A Reynard is looking for people to role-play with | Discord | Guilded [MxM/MxF]

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
To be discussed. Feel free to ask!
Hey there! I'm looking for a fun, long, fulfilling story-based RP with the guys, girls, and intersex males of Iwaku! I like longer posts, but I'm cool with smaller posts. I'm down to RP a variety of ideas and scenarios, but I've mostly stuck to the ideas I have. This doesn't mean that I won't upon my ideas or yours. I'm hoping we can brainstorm ideas and get a good RP going! Whether we RP or not is dependent whether we click or not, so please keep that in mind. I know my ad doesn't have much RP info, as all of it is located off-site.

I'd like you, dear reader or interested person to please keep a couple of things in mind:
- I role-play as a bisexual, dominant, male anthro fox. This means that it's very, very unlikely that I will sub for you, sorry. If you're looking for a human or human-like character (neko, human, ect.), then I'm afraid I might disappoint you. I only RP as an anthromorphic character, currently.

- My preferences for post length aren't too strict. Long-ish posts are fine, anywhere from 3 sentences to a paragraph.

- The clients I use for now are Discord, Guilded, and to a much lesser extent, possibly Telegram. This means I don't use e-mail, Google Docs, PM/DMs, forum-based PMs/threads or any other communication methods of RP outside of the ones I stated above.

- I use a sort of hybrid style of first person and third person (I'm fine with almost any style my prospective partner uses, except for one), so if my style is not your cup of tea, I may not be the one for you. I will not change my style to suit anyone, and I wouldn't ask anyone to change their style to suit me. So, please don't ask. The only style I know I'm not fine with is one I have come to call a sort of future-tense style of role-play, where one describes what they are doing before they do it. Here is an example of that:

He would get into the car and would drive off towards the mall

That's what I call that style, but I can't recall what the specific or official term for it is.

- English literacy is a must. The only language I know is English, so please type in English, please. I'm not really down to use an online translator just to RP with you.

- Please, please have decent grammar and a grasp on how sentences and punctuation go together in them. I'm not expecting a degree in English or anything, but we all took English in school.

That means if that if you type like this...

i got into the car an went to ur house

...it is unlikely that we will role-play.

- Please be honest with me. Seriously, I mean it. Just please be HONEST with me! If you can't continue a RP with me, need to end it, or any reason where you cannot continue, TELL ME! Don't just sign off and ditch it without telling me. It's rude and a very much a dick thing to do. I this sounds demanding, that's because it is. I have had so many dishonest people just disappear and poof on me that it has caused me great stress.

I have a couple of disclaimers to note here:

- ALL of the RPs below will be between two consenting adults, and said characters will be adults (i.e., the age of 18).

- I should note in regards to this forum in particular that while all of my RPs will likely have a sexual element to them whether it's in the title and/or the description that story with these ideas and scenarios. I want to state that story always comes first as I too, like many here, value story over smut. Just figured I would clear that up.

These are just some of my ideas and scenarios (will be updated when needed):


- That Thing Called Friendship - We've known each other for years, one of us is starting to like the other more than a friend. Will it be discovered, or will it be kept secret and never revealed?

- Random Meeting? Oh, That Random Meeting - Our characters can meet in a variety of places. Bars, clubs, stores, in public, on the bus, at a school, etc. If you have a place or idea to expand this, feel free to suggest it.

- The High School Experience - One of us falls for the other, like some of the ideas above. But, given this is high school, the ways in which things can happen are different and can be unique.

- Long Lost Friends - We were separated as friends when we were younger. Will we find each other again?

- Don't Bone Your Fellow Co-Workers - The romantic experience of not Office Space. One of us has feelings or have had feelings for the other for a while. Will one of us reveal our feelings and explore them, breaking company policy, or hide these urges and feelings?

- The Thin Blue Line/Law Enforcement - My character works in law enforcement. In some way our characters meet through a stressful situation, normal situation, or some other way. This can be anywhere from meeting MC on a call to just a normal meeting before or after MC's day of work.

Incest Scenarios:
- Brother/Sister or Brother/Brother - There are different variables for this one, but one scenario could involve the older sibling has taken care of the other sibling for years, defending him/her, and the younger sibling begins to develop some feelings for his/her brother/sister more than a family member should. I suppose the question or questions could be that will it go further? Or... will it fall apart?

- Father (son or daughter) - My wife/husband/other, your mom is gone. Whether it was a separation, divorce, death, or something else that took him or her. I've taken care of you for a while, and this causes you to grow close, maybe too close for comfort. Will either family member make a move? Or will it cease to spark?

- Cousin/Cousin - This could involve a long vacation with family, extended family, or spending the night at a family member's house. This one is more open-ended since I've yet to flesh it out, so-so-speak.

- Adoption/Non-blood Relation - Just like the brother/sister or brother/brother incest idea with the differing fact is that our characters are not blood related.

- Long Lost Siblings - Can work like long lost friends but with the spice of incest, or in many other ways.

Fandom Ideas:
- Halo Universe

- Left 4 Dead

- The Walking Dead

- Fallout Universe (Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76)

- Star Wars (Pre/Post-Clone Wars, pre/post-First Order)

- Cyberpunk (2013/2020/2077)

Historic RP ideas:
- From the roaring 1920's to the neon and brightly colored 1980's

- The Great War (WWI) and World War II | I am open to characters being either sides of each respective war, but that would have to be hashed out for sure.

- Old School Mafia | I'd place the era of a Mafia RP to take place anywhere from their rise in the early 1900's up to their downfall in the 1980's, maybe as late as the 1900's.

- Medieval | This category can fall under many different types. Anywhere from standard historical fantasy to magical and imaginary worlds, to a sprinkled in modern day. The possibilities can be endless with this one.

Other Ideas not tied to the above scenarios and ideas:
- I have toyed with the scenario where it's a modern day fantasy with anthros, elves, and other creatures. It usually includes royalty, but it's not a requirement. This idea set can be fluid, but it can vary.
To prove that you read my ad, tell me what your favorite color is with this emoticon: :3d:

If you wish to contact me, please send me a PM if you're interested instead of replying in this thread. If we agree to role-play and if you're going to add me, please let me know on the client where you added me from and who you are. Also, please don't let this serious sounding post scare you; I assure you, that's not my intention.
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Hello there! Do you have any RP partners yet? I'd love to chat and see if we can RP - if you are up for it :)