A Love Stories Crossroad IC

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Dante followed behind Nadia a smiled spread across his face as they conversed about almost anything. When they finally got to the kitchen Dante Leaned against a nearby wall and watched silently a wide grin making it's way to his face. He watched her as she conversed so easilly with the cooks and help. She reminded her so much of his mother it was stunning. He remembered the days his mother spent in the kitchen with the help luaghing and cooking helping them prepare large meals for guests instead of getting dressed and cleaned for there guests. H couldn't quite place it but he was actually enjoying watching her joke with the help. When she introduced him to her teacher he smiled from ear to ear before nodding respectfully letting them chat. He didn't know why but for some reason he was beginning to care about this girl, alot. He wanted to see her smile and laugh. It made him happy just seeing her happy. He Just couldn't fight the feeling that he was beginning to like her more then he thought he could in such a short time. He just had this want to make her smile to see her happy all the time. And he didn't know why.
Nadia lead him out of the kitchen, eating her freshly peeled orange as they continued with their exploring, "Down here is our library. It's one of my favorite places; I can get lost in an adventure without really having to leave the castle, hehehe."

She showed him the inside of the vast room, the cases of books that reached all the way to the ceiling, the high archways and the open windows that allowed a cool breeze to flutter in.

"The ballroom is right down here," she opened the door to said room as the golden marble floor shone brightly in the sun, "And down this corridor...and to the right...is the nursery."

Inside, the walls were painted a tranquil blue with animals and flowers and clouds in their respective places among the colors. All around were little cribs and bassinets where some infants were quietly napping. A couple maids were inside the room, tending to the children or just watching them sleep and gossiping while waiting for their shift to end.

"Almost all of our maids are married and with children or pregnant with child. We built this nursery for them so they could bring the infants with them if they wish to still work. All the maids watch over the children...well, you know what they say, takes a village to raise a child," Nadia explained with a quiet giggle.
As they stepped into the nursery. Dante smiled at the nurses, tending to the children. As he watched however he felled a tug at the bottom of his pants and when he looked down he saw a young boy. The boy looked up at him for a second with big eyes full of innocence before he said "Are you prince dragon heart?"

Dante smiled softly before kneeling down saying "Yes I am."

The boy looked at him for a minute before saying "Why do you hate us?"

One of the maids quickly shot out of her seat yelling "Daniel! Hold your tongue!" Dante quickly held up his hand to her calmly shooting her a smile to show her he had this. He turned back to the boy and looked him right in the eyes as he said "Daniel. I don't hate your people. I've never hated your people. Why would you think I hate them?"

The boy frowned for a moment before saying "Because you killed my father!"

Dante's eyes shot wide open for a moment before they filled with sadness. He stared at the boy silently for a moment as the boy's eyes began to tear up, and within an instant he wrapped his arms around the boy and pulled him into a hug saying "I don't hate you, or your people. and your father was a great man. He died fighting for his country and he died fighting for your future. I could never hate a man who fought for the same reason's as I."

He pulled out of the hug slightly looking down at the boy who was now crying, and in a moment of weakness a tear rolled down his face. He was witnessing what his people had done to her's. He quickly scooped the boy up in his arms holding him up saying "Do you want to know something?"

The boy looked at him for a moment wiping away tears before saying "What?"

Dante looked at the boy smiling softly before turning to Nadia saying "Me and your princess here are going to get married. We want to bring both of our kingdoms together and end the violence. We both want to make sure that both our people never have to feel the hurt you felt. And I want you to know that I am truly deeply and honestly sorry that your father died in this war."

The boy looked at him for a moment and then to Nadia before bursting into tears and wrapping his arms around Dante. Dante smiled wide running his hand across his back comfortingly before saying "Hey Kid. What do you want to be when You grow up?"

The Kid Looked at Dante as he stopped crying at the question before saying as proudly as he ever thought possible. "I want to be a night Like My father!"

