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  • Not wanting to be alone with his parents was something one could easily understand, but not on speaking terms was another. Looking around, he tried to get a glimpse of anyone he knew as he didn't want to stay out in the open too long, the stares of everyone slightly getting to him, now. And if possible, he would simply love to know where Potter and his cronies were, after all, he hadn't been able to insult any of them for the summer. With a smirk, he bid his parents farewell and boarded the train, instantly on the hunt for Potter whilst at the same time looking for Zabini and the others. Of course knowing Potter and his so-called friends, they would likely stay somewhere far away as possible from the Slytherins, more so from Death Eaters. And with that, he allowed his mind to wonder back to the mark on his forearm. He had done it. Allowed the Dark Lord to mark him with something he'd always wanted. Something that not only made his aunt proud, but also his father. Back then, he had done everything he could to get the praise he had now: learning three languages within a span of two tot three months, brewing Veritaserum before the age of nine or ten, and etc.... Yet after everything, he only heard praises coming from mother and his godfather. And to think, all he had to do was be branded like a fucking slave who was bought by some old coot who enjoyed jacking off to the sight of blood, only that the old coot was the Dark Lord. He had to tarnish his skin with something as revolting as the dark mark for fuck sakes! And with that, he thought once more, was it worth?

    With an irritated sigh, he angrily slid the compartment door open, a loud bang resonating around the hall as it did so. Inside the said compartment, he was met with the startled faces of Blaise Zabini, Pany Parkinson and Theodore Nott. As fast they showed, their emotions were soon masked, though the displeased look from Pansy was slowly showing. "Really, darling? I must admit that Potter is a troll faced brute who lacks proper manner at some point," Pansy sniffed. "But do try and NOT take your anger out on us." With a sneer, he made his way over to the vacant seat beside the heiress, ungracefully taking a seat and leaning back with a sigh. Of course they would have thought that he had crossed paths with Potter. Was he unable to — Merlin forbid ― brood like any other person without thinking it was because of someone? "Really now Draco, stop brooding. Everyone in Slytherin knows you become like a moody child whenever Potter is involved. It's been 'Potter this' and 'Potter that' for the last five years! It's no wonder the entire house made a bloody betting pool about it!" Blaise, that bastard, had the nerve to laugh. And a betting pool? Merlin's shriveled left ball sack, what the fuck? Draco stared at the smirking Italian, lips pressed into a tight line. With an exasperated sigh, he closed his eyes as he lifted his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose while resisting the urge to hex Blaise's balls off. "A bloody betting pool? About me and Saint fucking Potter? Should I even ask why and how it happened? Because Salazar knows if any of you would provide a decent and rational answer without sounding too much of a crazed and imperioed victim." He deadpanned, the corners of his lips twitching upwards at the offended looks his friends made.

    It didn't take long before the train whistled, signalling its departure. Grey eyes watched as children and teenagers frantically ― and might he add, embarrassingly ― bid their mothers with a kiss farewell and a hug for their fathers before boarding the train. He listened as Theodore complained about Chudley Cannons' new seeker, Kluse Sertine, to Blaise. He had to agree that the new seeker was absolutely pathetic! A first year would have had a better chance at keeping their arse up in the air and looking for the snitch than Sertine. Whoever was managing the Cannons was surely being paid double than the normal wage, seeing as the team was a lost cause. But then again, they do still have fans who are wistfully thinking that they would still be able to win the League Cup. The ranting came to a halt when the compartment door slid open and a second year boy hesitantly stepped inside. "I was said to deliver this to Mister Blaise Zabini." he said bravely, though there was a small wavering in his voice. He was holding out a scrolled parchment tied with a violet ribbon. Curious, he watched as Blaise took the parchment and the young lad took his que to leave. "What is it?" Pansy demanded as she watched her friend unrolled the parchment, leaning forward as if it was going to help her see the letter. "An invitation from Slughorn." Blaise replied after reading the contents. "Might as well see what the old man wants." And with that, he stood and left the compartment with a lazy wave goodbye.

    As soon as the door slid close, Draco moved farther away from Pansy. When he deemed that the distance was enough, he laid his head on said woman's lap, relishing at the fact that he was able to startle her once more. With a chuckle, he shut his eyes closed, listening in on Theodore trying to make Pansy see reason as to why she should try playing one round of Quidditch. "I'd rather spend an entire day with Granger than ride on a bloody broom. At least then I wouldn't put much effort into looking good." Pansy huffed, stroking the blonde's hair. "A woman who is also into Quidditch just so happens to be found more attractive to men, even if she only knows just a few things." Theodore defended. "I mean, having married or be engaged to a woman who knows her stuff would be a bonus point, especially when said woman just so happens to be from a well known house. Right, Draco?" Said man only hummed in agreement, not wanting to join in on a losing battle with Nott. Anyone who knew Pansy well would know that she'd marry a creature than ride a broom. Well, unless they were talking about a different kind broom, one that was in between a man's legs. That would be something she would willingly ride on with no further hesitation. "Knock it off, Theo. The day Pansy rides a broom would be the day I announce that I'm pregnant with Weasley's or Potter's kid."

