A World In Chaos OOC

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A World In Chaos


Hello and Welcome to the "A World In Chaos" OOC. My whole point of this RP is to of course create a well written story and an epic experience for those who decide to come along for the ride, but also create good strong bonds between players of this RP. I myself Strive to do my best when RP'ing to get along with those around me and get better at writing. And While I'm not an Amazing Writer I am an experienced writer and hold my partners to a similar standard. This RP will be based in 2014, but there will have been no scientific and progress past 2013. It is an aftermath RP. The world has fallen to crap and It's up to our rag tag group of Survivors to find a safe place where they can settle down and finally rebuild there lives. The Rp is however based loosely off of the "Zombie Survival Guide" and if you never read this book i will give you a basic summary.

The Zombie survival guide is based
more off of the traditional zombies in the fact that they don't run granted, I will be taking some liberties for the sake of plot but, for the most part it is swarms of zombies. And the number one thing you need to know is that once a zombie see's you it let's out a loud and elongated moan that will alert any zombies with a half a mile radios to your position. So You'll want to keep a low profile and try not to go rambo.


In January 2013 the first reported outbreak of the gene 3 virus was recorded in Japan, and within several weeks, Japan was lost the plague washing over the entire country laying waste to it's extremely dense population. However while most people thought that the plague would remain isolated on the island country, those who escaped and evacuated to countries world wide brought the plague with them. By June 2013, Almost every country in the world was beginning to show signs of the plague in all majorly populated city's. By October almost every country had been completely annihilated by the virus and the reaming human population world wide was wiped down to a mere 6% left. The intensity of the virus had claimed many lifes but the after effects had claimed many more. Those who were left were immune to the air born virus and also the water born strains. And even fewer by the blood born strains. Now January 1st 2014, the remaining populace has to try and pull itself out from extinction or perish.


My basic expectations of you are to get along with each other post to the best of your abilities and not to try and just have fun. I plan to have this RP split into three different ones. A beginning A middle and an end, the end ending in a final conflict where they try and take back the world and eradicate the zombie plague. Now As all my friends know I am a hopeless romantic and so I like romance, but do to the fact that were not in MATURE we need to keep this civil with fade to black moments. SO feel free to talk with people and set up a basic idea if you want to have a love interest. As for me I will let you all know if Someone takes ME up on the offer of a romantic interest. Now Onto the good stuff.

Starting Point

The Rp will start out with our characters leaving what used to be an outpost where people tried to survive, but it got overrun. Our people will be the only survivors and we will have very few supplies to last us. Our characters will set off in search of a safe place to call home once more and out into the ruins of civilization they will go. This is how it will start. And now finally the. ..

Character Sheet






Equipment: (Keep it small to start off with, like one flashlight or a canteen things like that we will be sharing as a team.)

Weapons: (Moderation please, No RPG's or Barret 50. Cals. Keep it realistic.)


Other: (character quirks such as stutters medical issues, etc.)
This is great, exactly like something I'd be after. I definately have to dust off my ATB character for this.
Please Do I'll Get My CS Up soon ^__^
Name: Nikki Cruez

Age: 20

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127


Equipment: Flashlight, Two Spare clips for her gun as well as the chambered clip

Weapons: M1911

Backstory: She used to be a personal trainer. More to be released within the RP.

Other: She has a stutter that is hard to control so she doesn't like to talk much even though she tends to take control of situations rather often
Bumpity Bump . . . Anyone out there at all interested . . . or even have an opinion?
I'm interested.
Name: Hosha'na (meaning: Deliver us) "Hoshie" Schuller
Age: 25
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs.
1 Pack of Matches
4 Baggies of Dried Fruit & Meat
1 Bulletproof Vest
2 Bottles of Antibiotics
4 Bullet Packs
1 Recurve Bow (6 ft. tall, 75 lb. pull weight)
1 Quiver with 30 steel arrows
M249 Saw (not used unless on watch)
Bio: When the strain was first spotted, Hosha'na was sent to Japan to investigate because she was in the bioterrorism sector of Mossad. She went undercover as a doctor and had to watch millions die. After the fall of the Israeli government, Hosha'na went to America with as many weapons and supplies as she could carry. She is the sniper and "hit-woman" of the group and is usually the most aloof and cold hearted person, shielding her emotions behind emotionless eyes.


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