Dante smiled at the boy before saying "Well then I promise this to you as your future King. When You turn 16 I will officially make you a night and give you the best training You can possibly get. And when your training is complete I will make you Nadia's personal Guard. How does that sound."
The young child named Daniel smiled brightly as his eyes glimmered with a new hope and pride. He scrambled down from Dante's arms and ran over to Nadia, throwing his arms around her and hugging her tightly; "Princess Nadia! Did you hear that?! I'm going to be your personal guard! I'll do everything I can to protect you, Princess Nadia, just like my father did everything he could to protect this land!" he rattled excitedly as he stared up at her with his big brown eyes.

The princess giggled as she hugged the child back and nodded, "I would be honored to have such a handsome and brave knight by my side. I look forward to the day, Daniel. Be patient and train hard."

The little boy blushed at the words of his princess, especially when she placed her hand on his cheek and smiled so gently at him. He was young and small then, but even he knew that the princess was exceptionally beautiful and hoped to marry a girl like her someday. They bid their goodbyes to Daniel and the maids before leaving the nursery, Nadia turning to Dante once the door was closed and smiling cheekily at him.

"Well...you handled that rather well," she stated as they casually walked along, her shoulder bumping against his arm, "Surely turned his day around...you truly are a good man, Dante."

Her smile was gentle and warm, genuine; "Let's say we go out to the courtyard, hm? We have some beautiful, relaxing gardens that you might like."
Dante stopped walking for a moment as he turned to meet Nadias gaze unable to return her smile. He stared into her warm caring eyes for a moment before saying "Nadia, I'm sorry, for everything. I don't deserve this kindness you and your people have shown me. I deserve none of this I I am not the kind of man who deserves the respect of others. I've done terrible things in the name of my people. I've killed countless men and I've done it all for the sake of my people. I know you can probably never forgive me for what I've done to your people but . . . "y now tears had begun to stream down his face as he poured his heart out to her. His whole Life he'd been what his people needed him to be and nothing more never himself and now he was finally beginning to show it, only because it was this girl. He couldn't hold it in around her.". . . I ask that you try. Try to forgive my sins or at least look past them." As he finished speaking he looked down avoiding her gaze now as the only sound was now the sound of his tears hitting the floor. These people he had been fighting were kinder to him then he'd deserved He had spent the last eight years fighting killing andd destroying families with every life he took. He had destroyed that kids life by ending his father's. and now he was in the midst of the people who's lifes he had so messed with and they only showed him kindness. He couldn't stand it. The guilt he felt made his heart ache as he tried to stop the tears from rolling down his face from his golden yellow eyes.
Nadia was taken aback by the sudden change in the atmosphere in regards to Dante, but she could understand his confusion and his guilt. She didn't want to tell him earlier, and she was glad that she didn't, but those male cousins that she had, the seven that she used to have...they were now diminished to only two. The other five had been felled in battle during the war, snatched away from her like a flower being savagely plucked from the ground and trampled. She had felt a pain as great as that only once before in her life, when her dear mother passed away from illness. Now, here was the prince of the kingdom that had stolen her cousins; at first she had wanted to hate him, wanted to take out all her anger and hostility on him for this mess...but she couldn't. She wouldn't, because she had found that he wasn't a monster, he wasn't a tyrant, he wasn't cold or evil...he was just a man, like she was just a woman, doing what he thought best for his kingdom, protecting it, like she was protecting hers by marrying him. Even if that weren't the case, her knights had killed just as many men from his kingdom as his knights did from hers.

They were both hurting from the same war. She would be so very selfish to only think of herself and her people as the ones truly hurt.

Stepping forward, Nadia took Dante's hand in hers and made him look her in the eye. There, although with a sad glimmer, she smiled reassuringly up at him and reached up to wipe away his tears, seeing just a man befor her eyes and not the prince of Dragonheart; "I have already forgiven you and your kingdom long ago, Dante," she told him, squeezing his hand, "Just as I hope you have forgiven mine. We are both at fault and that is why we must now work together to fix things...actually, now that I think about it, it's our fathers that are at fault, but someone's got to clean up the mess some how so it might as well be us, hahaha."

She laughed to make him feel better, placing her fingers over his heart where the emblem of her kingdom was engraved, "This...This is what tells me that you will be a great king to rule by my side...and I am honored to be your Queen."

