A Silent Nightmare

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Eve shook her head as he told her she'd find out later and she couldn't help but wonder what he had planned for tonight. she looked up as he turned around and her eyes went wide. "I'm surviving, now just look at the road!" she told him, suddenlt feeling like he was going to hit a tree or something, her arms tightening ever so slightly. She tried to look over his shoulder, trying to see where they were going, but his shoulder was just a little too high up for her to peer over and she sighed before she looked either side of her to see if she could find out where they were going. Nope.. Looked like she'd just have to wait and see. She'd also have to send a message to her father telling him she was at Nora's. If he found out she was lying, she'd be in alot of trouble, but he never rang her place to find out. The only way he'd find out is if Nora showed up at her place. But that wasn't likely. Shutting off her thoughts, she stared at Ice's broad back, hoping they'd stop soon.
Ice felt Eve's arms tighten around his waist as he sped down the road, her muffled reply drowned out by the wind. He waited for her to say something else and was surprised when she remained silent. The girls he picked up always tried to strike a conversation while riding his bike, unaware that he couldn't really hear them very well — not with the wind roaring in his ears.

It took Ice twenty minutes of non-stop driving before they reached Outcast, a dive bar best known for its hot wings and baked mussels. Tucked between an old arcade and an even older book shop, and being in close proximity to The Gilded Curtain, the city's largest theater, Outcast was never in need of patrons. Culture vultures and motorcycle gangs tend to visit often, making the dive bar's frequent visitors an interesting mix of the rustic and the refined.

There was not much to see on the outside. The double doors leading in were deceptively plain, and the walls made it look like the building itself was shedding skin, its paint peeling off in large, uneven sheets.

Ice slowed down, the bike stuttering to a stop as he parked closed to the entrance. With his feet steady on the ground, he looked behind him to check on Eve, one hand closing over an arm that was wrapped around his waist.

"You okay?" he asked again.
Eve wondered if he had expected or wanted her to talk some more to him, but the girl didn't want to. She stayed silent, watching as the world sped by. She wanted to know where they were going. After 20 minutes of non-stop driving, he soon slowed and then pulled over, parking. She looked past him, seeing the worn down looking building between an arcade and a book shop. She blinked in surprise and looked at the book shop before looking back at Outcast. She had heard of the place but had never gone to it before. She glanced up at Ice as he shifted in the seat, one hand closing over one of her arms that were still wrapped around his waist. She pulled her other arm from around him and pulled the helmet off as he asked if she was okay.

She slowly got off the bike and nodded lightly. She was slightly shaky, not having been used to riding on a bike. "I'm fine.. I think.. thank you," she said softly before she looked up at the building with peeling paint and wondered what kind of people were going to be in there. Her blue eyes travelled to the bookshop and she wondered what kind of books were in there before she looked back at Ice, looking at where his hand encircle her arm before she blinked slowly, "Umm..?" she started but her voice seemed to fail her as a soft blush spread over her cheeks. She hadn't been touched by a guy without the intention of harm behind it and it made her slightly embarrassed.
He released her arm as soon as he saw that she had both feet on the ground. Taking the helmet from her, he tucked it in his arm, and led the way to the bar.

"I like this place," he started, as if saying that justified their being there. "They have really good food, and the malts —" he looked at Eve, "yeah, it's a bar, but they have the best chocolate malts. You should try it." He pocketed his keys while he walked toward the door. He didn't peg Eve for the drinking type so he decided — while they were on his bike — that Outcast was a place they could both enjoy.

Pushing one door open, he went in, then held the grungy door in place. He knew the exterior didn't give much of an impression. If anything, it probably gave off the wrong impression with its shabby appearance and lackluster ambiance.

"C'mon in," Ice said as he held the door open so Eve can step inside.
Eve relaxed when he released her arm and then took the helmet before he got off his bike and walked towards the door. when he said he liked this place, she raised a brow. Not really a good reason to come here, but she let it slide. When he continued, she simply listened, staring at him for a moment when he commented about malts. She blinked in surprise when he said they had good chocolate malts and she had to try one. "Malts?" she repeated to herself before she shook her head. She watched him as he pushed open the door and held it there, waiting for her. She paused mid step, glancing inside but not really seeing much. Looking up at Isaiah as he told her to go in, she hesitated before she walked inside, saying, "Thank you," as she passed him before she looked back at the man, giving him a sheepish look. "Do they have strawberry malts?" she asked almost shyly. She had always liked strawberries and she loved anything strawberry flavoured.

