* [A Realm of Uncertainty] * [IC] *

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Kalin River-Born

It'd been a few hours since River set out from Graycastle on her fresh horse companion. The horse was a powerfully built specimen, whom shared a mind with his owner when it came to freedom. To being able to just...run. The two traveled until they came to a stop in a little town not too far from the border into No Man's Land. Against her better judgment, she stopped her horse to water him before they set out again to take advantage of the remaining hours of daylight. While she tended to her mount, she listened to a few...loud gossips talking about the massacre if Billy's family by a raging beast. A frown twitched across her face, and she soon set off again to see if she could find this beast.

She wasn't much farther from the town, maybe 30, miles from it when she happened upon a half-giant. She watched him walk along in wonder, just in wonder at how much he resembled rocks or boulders. Quickly she rode up beside him but far enough away for a respectable distance entitled for such a force of nature, "Plentiful quarry, Gentle-One. I mean no harm to a brother of the earth. May I speak with you?" She called out to him for permission to approach the half-giant.
Krieg heard someone calling out to him. He stopped and turned towards the woman approaching him. He eyed her over; strong by human standards, but carried an air about her: one of the wilds. She was not of the city so he had not acknowledge her.

"What can I do for you, Wild Girl?"

His rocky-skin has caked on blood and his hands even-more-so. He looked around to see if there were others but none; just this lone woman many miles from the forest.
Ranga was surprised to see a new face walk out if the artificers shop instead of Gregory. The man urged him to make haste with the shop owner, and so Ranga did just that, ignoring the magical presence for the time being. "Gregory, it's me Ranga" He said as he stepped through the door way and shut it behind him. " I see that this may be a bad time..." Ranga eyed the open map on the table. "-But I need use of your high powered telescope."

Ranga continued to look at the map, his wanderlust rising, it had been some time since he had left the capitol. "Where are you headed if you do not mind me asking?" Ranga said humbly, nearly forgetting the reason he had come in the first place.
She smiled brilliantly when the giant acknowledged her. She rode over to him then stopped her horse at his side, "Thank you, Brother. I...know little of these lands. I wished to ask if the winds are taking you to a place of magic. My village seeks a mage teacher for a little one, but I have been wandering for almost two years without finding a willing, suitable teacher." She confessed with a sigh. She had not meant to say so much, but she missed her home terribly. She couldn't return empty handed.
Krieg grunted as the woman questioned him. In a way, he was but not what she was looking for. It did amuse him that she called him brother, though. Humanity had a funny way of attaching themselves to others just by association but he took no offense to it as, in a way, he was but only in principle.

"Mm, to some degree I am, though not in the way you need. I seek magical stones to help my people fight the infestation in Brill to take our home back. I hear the people you may seek are far to the West in the lands of Kadra."

He sighed and mused on that very thought: Kadra did indeed have more of a magical presence in its lands and there are many mountains, plains and deserts in that region. Though Gashton and Eventide had a larger mountain range, he did not wish to intrude on Iron Clan lands.

"Maybe I should head that way as well. Granite Clan and Crystal Clans are out that way. Much more...hospitable than Iron. Yes. I think I shall."

He looked back at the woman and nodded to himself.

"You can either walk with or not, it makes no difference. You likely have your own needs and agenda. I do apologize I could not be of more help."

Turning, Krieg started to meander in the direction of the border to the No Man's Land, keeping at just enough of a pace for her to catch up if she so chose though after a mile he would walk as normal.
Arabella Selwyn - Stormhaven, Eventide

Arabella glared at the people around her, diverting her gaze from the corpse in front of her. What a fool, how could she lose control of her anger right in front of so many people? If this was Gashton she wouldn't mind, since her fame around there wasn't pretty good, but the people of Eventide had no knowledge of her face, perhaps her alias, but not face. She didn't want to lose yet another Kingdom. Oh well, what was done, was done; at least the mistake was done inside a tavern, not out in the open. Now, that would be bad. But here, here she had full control of the situation.

With a flick of her wrist, the tables, chairs, anything suddenly flew and blocked all of the exits, locking everyone inside. Nobody entered, nobody left. She let her cold stare wander around the house, daring anyone to make a sudden move or make noise. Silence followed. Satisfied, she reached for the pocket inside her vest, pulling out a little notebook and a quill pen, she opened the book and flipped a few pages, stopping at one filled only until the half. There was names, lots of names, written on the page, the penmanship in which they were written being that of a lazy, or rushed person, lacking the elegance
that so many scripts often had. Bella turned to the clerk, a sheepish smile on her face, as if there wasn't a dead body laying right in front if her.

"Do you, perhaps, have any ink?" Her voice was innocent, and so was her smile and features, that were so horribly haggard with the blood spots -not hers. Terrified, the clerk reached for something from under the counter, reappearing not much later with a closed bottle of black ink. The pirate picked it up with a grateful nod, opening the lid and tinting the pen on it. Soon, the name "William Bonet" joined the rest of the names on the notebook, however, a skull was added to its side. She saw the clerk slightly tilting his head to the side, perhaps wondering why this name had a skull and the others didn't. "A pirate."

The man jumped so high it was amazing he didn't beat his head on the ceiling, though perhaps it was a bit exaggerated. He shot Arabella an afraid, but curious glaze, too afraid to ask what she meant.

"He was a pirate. One of my own, actually. Such a shame he had to end up this way." Arabella shook her head in disappointment, seeming to be for the first time, actually sad. She sighed. "A good pirate, but weak to his desires. He let greed win him over, and look at how it ended up. Let this be a lesson to you, my fellow clerk, or you might have the same fate as this man." Said clerk lowered his glaze, far away from the corpse. With a satisfied smile, she put the little book and pen back to their place, also giving the ink back to the man. Suddenly, she gave a loud clap, drawing everybody's attention. "Now, ladies and gentleman, today, you saw something that you were not supposed to see." A woman loudly gasped. "Yes, I think you know what that mean. It means, that something must be done about it."

"W-what are you gonna do? Kill us?" The clerk asked, his voice trembling as he tried to swallow his fear.

Arabella giggled, girly and innocently.
"Well, that's what I usually do, yes. But, I don't think killing you all will make my situation easier at all." There was many sighs of relief. "Unless, I make it seem like it was an accident." The tavern got silent, until the first scream of panic was heard, that triggered a chain of cries. A man picked up a bottle of glass and ran towards Bella, ready to strike her with it -until a rope coming from the corner of the tavern stabbed his right eye. The man immediately fell to the floor in agony, gripping the rope that was now hanging uselessly from his eye socket. The pirate drew the dagger she kept hidden in her pants and stabbed the man's heart, wishing to end his suffering as soon as possible. This only resulted in more panic, though none of it was once again directed towards Bella. She rolled her eyes. "Let's fucking end this at once."

Arabella walked towards one of the candles that illuminated the place, and searched for anything that could be used as a fuel. She found plenty of animal fat and poured them at a strategical place -the candle "accidentally" fell from her hand. The fire started. People screamed even more as the fire started to spread, and as ropes began to push them aside and away from the exit. The captain grabbed a woman and dragged her towards the exit, that was now unblocked as the chairs and tables gave way to the Captain. The woman stopped yelling as soon as she noticed that she was being leaded to the outside, relief washing through her.

