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Amira Muharib

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Magical realism, horror, modern fantasy, war, soft and hard espionage, sci-fi, drama, modern, dark (okay, Vantablack) comedy.
I probably should've done this, oh, twelve hours ago, but in my defense I actually foresaw sleeping instead of one of my delightful insomnia episodes. But it was a lovely dawn.

The night was moonless under skies eating the stars. I saw the world come alive. I watched light pick out grass' delicate curlicues and the trees' waxy leaves filter a sweet-smelling yellow around exquisite serrated edges. Life returned with the boldness that comes from rounding the same corner a few billion times and still always wondering. Sunrise shocked hidden voices to song so perfect they sounded like mechanical nightingales. I saw bark take on definition and then sunlight touch it with shade, a big spill swollen blue in the middle and burning the color of desert rose as it widened.

Name's (not legally) Amira, but I've always liked it, so here it is. I'm autistic, a lizzie of lifelong practice, a degenerate scholar, and a professional writer. I may not exactly be the Tumblr id given shape and a menstrual cycle, but y'all gotta admit you could pick me out of a lineup without too much trouble.

I've been roleplaying for awhile, but haven't actually tried this kind of RPG, so I'm curious. There aren't that many options for online games, and the settings here looked very attractive, so that's jake.

I don't mind any kind of roleplaying, so I'll be delighted to see what happens here.

I am in love with the English language. I do write quite a bit- it's also my career-, but I'm not conceited about length. "Enough" is what any good narrative needs; no more and no less.
Hello Amira, we're glad you found iwaku!

It's a great place for a creative outlet and we hope you find what you're looking for here. There's quite a bit to the site, so I always recommend checking out Newbie Navigation. It'll help you find what you may be most interested in. Otherwise, it's spooky season! So we have a ton of events going on through the month of October. Definitely check some things out if you're interested!

Happy writing and have a great day! :candle::ghost:
Welcome to Iwaku! \o/
Hope you like it here!