A Money Rant

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Sir Salty

Big Daddy of Internet Culture
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My life sucks sometimes, my life is so dependent on, if X happens I can do X. And I made a promise to the roommates/my extended non blood related family, to do them Thanksgiving. But my luck always falls through.

Was suppose to have a show on Friday. 20 dollars was suppose to pay for my transportation. So I could go to the Haunt to clean it up and be paid 80 dollars to pay for my Thanksgiving things. I don't think it will cost 80 dollars at all. I just need the stuff I didn't get. The rolls, because they weren't selling them until thanksgiving actually came. Broth for the gravy. The goose. The pie. The cranberries and the apples for the stuffing. So now I am like.....ugh....I was suppose to do something nice for my non blood related family. Oh and the bread crumbs for the stuffing. Why weren't they selling all of this when I went grocery shopping and they wait so last minute to put them out?

More embarrassing is I put a Gofundme up to ask for people to donate a little bit, for a 60 dollar goal. Because....I made a promise and I like to keep my promises.
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