Another Horizon IC

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If the venom in her voice was any indication, she still seemed bitter over the loss at the Club all those months ago. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly since he didn't really feel the same way, but winced at the unsubtle jab at the events of last night. "I thought I was as well, got the first party in, partially at the least, my honor," he agreed with a nod, "but then that mess last night sort of blew that to bits." While she settled into a fighting stance, Araki relaxed his own and continued to hang upside down in a somewhat ridiculous fashion.

Ah, of course his comment had gotten to her. He had apologized for the incident when it had happened, but it seemed that even months later she still hadn't found it in her to forgive his mistake. With a slight sigh and shrug, Araki grinned and decided to simply escalate the situation. It wasn't the best idea given his current reputation, a sexual harasser label would just makes things worse, but it would be a bit of entertainment before he faced judgement from the rest of his family. "I suppose everyone you fight is a molester then"—gesturing at the thin bodysuit she still wore—"because it doesn't take much to rip that."

Still wearing the same grin, despite having probably ticked Shizuka off, he spun in mid-air under the power of his telekinesis. A powerful jump let him land nearly a dozen meters away from the swordsman, and he leapt to his feet after rolling to bleed away a bit of momentum. With a flick of his hand, the black clothes that had been left behind drifted towards him and he waved at her. "Try not to think too badly of the molesters! I'm sure most of its unintentional!" With that he jumped back with a telekinetic push to increase his momentum, watching her to see if she would give chase.
Well, that sucked. Now the maid butler was without any clues. Did the guards get there before her? Maybe. But she also doubted that such criminal scum would get itself captured that easily, which meant...she had to dig deeper. But where was she supposed to even start? Her not-too-good conclusion was simple: If she couldn't find them, then she would make them find her. Considering she was already in a more run down part of the city that was easy, all she had to do was look like easy prey which meant hiding her Talentium Jewelry, maybe showing off some of her money and for those lustful men looking kinda skimp. And, as embarrassing as it was, it was exactly what the maid butler was about to do, giving her entire body for the sake of Alexa.
Shizuka was surprised by Araki's sudden flight. "Wha? Runnin away!? Hardly the actions of an innocent man!" At least she didn't just shout obscenities at him and call him a pervert before she gave chase. "Most normal people don't just tear someone else's clothes off!" This wasn't what she was really interested in, as she ran and leapt across the roofs to keep up with the cheating bastard's magic.

"what the hell are you doing running around on the rooftops anyway? What's your story this time? It just 'an accident' again?" She shouted her questions after Araki as she continued her pursuit. She'd chase him down to wherever he was going, if she had to.
Raela's hands began to shake, the paper note crumpling as she struggled to reign in her emotions. Her eyes began to water, though she stifled a true tear or crying, and grit her teeth in preparation for the inevitable wave of thoughts that would impact her. She crushed the note in her fist and put an arm to her eyes, as if trying to shield her shame from the woman present.

Her first thought, of course, was that there had to be some mistake. Denial of her ability to kill anyone was quickly shattered when she came to grips with her actual strength. What more strength she could have gained while berserk was beyond her.

"I… I did this…" she said to herself quietly, head bowed to the cold floor, "I wasn't myself! Surely they must realize what I am and why it happened! No… what about that other vampire there! It was him! It must have been him!" she shouted to the woman, expecting her to nod and assure her everything would work out.

"You're the only one that everyone's aware of. How desperate you must be, to mention the existence of another," the woman mused, her face expressionless. Raela was taken aback, partially hurt by the woman's callous response in her time of despair.

Ultimately though, she was right. There was no way she'd be able to convince anyone this second vampire existed, and still wasn't even sure herself that he had killed many more than the two girls she encountered.

"I'm doomed then," Raela simply said, bowing her head again.

"If you stay for the joke of a trial, yes." Raela's eyes immediately lit up, seemingly devoid of the tears that had piled up in her eyes. She understood immediately what the woman was insinuating. But why was she even there? And for what? To help her escape, specifically?

"You still haven't told me your name," Raela said.

With a slight bow and a flourish, the woman replied, with a smile part pity and part amusement, "Ellenil Esprit. You spoke of the second vampire. Describe him." Raela rubbed her eyes and smiled briefly, standing up in a flash. In the gloomy darkness, and with a name, she recalled, indeed, who she was speaking to. A bit embarrassing, but Raela shrugged it off.

