An interesting intro to an imbecile of an imp (that's me)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Mostly late afternoon/night, most times past 9 or 8 EDT
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fandom (helluva/hazbin, pokemon, fallout), modern, fantasy, horror (just because a genre isn't here doesn't mean you can't ask ^^)
(doing this from mobile so sorry if the formatting is bad)

But Hello! It's me, just_an_imp, and I thought I'd make like an intro type thing so people can get to know me a bit better :D

How I got into rp:
I'll be completely honest here, I mostly started off doing erp on Omegle (may it rest in piece, but also thank God it's gone) and ever since then it just sparked an interest.

What I'm looking for in an rp:
I've honestly been trying to move a bit away from erp however not entirely, like, trying to do more story focused rp with some sexual/romance themes sprinkled in if you get what I mean -3-. Love me some fandom rp's (really only one I've ever done is pokemon, but I would love to try ones like helluva/hazbin and fallout) but I'm open to almost anything, OC included. Also for most fandom RP I would be ok with playing an existing character (though depends on the character), but I would much prefer to play an OC that would just be from the chosen fandom

Some vaguely personal info:
-name: Greyson/Grey (if you spell it with an A I won't mind lol)
-age: 16
Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him
-likes: video games, cartoons, puzzles (Sudoku & nonograms are so fun ^^), and Roleplay (who would have guessed)
-dislikes: sharing deep/actually personal info, my loaded schedule, YOU (jk <3),
-Availability: honestly my phone is really stupid with notifs so I may not be the quickest to respond however discord is a much more reliable way to reach me

Things to note when it comes to RP:
I usually try to put in the amount of effort I see you putting in, so if your giving me like 1-2 sentences of slop, I'll most likely give you the same, but if you give me like a paragraph or two of the best string of words to be strung together... Well I can't guarantee I'll be as good, but I'll definitely try to give you a response on a somewhat same level. Also If I ever send a reply in rp that you just can't work with or don't like or whatever the case maybe and need it changed, feel free to ask! (This goes for most things, I'm a very easy going person so if you need something done, always feel free to ask!)

Final notes:
Honestly not sure what else to include here '-' if there's anything I missed that you would like to know about me you could always check out my profile or shoot me a message and ask, also feel free to hit me up with Ideas for Rp and stuff, messages always open (just, really sorry if I dont reply in a timely manner). Wonderful meeting you all and I hope to be a good rp partner and better friend :D
Welcome to Iwaku! \o/
Hi, I'm also new. Welcome to Iwaku!
Hey there and welcome to iwaku! I do hope you have a great time here! And you can poke me or anyone else on staff if you have any questions at all! We've all got the green names so we're easy to spot in the crowd!
Welcome young one :3