    It was silent for a few moments, the sound of the train's wheels being the only thing making some noise. "I wouldn't count on Weasley asking you out, but Potter on the other hand...." Pansy trailed off, mind reeling as her imagination took over. Not one bit would it faze her if Potter had the nerve to ask Draco out on a date. The amount of time they spent fucking around and riling up with the other was remarkable. If she were anyone else, she would've thought that their arguments were part of their foreplay. But alas, she knew the truth and her gay fantasy was simply just that, a fantasy. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Draco asked angrily, eyes open and staring at Pansy pointedly. "Come now Draco, surely you haven't noticed?" Theodore said. "No I have not. And if you must know, I have nothing against a relationship between two people who happens to be the same gender, but I am completely straight and not gay, thank you very much." The Malfoy heir snapped. He hadn't remembered a time his friends were nosy, well except for Pansy, about his own love life. He had enough things to do that filled the gap of his soul mate, and the mission he had from the Dark Lord was more important than anything else. If he failed, then it would be his mother the Dark Lord would take pleasure in killing. Malfoy or Black, he was going to kill her.

  • She absolutely loathed her. The fact that she was acting like a loving mother in front of other people was thoroughly repugnant. She wanted to leave and board the train as soon as she had been apparated onto the platform of nine and three quarters, but alas she had to bid her mother and sisters farewell like any proper child would do. Swallowing the urge to retch, she gave her mother a kiss goodbye and hurriedly boarded the train. As she headed off towards the Slytherin sixth-year compartments, she vigorously wiped her lips with the use of the back of her hand, hoping that at some point her lips would disappear and a new one would regrow. Five years and she should have been used to it by now, having to pretend as a perfect family in front of others. She couldn't remember how it happened, but she did know why. Mother had thought that after murdering her husband and getting away with it — as the Aurors were unable to deliver enough evidences to prove that she committed the murder to the Wizengamot — being the perfect family would shake off the suspicion that some of the wizards and witches had on her. And having four daughters having finished their education and one on their sixth year in Hogwarts, was a great excuse to do the Dark Lord's bidding. Yes, her mother was a Death Eater, a shitty one at that. If she could, she would willingly turn her mother over, along with three of her sisters who were about to be branded tonight with something as revolting as the Dark Mark. She understood that the Dark Lord would want to reestablish the old ways that made wizards and witches different from muggles, but she never understood as to why they had to eradicate the muggles and muggleborns. There was a reason why the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was founded and the Dark Lord was endangering them!

    Silently cursing the Dark Lord to oblivion, she made her way pasts some first and second years as she searched for a vacant compartment. She had only left just for the summer, yet somehow it felt like there were more children than she had remembered. Or was it because there were more first years than the normal? Pushing that thought aside, she slid open the last compartment door and sat down, glaring out at the window as she watched her sisters acting like a bunch of desperate teenagers who haven't gotten laid in a month or so. Though she had only been here for a few minutes, but felt like hours, her peaceful silence was soon disturbed the sudden yet meek question of "Can I sit here?" there awkwardly standing out on the entrance of the compartment was third year boy who just so happened to be also a Hufflepuff, if the robes were anything to go by. Nodding her head, she watched as he stumbled inside, cheeks dusted with a rosy hue of embarrassment. "Might I ask why a little badger has stumbled into the snake pit?" she asked after a moment, moving her body into a position that made it easier to look at the Hufflepuff. Said boy was startled by her sudden question and let out an embarrassed squeak. Cassiopeia stared pointedly at the boy, though it took a while, he was able to compose himself before answering her question. "The other compartments are full and I doubt the older years would want to look after a third year. Plus, I doubt any of my year mates would want to be seen with me after that row I had with Deltrious last year." She was surprised that he was immediately opening up to a random stranger, but unlike some people, she chose to keep silent and listened.

    It took a while, but the train soon blew its whistle, signalling its departure to those who were running late. She heard farewells and safe wishes, yet she tuned them out as she listened to the Hufflepuff drone on and on about his problems. But as she suspected, everything soon turned silent, and the red face was enough for her to know that he had been embarrassed about talking about whatever was bothering him. In return, she gave him a smile wanting him to be comfortable enough as she knew that it was going to be a long ride back to Hogwarts. Though despite the tension in the room, the trolley witch made her presence know with the usual "Anything from the trolley?" Nodding with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she knew what she wanted. "I'd like to buy all the Drooble's Best Blowing Bubblegum, Bertie Bott's, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pastries and Liquorice Wand, please." She knew the consequences, but she didn't give a flying fuck about what the others or the Hufflepuff boy would think. This was the Trolley Witch they were buying from, surely she had enough stock to sell to the others! Pulling out the right amount of sickles, she paid the trolley witch with a smile, thanking her as she proceeded to the next compartment.

    Cassiopeia stared at the sweets scattered around her seat. Humming, she opened her truck and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for. Pulling out her messenger bag from the trunk, she soon shut it close. Taking out her wand from under her sleeves, she pointed it on her bag and cast an extension charm "Capacious extremis," and a feather-light charm. "Gravitas Penna." Satisfied with her work, she grabbed as much sweets a single arm could hold and stuffed them into her bag, making sure that none of it spilt inside. It would be a pain in the arse to clean, but perhaps it would be worth it. After all, she had enough sweets to last her an entire month before their first Hogsmeade trip.
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