All Along the Watchtower - Act 1

@Delling "Hail, Theurgist." His voice is quiet, his tone amused. Hirvi's a fellow devotee of the Mysterium, known for his good humour and relentless devotion to pursuing the forest's secrets.
"Our wayward knight has already started up the trail while I was having a friendly discussion with the law. Trail three, behind the visitors centre. Give him my best."

@Chaka "Like flies on hot shit. The Professor already called Luther to Seattle for a meeting, so we can assume our own will be getting good and involved. Can't say anything for the Diamond, but you know what they're like. I'm gonna need you to hit the books this evening, see what your uncle's notes say. Come back to me at midnight, Blue Yonder's chomping at the bit to go up the mountain and you're going with him."

@Mordred The breeze stills, the susurrus of the leaves falling away to stillness. The forest is listening, waiting, eager for your spell.
Alex Practice

Alex slams the rest of the whiskey back. "You got it." He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and rises. "I'll get started, see what I can dig out. See you tonight."

Back at his house, Alex spends some time hoking out his uncle's notes. Stacks and stacks, carefully organised but covered in coffee stains, handwriting so tiny as to be almost illegible and occasionally encoded or in High Speech. This was going to take a while, but Alex doesn't mind. Makes him feel closer to the old man.

Arranging the notes around himself on the floor of the Sanctum and sitting cross-legged, Alex cranks the sound-system and gets to work.

Pausing on the forest path, Mordred fills the bottom of his wooden bowl with water, and holds it in his cupped hands. The leaves above whisper in the breeze, as he murmurs the spell construct. The surface of the water ripples, and the ripple extends past the bowl in a way that most could not see.

[Life 1 spell to find humans, Practice of Knowing. Life 3, therefore we get three free Reaches. Reach 1 makes the spell instant cast. Reach 2 moves it to advanced Duration factors, to last a scene. Reach 3 moves it to Advanced Scale, and I'm gonna take a -2 to the roll to make it scaled to 'a parking lot' in size. Using High Speech as the dominant Yantra for a +2 die mod. If this works, for the rest of the scene, Mordred will be able to sense humans from up to the radius of what the book describes as a warehouse or parking lot.]

1 success!
"Yeah, it looked like a fun conversation. I'll let Mordred know you said hi" Jason answered as he made his way around the visitor center. As he walked away, he had already begun to form the imago of Ground-Eater. All right, if he's just started on trail three, I should be able to catch up to him with a bit of a power-walk after I've got Ground-Eater up. Have to keep my eyes out for him and the trail though. After Jason rounded the corner of the visitor's center, he intoned the practiced High Speech call to wrap himself in the familiar spell.

[So casting Ground-Eater, using High Speech, have Space 2 and it's Space 1, so the only reach I think I need is Instant Casting but I'll include Advanced Duration as well in case things get weird. Now, if I've got this right, that's...

so, 1 success... ]