She leaned up and gave his cheek a small kiss to prove her truth and her sincerity, "Please put your faith, your doubts, and your secrets to me. I will comfort you from here on out."
Dante smiled softly at her before taking her in his arms gently hugging her, her warmth mingeling with his as he said "Thank you. I'm honored to take you as my queen. You have a beauty most people in this world don't possess. Not even me. You have the beauty of the heart. That's what my mother would tell you at least. She used to tell me never fall in love with someone for the beauty of there body. Fall in love with them for the beauty of there heart. What it means is, that while you have endured so much loss and so much pain you can still forgive and move on. You can show kindness to your enemy when there should be hatred. That's your beauty." He pulled out of the hug only slightly as he looked into her eyess seeing her sadness, and feeling her kindness, and in an instant he made the most rash decision he might have ever made. He leaned in and pressed his lips lightly to hers giving her a kiss. A small gentle kiss, but a passionate one, full of thanks kindness, and even more so even though he didn't realize it, love. As he pulled away he smiled Softly his eyes piercing through her's as he said "I'm sorry if I startled you, but I wanted to kiss my bride. My amazingly beautifull bride." He had finally been honest with himself. She may not know it, but he was flling in love with this girl, this younge innocent girl who showed nothing but kindness and forgivness to him. He was honored to have her as his bride and hopefully his lover.

However things were quickly interupted when a small explosion echoed through the halls from the North Gate. Dante looked at Nadia for a moment before looking back in the direction of the explosion before his grip tightened slightly on her arm. He looked back at her before saying sternly with worry laced in his voice "You get into the nursery and get the children hidden stay there and do not leave do you understand me. I will send guards. But you do not leave until I return for You understand me!" As he finished speaking the sound of swords and shields clashing could be heard from the northern courtyard as the guards began to take on there attackers. He had no clue what was going on but he didn'tlike it and he was going to do everything in his power to protect his queen and her kingdom.
Before Dante could speed off, Nadia grabbed hold of his wrist to stop him, her topaz eyes ablaze with fierce determination, "You are not excluding me to hide like some damsel! This is still my kingdom and I will fight to protect everyone in this castle as you would in your own!"

She tightened her grip on his wrist, stubbornly looking up at him before the sounds of the castle doors almost being forced open caught her attention. Out of the spur of the moment, she yanked him down and kissed him in return, hers deep and filled with promise; "You better come back alive," she whispered against his lips, "A king should never leave his queen."

With that, she let him go and ran into the nursery to at least get the maids and the children hidden. They swaddled the babies and gathered the infants, hurrying them into the secret tunnels to get them to the safe houses outside the castle. Once she was sure they would be alright, Princess Nadia made a detour through the tunnels to her own room, hearing the battle happening in the courtyard that had her heart pounding in her chest. Bursting into her room through the revolving bookcase, she quickly located her green bow and quiver with her steel tipped, sharp arrows already loaded into it. Running out of her room, she located a hidden staircase and climbed up to the main tower overlooking the northern courtyard. There, the archers that served her family were already poised and ready, many of them surprised to see her among them readying her own bow.

"Princess Nadia, please get back inside! We can't allow anything to happen to you!" one of the archers begged of her, but she simply smiled at him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I have done enough hiding. I will fight alongside my most trusted archers to protect you and everyone in this castle," she stated firmly, looking down at the enemy, "Arrows ready!"
Dante returned the kiss more passionately this time before saying "It's a promise!" and just like that he retraced his steps to get to his chambers as he stepped inside he spent no time grabbing his armor instead he slipped out of his trench coat and slipped his swords on before hurrying back out of his chamber's heading into the sound of the fighting. Just as Nadia had begun to take position and began to ready an arrow, an orc came charging through the busted gate charging straight for a night holding position at the door's into the castel. The man didn't falter he didn't move he ready'd his sword as the far stronger and larger orc charged him, But just as it was about to swing it's large blood caked axe into him Dante came flying over him swinging both of his swords in unison across it's neck before slamming his right foot square into the center of it's chest sending it hurling backwords blood spraying from it's throat. Dante Turned to look at the man before saying "Stand you ground and protect this entrance, we cannot allow any to enter the castel lest we lose more innocents!" And just like that he charged into the battle faster then anyone else on the battle field. His blades were a blur of black and wide as he almost seemed to dance from enemy to enemy leaving a red rain in his trail. His blades making endless contact over and over as he faught to protect the woman he loved, and the people she lived for.