"Now, lady, you never saw me before. I am just someone that enjoyed the ale of this tavern. If someone asks you anything, the fire started when two brutes fought and knocked off a candle" The woman nodded, though her eyes got glassy for a moment, before turning to watch the fire and panicking once again. Arabella smirked for a second, but soon put on a facade of panic. "Come on! The roof will collapse!" And out they were, a second before the roof collapsed in response to the snapping of Bella's fingers. All of those who got trapped inside had no chance of getting out. Bella feigned fear and panic, coughing loudly as the fire on the tavern behind her started to spread even more. The streets got full of horrified people watching the place burn. It didn't take too long for the building to collapse on itself, burying the two bodies, and those unfortunate souls forever. Arabella took advantage of the chaos and walked away, gasping perhaps a little too loudly, maybe for having relied on her magic too much, however, there was not a trickle of regret on that putrid soul of hers. She smirked as the sound of crackling wood filled her ears.
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It has been one year to date since the kingdom of Brill was destroyed and abandoned. Stress has taken hold of each of the remaining kingdoms' capitals. Gashton has embarked on a invigorated crusade against magic users, while Eventide's rebellious prince seeks to alleviate such oppression. Ormont suffers a political division between the Royalists and the standing noble class, and Kadra continues efforts to recover from disastrous flooding.


The woman in manacles, sided by two guards, was led to the pyre. Her head was down, and face covered by her black, mangy hair. Two executioners took places with the guards. Atop the pile of dry brush, her hands were bound above her head to a post, and her feet chained to it as well. The executioners checked their work and retreated from the mound.

A pause was left for the public to absorb the scene before the King rose on his balcony. Eyes filled with hate tore into the woman. The public regarded him as though he were a god at this moment. To most of them he was not even a vengeful or fearful god, but a saviour of the people – a burning light in the threatening darkness that was sorcery.

King Henryk cleared his throat and addressed the witch, "Today you will answer for your high crime of sorcery. Your terrorism and all like it have no place in Gashton. Before the evil that grips your soul is purged from this world, have you any last words?"

The witch slowly raised her head, her hair parting to reveal a much more harrowed face than before witnessed. She stared into the hate-filled eyes of the god before her. The king waited in silence. The witch turned her head slowly to Prince Xander and smiled widely. "I have no more words for you, my King."

The king nodded to the executioners who brought forth a torch each. The witch straightened in fear, and then the torches were tossed beneath her. A great orange flame took hold of the pyre, and a rush of heat took the spectating crowd. Screams of agony howled over the crackling and roaring of flame. The fire had engulfed the woman entirely and the screams stopped.

The execution was done. Some of the crowd began to leave, while the more curious lingered to see the ashes. Then the flames began to take on a deep red hue, then a dark purple. A voice bellowed from within the inferno.

"Thibault! Hear this curse!
Royal blood will wash away.
Scrapings shall be your food,
The castle drains your only drinking place,
The shadow of these walls your only standing place,
A broken throne your resting place!
May this legacy never be forgotten!"

With these last, echoing words, the purple flames swelled to enormous height, then just as quickly were extinguished altogether. The charred, naked body of the witch hung there as though nothing had happened.


The sky above Stormhaven was overcast – uncommon, but not unknown to the port-city. The air was chill and damp, and the smell of fish from the harbour penetrated much deeper into the inner districts than usual. The docks were running like clockwork nonetheless, and the narrow streets of the lower city filled and emptied of crates and goods. As noon approached though, the promise of the coming storm was affirmed. The sky darkened further – thick black clouds capping the city. Looking out into the bay, dockworkers only speculated. Skies over the water were clear – the clouds must have come from inland.

"Must be a massive system to have made it over the mountains," one dockworker posited. The air was beginning to move a little.

"Most of it will have landed over the foothills. We shouldn't see much more than an hour of drizzle," answered another.

But the rain never came. The streets had grown now twice as crowded as before as folk left their homes to watch the slowly spinning clouds above. Many more were growing wary and had taken to locking themselves up in their homes. Slowly, the clockwork of the docks district had ground down to a halt. The sky had captured the entire capital's attention.

Stormhaven castle stood grey and tall. Its many square towers surrounded the castle keep which was smaller than average and set on the precipice of the mountain-like fortress. People and nobles travelling to and from the castle had stopped on the immense staircase leading from the city into the citadel. King Eamon of Eventide watched from a garden tower window – one eye on his city below and another on the growing vortex in the sky.

"My liege," began a servant, or perhaps a herald, "the court requires your attention. Worry is beginning to set in that—"

The king motioned swiftly for silence and returned his gaze to the sky in concentration. Something was changing. Above the city, the swirling clouds moved faster and opened in the middle like an eye – a black hole which led deeper into the cloud cover. The air grew still at once. The king stared.

"Ready the guard."

Back in the city, a fog began to form. It behaved unlike most fog, instead materializing in isolated patches of a slowly churning mist suspended – like milk in water. The city guard began to clear the streets of onlookers – most of who were eager to leave. As more patches of fog appeared, more doors and windows were bolted.

A half hour later, those remaining outdoors witnessed the fog grow opaque, blotting out the views of storefronts and alleyways like windows into a mist-filled world. Looking closely, shadowy shapes could be seen within the patches. Then a flash of light accompanied by a rush of air erupted from the upper shops district, panicked citizens fleeing from the vicinity. The guard reacted quickly. Screams from within the ward erupted. Emerging into the crate-cluttered main street, the guards, poised with pike and shield, watched in fear as shadowy figures began to step out of misty scar in the air.

A herald emerged from the large oak doors to the deliberation chamber. The king and prince stood with numerous councilmen and war operatives.

"My king, the guard have the upper shops cordoned off. Creatures are coming through a portal, the herald stated hurriedly.

"What kind of creatures are these?" an elderly noble asked.

"Beings of a different world. They have no physical form, and suck away the light they walk in," the herald replied, catching his breath.

The men talked worriedly until the king raised his hand in a forced calm. "Bring us the arcanist."

The herald nodded and pulled the doors to the chamber closed behind him.


The throne room lay dim with morning light cutting through the tall and narrow stained glass windows. Across the marble floor, matrixes of colour ebbed and propagated. The chandeliers above, composed of strings of glass beads, rocked gently in the shadows of the vaulted ceiling. Captured by his thoughts, the duke turned the ruby ring over and over in his fingers.

A palace servant appeared in one of the naves and immediately broke the duke's concentration. The duke stared at him. "Well?"

"Duke Alaric, I—"

"Regent," the duke interrupted with bite.

"Your grace, I bring word from the ambassador. Your presence is requested in the stateroom," the servant said, wide-eyed.

"What is the meaning of this?" Alaric knew the answer. He wondered if the servant dare say it.

"Your grace, Kadra awaits your reply to her distress. They wish to know what aid Ormont will send."

The duke returned his attention to the ring in his hands. "Ormont has a more pressing issue," he looked to the servant. "The crown prince comes of age today. Soon he will claim his right to the throne, and Ormont will fall because of it. I cannot let the fool ruin everything I have worked to sustain in the absence of his father."

The servant stepped forward from the nave, disenchanted. "Will you do nothing?"