"He was… hm… I can remember him being obscured by darkness. Not the night, but rather, a moving darkness around him. He was taller than me by a bit," Raela described, eyes turned upwards in thought, "He had… golden eyes, I think. He was definitely pale, even for a vampire." Her face contorted as she tried to dredge up further characteristics before sighing.

"That's all I can remember…" she said. Her face lit up. "Ah! His name was Eiros Kiluma. He was a vassal to my father."

The instant Raela mentioned his name, Ellenil's eyes lit up and she clenched her fist in the most uncharacteristically passionate way, even as she managed to restrain herself just enough to not vocalize her elation. "Good, good," the petite woman nodded, pacing about, "Was a vassal because he left your father's services, or was a vassal because your father is dead?"

"I'm not sure. I can't confirm whether my father is dead or not," Raela said, reminiscing for a moment, "We were separated years ago, and I've had no contact with him since." Raela noted Ellenil's more animated activity, figuring quickly that the meeting had more to do then with the vampire she met than escaping.

"Separated by Astopolian forces?" A kinder expression surfaced, before that gentleness faded from her yellow eyes. Raela nodded.

"All I can be is hopeful he got to safety himself, though… the way that Eiros spoke to me, it seemed likely he wasn't beholden to my father very much, otherwise… Well…" she looked sullen, almost defeated, "He wouldn't have treated me so poorly."

"And if it turns out that this was all with your father's...approval?"

The supposition was almost too difficult to imagine for Raela, but she responded anyways, "Then I suppose I've been in the dark for quite some time."

Ellenil stayed silent for a moment, before placing a hand into the folds of her red uniform once more. From there, she drew out a collar of black leather, with a rosy-red pearl in the center. "There are two options before you," she said, "Both of them will lead to your salvation, as far as this particular incident goes."

"Can you guess which two they are?"

"Escape and…" Raela paused, thinking, "...Death?"

"Aren't you a grim one?" Ellenil smiled, before dropping into a more serious tone. "I can help you escape, and you can go on with your life from there. You can change your identity, your face, and move far away and hope that no one remembers your voice after a few years. It'll probably be hard to do without getting noticed, but it's possible. And if your vampiric identity is discovered once more, you might not have the same luck as you currently do."

"And, then, the second option is to become a proper dog, to make up for the danger you present to humans through your value as an asset."

Raela eyed the collar in Ellenil's hand. It didn't sit well with her stomach, and so she figured it probably wasn't the best option available. "I didn't become a dog… to become a dog," Raela lightly chuckled. "I suppose my only option then is to move far away. How can I change my appearance? Would it even matter with how far I need to go?" she inquired.

"You'd be relatively unknown in Illiserev or the Archipelago," Ellenil said, placing the collar back into the pockets of her uniform. "But, tell me, why do you live with humans anyways? For what reason would you go out of your way to find a multitude of 'donors', instead of sticking with a single one?"

Raela shrugged and blushed lightly, "I suppose because I was just fond of getting to know people. No one seemed particularly spiteful of me being a vampire, and it was fun having a little bit more of an interesting connection to lots of people. It was like I was almost famous for nothing at all, even before I helped kill that rift-beast!" she explained.

"Famous…" Ellenil mused, before nodding. "I'll make the preparations then. See you tonight."

"Guess it's once bitten, twice shy." A single line, spoken to herself, before the raven haired Astopoliab turned.

With sharp steps, she left the room. For some time, Raela remembered her younger years, a time when she was alone and running from the Astopolians. She'd gotten through such an ordeal, even at that age, and now she was stronger for it. What came next, Raela thought, wouldn't be too different. She was ready, there and then.

An indiscernible amount of time later, two different guards came in and escorted Raela back to her cell.
Of course she would give chase… A quick glance below told him that some had already begun to look up at the commotion that the two of them had caused. 'Well so much for slipping home without being noticed.' Araki sighed as he heard Shizuka yell out from behind him, no doubt attracting more attention. As fun as it had been to tease the older girl, he really didn't want to make more of a scene than he already had, so he didn't bother to respond. Instead, with the lengths of cloth already caught up, with the next jump they wrapped around him smoothly. He was only a minute or so out from the Seclair grounds and even if it was suspicious, a "ninja" probably would have attracted less attention than Araki Seclair at the moment.