He was not going to lose this battle as he began to press the enemies back however a group of large and angry orcs charged through the broken gate carrying large plate metal shields with spikes jutting out from them as they used them to clear there path. Dante took one glance at them and quickly yelled "Retreat! Fall back into the castel. Protect the main entrance! We cannot hold this position! FALL BACK NOW GOD DAMBIT!" As dante ordered the retreat a few men gave him nasty looks not wanting to take orders from him, that is until one of the older more experienced nights who was missing his left yee shouted "You heard the prince! Now quit standing around with your dicks in your hands and move it! We've got a castel to protect!" The man turned to face Dante before nodding respectfully and they quickly retreated back out of Naddias view. TThe only thing buying there retreat time being the hail of arrows from above. Dante however held back waiting at the door for the firstorc to step up to challenge him. As it swung it's Axe for his feet he quickly pulled his legs up into his chest before dropping down to the ground bringing his blades to cross each other and go straight through it's ankles. He then popped up into a back flip bringing his foot up just under it's shield cuasing it to flip up into it's face crushing it's skull. Before dante could land however an arrow came shooting through the gate but was quickly intercepted by another. As Dante's feet hit the ground he turned to look up at Ndia Beofere smiling reasuringly as he began to retreat finally buying the rest of the soldiers enough time to set up a barricade a little inside of the door. As dante ran to the new barricade he couldn't help wondering what they wanted. Whay attack them It wasn't just orcs it was goblins orcs and humans alike and they were not all of the same kingdom eityher they were obviously mercenaries fighting for something. But what? . . .

(To assasinate the future king and queen and stop the war from ending Duh! Oh wait they don't know that yet >__>)
Once she was sure Dante was safely inside the castel with the other knights, Nadia called to her archers, "Ready your arrows! We can't let them get any further! Set them on fire! Dip them in poison! Do whatever it takes to protect this castle!"

The archers did as they were told immediately, scrambling around and calling for vials of poison and flints to create fires. Nadia sent arrow after arrow with her archers, piercing through the hearts of men and beasts alike, watching them all become one in the same. What were they doing attacking her castle? They didn't look to be of her people...or even of Dante's people. Who were these terrible men? She shouted orders and did her part to protect her castle...then things took a turn for the worse. Catapults; they had catapults and were flinging large boulders at her home. It hit the brick and cinder walls, creating giant holes and doing more damage than they could afford. Amidst all the shaking from the attack, Nadia held her ground...until they got smart and actually flung an orc at the tower she was standing upon. They had noticed her and recognized her as the princess.

"Princess Nadia! Look out!" an archer cried, but it was already too late.

The orc let out a mighty roar as it came hurdling towards the princess, Nadia having only enough time to shriek in surprise before it grabbed her and pulled her along with him as he crashed through the wall of the tower and fell inside the castle. From the way they fell, Nadia landed on top of the orc as they hit the ground, bouncing off of his burly, scarred body and rolling onto the marble of her father's throne room. She had obtained multiple lacerations and bruises from the fall, her body not quite used to all the pain despite her rough play with her cousins at a young age. Still, she struggled to her feet and pulled her emerald dagger just as the orc jumped up and charged at her. She jumped out of the way of his mighty axe, bringing her dagger down on its shoulder and pulling a shout of pain. He threw her off of him and she skid across the floor, flipping herself up into a standing position as she prepared to fight to the end. He charged her again, swinging his axe down and missing her, but striking her with the flat side of his weapon and sending her into a pillar. She was in an immeasurable amount of pain, her dress was ruined, her body cut and sliced and bruised with blood streaming from her wounds and from the gash on her head, but still, she stood and she faced the orc. A princess does not give up so easily, especially not Princess Nadia of Evergreen. She ran at the orc this time, flipping up onto his shoulders and bringing her dagger down, piercing him in the and tearing it out. He roared from the attack, swinging blindly as she jumped down and stabbed his leg, sending him to his knees. She looked like she might have been able to get away, but then he turned and grabbed her with his huge hand and pinned her to the ground, causing her to lose her grip of her dagger.

