An original 'Get Monster, Train Monster, Fight Mon

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Whatever, Bullfrag is awesome.
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Fantasy, Superheroics, Slice-of-Life, Anime, a fair deal of fandom...
You know those old series like your Digimon and your Pokemon and your Neopets and your Miscrits and your Kaijudo and your Miscrits and your Monster Rancher and your Marapets and your Sheen Megoomy Tensay and whatnot.

I've been making Pokeyman RPs for a while and I thought - why not make something a little more original but inspired by other 'get monster raise monster punch monster' series.

I also got a little bit of inspiration from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Series novel collection saga legend the complete encyclopedia electric boogaloo but the inspiration is kind of loose right now. The Mooks I make will mostly imply this, with most of them having at least Humanoid final stages if they aren't already humanoid, but what you make is up to you.

So yeah, this is basically it.

For the setting, to allow a little freedom, I'm thinking of a Medieval setting as opposed to something too modern.

The monsters in this series will be known as 'Mooks', that is, until I get a better name. I considered 'Crits' or 'Gends'(short for 'Legends' and 'Legs' was too cheesy). They'll be based on and named after mythical beings, and have at least human-level intellect and speech(for the most part, at least. If it has three stages of growth, stage one can be as dumb as your neighbour's cat).

That last part kind of seperates it from a regular "Super duper familiar battle" RP.

So, the people who tame them will be Mook Tamers. Until I get a better name.

Mooks can be any shape you desire. You want it to be humanoid all the way? Yeah, go ahead. You want the lil runt to remain animal-shaped? Go ahead. You want it to look like literally my mom's sword? Sure, I won't stop you.

Yes, there's a very simple element system that I will display - Wind sweeps Earth, Earth crashes Water, Water douses Fire and Fire burns Wind.
Light and Dark blast each other into oblivion.

Before I flesh a plot out, I want you guys to answer the questions below.

1. Should I make the player characters from the 'real world' before they find themselves in this Fantasy world, or should I make them originally from this Fantasy World?

2. Should I implement this thing where Starter Mook and Mook Tamer are played by seperate people, or should I make this optional?
Either way, this action will be possible. So if you're OK with either, go with 'optional'.

3. Should I implement a system akin to Pokeballs or Digivice where the Mooks are encased in a portable thing, or should they be allowed to walk out freely?

4. How many Mooks should a single character be allowed to have at a time?

5. Should Mooks be numbered the same way Pokemon are numbered in the Pokedex?

6. Mooks have the ability to 'grow', which is an equivalent of 'evolution'. Should Mooks retain their 'evolved' states, or should they revert back to their original first stages?

7. Copy this entire thread and PM it to a bluestar pal if you want. Are they interested?

The Mook elemental wheel is as follows: Earth crashes water, Water douses fire, Fire burns wind and Wind wrecks earth.
Light and Darkness conteract each other.
Nonelemental is highly neutral.

Any other elements you have in mind will be classified under these 6 elements. E.g. Lightning goes under wind, nature goes under earth...

The main Mook types are - Beast, Avian, Fae, Geist, Yokai, Creep. A Mook can be one or two of these types. They will be elaborated on once the RP's OoC gets initiated. They are elaborated on below, along with new types not mentioned here.

The Main body types are - Humanoid, Animalistic, Misc.
Humanoid refers to Mooks who act and look human, or at least has a main body type akin to humans.
Animalistic refers to Mooks with fully animalistic traits. Generally moves around like an animal.
Misc refers to other body types. These are generally used for Mooks that take the shape of inanimate objects, such as mimics, Tsukumogami or sentient swords, or mooks with shapes that do not fit the above.

A Mook can have one or two types. These come into play only during the activation of certain abilities, and to some extent, story.

Land-based beasts, and a few sea-based ones as well. Applies to Mooks such as beastfolk, lizardfolk, and so on.

Self-explanatory. Applies to bird-based mooks.

Applies to Mooks based on Demons, such as vampires, hellhounds and such. Cannot have 'Fae' or 'Yokai' as other type.

Applies to Mooks based on Fae, such as Dullahan, Elves, Goblin or Shellycoat. Will include elementals and Fae-like beings. Cannot have 'Demon' or 'Yokai' as other type.

Applies to mooks based on Yokai. Cannot have 'Demon' or 'Fae' as other type.

Applies to Mooks with links to inanimate objects such as Tsukumogami, Mimics or Sword Spirits. However, ghost-themed mooks that cannot be classified in any other part of this are applicable.

Mostly refers to insectoid or arthropod-based Mooks, and a select few other mooks than can be considered 'Creepy Crawlies', such as the Snail Bride or Arachne.