The duke leapt to the man, pinning his neck to a column. The servant gasped, unable to speak. "If I don't act, Ormont will fall as Brill did. Tell me, would you let your own home burn because our neighbours got their feet wet?"

The servant stared in alarm before Alaric released him. His voice cracked, "I will bring them word at once, your grace."


The streets of Arcay lay ever-busy as the people bustled around, still reeling from the damage of the floods that happened a handful of days prior. On the horizon, more dark clouds could be seen brewing and people worried if another storm was coming. The Scryers kept attempting to reassure the people of the land that there was no storm coming; in fact, the clouds were heading east towards Eventide.

The clouds did damper the moods of the citizens but they continued in relative peace and quiet. The day was coming to a close and with no major crimes or events happening, the guards felt complacent and lazy; all but one that is. One of the guards, whose name is of no consequence at this time, had a feeling in his gut that something bad was coming. Not just here, but everywhere. He knew that something foul was afoot.

His peers dismissed his worries as on-the-job stress and approaching the twilight hours, a grumble was heard across the entire city, almost like that of an earthquake. Citizens looked around, confused, but un-panicked. The guard looked around the walls and streets but no source could be determined. Another shudder coursed through the streets and the sound of cracking stone could be heard. Within moments, screams and the crashing of a tower could be seen and heard as a southern watchtower crumbled into a pile of corpses and bricks.

The city attack bells started ringing and soldiers began moving to the breach in the wall where hundreds of half-giants of all three clans could be seen rushing into the city. No words were said as a battle was waged in the streets, the guard pushed back by the sheer numbers and strengths of the half-giants. It wasn't until the Spellsword Knights stepped in before their advance was halted.

Then, strangely, all the half-giants stopped attacking and looked up towards the sky. The Knights stopped attacking because they were curious as to what they were looking at and they knew that half-giants never stop an assault without good reason.

Each of the clans began to exude pure magical energy; the Granite clan's ridges and canyons in their skin began to glow with a vibrant purple, the Iron clan's skin started to turn red-hot and the Crystal clan's skin started to warp and swirl with color like an aurora. All the half-giants in the city stopped doing what they were doing, as they, too, were experiencing this. In fact, every half-giant across the world was experiencing this event.

All the half-giants stared into the sky and started to groan. The noise they all made started off low in tone but slowly picked up in cadence until it could be, quite literally, heard across the entire world. The people looked on in horror, some running in fear, some standing idly by as this strange phenomena took place. The Knights were uncertain as what to do and when one of them approached one of the Half-Giants, he reeled back in pain from the pure magical energy radiating from them.

They all stood there, groaning, staring, into the sky. Slowly, they began to shudder as the energy could be seen pushing its way up their bodies and out their throats, violently shooting up into the sky. Across the Realm, thousands of these pillars could be seen, all hitting a pinpoint of a star (where one could see the stars). The entire world stood silent as this was taking place, holding their breath as they feared what may come.

The ground shook and the lights all exploded in the sky. The half-giants collapsed to the ground. The army in Arcay slowly stood up, their expression grave and terrified as to what just happened, began to make their way out of the city, no longer desiring a battle, leaving the people of Arcay in terror and disbelief.

And as the people of the city gazed upwards, for the second time in recorded history, the stars shifted.
Krieg Stonefist

Krieg continued walking back West, heading towards the magical empire of Kadra, in his ever-present quest to find natural, magically-imbued stones. The hours were approaching night and he was preparing to make camp for the evening when he stopped, and not entirely of his own desire either.

He looked up to the skies and he could feel that there was something powerful about to come, something he had never felt but had only heard of once before by the elders of his clan.

"A stellar shift..." He said as his voice attention became ever-engrossed in the sky.

He could feel the sky calling to him, to his entire people. In fact, he could feel every Half-Giant across the entire planet sharing in this connection and experience. Some were afraid, some were comforting, all were ready for what was coming as if it were bred into them over countless eons and generations.

All of the minds began to chant an ancient, and often forgotten, song in their native tongue. Krieg started singing it as well but he never knew the lyrics, they were just there. He could see an infinite expanse of white light and every Half-Giant was there with him. They were in a world of purity, one of ancient times and has been around since their conception by divine means. They were a tool and this was their purpose: to sing the songs of the Ancients when the time called. This was one of those times.

In tandem, across this entire plane of existence, the Half-Giants sang in ancient, long-forgotten tongues.
Dre las nek for-thum dolgar,
dre las nek for-thum dolgar.
Ik verthyne toldas merkut,
prek'ver ru'ut dolgar.

Dre las nek for-thum dolgar,
dre las nek for-thum dolgar.
Ik verthyne toldas merkut,
brekver thol volgun tak.

Dre las nek for-thum dolgar,
dre las nek for-thum dolgar.
Ik verthyne toldas merkut,
krogdra'ad volk agizhir Mongra'ad.

Dre las nek for-thum dolgar,
dre las nek for-thum dolgar.
Nek trea lithyun voldra'ad,
kolgra le lokthar jek!

A strange energy rushed through Krieg as he finished the song, all of their voices projecting this power towards a single point in the white canvas that is the sky.

He was tired from the event and he closed his eyes for a moment, only to open them up and find he was back where he had started making his camp. He looked around to see if there were any threats but found none and continued making his camp in a worried fervor.

"The times are changing. This is not good."
Thrain Augustus Sundershield III

The city was in chaos. Beings of unknown origin were pouring out of magical rifts in the skies and streets. Thrain was armed with a silver bastard sword, as were the rest of the clan. It was the only way they could fight these demons.

Every man, woman and child was armed to some degree as that is what they were raised to do in a time of crisis. Morgana stood near Thrain and Thrain was determined not to let his niece perish this day. As a whole, they began to march their way towards the palace proper as they figured that if anyone knew how to stop this invasion or how they could help more, that would be the place to go.

They fought up the streets for a great deal of time but the children were getting tired. In order for them to rest, they took shelter in a small house that was formerly occupied by the now-deceased inhabitants. Lighting fires with silver powder in it, they waited until they could move. The shades dare could not drain the light of their fires like they could everyone else. Silver had a strange property and the knowledge of how silver can affect certain creatures was passed down the Sundershield line since it formed.

They waited for an hour, re-hydrating and putting some food in themselves before setting out again. Thrain was terrified of what was going on. Shades were not something he liked in the slightest but his desire to keep Morgana and his clan alive allowed him to keep fighting. He had to keep fighting.

They continued on fighting until they reached the palace proper. The guard was letting in townsfolk slowly and Prince Erick could be seen on the ramparts above the gate. All of Clan Sundershield spread out among the defenses and threw silver powder into the fires they had there to keep the shades at bay.

Before long, the Prince went back into the castle and came back out a short while later. It looked as if he were addressing the crowd.

"My people of Stormhaven! I call out to you in our hour of need! I call for volunteers to help us take back our city! Fighters and mages alike, we need you! Mages, I believe that you are the key to stopping this assault. We have information that leads us to believe that using your magic combined, you can close shut the jaws of oblivion. Will you fight for your country? Will you fight for your people, your families, your loved ones? I will tell you that I will be fighting. I will be with you on the front lines! So, who's with me in taking back our beloved Stormhaven?!"