He chuckled as he loomed over her, his blood dripping onto her body as she she struggled to free herself from his hold and to breathe, "Such a pretty little princess. You'll look even prettier...with your blood all over the floor!"

(Right?! Hahaha, this is fun!)
Dante and the rest of the soldiers had fallen back past the throne room already the orcs goblins holding fast continuing to push them back through the castel. Dante was doing his best to prevent as much death as possible and in the process had already taken an arrow to the left shoulder and had recieved an all too heavy blow to the head from an Orcs hammer. As they continued to fall back slowly an Archer came charging through the back of them screaming at Daston "The Princess! They Have the princess! An orc grabbed her pulled her through a wall into the throne room!" Dante turned to him stunned for a moment before he turned to face the oncoming horde of goblins an anger no one could understand burning in his eyes that no one could understand. He quickly chraged forward yelling Hold Your ground Hold this position!" And with that he charged through them his swords swinging in unisen as he tore a path through them taking blows from all sides as they tried to stop him with there daggers. The pain was rather intense but he'd been through worse and survived worse and when He finally got to the throne room Door he Slammed hi left foot into it with all the force he could ever muster and the door splintered open as the locks burst from the wood, and what he saw through him into a blind rage. An orc had here pinned to the ground bleeding on her trying to squeese the life out of her. Dante Screamed from across the room "Let Go of her now!"

Before the orc could even think about what he had just said Dante charged forward with a speed most men could have never thought possible leaving a trail of blood dripping form his wounds behind him. As he got to the orc He Sheathed his swords and tackled it off of Her and they slid across the marbel floor leaving a smear of blood behind them. Daston was ontop of the orc in a flahs and began hurling punches into It's face over and over again until It finally threw a punch of it's own slamming it into the right side of his head sending him tumbling liek a ragdoll. Daston slowly climbed to his feet before gripping his swords tightly and as the orc charged him he unsheathed them in a flash and slammed the blades into it's belly all the way up to the hilt, and with all of his might he ripped them both to the side splitting the orc in half sending a rain of blood trailing over him. He slowly turned to Nadia before running up to Her dropping to his knees blood runing from the wound in his temple. He looked down at her for a moment taking in all her injuries before saying "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. Just Hold Still. I'm going to fix this."

He smiled faintly down at her before his golden yellow eyes turned a vibrant shade of red as he leaned in and kissed her pulling her up into his body. As he kissed her a tingeling sensation filled her body and slowly but surely her injuries dissapeared healing almost, but not shortly after they did they resurfaced on Dante's body. Thanks to his blood line he had the miracules ability to pull injuries from someone and put them on himself from a failing heart to a simple paper cut. Dante smiled down at her light headed as his eyes returned to there usual color before saying "Are you OK my love?" His vision was beginning to blur slowly and he knew he had pushed his body to far. He only hoped the soldiers wouldn't head his order to stay behind.

( I had to introduce a form of magick somewhere. I hope you don't mind That I did that, if You don't like it I can always change it."
"I...I'm fine. I-Dante!!" Nadia exclaimed as the man began to fall over, the young woman quickly grabbing hold of him to cushion his fall in her lap.

She still felt a little sore from the beating her body took, but for the most part, the bruises and the cuts she sustained had virtually vanished. However, Dante looked twice as bad as he slowly began to lose consciousness, his eyes dimming to a dull golden color as blood poured from his injured body. Tears sprung to Nadia's eyes, already leaking down her cheeks as she cradled his head against her chest and shook him gently.

"Dante...Dante, please don't die on me!" she begged him, her heart feeling like it was tearing in two, "Please, you promised that you would come back to me alive! Did you lie? Did you lie to your Queen already?! Dante, please stay with me!"

