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A Spoonful of Sugar

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I don't need people to tell me I'm awesome.

Its not a title.

Its a state of being!

When I completed the pokedex in Pokemon Blue, the nerd club at my college applauded for me and someone said "we need more people in this world like Kaga".

This might also have to do with the fact that, for the past several weeks, they knew I was struggling to finish it, scrambling for people to trade with, and even made memes about it. So my quest to catch 'em all had turned into a running joke that had finally culminated in a very satisfying conclusion. XD
Someone once called me an ok dude.



@Hana has told me multiple times that she accepts me even though I have my flaws.

What a bae <3
I love you in spite, despite, and even because of those flaws.
Well... Unearthed Arcana does specifically state that Flaw gives you a bonus feat at Level 1.

So yea, go for those bonus feats! >:D
I have a hard time learning things at times, and as a teenager it was worse, and I'd get embarrassed a whole lot in class.

Anyway, there's one time I studied my butt off for something, burned the night's oil as they say. The teacher liked the work and said I did good. I was so damn happy and proud. Even noted the day on my calendar.
"Yes" Which has led to a rollercoaster of emotional ups and downs. Yet we are stronger now more than ever.

When my niece called me a superhero. Hit me all hard like jelly.
My husband, @The Butterfly, told me some time ago that my flaws are what he's in love with, and everything else about me is like a big beautiful bonus. <3 He'll repeat those words to me anytime I need to hear them.
"You surprised us. When we heard you were a former cadet, we expected the worst. Instead you sat down, shut up, and absorbed information like a sponge and regurgitated it into hard work and skill. This is why you are in the top 1/3rd of the class." - My basic training Master Corporal in my final interview.

"When you applied, I won't lie to you, you were the dark horse coming into this hiring process, being young and from out of province, but you totally blew us away on the interview and we gave you a hard look out of the top 3 candidates and we decided to go with you." My last job's boss that got me into the industry.

It's kind of awesome being the underdog and winning people's respect when they expect the worst from you at the start.
The nicest thing I can think of someone saying to me or about me, paraphrased, "wish you were still here".

That saying, you don't know what you have until it's gone... though in a belated sense here, it's truly nice to be appreciated in that way.
One time in a college chemistry class a woman came over after we were done doing the lab for the week and bunch of us were hanging around doing the packet of work on it. She had gone around and talked to most of the other people there first, and I assumed she was asking to get a copy of their lecture notes (it was a common thing in that class because the professor encouraged it a sort of shared learning tool), and then finally she got around to me. Turned out she was asking for help with part of the work that apparently everyone else was also struggling with (also common, because most of the people who stayed after labs to work on it then and there were the people who struggled; for anyone with chemistry experience, the struggle was remembering how electron shells work on large atoms). I helped her out because I knew how to do it, and showed her the simple chart that I used as reference when needed and she copied it down, and it was all good.

When she was putting her stuff away to leave she gave me one of the weirdest and probably the best compliment I've ever received. I'm paraphrasing here, but basically she said she was glad she'd worked up the nerve to ask me for help because she'd been afraid to do so before due to being intimidated by me after seeing me answer lots of questions correctly in class and being one of the only people to ace the first quiz thing we had. It was really odd, but one hell of an ego booster.
I'm the best mom ever. Granted I'm the only mother that they've ever known, but it still feels good to be appreciated, even if it's only for a few seconds. =/
Not gonna name names, but, this happened...

"You're one of the nicest, selfless persons I've met. You give without expecting anything back. You're honest but kind and tactful, you listen to others and have a great empathetic sense, you're quick to grasp someone's mood and you're very approachable. You stand up for others, and you're overall just fun, because you have lots of random knowledge from various subjects and hobbies."

I may or may not still be blushing at this.
I had foster kids for a while... 4 of them. Three boys between 8 and 3, and an 11 year old girl. And the girl had gone to spend the summer with some other family on the other side of the state. They were supposed to bring her back, but they couldn't for some reason and so I went. On the way back she was really quiet then just out of nowhere she told me something that was akin to "Thank you for being like a mom while mine can't." I don't remember exactly how she said it, but that was the gist. My heart melted.
I had a kid that came in with a school group at work tell me she liked me hair! Made my day. I feel like little kids mean it when they say things like that <3
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