An idea!: It's Complicated (Advanced, Real life, Romance, Family)

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My character is a transgender woman. Your character is a single father with a two kids ( the oldest around eleven or twelve). He meets Marilyn one night with the intention of hooking up with her but doesn't know she's a transgender woman. Once he finds out, he's kind of uncomfortable and pretends not to be interested in her. He finds out that she doesn't really have a suitable place to stay and decides allow her to stay with him on the condition she helps him out with his children and because he would feel responsible if anything happened to her. It evolves into a romance between the two, and your character doesn't really want to face the fact that he likes Marilyn at first because he doesn't want to have to question his sexuality. Marilyn grows really close with his kids (I was thinking the kids, at least the oldest one all have their own issues, whether it be just typical growing up problems or something deeper) and becomes a motherly figure to them. That's all I really have so far. Feel free to suggest ideas if you like. This could have mature scenes, and if you want to play through them we can play through them, if we're in the same age group, of course! If not, we could do a time skip. Just tell me when you ask to join what you would prefer to do.

My requirements:

•Please don't join the RP, and then drop it right in the middle. If you have to, PLEASE message me about it.
•Please be literate. At least four paragraphs per post with good spelling and grammar. This is a big thing for me because I tend to write long posts and I don't want just a paragraph back. I understand writers block and it's okay to have a short post every so often. I don't mind a few screw ups, but if you 'typ LIek diss' and don't use decent capitalization and punctuation I'll most likely drop the thread.
•Be active PLEASE. I would prefer someone who can post at least once a day, but I understand real life getting in the way sometime.

My Character:

Marilyn "Moxie" Havanna (born Alexander Havanna)
Age: 28
Hair: naturally dark brown, partly dyed honey blonde
Eyes: Brown


Marilyn was born in a small town and grew up being called Alexander. She had one sibling, her twin brother Devin, and despite their differences, the two of them were always extremely close. Devin wasn't hyper masculine, but he at least took an interest in some things that boys normally enjoyed, like sports and things. Little Alexander was a completely different story, and always expressed extreme discontent with their assigned gender, the only real masculine interest being baseball. The child was persistent with cries of, "I'm not a boy!" but was told to stop being ridiculous by their parents. Marilyn began demanding to be called by a female name (Moxie) at the age of five, but her parents refused, of course. Devin was the only one who ever called her that, though always in secret (He occasionally still calls her that when worried or teasing, but he's the only one allowed to address her that way). Her parents made it very clear that the way she felt was not okay, and Marilyn started to repress her gender issues. She thought that maybe if she tried to ignore them and be just an average guy the feelings would go away. She got rid of all the feminine clothing she had collected, stopped her private sessions of wearing makeup, and borrowed her brother's clothing. The feelings of dysphoria did not go away, instead they only got worse. She tried to kill herself several times, being caught and stopped by Devin the final time when she was nearly eighteen. He was the first person she ever confided in about being a transgender woman before taking the name Marilyn, and he accepted her one hundred percent. After a few pronoun slips and name screw ups Devin managed to embrace Marilyn as well as the idea that he had never had a brother, only a sister whom everyone had thought was a boy. Marilyn's parents did not react nearly as well. They kicked her out of the house and told her to act like a man or not to come back at all. She had no money, and has been surviving mostly by sleeping around for money and doing any sort of odd job she can manage, as she has had difficulty finding a regular job. Her brother has also been helping to support her by slipping extra money into her purse, something Marilyn refuses to accept directly. She wants to be on estrogen to make her appear more feminine, but has no money to afford treatment. Until then she is stuck relying on makeup skills. She is good with kids and is a very talented cook.

(Pre transition Marilyn for reference)

You know what? PM me, I've got an interest on this! :)
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