The amount of pain building in her chest seemed enough to crush her heart as she stared at the motionless man in her arms. It was funny...it had only been two days and yet...she felt like she just couldn't live without him. Not because she only needed him for the peace to remain in their two countries and not because she needed a king...but because she loved him. This smiling, sweet and thoughtful prince who had tried protecting her from the very beginning...she loved him.

"Dante...please, don't leave me," she cried, leaning down to kiss him again and again, "I love you...I love you, Dante."

(The magic thing was fine. I actually thought it was really cute...well, considering the circumstances, haha. Good job! Kudos! ^.^)
As Nadia lay there kissing him and crying over his seemingly motionless body it seemed as though they would die there. Dante only managed to barely open his eys saying "Hey, don't cry everything is, GAH!" He coughed painfully a sharp pain rocking through his lungs as blood shot from his throat. "Eveything Is Going to be alright. Trust me. I made a promise to the girl I love, and I'll be dammed if I break it!" Dante's breathing became heavier and heavier as the moments dragged on and the battle ensued outisde of the castel and his breathing began to get more labored as he lay there smiling up at her reasuringly. He would do anything To Protect her, and he had made his ultimate sacrafice. As they lay there Dante smiling up at her Nadia's father stormed into the throne room with his Royal Guard and they all stopped on the spot as they found the dead orc torn in half and The dying Dnate Lying in Nadia's lap. Her father quickly ran up to them and placed his hand on Nadias shoulder saying "My sweet are you alright, did they hurt you? Let me see you." His worry for Nadia made Dante glad. He could watch over her now that he couldn't. Looking Up at Nadia he slowly closed his eyes as his breathing began to slow. He was getting tired and he was struggeling to keep his eyes open now. The king inspected his daughter for a split second before turning his gaze to Dante. A small frownspreading across his face as he got an idea of what had happenned he had protected his daughter with his life. The man scowled for a moment before gripping Nadias SHopulder tightly saying "NO! I will not allow you to die here! Guards Get the doctors! NOW!" His voice bellowed as he turned back to his daughter a sad look on his face as he struggled to think of how they would save her dieing husband.

(I'm glad you thought so, I'm thinking You can bring in healer's or something to fix him up partly or something only stabalizing him and then I can fix the rest within the next post Just Go With me Big twist coming! ^__^)
Nadia stared back at her father, racking her brain for any answer to the tragedy that was taking place right before her eyes. She had already lost her mother, her cousins...she would not lose Dante, too! Then it clicked and she jumped in realization as she whipped around to face the king.

"Father! Father, Healer Cara can help him! She should still be in the south tower where it's safe! You stay with Dante and I'll go get her! She can help!"

"No! My darling, you must not leave the safety of the throne room!" the king retorted, grabbing his daughter by her shoulders.

"I must not let my husband to be die!" she argued back, snapping at her father as he recoiled slightly by the fierceness in her eyes and voice, "I'll be okay, father...trust me."

He stared at his lovely daughter, at the beautiful and strong young woman she had become...just like her mother. He nodded slowly and watched her bolt out of the throne room and off to the left in search of the old healer. He waited with bated breath beside the dying Dante, anxiously watching the doors to the throne room, praying for his daughter's safe return. He nearly had a heart attack from the relief flooding through his veins when she reappeared with a knight by her side and a small, old woman on the knight's back. She was rather little with hunched shoulders, very tanned skin, wrinkles to tell the stories of her life on her face, gray hair pulled into a bun and worried green eyes. Cara climbed down from the knight's back as he made his way to the king and the fallen prince, the woman looking the young lad over and making thoughtful humming noises.

"The injuries are deep in this one," she murmured, searching around in the pockets of her dress and retracting her hand with a vial of some shimmering blue liquid caught in her fingers, "But I will do my best to heal him."