Ice probably wouldn't have known that, but whenever Nora ditched her somewhere, she'd always bring her something strawberry as an apology. The thought made her smile as she remembered Nora shoving strawberry ice cream in his face and apologising over and over for forgetting about plans they had made one afternoon. Running a hand through her hair, Eve turned her gaze to look at the bar, deciding to check whether it was as run down as the outside of it was.
He saw the uncertainty in her face and understood her hesitation. Ice gave her a smile meant to put her at ease; he knew Outcast had that subtle hint of danger that kept people at bay. Though the owners could afford to revamp the place to make it more pleasing to the eye, they preferred to leave everything as is. They claim that the exterior gives it character and enhances the interior of the place.

It's such a shame that not many dare venture inside. Because...inside?

Inside was a whole different world.

"Do they have strawberry malts?" he heard her ask as he let go of the door, closing it behind her.

"Yeah, they have strawberry. What's wrong with chocolate?"
he teased. She had on an almost demure expression on her face. It made him smile.

"C'mon," Ice said as he laid his palm on her lower back, "Let's get you your strawberry malt." He guided her forward to the center counter where a large, plasma screen displayed the evening's muted sports show: a football match. Scanning the crowd as they made their way inside, he noticed that there were only a few seats left. The counter was almost full and the small booths by the front were already taken. This didn't bother him one bit as the ones he wanted were farther back.

His hand firm and steady on Eve's back, Ice maneuvered her toward the back of the bar where plush, black leather chairs lay nestled in walls that were painted a deep, dark red. Small chandeliers hung from above, its faux-candles giving off flickering, electronic lights. A simple floral centerpiece graced each of the round tables, where a single candle — real this time — remained burning in the middle.

A song floated in the air, loud enough to be heard, but soft enough to be ignored should one chose to do so.

Glancing at Eve, Ice smiled as he led her to an empty booth and waited for her to sit down.
Eve couldn't help but smile in satisfaction when he said they had strawberry. When he asked what was wrong with chocolate, she scrunched up her nose slightly. Chocolate was alright she'd drink it, but she always preferred strawberry. When she took a quick glane at Ice's face, she saw the smile on it and she quickly looked away, smiling slightly herself. A moment later he had spoken and she tensed but relaxed shortly after. She was being paranoid. Ice wasn't going to hurt her. She gave a light nod as he spoke of the strawberry malt before he led her in to see the place. When she had complete view of the place, her eyes widened in surprise. It was definitely nothing like she had imagined it to be like. She looked at the plasma screen playing some football game and cast a quick look at the people sitting at the counter, watching the game intently, only talking to each other occasionally. She looked over at the front booths before she scanned the rest of the bar. A few people had turned to see who had come inside but they soon went back to doing what ever they had originally been doing.

As Ice led her around the chairs and tables full of people, she was acutely aware of the hand on her back, but she dared not utter a word about it. They soon came to the back booths and she looked at the plush leather chairs, the deep red walls that she instantly liked, the small chandaliers overhead and then the floral centerpiece with a real candle flickering brightly. A smile spread over her features and she looked up at Ice and saw him glance down at her and smile as he led her to an empty booth. She took a seat and looked up at Ice, watching him for a quick moment before she remembered she should send a message to her father. "Sorry, one second," she said to Ice as she pulled out her phone and then sent a message to her father, telling him she was over Nora's. She then put her phone away with a sigh. "Sorry about that," she said to him, "I had to text.." she paused, thinking of whether she should say it. He already seemed way too interested in her family life. "..My Father," she said slowly, watching for his reaction.
Ice kept the smile plastered on his face, ignoring the sudden urge to frown. Eve seemed to be easing up— if the smile on her face was any indication — and he didn't want to ruin the mood. He noticed the slight pause, however, when she mentioned her father.

"Okay," he said, his voice neutral. "I'm gonna get our orders."

He walked away from their table and headed toward the counter. He needed to clear his head a little. Ice didn't really know what he was doing with Eve; he wasn't sure if she was just playing hard to get. True, he wouldn't have pursued her throughout the day if he didn't witness her being manhandled last night.

By her own father.

"New chick, Ice?"

He looked around and saw a girl, slightly older than he was, with a small notebook and pen at the ready. Brenda. The tall blonde was even taller in her four-inch heels. Legs encased in torn fishnet stockings walked seductively toward him, one foot crossing the other like a model on a catwalk. He remembered those legs and felt his blood quicken.

"Just a classmate," he said.

Brenda laughed. "It's never just a classmate with you," she said, a slight derisive tone creeping at the edge of her voice. She rested her palm on Ice's chest, as if to feel his heart.

"You gonna take our order or what?" he said, slightly irritated. Why did she have to be on schedule tonight? He moved away.

"Sure, sure, rich boy. You're all antsy tonight. Whatdya want?"

"Strawberry malt. And the wings."

"A strawberry malt" Brenda chuckled. "That's just precious. You gonna have your usual too?"

