All The King's Men


Sërié heard the opinions of others about what to do next after the Wardens arrived at the festival.
"I don't like this. We're not going into this negotiation blind and fumbling. We might need to split up, but... I need to know what we're going to do next. I say we send a recon team for the castle, they poke around the kitchens and keep out of the royal chambers. Or we could try to all sneak in and find the king. Either way, we risk catching this Black Cough, and I'm not eager to get sick again. What do you guys think?"

"I vote we split up. A group stays here to see what the people here know and the other tries to figure this out. We have enough to split up fairly decently, but I don't like the look of these festival goers. Might be bandits and I'm not sure anyone wants a knife in the back if they stay here too long and flash too much gold."
"I'll volunteer to stay within the festival, I'll have no trouble holding my own in a fight here."
"I can fly in and out in no time, and nobody would ever know I was there."
"Sërié can go into the castle too. Maybe from a different way or as support for someone else. Sërié is good at quietly avoiding the eyes and noses of people," the young assassin said with a smile to the group, expressing her wish to contribute to the Wardens with the skills she had mastered trough the years. Remembering the lesions of both her Masters she added a question for no one particular: "After the King who is the most powerful person in Kalico and what is his opinion of Morcrest and Our Majesty Akard? If the King is sick he should be the one running most of the state so having him on our side would help."


Like Sërié, Yrïé also waited for a few others to state their ideas while thinking what to say.
"I don't like this. We're not going into this negotiation blind and fumbling. We might need to split up, but... I need to know what we're going to do next. I say we send a recon team for the castle, they poke around the kitchens and keep out of the royal chambers. Or we could try to all sneak in and find the king. Either way, we risk catching this Black Cough, and I'm not eager to get sick again. What do you guys think?"

"I vote we split up. A group stays here to see what the people here know and the other tries to figure this out. We have enough to split up fairly decently, but I don't like the look of these festival goers. Might be bandits and I'm not sure anyone wants a knife in the back if they stay here too long and flash too much gold."
"I'll volunteer to stay within the festival, I'll have no trouble holding my own in a fight here."
"I can fly in and out in no time, and nobody would ever know I was there."
When Sërié begun speaking she remained quiet and waited for the girl to finish. Then she said: "Well then I shall stay here with Ansley and whoever wishes to join us. Not the sneaking type myself and we might be able to learn more about the state of the country or at least kill time better then somewhere else. Who knows maybe we actually ran into bandits and they prove a more challenging opponent then most of their kind." Yrïé nodded and looked around for anyone that might look like a good source of information, like a well-connected merchant or local noble, or whatever, just to appear to be doing something and hopefully get the group on the track towards something other then just standing and talking.