Chanting an old verse, she uncorked the vial and slowly poured it into the lad's mouth as she held his head up to make drinking it easier, Nadia and her father watching breathlessly to see if it would work.
Dante could no longer hear anything but muffled words and he found it impossible to understand any of it. As he finally felt his headlift however and a liqued pour into his mouth his instincts kickedin and he swallowed the foul tasting liqued reluctantly. As the old woman chanted her words the wounds on his body began to emit a hissing noise and steam began to rise from them giving off the smell of burning blood. Slowly but surely his wounds cauterized themselves from the inside out as Dante Whipped his body in pain the healer holding his head tightly in her hands as she continued to chant her words and as she finished dante let out one last cry of immense pain before his body fell still and his hands dropped to the floor. The healer slowly lowered her head to his chest but couldn't hear anything so naturaly she did what came next she pulled out a small pear of scissors and cut his shirt right down the middle not quite realizing what lay hidden beneath over his heart. as she parted his shirt she let out a gasp and several of the Kings Guards gasped as well before they began to mumble amongst themselves how he got the scar or the numerouse other scars across his chest but mosttly they were shocked by the brand that he had hidden from everyone. The healer quickly snapped back into play before placing her ear to his chest when she heard nothing again she placed both hands just above his heart and chanted something different this time and a second later a spark of electricity jumped from her palm and into his chest where his heart lie cuasing his chest to heave as he gasped for breath life filling his body again. His eyes flew open and he cried out in pain instinctively before letting his body drop again his panting picking up pace as he looked over at Nadia and then her father who smiled down at him gently placing a hand on his shoulder saying "Thank you for protecting my daughter from harm, and I will keep my promise to you in return for . . ." Dante reached up and grabbed his hand waekly before saying "Sir, I didn't protect her because Of our deal. . . " He turned to face Nadia now looking her in the eyes as he did his best to hide his pain with a smile". . . I did it to protect the women I love. I would rather die then see her come to harm."
Tears streamed anew down her cheeks, the princess moving beside her fiancee and gathering him into her arms again, holding him tightly and relishing in the feel of his warm, living body. She cupped his cheek in her hand and kissed him tenderly, giggling a second later in relief as she looked down at him, her fingers unconsciously moving down to his chest to caress the brand seared there.

"Dante...don't you ever scare me like that again," she told him, her voice lacking the bite that should have been there from receiving such a fright from the man, but she was just so happ that he was safe and alive in her arms that she couldn't bring herself to be anything but relieved.

The king watched the two young people for a moment, nodding his head at Dante as the lad smiled up at him, before rising to his feet and helping them get up as well, "Come, we must get you both to safety. Our knights were able to beat back most of the enemy, but I will not be taking any chances again."
Dante slowly climbed to his feet and for a second he began to collapse under his weight before he finally regained his balance. His entire body felt like it was on fire and he felt like he had actually died, and he actually had. But he didn't know that. Dante smiled at the King for a moment before saying "Sir there's something I need to Do before we start moving." He turned to Nadia for a briefe moment before gripping her hips gently and pulled her into his body before leaning into her wrapping his arms around her body tightly as he pressed his lips to her's. He held that kiss for as long as he could as his hands gripped her tightly. When he finally pulled out of the kiss he smiled at Nadia pressing his forehead to her's saying " Babe, I told you i wouldn't leave you. No matter what happens you are mine and I will protect you. No one will ever lay a hand on you again that I swear." His eyes were full of love as he smiled down into her eyes her tearful eyes. He slowly leaned in and kissed her cheek lightly catching the tear strolling down her face before finally taking her hand in his and wrapping his other hand around her for support. As they began to move to safety all the knights who had before hand had no respect for him bowed before him as he passed. They recognized the brand just as Nadia had and came to the same realization she had. He was branded by there people and he still fought for them nearly giving his life for many of them. They understood the type of man he was. As they continued to safety and the attack was finally pushed off the knight from before missing his eye stepped up Next to Nadia and Dante and helped to support him saying "Hello princess, it's nice to see you again." The man had been in her personal gaurd before and she had actually sung to him when he returned home from war his left eye missing. He trully respected her for that, for being able to comfort him in his time of pain and hate.

(I'm So hooked on our RP it's not even funny! XD I love Nadia so much Ijust want to face suck her so much! I just can't wait to smex her! I'm going to smex her so good with my lady boner! XD)
Nadia smiled warmly at the man, instantly recognizing him as Corbin, a knight that had returned from the war broken, angry, and even contemplating revenge on the Dragonhearts people for taking his eye. She had a long talk with him, though, and sang a song of hope for his heart in hopes of relieving his ill feelings and replacing it with the power of forgiveness...and it worked.