Surprisingly, even as he leapt past the wall that fenced off the family's land from the rest of Cykes, he hadn't managed to shake Shizuka off. Color Araki impressed given he had pushed himself, both physically and mentally, to cut a trail across the city rooftops. Unsurprisingly, he was not alone when he landed in the courtyard and, even expecting it, Araki flinched at the cold stare levelled at him by his brother. "Morni-"

"Ridiculous. Go to the main chamber. Mother and father have waited long enough." The harsh chill in Souya's voice brooked no response from Araki, and he shrunk back a bit at the tone that had been set by his elder brother. The fabric unwrapped itself lifelessly and dropped into his arms as he slinked past his armed sibling.

If Shizuka were to follow him onto the estate, she would be received with the same ice cold gaze, but perhaps a flash of recognition would be caught if she were particularly perceptive. It wouldn't matter since he would immediately address her. "You are Kisaragi's child.... I don't know what business you have with Araki, but it will have to wait for later."
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"The third person to ask if I knew where a girl was," Escellar clarified, craning his neck back until a crick could be heard. The runes on the glass wall shifted and turned after that small break, rotating on three-dimensionally whilst on a 2-dimensional plane. After a few more of these examinatory rotations, those runes blinked away, leaving the room in a darkness broken only by a single candle.

Escellar could understand Verek's worries, his fears, his desperations. He could even empathize with that, for what the ice-whip boy lost, he had as well. And, the singular advantage that Verek had amongst all others that had approached him in the morning was simple: Verek had worked for him as well. And so, against his better judgment, the green-haired man said, over his shoulder, "This is for your ears only. Do not repeat what you will hear from me."

"The best of Dansila will stay where they are, to avoid a situation in which Dansila is underarmed in the case of another one of these attacks. Because of this, no guards or soldiers will give chase immediately. And my runes are only useful if there is infrastructure built that allows for their usage."

"However, those of…other nations do not have such limitations placed upon themselves. Of note is that a certain influential individual hailing from another land has begun selecting people to act as vanguards."

Escellar waved around an arm, before another set of runes appeared on the glass windows.

"I'm bound here, and my runes bound to this city. Stop wasting your time and get going, Verek."
As the two girls chatted away quietly in the intestines of the airship, they failed to realize a certain point. Perhaps it was ignorance, or perhaps it was forgetfulness, but neither of the two made the connection that a magical orb may be more than a light or a surveillance device. Indeed, if one were to face off against vampiric foes, it would have been more astute if they were to assume that these vampires used magic that was associated to their race.

For example, spirit magic, the bindings that force the wandering dead into one's service.

The makeshift bag that Ashe had used was only effective for a moment, before that orb slowly emerged from the cloth. It did not turn, nor did it change shape. Instead, the incandescent ball turned an angry red, as a terrible wail emanated from it, resonating through the empty halls.
Snow continues to fall, harder and harder, as a voice sounds throughout the city. To some, they would recognize it as the voice of a captain of the guard. To most, it would sound like the voice of an all-too weary man, a common enough tone to hear in the past few hours.

"Sir Elthrad Raske, report to the guard station immediately."

A curt message, and then, silence.

The snow falls, and the city burns on.
"You are Kisaragi's child.... I don't know what business you have with Araki, but it will have to wait for later."

"We have a history," Shizuka answered. "He's sullied both my purity and my honor, and I intend to make him answer for it and take responsibility." She said it as a matter of fact. This was just how things were done in her family. Well, or she didn't know any better to keep such things quiet. "I can wait, if it's important that he not be disturbed in the meantime."

She did wonder just what this was all about, but it was likely related to the recent events. Shizuka wandered the courtyard in the light snow, for a while, before speaking up again. "I do wonder what his side of the story is. I've heard he's implicated in some sort of kidnapping and murder incident, but that's about it." Must have been fun, to go from hero to suspect in the space of a few days. Something unusual was certainly at work.
Ashe mirrored Alexa's enthusiasm with a thumbs up of her own. "I agree, but first, we really need some answers as to why they're... herding all these girls here."