Thrain stepped forward.

"I will fight for you, on my blood and honor as a Sundershield, I will protect you my liege!"
Prince Erick Northridge

The Prince looked out over his burning and dying city. It had been a couple days since the incident at the courthouse and his father was not pleased at his actions.
"You have tarnished our relationship with Gashton! Why the hell would you even consider such an action, Erick? By the Gods, I thought I raised you better than this!"


"Look, I was young once. I thought just like you did. But you cannot just go around and waving your power around like its candy!"

"Father. Our people are being mistreated. I had to do something. If you want me to be a better King one day, then don't our people need to be happy and safe inside our walls? Or should they rather be lying in a grave because of some falsified case? Our legal system is broken and corrupt. I aim to change that. I'm sorry I caused trouble with Gashton but I feel that this is in our best interest as a country. What is better, father, having a happy country or a happy ally?"

His father looked at him then laughed.

"Boy, you have the right idea but you really need to learn to take things more carefully. You're right that our country needs to change and be happy but please, next time you have some crazy idea like that, talk to me first. Let me be the judgment that you need for those situations, please, as your father."

Even with those events fresh in his mind, he could not shake the feeling that he had to do something and that he hoped his father could bring him some better news than he had. He stepped down from the ramparts and walked back into the castle, looking for his father.

He found him in a conversation with a robed man, one of whom bore arcane symbols. He's glad his father knows when to accept those in his city when he needs it.

"Father, have you figured out how to stop the invasion?"

His father, the King, looked up at him and gave him a half-shrug.

"We have only come up with a theory. It may be possible that if we gather enough magic users, they can combine their magic to close the portals. It's going to be risky but it's looking like our only shot."

Erick nodded and closed his eyes in thought for a moment. Upon opening them, he nodded and turned to leave.

"Father, I will lead our city to victory. I will close these portals."

Prince Erick made his way back outside and called for the attention of everyone in the crowds.

"My people of Stormhaven! I call out to you in our hour of need! I call for volunteers to help us take back our city! Fighters and mages alike, we need you! Mages, I believe that you are the key to stopping this assault. We have information that leads us to believe that using your magic combined, you can close shut the jaws of oblivion. Will you fight for your country? Will you fight for your people, your families, your loved ones? I will tell you that I will be fighting. I will be with you on the front lines! So, who's with me in taking back our beloved Stormhaven?!"

As he finished his speech, he pulled out his blade and raised it into the air, getting a roar of support in response.

A man clad in heavy armor approached him.

"I will fight for you, on my blood and honor as a Sundershield, I will protect you my liege!"

Dozens of others pledged themselves to the task. Mages came out of the crowds, trusting in the Prince's word and they prepared themselves.

The Battle for Stormhaven was about to begin.
River hustled her horse to keep pace with the half-giant. She deciding against telling him that she'd already tried those lands. While they suited and invigorated her in a way that she couldn't describe...they just didn't hold the answers she'd been looking for. "Thank you, regardless. If you don't mind...I'd like to travel with you. We'll keep up." She'd assured the massive creature.

She kept quiet as something shuddered in her heart at the same time that her stomach dropped. The tribal woman's searched the skies then fell over the landscape. "Something is...wrong..." She whispered to herself, before she shook the feeling away to be contemplated later. In that time, the half-giant had moved further ahead of her and had begun to make camp. She urged her horse towards him, and intended to speak up when strange happenings began about him.

Spooked at the noises of pain that welled from the strange rock creature, the horse threw his rider and galloped back towards the capitol. River hit the ground hard on her right shoulder. Unbidden, she cursed the beast's skittish nature in her mother tongue before she was practically blinded by the tower of magical energy. She closed her eyes and shielded them best as she could by looking away and covering her face with a hand.

Once the warmth of the light was gone, River dared to open her eyes. She heard his words before she managed to regain her senses. "W-What do you mean?" She asked before she whistled loudly. With an almost ashamed gait, her horse emerged from some nearby bushes. She reached out a hand to its nose then whispered gently to it when it met her hand. She cooed in her native language then rubbed its neck to calm it down. It laid down at her command so that she could gather her own supplies to make a small camp. "Are you hungry, Brother?" She asked the half-giant as she holstered her twin tomahawks at her sides and her spear in hand.
Today was the day. Typically it would be a joyous occasion. Caelis was of age and supposed to be coronated as King of Ormont within the coming hours. But, Caelis knew better. He would not live long enough to have the crown placed on his head. He was dressed in his regal attire. It was relatively clean and simple with little flair. He wasn't one for wearing clocks made from wolf fur or wearing pounds of jewelry upon his neck. The only thing that really could be considered was his sword and rapier that hung from the left side of his belt. They more often served a ceremonial purpose than a practical purpose, so it wasn't quite odd for Caelis to have them at his side. However, today Caelis had them so that he could at the very least die with honor. He would die fighting. That was the best that he could achieve today.

For some reason, Caelis approached the window. Perhaps there was a flicker of hope hidden deep within him. The messenger bird did not bring back good news throughout the week. In addition, there were numerous reports and rumors of the other Kingdoms. Kadra had suffered from a flood, and bad omens filled the skies with rumors of demonic portals opening throughout the lands. These were dark times indeed. But, Caelis walked to the window to no avail. The messenger bird did not come.

Just then Caelis saw black smoke rise within the castle grounds. The cry of surprise then soon followed as Caelis saw men scurrying around with buckets of water. He then heard a small commotion coming from the door to his bedroom. His time had come, Caelis thought. It was a simple plan. It appeared that the Duke staged some sort of emergency and using that as a cover, the assassins would then have little problem to get to Caelis and deal with him. Caelis drew his sword and stood in the middle of his room. The second the door opens, Caelis planned to attack.

The door burst open, but the sight that Caelis met was not one he expected. A group of 7, heavily armored knights in their plate armor, held their shield and swords in hand. By their feet were the bodies of Caelis' 4 supposed "guards". These knights did not bear their coat of arms, but to Caelis' surprise they kneeled before him. One of the knights raised his visor so that Caelis could see his face. The man's face was unfamiliar, but he looked at Caelis and said "Hail, King Wolff. My Majesty, Lord Abrams has sent us to free you from the usurper. We must leave the city if we are to guarantee your safety." Caelis was stunned and took a few seconds to recollect himself. He then said "Rise, I entrust you seven with my life and the future of this Kingdom. Now, lead the way with haste."

There were many questions that Caelis had. A lot of issues would rise from Caelis' escape from the city, but now wasn't the time to think about it. He had to focus on the moment if he wished to see the next day.
Before Gregory would have had a chance to respond a sound came from outside, it was loud and foreboding, then the city bells rang through the town. With little thought Ranga ran outside to see what was happening, first the storm, what could possibly be next? As he stepped outside he watched half-giants stomping in the distance, the guards doing their best to subdue them. Ranga could only watch from where he was, it was quick and brutal, and suddenly it stooped, just a quickly as it had started, Ranga narrowed his eyes in confusion when suddenly a low groan began to form in the air until it seemed to encompass his mind and then there were lights.

