A Rather odd Idea

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Original poster
So, this is an idea I doubt will actually work, but it popped into my head, so I figured I'd toss it out there.

A civil was has just ended. [Country] broke away from [Country that is main setting], in one of the bloodiest wars in the country's history. And in it, many noble bloodlines were ended. Which left many a barony without a lord. Which also allowed the crown to reward many of those who performed feats of valor during the war with a noble title.

And the rp idea starts there. With a new Baron/Baroness arriving at his/her barony, near the newly established, and rather war-torn border.

One player playing the new noble and the other playing the... Barony, I guess, as the first tries to get everything in order.
That sounds like an interesting plot. I'd be willing to give it a shot if you're still looking.
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