Before she could continue that thought, it had dawned on Ashe that her sack was a bit... light for supposedly holding something within its boundaries. She looked below her grip, outside the bag, only to see the ball had emerged through the side. A certain panic gripped the girl as it turned red; Ashe didn't know much about a vampire's magic, something about bound souls, but that was more Dr. Riley's specialty than hers. A sound began to emanate from the small orb and on instinct, Ashe surrounded the thing in a large ball of compressed air. The noise dulled, as the molecules around this small instance of spirit magic refused to vibrate.

A sigh escaped the mouth of the rune-technician, just as a bead of sweat rolled from her brow. "We-we should run while I can still keep that thing restrained!" She waited only the briefest of moments for Alexa to process what was happening before taking off with her.

"Also, please remind me to avoid these things in the future!"
Alexa paled as the orb glowed red and started blaring an alarm. "Well...shit." She whispered as she tensed up, preparing to make a run for it. Thankfully, Ashe had thought to muffle the object for the time being before both of them took off down the halls of the airship, knowing that their cover was blown.

"Oh, I think you know to avoid them now!" She said as they ran, desperately keeping an eye out for anywhere they could hide or find a weapon. If she could just find something with talentium, they'd be so much better off right now. "Keep an eye out for a hiding spot! We're too exposed right now!" Alexa hissed, still scanning the hallways as they ran. They needed to find somewhere to lay low soon, or they'd run into one of their kidnappers sooner rather than later.

"How the hell does this boat not have any storage closets?!"


Fion touched down lightly atop a rooftop on the outskirts of Cykes, frowning. He'd spotted a number of unsavory individuals fleeing from the slums in the last few hours, which piqued his curiosity. Looking down into the alleyway, he chanced upon...what was her name? Aresia? Shrugging, he leapt off the rooftop he was standing on and landed directly in front of her.

"So...what's a city-saving hero doing in this part of town?" He asked casually, already suspecting the answer.
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Souya cocked his head slightly at the choice of words Kisaragi used even if his lips curled up into a slight smirk. "I did not know he had it in him," he murmured, though it was unclear exactly what meaning he chose to take from her words. With a twirl of his spear, the snow around Souya's feet was blown aside before he planted the weapon's butt into the frozen soil and resumed his watch of the family grounds.

The house was eerily silent as Araki slipped his sandals off and made his way through the empty hallways. Normally he would have expected somebody to be in the kitchen to prepare lunch, but it seemed that he was the only presence in the building. 'Well this hardly bodes well...' With that comforting thought, he approached the well-lit room and slid open the door slowly. He hadn't quite expected his parents to be at ease though as they spoke freely, if quietly, amongst themselves. As a result he paused halfway, stared until they noticed his presence, and obeyed when his "mother" waved for him to come in.

As he took a seat in front of the "stage" his "father" scratched at the back of his head before sighing heavily. "I'm afraid that it is pointless to listen to your side of the story Araki. Though I wish to believe that you did not act blindly, from what we've heard Astopolians are being brought in for their expertise. As one of the suspects it is likely that they will focus a great deal of attention on you at first." Araki flinched slightly at that, understanding exactly what would happen if that were the case. In all likelihood his heritage would be exposed, which would only further fan the flames, and he would be put to death afterwards.

"So you understand what that means. Perhaps if you were human the situation would be salvageable, but as it stands your race alone will condemn you." Araki couldn't help but bow his head at that, a bit ashamed that his heritage made the situation that much more difficult. "Your only choice is to flee the city. Our family is not powerful enough to shield you from the Astopolians' hunt." So this was the way things went… Araki couldn't say he was surprised or bitter, but it still hurt to get kicked out just like that. He tried not to let his feeling show, but it was harder than he imagined as his eyes watered. Unwilling to show them such a scene, he left the room as proper as he could in such a situation and only when the door had been slid shut did Araki break and run.

"Then you know just as much as we do," Souya remarked before he glanced to the side and watched as Araki, wrapped in black cloth, cleared the wall in one leap from the house. An exasperated sigh broke his aloof persona for a moment before his attention focused on Kisaragi. "It seems you are free to pursue him again, but"—he revealed a set of familiar bucklers and a pouch of coins, and tossed them in her direction—"kindly pass these onto him."
Well, this lead her nowhere. Was it really too much to ask for some sort of lead? Alexa was her employer, and as much as Aresia hated to admit, she was also a dear friend, and losing her in a same fashion like the majority of her family was just... unacceptable. For a second she considered burning the entire place down, not really, but still, maybe that would bring her somewhere?