Ranga's eyes widened, he was almost at a loss of air as he witnessed something no one would see again for as long as they lived, it ended all too quickly and the half-giants just seemed to wander out of town as though nothing had really happened, Ranga looked back slightly to the man who had left Gregory's house moments ago to see if he was as dumbstruck as himself. Ranga's eye wandered towards the sky to see the stars, nothing looked right, nothing felt right. A high powered telescope would be of little us to him now this was clearly much bigger than he had expected.
The brightness of the sun had long since lost its allure to Ezekiel.

The moon was a more fitting light for hunting prey. The thieves that lurked in the shadows often stayed in the shadows until nightfall so there was no real point going on patrol until then. So when the sun was out, Ezekiel bided his time within a local tavern known as Two Swords. Sitting at the bar, another guard joined his company and soon the two began drinking and talking. This particular guard's name was Henry, and he was a regular drinking buddy. He had served underneath Ezekiel in the military, and had left around the same time Ezekiel did.

"You hear about what happened in Eventide? They say the bloody bastards are going to end up like Brill. There is talk of all strange sorts of magics and demons in that area. By the Gods, I wish I was there. I miss the action. I swear, these peasants can barely wield their homemade daggers, and it is getting dull gutting desperate beggars. Don't you ever wish you were back out there, fighting creatures and people that were actually worth killing?" Henry slurred after he finished another drink.

Ezekiel thought about it. There was plenty of glory to be found on the battlefield, and he knew Henry wasn't just boasting when he talked about killing finer men. Looking at his bottle of wine, the crimson only served to remind him of the bloodiness and heartbreak of battle. Killing a man wasn't an easy thing. Many couldn't do it, even if you handed them a sword and an unarmed enemy. Killing a man required a certain type of cold level headed personality that only a few men had, and that was why there were so few dangerous men. Thieves weren't killers like him and Henry were. Thieves were just desperate, and when they did go too far it was often an accident.

And desperation is exactly what made the beggars so unpredictable. Ezekiel didn't have too long to ruminate and pose an answer, for at that moment he noticed smoke rising from the castle walls. It was faint, and the fire had most likely not started very long ago. But the black lisp in the sky along with reports of troubles in other kingdoms was enough of a forecast to raise Ezekiel to his feet.

"Fucking hell, there's smoke!" Ezekiel coughed as he rose from his seat and pointed towards the tavern's window. Ezekiel barked orders to Henry as if he was still a soldier underneath his jurisdiction. "Secure the gates, I don't want any goddamn swinging dick to waltz into my city and try to start his own revolution."

Luckily, Ezekiel had barely begun drinking and still retained most of his faculties. He vaulted through the streets and as he began to enter the castle area, his suspicions were confirmed. It was a fire, and he saw a party of knights escorting what looked like the Prince out of the castle. He cut through the city with an quickness and structure awareness that only a seasoned patrolman could achieve, and managed to intercept the group about two blocks away from the gates.

Ezekiel was pleased to see that Henry had followed his order to the letter, and the gates were locked tighter than a drum.

"HALT!" Ezekiel boomed towards the company of armed men in an authoritative voice he hadn't used since he was commanding soldiers on the battlefield. "Identify yourselves, or I will be forced to have the Duke identify your corpses."
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Arabella Selwyn - Stormhaven, Eventide

Arabella was making her way back to her ship, far away from the burning tavern, when darkness fell upon them. She raised her head toward the sky, narrowing her eyes as dark clouds engulfed the Kingdom's sky. The people of Eventide started to leave their houses to watch the strange phenomenon, worry filling their hearts as the clouds twisted themselves to become a giant vortex. Upon lowering her gaze, Arabella startled as a deep fog limited her sight. There was a long pause of silence, until the first scream erupted. Shadow like creatures emerged from within the fog, sucking the light of everything they touched. Immediately, Brill came to the pirate's mind.

"No fucking way..." Bella whispered as she watched with widen eyes the creatures turn the world dark. She had once sailed close to Brill, and all she could think was I want to get the fuck outta here. This time was no different, so Bella ran. Though she couldn't go too far, not with this fog. A creature approached her, so she drew her cutlass and tried to cut it in half. It was useless. Not too far from her, she saw a few men fighting and winning, and it was then that she noticed their weapons' material. Silver. Bella jumped away from the closest creature, approaching a man's dead body, and his silver sword laying innocently besides him. She picked it up, and two others, their owners wouldn't complain anyway. However, she sheathed them.

"What are you doing?" Yelled a random man, after having sliced a creature in half.

"Oh, just preparing myself." She said with a fierce grin, just before the swords seemed to start melting, the man stood speechless, as realization slowly downed his face. The now melted silver slowly took a form, growing longer and thinner, until there was three long serpents, all of them shining the color of silver. With a motion of her hand, a serpent stretched itself, stabbing three creatures at once. "Now, that's what I'm talking about." She smirked.

Suddenly, there was a voice calling for the attention of Eventide. Prince Erick. Arabella paid attention to the speech, while trying not to get killed. She frowned as thousands of people beamed at the Prince's words, those hypocrites, acknowledging the magic-users only when their precious city were at danger. "Yeah, no, fuck that. I'm out." She hissed angrily, releasing her anger on the shadowy figures. She spent a good time trying to find her way back to her ship, and when she did find it, there was an unpleasant surprise. The main mast was down. Also, the ship wasn't anchored anymore, apparently, her crew was ready to depart without her, those bastards. Her heart drowned in anger at the sight of her beloved ship, as result, the serpents' attacks were also more feral. She made her way back to the streets, with bloodbath setted as a purpose.
Sylvander Quaid - 6

In Stormhaven, the Waltzing Weasel tavern was packed with people, but also roaring disquietude. Many had taken to the indoors as a means of escaping the fog-filling streets. Those who had rooms were in them, door locked and braced with furniture. Ms. Anders was amid the din, trying desperately to kick the squatters out of the tavern (and she was losing).

"Mr. Quaid!" she called to Sylvander who was pretending to be busy behind a desk. "Get your ass over here and help me with this rabble!"

Sylvander got to his feet and swam through the crowd. Together they were able to remove several of the smaller folk, but more people were coming in to the tavern anyway. Then Sylvander heard something behind him.

"They've quarantined the shops district." The phrase popped out from under the acoustic roar of voices.

Sylvander stopped and turned. "Why have the quarantined the shop district?" He asked.

"Quaid!" Ms. Anders called.

The short woman whom Sylvander addressed swallowed, "The guard has the area under lockdown. I saw them, shadow creatures!"

But Sylvander was already moving. He grabbed his maroon jacket from behind his work desk and charged to the back entrance. Ms. Anders would have none of it. "Quaid, if you leave now and don't get dead, don't bother coming in tomorrow."

Sylvander tipped an invisible hat to her, and was soon running through the streets.

The smell of fish from the harbour sat thick in the air. Despite the panic, the streets were quieter than in the day. Few remained out doors while the misty portals swirled and spun. Avoiding them where he could, Sylvander made his way towards the center of Stormhaven. He sprinted, jumping crates and abandoned barrels and nearly knocking over a confused elderly man in the process. The shops district was around the next corner.

