have a life to lead and other games to play. Haven't picked it up in over a month.

Haha, I kind of did the same last season. I got my pretty plat border and went 'screw this man.' I recently started playing on-and-off again, just ARAMs mostly.
Yeah i just get on every other day. so tomarrow is my day to play league.
I play. My IGN is the same as this so add me if you'd ike. Just let me know you from the site or I won't accept. I'll be on tonight most likely.
I've sent requests to both of you, hope to see you guys on sometime.
I play. :D my name is Ruskanna and I'm a lowly silver support main.
I added you today slater. sadly i just got off for today. and saren add me for next time. my username is xXCrazyJXx.
I main as support, mostly just Braum, Mogana, Thresh, or Soraka. Secondary I prefer mid lane as Mordekaiser, Galio, Veigar, or Zilean. Top lane I have fun as Ryze, Mordekaiser, Caitlyn, or possibly Nasus. I can attack damage carry if people need me to, though I tend not to, as Vayne, Tristana, Caitlyn, or Twitch. As for jungle, I stay away from, but If people need me to, I can go there. I can jungle as Pantheon, Shen, Mundo, or Fiddlesticks.

I have played the game since the end of Season one. As such I am always willing to help new people, or just have fun with people for a while. I do have a rank team that meets up on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so those days are out for me to be doing a lot. I'm not one to overlap a schedule.
Support: Lulu, Janna, Sona, Braum, Thresh, Leona, Lux, Annie, Teemo, Soraka, Nidalee, Zilean, Blitzcrank, Kayle(AP), Karma
Mid Lane: Akali, Diana, Nidalee, Teemo, Lux, Annie, Zilean
Top Lane: Gangplank, Akali, Shyvanna, Irelia, Lulu, Volibear, Teemo, Kayle (AD), Quinn, Diana
Jungle: Shyvanna, Amumu, Warwick
ADC: Quinn, Ashe, Kog'maw, Draven

Preferred lane in that order, the champions are situational^^