Better later than never though, someone finally approached her! Alas, that one was nearly more of a disappointment than those brats. "I am trying to find information about my employer's whereabouts." Right now, she didn't look like a butler, or a maid for that matter, at all, and doing something heroic like "rescuing all the people" was definitely out of question, so whatever he was considering, speaking of her employer hopefully crushed his dreams. "And what about you? Don't you have a lot of paperwork to do or something?" Aresia knew who he was, but ultimately did not care about his position, after all, she wasn't even a citizen of Dansila.

There was a gift in Escellar's words. But he knew he had to start searching now. The captain could be anywhere in the city, but if she had been recruiting others maybe she had been contacting the rest of the 'heroes'. He wasn't going to wait to see if she got in contact with him though, he needed to find someone else and double his chances at least. As he was running out the door he turned back to look at Escellar, "Don't let anyone else get taken." he said in a determined voice. He was sure the man knew that himself but perhaps his words would have some effect.

He ran through the streets looking for anyone he recognised. By some miracle he spotted Elthrad, the knight from Asotopol, having just received a message from one of the town guard. Slowing down and trying to even out his breathing he approached the man. "Hey there friend. Who was that from?" Again he tried to hide his worry behind a casual mask.
Having turned her back to the two men, Charlotte failed to notice the guardsman approaching Elthrad. Instead, she continued 'home' at a brisk pace, both worried and uncomfortable about the recent turn of events and the current climate in the city. Reaching the inn about ten minutes later, she found little of interest, and the innkeeper was borderline unhelpful. Charlotte supposed that it could have been worse and the man was well within his rights to run her out of the building in light of the recent developments, but he seemed to at least understand to some degree, despite his gruff appearance. Taking the opportunity to change into some non-sullied clothes, she stood outside the inn, wondering if Araki would appear within the next half hour.

And appear he did, as a figure hopping over the rooftops. It seemed that was a particular hobby for the sprightly guy. It would seem, however, that he was being pursued, but not in a particularly urgent manner. Seeing no large harm, she flagged him down with a wave.
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Apparently Raiga would stand in the snow. Elthrad was staggered by his friend's decision not to accompany him, but he trusted in his optimism to guide him out of whatever rut he had fallen into. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to worry while lives were still at stake. Squaring his shoulders, he left his friend in the street and moved onwards along a different street than the one Charlotte had taken. No more than a few minutes had passed before he was hailed by the guard captain from before, who sounded understandably worn out, and issued him an order to return to the guard station. He wasn't used to receiving orders, but he was on foreign soil and the man was an officer of the law, so he replied tersely.

"Understood," before he could turn back in the direction of the guardhouse he heard a winded but familiar voice. "Verek? I've been ordered to return to the guardhouse, possibly for questioning… I'm hoping to have a few questions of my own answered when I arrive," noting that Verek had been running, his expression turned to one of concern. "Are you alright? Has something happened?"
Indeed, despite the fact that the two could clearly hear gears turning and engines hissing and valves turning behind the walls of the corridor, there was never a door or a window or a vent that indicated that there was any sort of room they could retreat to or hide in. It would appear that the 'holding pen' that they were in was an exception in the winding hallways of the airships underbelly. And, as they ran farther and farther, Ashe's magical grasp was finally broken, and behind them, they could finally hear the tortured wailing of the soul-orb. It was echoing, reverberating, and soon, it was joined by the wailing of so many more ghostly existences. From behind the walls rose the ghostly crew of the airship, a motley collection of translucent hands stretching out to grasp at them.

Despite their supernatural strength, however, those hands were slow, and the duo managed to break past them, dodging the innumerable attempts made at ensnaring them.

Neither of them realize it quickly enough, that they had been running straight the entire time, that, during the entirety of their escape, they had not encountered a single fork in the road. The two were not in a maze. They were on a railroad, with no way other than forwards or backwards.

And the very first decision they made, which direction to go after leaving the holding pen, was the incorrect one.

As they made another turn, they were greeted by the appearance of an individual, with hair of night and eyes of gold. At the sight of two humans in their underclothes running towards him, a smile full of mockery surfaced, fangs peeking out.

"Out for a morning jog, ladies?"
Ashe didn't need to feel the the reverberations of her magic breaking, she could hear the trapped contraption echo through the hall. The singular hall; there had been no turns, and the only seeming room in this goddess forsaken place was that of their pen. A pen both, Ashe was sure, were loathe to return.