A guard ran through ahead and Sylvander slammed into a wall to stop himself, then quickly moving behind a stack of empty crates. How to get close enough to pass through the barricade ahead? How to pass through the barricade? Sylvander approached the main street from the side. Peering around the side of a building, sure enough, he saw a dozen or more armed guards manning the barricade of crates, barrels, shields and pikes.

He looked around. Most of the guards were facing the barricade, towards the market square. He spotted a ladder in the opposite alleyway, leaning up against the wall. Crossbowmen on the roofs – that plan was no good. There was an open window on a second floor. No, he couldn't position the ladder and climb through unseen. A coiled rope on a hook? No. A door in an alcove? The guards wouldn't see him there. With the off-chance that the covered door would be unlocked, Sylvander waited until all the guards' backs were turned, then bolted into the alcove. He took hold of the handle. Locked.

Sylvander pushed hard against the heavy door. That block of wood wasn't moving. He turned back to face the street. He froze and his heart jumped as a reinforcements ran past him, unnoticing. An open crate of bottled wine. He could use a drink. But then a light went off behind his eyes. Sylvander grabbed and opened a bottle of wine. Carefully he began the poor the wine slowly into the door's keyhole and inhaled, the air in his lungs turning ice cold. He took hold of the liquid in his mind, and filled it with cold. The wine was slowly freezing as Sylvander focused. Soon there was a distinct cracking sound of the inner latch breaking. He exhaled the frigid air sharply and the frozen lock thawed instantly. He was in.

Inside the dark, abandoned general store, Sylvander fumbled blindly towards the market-facing side door. He charged and broke through into the market square. At the center of it all, a giant-sized misty portal slowly spun. There was no sign of shadows. Darting to and from alleys, however, were people – trapped in the cordoned-off market. In the disorienting mist, he squinted and spotted the front of Emily's shop.

He made his way through the mist and placed a hand on the shop's door handle. The handle turned and Sylvander slowly opened the door. It wasn't locked?

"Emily?" he called quietly and as audibly as he could. There was no response. Then he spotted a foot behind the front counter. "Shit, no." Sylvander crouched beside Emily. She was conscious, but barely. A deep gash open in her leg. "I'm here Emily. Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here." Sylvander took off his jacket and bound her leg with it. Blood had pooled on the floor beneath here. Emily only stared hazily upward. He positioned his feet, in a squatting position and wrapped an arm around her back, ready to lift. Then, Emily grabbed his arm so hard he jumped, he looked at her in fright. Her eyes were wide and staring at him. Sylvander froze. Then, her eyes shifted left, behind him. Sylvander's heart began to race. He turned his head slowly. A shadow of a being made its way along the back wall towards the counter the two sat behind. They held their breath. Sylvander looked above them to the loft. He clenched his teeth and his eyes flashed from green to blue, and an explosion was heard from the loft above. The shadow began to ascend the nearby stairs to the loft. Sylvander picked up the woman and carried her hurriedly outside.

The once plain portal in the center of the market swam with shadows. The figures darkened, then faded. Sylvander kneeled to the ground with Emily and reached for his sword. Missing. "Damn it," he hissed to himself. Somewhere in the distance was a voice he recognized – from his trial. It was Prince Erick's. He listened, verging on helplessness. Prince Erick would not be able to save him again. As Sylvander listened a shiver ran through him. Magic could close the portals? It was his only shot.

Kneeling beside the fading woman, he focused on the misty cloud. Deep within him, he felt his will dig into the fog before him. In this medium, the fog seemed tangible. His eyes flashed and to his surprise, a wisp of the cloud was torn violently from the whole. Sylvander focused again, and once more he felt his will take hold of the fog. He pulled. The edges of the portal drew inwards with a jolt, so that the formless cloud became an undulating sphere. The shadows from within faded slightly. His eyes flashed and he pulled harder. But the portal would budge no further. His will began to tire, and the portal pushed back, slowly expanding once more.

"Don't stop!" called a voice. A man and a woman, both in their mid-forties emerged from an alleyway. "Just pull!" the woman shouted. They raised their hands towards the portal. Their eyes flashed orange. The portal snapped back into a sphere, slowly rescinding. Sylvander closed his eyes. He dug deeper into the fog, pushing through as if it were molasses. The darkness began to grow blacker, despite his eyes being shut. He felt a shiver run through him, unlike the one before. Darkness began to close around him, threatening to sunder his will itself. He felt the center. He opened his eyes, flashing an electric blue, and he pulled.

The portal began to fade, first becoming less opaque, then collapsing on itself. The three mages exhaled, their will relaxed, and the small wisp of fog dissipated into the air. The barricades surrounding the market square were torn down. Soldiers and citizens advanced. The trapped people darting to and from the alleys ran forth, and were taken safely into the arms of the crowd. The shops district was on its way to being secured.
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Krieg Rockfist

Krieg merely grunted in acceptance of the human's proposal. He wasn't terribly hungry due to what just happened but he knew better than to not eat. No, he would eat and he would rest. In the morning, he would set out and visit his elders before continuing on the path back towards Kadra. He needed counsel over the events that had just transpired.
Thrain and Prince Erick

Prince Erick led his band of casters and fighters into the city, fighting the shades as they came, eradicating them from this realm. It took them nearly an hour to press down into the quarantined district, clearing the streets of debris as they went as to expedite response times for rescues.

Thrain was honestly surprised at how well the Prince was handling himself. He was sure that being royalty, he would have been more pampered than skilled in anything outside of politics. Still, he could use a lot of work and training. The group fought, pressing deeper into occupied territory, losing a fighter every so often but gaining two more in their place. Around the next block, everyone in the party stopped and watched over the roofs as a portal folded in on itself and closed. They rushed around around the block, sword and spells in hand, to find three mages catching their breath as they finished fighting the portal closed.

Prince Erick approached the three and recognized Mr. Quaid in the group.

"It is good to see you alive and well, Mr. Quaid! It looks like you all proved it can be done. We are going to fight to take back Stormhaven, are you with us? If not, the way back to the castle should be clear."

One of the people in the crowd following Prince Erick ran over to the woman dying at Quaid's heel.

"I can stabilize her, but if I do, I won't be of much help afterwards. My strength would be rather gone."

Prince Erick nodded and told her to do so.

"One of you, escort these two back to the castle."

The woman knelt down by Emily's side and began speaking an incantation. Her hand began to glow white and tendrils of blue energy rose from her hand and the corners of her eyes. The energy that radiated from her hand formed tendrils and began to crawl over her wounds and stitch them up. The energy faded from her eyes and hand and she slumped back, breathing heavily.

"She...she will...live...whew. That took...a lot."

One of the men from the party walked over and helped the woman back up and picked up Emily. Another man stepped out to help with the escort back to the castle.

"She will be alright, Quaid. Come now, help us take back our city."

At that point, over the sounds of the shadows and fighting and screaming, a hum could be heard. Slowly, but surely, it increased in cadence. Even through the fog, the sky began to light up, but not because of the rising sun. No, this was something else; something ominous. But, as quickly as it started, it had ended with a loud explosion and bright light in the sky, returning to the haze of the fog.