They're goddamn dragons. It's reccommended that these would be used for Stage-3 Mooks or... certain special Mooks that are equated to Legendary Pokemon only, as this Mook type is supposed to be rare.
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Well this seems interesting to me. I've always been a fan of taking an established system and making it new. They always interested me, but I never did much follow pokemon or digimon or really any of the monster collectors. To answer your questions though;

1. I would say characters should be from the fantasy world. Live with and among the Mooks.
2. I would say optional to this one. I would be fine with either choice. I really wouldn't mind starting off as someone's Mook, or being a Tamer and learning more about my Mook, or being both.
3. I think if the system where Mook and Tamer are played by separate people then the Mooks should be able to walk around, otherwise it would probably get really boring for them waiting to be released from a pod. Unless possibly the devices were magically connected to a Mook world where the Mooks could interact separate from the rest of the world.
4. Not really sure about this one. I would have to say something like either one or three. I feel like one would give Mooks good attention and development, but multiple could give the Tamer options and make for interesting interactions and maybe even combos.
5. If the Mooks are going to be unique I would say no. If once someone makes a Mook and then there is a race of that particular Mook then I would say yes.
6. I think this should be optional. If someone wanted to stay in their evolved state they could walk around flaunting their power, or if they wanted to remain in an original stage and keep their evolved power hidden, then they could evolve just for fights as well. I would say that they have to be in the higher evolution to be stronger though. Just because they can be strong, if they de-evolve they lose that strength, until they return to that evolution.
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Glad to hear that you're interested, reconq.

And yes, Mooks won't be particularly unique, for the most part anyways. For instance, there are a gazillion Bidoof, but only one Yveltal. There are a craptonne of Agumon, but only one Omnimon.


I'll tag some people here later.
I might but at the same time might not be available. Got a heavy work load as it is T.T
Thank you for the input Furasian.

Well, I've updated the first post.

Say @rechonq anyone in mind you can invite?
*slinks in and lurks patiently* Here be the questionnaire.

1. Should I make the player characters from the 'real world' before they find themselves in this Fantasy world, or should I make them originally from this Fantasy World?
The former option can make for a more interesting story, but might make it difficult too. On the other hand, the latter option needs little introduction and the players can immediately start play.

2. Should I implement this thing where Starter Mook and Mook Tamer are played by seperate people, or should I make this optional?
Either way, this action will be possible. So if you're OK with either, go with 'optional'.
I vote to make it optional, if Mook and Tamer are played by separate people, it does allow for more interaction among the players, however, when Mook and Trainer are played by the same person, it might help keep the roleplay moving.

3. Should I implement a system akin to Pokeballs or Digivice where the Mooks are encased in a portable thing, or should they be allowed to walk out freely?
I think something like the pokeball/digivice system should be optional. I was part of a pokemon roleplay once that had two different cultures meeting, and each culture handled their pokemon and trainers differently. The one culture believed that pokeballs were akin to 'slave collars' while the other one handled their pokemon in the same way as in the games.

4. How many Mooks should a single character be allowed to have at a time?
1-3 sounds good, but perhaps something could be offered to allow a Tamer to hold up to six Mooks at time.

5. Should Mooks be numbered the same way Pokemon are numbered in the Pokedex?
For the use of science, yes. It makes sense to have some form of classification for the different Mooks, even if the number system is only used OOC. In character, the numbers could be used to indicate what Mooks should be the most common to meet as the Tamer starts off...I think that's why/how the pokemon are numbered in the pokedex.

6. Mooks have the ability to 'grow', which is an equivalent of 'evolution'. Should Mooks retain their 'evolved' states, or should they revert back to their original first stages?
To add more of a digimon type flavor to the game, I think it would be fun to implement the latter option.
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Not really, I've only been here about two months and haven't gotten to know anyone that well yet.
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Since the bare minimum for initiating an RP has been reached, I'm going to make the OoC when the morning comes and pray hard that more people join as time passes.

I'll also update some terms used in this when I do.
Oooh, this seems interesting. I'm in love with anything that's remotely like Pokemon XD Anyway, question answering time.

1. Eeeeh, I don't really like the idea of a random person from the real world taking the lead roles for a completely different fantasy world. I say stick to the fantasy world.

2. This should be optional, in my opinion.

3. Depends on the person. If the person wants to let them out of their whatever-it-is-they're-captured-in, then be my guest.

4. I'd say the limit should be five, but that's just me.

5. I personally think that Mooks will probably too diverse to classify, so I guess this one's a no.

6. Hm...this is a difficult one to answer. I think it would be interesting if some Mooks are able to go back to earlier stages of their evolution while other Mooks can't change their evolution back to the earlier stages.

7. I don't have any friends whatsoever, so I can't do this.

I think I covered everything. Can't wait to see this fly!
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