Following the screech of the ghostly orb was the haunting echo of many more departed; the crew of this Dutchman's ship, Ashe surmised. They grabbed at them both -- translucent hands grabbing at fleshy arms -- yet through some blessing, less likely through talent of their own, the pair managed to avoid detention within their reach and were proceeded further along the deserted bowels.

Or, not so deserted as they soon found.

Of course it was, at least, one of their captors; the yellow eyes gave away it all. He mocked them; a delighted scorn twisting the features of his face; a jibe at their seeming unluck. Ashe proceeded to block Alexa, lest she become an easy target for the man.

"Of course;" Ashe said, tone coy, "being chained to a wall for an undecipherable number of hours and having the blood drained out of ya sure does a number on the muscles." A mocking smile appeared on the witch's own face. "Tell me; how long has it been since your last meal? I wouldn't want you cramping up before our true workout begins."
Shizuka watched Araki leave, and sighed. "Does he always do that, instead of use the streets like a normal person," she asked Souya. She deftly caught the tossed bucklers and money. "...Seems like he's leaving in a hurry." She carefully gathered her things and climbed back on the roof. "I'll see what I can do."

Shizuka again left in pursuit of the mysterious roof-hopping figure, shouting after him again. "Hey! You must be in a hurry, you forgot some things!" She'd get her answers, though. At this point, he'd owe her.
He fled without thought for a moment, the surroundings passing in a watery blur as Araki ran as fast as possible. The situation sucked, it wasn't fair that non-humans got the reputation they did, why did he have to leave just be- His downward spiral into angst was arrested by the shout that came from behind him, and he glanced back in realization that Shizuka hadn't given up pursuit. Snapped out by the sight of what she carried, he faltered and misstepped.

He managed to just catch Charlotte out of the corner of his vision as he stumbled. Then his attention was focused on trying not to faceplant horribly. A slight nudge with his telekinesis pushed him over the rooftop rather than eating tile, and with the extra distance Araki managed to fix his posture. As a result when he hit the ground, it was to smoothly roll back to his feet in the next instance. The brief moment of excitement caused him to scratch at the back of his head and laugh in embarrassment as his sadness was momentarily forgotten. "H-hi," he stammered out as the black fabric easily slid off and folded themselves once more in the air beside him.

Then he looked back at the reason for his mishap and frowned a bit; didn't look like there was an easy way out for him this time around.
As Charlotte watched her ninja-like acquaintance take a tumble from the rooftops, her hand, raised in a wave, faltered as he came down, before awkwardly moving to the back of her head in a head scratch. To some mild amusement, this mirrored Araki, which merited a "huh" and a wry smile from the girl. Normally, this would have produced a quip from her of some sort, but it didn't cross her mind today.

Studying him up and down for a moment, her lopsided smile turned into a frown as her assessment of his condition came in. He certainly looked even more grave than when he'd been released from jail, and they both were acting fairly sullen, even then.

"Bad news?" she could guess as to what might have happened. She'd be in a downright mess with her own family herself if they were still around to give her a good chiding.

But aside from tearing up, he seemed a bit skittish, almost as if he was being followed. Being the curious sort, Charlotte looked over his shoulder, half expecting to see a guard battalion or something worse to ruin her day.

"You look horrible. I can give you something warm to drink inside," she offered, attempting to deflect whatever bundle of ill will might be heading after Araki, and by extension at this point, herself.
There wasn't much ill will directed at either of them by the time Shizuka landed next to Araki and Charlotte. "You were in quite the hurry, if you forgot these," she said to the young man, tossing his bucklers and allowance his way without further warning. "A warrior should never abandon his weapons." If you could really even count them as weapons.

It was about at this point that she even noticed Charlotte. "Oh, hello." She bowed politely and introduced herself. "I'm Kisaragi Shizuka. You aren't involved in this business, are you? I get the impression it's something shady, at this point." Although she was rather rigid in demeanor, she did give off the impression of being concerned. "Just what has been going on that would have a recent local hero running off in such a hurry?"

At this point, it was even more concerning, but she hoped she'd get some answers this time. "I hope you don't mind if I impose myself upon your company for a while longer." And she was going to stick around until she did.
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