"That cannot be good."
Thalkor Brittleshin
First the flood, now a half-giant raid?! As if things couldn't get worse, a massive flash illuminated the entire sky and scared his cats to the point of being cardboard cutouts. He could feel that he was going to be losing some business over this, what with the happenings and the fact that the guards will be running a tight checkpoint. Something didn't feel right, though. That flash of light felt like it...changed...something. He wasn't sure but right now, he had to organize a meeting with his allies discussing the ramifications of the flood and the attack. That was more important.
Mary Evermore
Mary could give a rat's ass about what the witch had said during her burning. All she cared about was how she was going to get her shipments to Kadra with all this talk of disasters and strange magics terrorizing the lands. No, she had to deal with nobles and market dignitaries who wanted her to cut back on her profiteering. To which, she told them to go find a hole to die in. She had a trade with Bittershin to complete, and dammit all, she was going to.
Archibald Blackfoot

Archibald had just returned from a raid when the lightshow happened across the world. He was never a man for omens and magic but that still gave him the creeps. He didn't show it to his men but something not right had happened. He watched from a tower at the storm in the distance hovering over Stormhaven. They were having it bad and with all that's going on there, they could probably get away with assaulting a smaller settlement near the base of the mountains. Thats what he was going to do.

"Men! Get ready! Tonight we siege Riverwater!"

His men cheered and began arming themselves. It has been a long time since a raid took place in Eventide's lands.
Drasthanya Syl'set
Drasthanya was preparing to start her weekly ritual, the one that preluded a raid, when the magic across the land happened. She watched in visible horror at the spectacle. In fact, her entire outfit did. They all knew that something terrible was happening. As soon as it was over, they shook it off as they had a raid to make in the Mere on a half-giant settlement. When they were done, then will they discuss what had just happened.
Tork Ragnar
Tork was in Ormont, checking on the Blackfang's office there when the hubub around the world began. He, personally, didn't care. He was getting reports from all of his offices that there were issues from each capital. In Eventide, his men were fighting shades. In Gashton, his people were talking of witches. In Kadra, his men were dealing with rampaging half-giants. He had issues to deal with all over, and as such, didn't have the time to deal with an issue that was happening (coincidentally and ironically) all over.
Captain Velstadt
The half-giant walked across the deck of his ship, pondering when to strike at Gashton's ports. That stopped when he began to join in on the half-giant joining. When he came to, the crew was standing around him both worried and scared as they were looking around the horizon as well. He knew that it happened all over the world. He knew that he was part of something greater. But he also knew that he had more pressing matters to attend to: the sieging of Greycastle.
Syl Faen'dal

The Sylvan leader of the Wilders had just finished carving the heart out of a dead caravaneer when he noticed that the creatures of the forest had gone silent and that an ominous tone had overtaken the land. He and his band of wildmen leapt through the trees back towards their encampment to consult the wise woman when the entire world shook, knocking them towards the ground. One of the men failed to recover in time and landed poorly on his neck, snapping it like a twig.

"Velst dal mektha, brother."

Syl continued on, promising to grieve his friend's death later and leaving the forest to bury him. When he returned to his encampment, he found everyone surrounding the wise woman. She was convulsing and foaming at the mouth. By the time Syl had cleared his way through the crowd, she had died, the reflection of the skies during the flash burned into her retinas, showing the stars blurring sharply in another direction.
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The knights scurried along with the Prince down the hallways. Four knights led the way with their large shields and effectively formed a steel wall. Two covered the rear to make sure that the group would not be taken by surprise. Then the lead knight personally escorted Caelis by his side. The first few minutes went by with little incidence. They came across the random servant and maid along the way, but other than that the halls were largely empty. That is until the group finally came across the Ducal guard. It was fairly obvious that this group was sent to kill the Prince as when they turned the corner, the sergeant yelled "There they are! Kill them!" and then indiscriminately fired a volley of arrows at the group. With the methodical movement of years of experience and decade, the knights brought their shields to bare the brunt of the arrows. Then the vanguard knights began to quickly move forward to engage the Ducal Guards. The lightly armored guards didn't stand much of a chance against the knights especially when none of their weapons were particularly good at piercing armor, but that didn't mean that none of the knights were at least battered.

After the short skirmish, the group continued on their way. They were a bit slow since the knights were encumbered by the sheer weight and size of their armor, but progress was being made. They finally saw their goal as they left the castle and entered the castle courtyard. Unfortunately, this exit soon disappeared as the gate closed. The group was then addressed by a guard who yelled "Halt!" The knights formed a protective formation around the Prince and the lead knight yelled back "If you are a truly in service to the King, the Royal Family and the people of this Kingdom, then in the name of King Caelis Wolff, the rightful Lord of Ormont, I order you to make way for his Majesty unless you support the traitorous usurper who claims to be Lord Regent!"

Seconds ticked by in this tense situation. The group were outside and exposed in the courtyard. It would not take long for the Ducal forces to find them and surround them at this rate. Thus, it wouldn't be surprising for the men to all be somewhat nervous. Even if they were discovered, they were all ready to do what was needed to at least provide Caelis some chance at escaping the castle and escape his virtually captivity.
As the seconds ticked by, Ezekiel had to make a decision. He knew the Duke was power hungry, and that the young prince had every right to be in fear of his life with each passing second that he spent within the city's walls. At the same time however, if he simply let the prince stroll through the gates, there would no doubt be repercussions. So he was either going to break his oath to the royal family, or break it to the Duke. Neither choice was particularly appealing, but a choice had to be made.

Grabbing the pommel of his sword, Ezekiel looked backwards to the platoon of guards that had assembled behind him during the discussion. "What are you slimy fucking troll-looking pieces of shit waiting for? Get the fuck out of my sight! Get that fucking gate open!"

There was a brief moment of indecision among the guards as they realized that, if they complied, they would each share the consequences later.

"Did y'all short dicks not fucking hear me? I'm going to cut your goddamn balls off so you inbred pieces of shit cannot contaminate the rest of the land with your cowardice! WE GOT A FUCKING PRINCE TO MOVE!"

It was at that moment that all of the confusion faded and the guards decided that they would rather face the wrath of the Duke than the man who was screaming obscenities at them. They immediately filed out towards the gate and the street cleared as if the Gods themselves cursed it. All of the regular city guards who were not immediately affiliated with the Duke kept clear of the street to provide the royal entourage passageway.

"That's all I can do for you gentlemen," Ezekiel sighed as his voice quickly changed to an exhausted heave. He hadn't done so much yelling in years. He then faced the company of knights. "The Duke will be wondering why there is such a commotion, so I would not linger very long."
Prince Roland Arslan:Warlock-Kadra
Prince Roland couldn't believe what had just happened. These beast were attacking his people. For what reason? Out of what rights? Prince Roland had all the questions and no answers. He needed to do some research, or find someone. These half-giants were of new nature. Why did they attack and what was that light? The stars changed and they started beaming light.

At least the phenomenon had ceased the attack. Prince Roland was taken into a home in the village. He wanted to fight, but he was a Prince. If he was to get harmed or die, the knights would surely loose their heads. He didn't want that. He waited inside the house, until the half-giants were stopped. The whole ordeal was daunting. Roland didn't have anytime to awww over the whole thing, he had to keep his people calm.