He was about to say yes, but then decided against it.

"Just give me another malt. Chocolate," he said quickly before he turned around and headed back to where Eve was waiting. He rested his elbows on the table as he slid in his seat.

And then he asked the question. "You gonna be okay with your father, or is he gonna hit you again?"
Eve nodded slightly when Ice said he was going to get their order and watched as he walked away. A sudden sigh escaped her lips. She had a bad feling about tonight. She knew it was inevitable he was going to pry. To ask questions about her home life. She honestly didn't want to answer him and she was scared of what her father would do if he found out someone had seen. That thought made her want to get up and leave, but she remembered how far it had taken him to get here on his motorbike and she figured it would be too far to walk. She felt her phone go off and she pulled it out and looked over the message. 'Don't be too late'. It was from her father. She shook her head softly and put her phone away. She didn't plan to be out late. Well, she hoped not anyway. But she didn't think it would sit well with Ice if she said, 'Oh, I can't be too late getting home or my Father will probably hit me again,' yeah.. That would sit well. Groaning, she wondered just how she was going to get out of there early.

A laugh caused her to look up from the table and scan the bar, her gaze landing upon Isaiah and some woman, her hand upon his chest. She noticed the slightly strained look upon the young man's face and she sighed. But she wasn't sure it was in relief or disappointed. She certainly willed it to be relief. If he was flirting with a woman, maybe he'd let Eve off early and she could leave and find some other way home. Then she wouldn't have to answer - or not answer - his questions which were bound to come up. If it was disappointment, she'd just say it was siappointment about going home. Running a hand through her hair, she just hoped Ice would come up to her and say she could leave. Watching the pair for a short moment, she looked down at the table, not seeing Ice step away from the woman.

Turning her gaze to the wall, Eve let her thoughts wander for a moment, not hearing Ice approach the table. So when she heard him sit down opposite her, she jumped in surprise and urned to look at him. However, she was actually shocked that he had come back. But the question he asked her made her freeze. She had been expecting him to ask; she knew she should've left. She had known he was going to pry. Running a hand over her face lightly, she watched him for a moment before she looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about," she lied and gave him a sigelong glance, "And it wouldn't be any of your business even if I did, Ice." She suddenly felt cornered. She wanted to run, but she knew he'd stop her before she got even get 3 steps away. She couldn't go anywhere.
Ok, that was stupid, he chided himself. They sat in silence for a moment while they waited for their orders. It was apparent that Eve wasn't going to break the silence anytime soon. "Just let me know if you have a curfew or somethin," he said, then added, "Why did you agree to have dinner with me?"

Well, isn't this just great. Keep asking stupid questions and maybe she'll answer.
Eve looked down at her hands which she clasped in ront of her on the table. She was willing to let the silence drag out, she didn't overly want to talk to him now. Her brows furrowed slightly before she heard Ice talk, saying to let him know if she had a curfew. But she was still unwilling to say anything before he asked her why she had come out to dinner with him. She sighed and raised her eyes to look at Ice, studying him for a moment. "Because I said I would if you didn't skip class. And you didn't. I'm only holding up my end of the bargain," she told him, watching him for a short moment before she glanced over at the counter, suddenly feeling like her strawberry malt so she'd have a reason to stay silent. Looking back at the young man she sighed again before she rubbed the back of her neck softly. "Why'd you even want me to go to dinner with you? I'm not your type," she asked him, suddenly curious, though she hoped it wasn't only to try and pry. She saw their order coming towards them and she brightened slightly when the person placed the drink in front of her. She pulled it towards her and took a sip. It was good. She had to admit that. She glanced up at Ice, waiting for him to answer.
"Oh?" he started, his eyebrows raised, watching as she sipped the pink foaming drink. "So, you think you know what my type is." Ice watched Eve as he played around with his straw, lifting it out of the tall glass and placing the other end in his mouth. This dinner was something he was starting to regret, and regret wasn't normally part of his life.

Trying to hide his annoyance, he pushed the plateful of chicken wings toward Eve and nodded for her to eat. He stared at her face and tried not to think of what he had seen last night.

"What time should I take you home?" he asked nonchalantly. That was a pretty safe question— a normal question, wasn't it? There was no mention of her father and no mention about her getting hit. She didn't mention a curfew so he had no way of knowing what would be considered late.

Tearing apart the meat from the piece of wing he picked up, he cursed his curiosity. The sooner he got her home, the better it would be — for both of them. He doubted she was enjoying his company; he knew she didn't appreciate his questions about her private life. The longer he sat there, the more he thought that this was a mistake. He didn't know what he was after, didn't know what he was offering.