"Hello, Sir Corbin, it's so good and relieving to see you here in this time," she greeted the knight back, shifting A little bit to better support her husband to be against her body, "Thank you so much for risking your life for me and my family once again. I am in your debt."

The continued on to the king's private study that had remained untouched by the attack since it was so far in the castle and away from the battle. The king and knights deposited the two young lovers there, Nadia sitting upon the rug by the fireplace with Dante, the man lying down on the soft rug to rest his body after such a trying time with his head in her lap. She stroked his hair and caressed the emblem on his chest, wanting to take it as a sign of his commitment to her instead of as a sign of his torture. She leaned down and stole a sweet kiss while her father and the knights weren't looking, cupping his cheek in her hand to keep his head turned towards her.

"Dante, that was stupidly reckless of you to take all of my injuries upon yourself," she finally got to reprimanding him, though it wasn't anywhere near as angry as it probably should have been, "You could have killed yourself...then what? You're lucky I was able to get Cara there on time. Had you left me, I really wouldn't have forgiven you then."

(I'm so glad that I'm doing a good enough job for you! ^.^ I'm also glad that you like Nadia, I was trying to find that balance between sweet princess and brave warrior with her. I guess I got it good enough, haha. Sexy time will definitely be fun, I can tell, lol.)
(Your hands down one of the Greatest RP'rs I've ever had the pleasure of partnering with. You character is so perfectly balanced and has this adorableness to her that I can't explain and your RP'ing skills are on par with mine if not better. I'm so used to Leading RP's all the way that It's so amazingly refreshing to be an RP where we both contribute to the story and world and I have a feeling We'll be good friends ^__^)

Dante smiled up at her as she reprimanded him for being reckless and almost killing himself. As she finished speaking Dante reached up pulling her head down to meet his so he could kiss her again, and as there lips parted he smiled at her saying "True love makes you do stupid things. You are OK right. No injuries?" Even after going over the rbink of death and being dragged back he was still worried about her and not himself. He wanted to make sure she wasn't hurt at all. He couldn't stand her being in pain. Her soft loving eyes, her beautifull smile and her amazingly perect personality made him crazy with love. He gave her a cheesy grin before saying "I was wondering if I could have the honor of sharing my bed with you tonight?" His eyes looked into her's and he couldn't stop smiling wide even though his entire body ached and he just wanted to cry just the look of he, just her gentle touch, and that loving smile was enough to wash that away. "That is of course if your willing to share your bed with me of course." Her father turned to stare at Dante for a moment as he heard him ask to share his daughter's bed and he quickly had to fight off his fatherly urge to strangle him and yell 'No one will ever share a bed with my innocent princess do you here me!' but as he watched them that washed away seeing the love the two of them had. He couldn't be happier now realizing the love the two of them shared. His daughter's happiness was safe as long as Dante was with her.
"Considering that someone decided to be my special hero, I am, for the most part, unharmed. Just a little sore is all," Nadia answered while gently massaging her shoulder, however she froze at his request in shock.

Her cheeks burned red and her big topaz colored eyes blinked rapidly. Did he just ask her...? The thought made her blush deeply as she looked to the side bashfully, but not even the embarrassment could make her say no.

"I believe it would be more of a pleasure of mine to share a bed with you...my husband to be," she answered with a playful smile though she knew it would get even more 'playful' once the sun set.

Caressing the mark over his heart again, she smiled endearingly and leaned down to kiss his forehead, then his nose and finally his lips. They were warm and soft and the thought of feeling them on her body later that night was enough to make her shiver in anticipation.

"Do me a favor, love," she whispered as a knight came over and lit the fire for them, "The next time you want to heal me like that...make sure you're uninjured yourself. I couldn't stand the thought of you being on the brink of death like that again."

(Oh my goodness >\\\\<. Thank you so much! I have to say, it feels so nice for me as well to have a partner that brings there own ideas to the table in an rp too. You're the second person out of like ten that does this on this site and I'm super happy and relieved! ^.^ I think we'll be great friends as well. To a wonderful rp! Hehe)