"It's ok, everyone just stay calm. I'll find out what happened." Prince Roland went over to Marcellus. "You just stay here, with the other knights. I have to go back to the castle. Some people might be hurt." Being the main Spirit Magic user, Prince Roland was most likely needed now. He ran back to the castle, hoping that no one was to in to much harm.
Marcellus B. Matthews:Battlemage-Kadra
Even though he couldn't do a lot, Marcellus tried his best to fend of the half-giants. With his magic, he shot out orbs of fire, which didn't do much but tickle the half-giants. "Son of a Bitch!" Marcellus wouldn't give up, he would fight till he died. Luckily it didn't come to that.

Out of nowhere, the half-giants started to hum and moan, towards the sky. The sounds got louder and then, to Marcellus' astonish meant, the half-giants started to spew out light. They weren't the only ones, light was coming from everywhere. "Holy..." Marcellus saw how the half-giants crumble to the ground.

The knights around him were freaked out, he was to, he just hid it better. When Prince Roland told him to stay here, Marcellus of course obeyed. Watching the Prince run back to the castle. Marcellus ushered everyone back into their respective homes. "Go back in your homes...nothing to do, just get back in now."

Marcellus made his way towards a shop, he saw an old man standing outside of it. The man looked like a Kadra native, so Marcellus wasn't alarmed yet. He was old but he was full of magical power, Marcellus could tell. He went over to him. "Excuse me sir, you need to get back into your shop. It's not safe out here right now." Marcellus waited for the man to respond to him. Something about the man, irked Marcellus. He seemed that he might be able to find out what had happened but Marcellus didn't know if he could trust him.
As the magic started Hades kicked his horse forward holding his hand out towards the man outside Gregory's shop. He shouted towards the man "Throw me my staff" he continued holding his hand out until the man complied.

Once he had his staff in his hand Hades kicked the horse and began to gallop out of the village. He had no idea where to go, but he wasn't staying there. His black cloak flowed out behind him as he rushed from the gate onto the moors. He began to ride for the castle of Ormont. He had heard they weren't friendly to magic users, and he was planning on changing that.
Sylvander Quaid - 6

Sylvander, hazy from the mental exertion turned to the group of volunteer defenders. They were all sorts – a few young, a few old, men, women, and even a few sylvan formed the ranks. All led by the prince, who recognized Sylvander immediately.

"It is good to see you alive and well, Mr. Quaid! It looks like you all proved it can be done. We are going to fight to take back Stormhaven, are you with us? If not, the way back to the castle should be clear," the prince said.

Sylvander didn't know what to say. His first thought was of Emily. How was she to get out of here without him? A woman from the crowd knelt beside them. Sylvander didn't hear what she was saying, but knew she was there to help Emily. He looked back to the prince, the fog from his mind lifting. More were in peril. Stormhaven could not be allowed to fall.

"She will be alright, Quaid. Come now, help us take back our city." The prince waited with a smile. The woman took hold of Emily from Sylvander, and with only half a hesitation, he stood. A member of the crowd tossed him a sheathed blade.

"The docks district," Sylvander said. "The docks have connections to every part of the city. If a portal there breaches, there will be no way to contain these things."

The prince faced his followers. "I need the fastest and confident of you! Follow Mr. Quaid, and make haste! The rest of you with me," he cried. Sylvander and the prince met eyes briefly, and with a quick nod, Sylvander and company were soon sprinting through the streets.

With little incident, and small wisp of fog closed on the way, the company emerged on the edge of the shipyard. However, they had not be quick enough. Shadows spilled out of two portals – one nearer the company and one on the other side of the shipyard. As Sylvander surveyed the field, he realized his luck. Dockworkers and swashbucklers had taken up arms against the shades, who were, for the moment, fully occupied.

Out of nowhere, a shadow descended upon the group, one of the men was violently knocked several feet against a storehouse wall. A couple of the mages responded quickly, setting the air alight with a bright flare and pops of small fireworks. The shadow faded and another mage helped the launched man to his feet. Sylvander signalled an advance. "Three on the fog, the rest on the shadows!" Armed with blades, tools, and their magic, the company swarmed the battlefield. The existing brawlers were relieved, yet confused to have the force join them.

The three of the mages planted their feet in the dirt and wood and focused their will on the portal, as a half dozen more took to defending them. Shadows descended.

Sylvander rolled with the onslaught of darkness, feeling an immediate chill take hold of the air. Shades materialized into vaguely humanoid forms – their arms were very long and appeared clawed, their heads narrow and deformed with no hint of a face, and the whole black as a silhouette. Sylvander took hold of his blade's hilt and swung the now red-hot dirk through a figure. The figured was severed in half and yet the figure did not die. The shadow was swept away into the fog.

For a moment the air around Sylvander was still, then grew cold. The saturated wood beneath his feet began to grow frost, then crack. The shade reformed behind Sylvander. The mage spun to see the creature clutching its faintly glowing "torso". It may not have felt the steel much, but it certainly felt the heat of his magic. The creature swung an extra-long arm at him which sundered itself against his sword blade, then dissipated, leaving the shadow lop-sided. Sylvander swung an arm back in a fist, which briefly was swathed in a bright blue flame. The shadow receded from the light of the flame as Sylvander's forearm passed through it. Then a horrible noise, an alien cry, filled the mage's ears as the rest of the living shadow was swept away into the fog.

His eyes followed the remnants of the creature behind him, where the foggy portal had balled itself up and was retracting towards the center. Sylvander shook off the smoulder from his arm and felt his sleeve slip off. Emily would not be impressed with the state of his work shirt.

A shadowy claw passed through him back to front, and a crippling chill took hold of Sylvander's upper body. He faced the shadow as he fell, and swinging a flame-sheathed blade through the attacker. Sylvander hit the ground. The impact didn't hurt nearly as much as the claw's impact, which burnt of cold. He clutched his stomach in pain, but with the ounce of focus he had at the moment, his torso slowly grew warm again. He patted himself down, trying to feel the hole where the shadowy claw had penetrated – but there was none. As he stood, another shadow, or perhaps the same, slammed into through his feet, knocking him into the ground once more, the frost of the ground cutting his hands. Sylvander had no time to react. The shadow hovered atop him. Then, out of nowhere, a flash of silver flew through the shade and swept the darkness away through the air. Sylvander nimbly jumped to his feet once more, wobbling briefly, numbness in his legs. Before Sylvander could locate the source of the silver streak, a shout came from behind him. "QUAID!"

Sylvander turned to see one of the mages focused on the portal had fallen and lay beneath the fog, unconscious. Another mage took his place as a third mage, and with reflex Sylvander let his own mind dive through the fog. His surroundings became dark, and his mouth dry. The hair on his arms stood. His thoughts became equally dark. He imagined being responsible if Emily died. She was the closest thing he presently had to a family. He had abandoned His own mother and father in Ormont. Thoughts of all possible fates raced before his eyes, each grimmer than the last. It was his fault.

Sylvander let all his focus loose and his world became bright once more. The fog portal imploded, with fragments of the cloud dissolving into the air around him. No time for cheers, however, the portal across the docks was still actively dispensing darkness. Some of the fighters were becoming overwhelmed – and quickly. Sylvander shouted, "Fighters! To the far end!"

As the company raced to the second mass of fog, the streaking of silver ahead caught his eye.
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