He also didn't know what he wanted from her and that irritated him more than anything else. Was he expecting her to tell him her problems? He knew he had no right — and no reason — to pry into her life.

So, why was he here?
Eve glanced up at him when he spoke, asking if she thought she knew his type. "By the girls you take out and sleep with, probably," she replied quietly before she looked back down at her drink. His type was the pretty, skinny girls that practically jumped into his lap. Yet, she knew all those girls were interested in was his name. They wanted his money and the reputation that they had slept with such a wealthy guy. Eve sighed at the thought and she kind of felt sorry for him. But then again, he was letting it happen to himself. Looking down at the plate of chicken wings which he had pushed towards her, she simply stared at them for a short moment before reached over and grabbed one. Staring at it absentmindedly, she took a small bite and looked up when he asked what time he should take her home. She thought for a moment. Most days, it was 8 if she was at Nora's, but sometimes it was later. She watched Ice for a second before she shrugged lightly.

"Probably 8 at the latest," Eve replied, though she was pretty sure he would take her home way before that. And she didn't have any problem with that. She didn't want to be here at the moment anyway. But it was then that she remembered he hadn't answered her question as to why he had wanted to take her out to dinner and it got her curious. She looked down a moment later. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so.. snappy," she told him, glancing back up.
"It's okay," he shrugged. Ice gave her a thoughtful look, pausing for a moment, as if giving much thought to what he was about to say next.

"Listen," he said as he leaned back. "I saw what I saw last night and — " he held up his hand just in case she interrupted him, "and…I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Nothing more than that. Didn't mean to pry or anything."

Resting his elbows on the table, he leaned forward and continued, "and please don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about. Just say you're all right – that's all I need to know."

"I just need to know you're ok, Eve." he repeated again.
Eve sighed in relief when he said it was okay. She noticed his thoughtful look and she wondered what he was going to say. She figured it was going to have something to do with last night, but she decided to stay silent, atleast for a moment. When he began, she straightened slightly. As she suspected. It had to do with last night. She opened her mouth to say something, but he quickly silenced her and she slamped her mouth shut, watching him closely. He continued and she tilted her head to the side slightly. Watching as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, she was surprised by his words. He only wanted to know that she was okay? By the way he had been speaking, she had thought he was going to try and make her talk. Not to check that she was fine. When he finally fell silent, she watched him for a moment before she sighed and leaned back in the chair for a moment, closing her eyes and thinking.

A minute or so later, she opened her eyes and leaned forward, looking at Ice. "Fine," she said gently, "I am alright, I promise, there's nothing to worry about," she told him and glanced down at the table, "But, thank you for asking," she looked back up at him and gave him a light smile. To be honest, it was different to have someone worry about her. She wasn't used to it and she wasn't really sure what to do when someone showed her any sort of genuine concern. "But, you can't tell anyone.. please," she told him.
"I won't," he reassured her. The thought never even crossed his mind. There was something about the last statement that bothered him, however. Did it happen often? Was this a one time thing? Did her father hit her every night? Asking her about it wasn't going to help matters. Besides, didn't she just say she was all right? The questions chased each other in his head, and he took a big sip of his drink to calm his thoughts.

The evening went well and the silence didn't last very long. They talked about school and discussed a bit of homework. Ice refrained from asking Eve about her family as he didn't want to risk her clamming up once again.

After finishing another order of wings, he glanced at the clock and was surprised to find out that it was already seven-thirty. He still needed to get Eve home; he didn't want her to be in trouble.
Brenda gave Eve a long look when she brought them the check, irritating Ice once again as she was taking her sweet time at their table. He glanced at the clock again as he placed three folded bills on the table. He didn't wait for the change.

He stood up and waited for Eve. "Let's get you home," he said.
When Ice said he wouldn't tell anyone, she smiled, "thank you," she said to him, but she couldn't help but wonder if he really would stay quiet. But she had to think he would to make herself more at ease. If she thought he was going to tell people, she knew she would start to stress. Eve pulled herself from her thoughts when the silence was broken and she had to admit, she started to enjoy herself and it wasn't long before she had finished her drink. She noticed Ice glanced at the clock and she followed his gaze, blinking in surprise at the time. It didn't seem like that much time had passed. Watching as Brenda came up to the table, she recognised her as the girl from earlier. However, when she gave her a long look, Eve couldn't help but lower her gaze.

She eyed the three folded bills for a moment before she looked up at Ice as he stood up and spoke. She gave a light nod, standing up, "alright," she said lightly and followed him out of the bar. She looked up at him for a short moment before she looked at his motorbike, kind of wishing she didn't have to get back on it. Grabbing the helmet when it was offered to her, she put it on and slid on the back of the bike after Isaiah had gotten on it, wrapping her arms around his waist once more.
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