A Hell for Prophets(RP Info Thread)[Vii x Diana]

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The Synthetic Construct
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
Usually noon-midnight EST.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Medieval/Low-Tech, Mystery, Post-Apocalyptic, Slice of Life, and Supernatural.
This is a roleplay between Vii and Diana.

A successful author of a popular book series struggles through the production of the third and final book in a trilogy about a fantasy world that she has dreamt of for most of her life: a book about political intrigue between two kingdoms, and about an ominous threat to the state of humanity. However, one day, after a rather restless night's sleep, she awakens on a hard, stone ground. Was she abducted? She looks around, and realizes that the place feels strangely familiar. Then, all of a sudden, it dawns on her: she's in the fantasy world from her dreams! Across the room, she spots a character that she killed off before the start of the story. He was supposed to be there to hint ominously at the danger that a conspiracy group posed to the kingdom of the protagonist, but he was betrayed by a spy from that conspiracy group when he tried to present his findings to the king, and was tossed into a dungeon so dangerous that it was reserved as a "death sentence" for the kingdom's enemies. If he is here, then that means...

Roleplay Thread: A Hell for Prophets[Vii x Diana]
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Dungeon Entity

The Dungeon Entity is a mysterious entity which functions as a separate realm. It connects to the Fantasy Realm through a single point by default, the "Core" of the dungeon, which, prior to the start of the roleplay, was secured by a "Special Device" that prevented the influence of the dungeon entity and its minions from extending out into the world beyond, by preventing creatures within from "Crossing" to other realms, and by sucking things in at the entrance with enough force to prevent anything from leaving.

The dungeon entity can collect soul energy into crystals within itself. These soul energy crystals can be consumed by monsters in order to grant them immense power, and to give them the ability to establish a microcosm of the dungeon entity even outside the "Core". Creatures who do so become "Boss Monsters". This enables the dungeon entity to expand out into the Fantasy Realm, and possibly even into the Normal Realm.

Any creature that dies within the dungeon entity or its extensions will have its soul energy redirected over to the core, and steadily condensed into crystals, thereby empowering the dungeon entity and enabling it to grow. However, the dungeon entity also spontaneously produces riches and items with valuable properties, thereby luring creatures with a lust for wealth or power into its clutches.

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Siphonite Entity

The Siphonite Entity is a mysterious entity which functions as a separate realm. It connects to the Fantasy Realm through numerous points off in the sky. These points are known to most as "stars", since they produce intense light. Most of the details of this entity remain unestablished.

However, this entity is responsible for the occasional scattering of fragments of a precursor material across the surface of the Fantasy Realm. This precursor material is a fine, whitish dust that is absorbed into dirt, and processed by plants like grasses and trees into a vitally important material known as Siphonite.

Siphonite can be consumed by creatures and absorbed into their bodies to enable them to develop their Soul Energy through intensive training or meditation, or to absorb Soul Energy from recently-deceased creatures in their vicinity. This is the fundamental difference between the Fantasy Realm and the Normal Realm, the likes of which enables creatures in the Fantasy Realm to develop their latent abilities and utilize powers that those from the Normal Realm would consider "magical".

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Soul Energy

Soul Energy is essentially the "fuel of life", which connects a creature's mind to the world. It is explicitly tied to a creature's body. When separated from the creature's body, or once the creature depletes all of its Soul Energy, the creature's mind will become separated from its body, leading to "death". Of note, restoring a creature's Soul Energy, even with another creature's Soul Energy, can also restore a creature to life, though its mind may decay in the mean time, thereby requiring some time for recovery of memories, skills, or other such mental constructs.

A creature will have precious little Soul Energy at conception, and will only produce enough of it through its development to move around. However, each creature develops Soul Energy that is unique in its properties, the likes of which provides it with certain affinities. For the most part, these affinities only serve as indicators of the personality, athleticism, preferences, and other markers of the creature's identity. However, if the Soul Energy is developed, like through the use of Siphonite, the creature can become capable of utilizing more "magical" abilities as well.

Soul Energy is not consumed through normal processes. The abilities that Soul Energy permits generally consume a creature's Stamina or bodily energy, rather than other resources. But certain abilities that it grants interface directly with the creature's own Soul Energy, or allow the creature to interface their Soul Energy with that of other creatures. Further, the more Soul Energy a creature has, the more substantial its abilities will be, both in terms of their maximum potential and their efficiency.

Creatures with enough Soul Energy to use an ability in the first place can use virtually any ability that they can imagine. However, their affinities will make it much easier for them to use certain abilities, and may make other abilities cost much more to use than they otherwise would. Some of these affinities are simplistic, such as those with an affinity for abilities involving fire production. Others are much more anomalous, such as those with an affinity for causing fear. All abilities that are not directly related to a creature's affinity will be significantly less efficient and powerful, but abilities that are directly opposed to a creature's affinity, such as fire quenching for a creature with a fire production affinity, will be remarkably less efficient and powerful, to the point of being nearly unusable without immense Soul Energy. If a creature receives types of soul energy with affinities that are directly opposed to one another, they will either cancel out, constructively interact, or destructively interact, depending on the purity of the soul energies, and how well they are unified within the creature who possesses them.

Monsters have impure Soul Energy, the likes of which is derived from multiple non-monstrous creatures. Non-monstrous creatures that absorb the Soul Energy of another creature without first making it compatible with their own Soul Energy somehow will themselves become monstrous. Monsters lose significant elements of their identity due to conflict between the different types of Soul Energy within them, thereby causing them to lose their inhibitions over time. As a result, monsters generally follow their baser instincts, especially eating and killing other creatures.

Soul Energy can be purified, but the details of this 'purification' process are the subject of ongoing research. Numerous practical and ethical problems complicate research in this area, making its findings inaccessible to the general public. Those involved in research of the topic generally believe purification to be the unification of multiple types of Soul Energy into a singular 'combined' type of Soul Energy so as to resolve their conflicting properties.

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The Kingdom of the late King Borin and Queen Innes. A land primarily consisting of a large mountain range, a sprawling evergreen forest, and the infamous "Pit of Bruarune" most often referred to as "Pit of the Devoured" by locals, as everyone knows once you fall into the pit, there is no coming back out. Bruarune has remained an intimidating power due to it's many, many mines filled with valuable ores, minerals, and gems. Adding to this wealth, the Bruarune people are some of the most talented weapons craftsmen in the world. The Capital City and Castle is built into the side of a mountain, and for centuries has never fell to an attack. Between wealth, weapons, and an ideal location, the Kingdom was impenetrable - until now.

A winding political scheme and conspiracy managed to reach the highest ranks of Bruarune's noble families and governments, creating the perfect cracks and weaknesses to allow for an attack on the kingdom from within. As an army outside waged war on the citizens, those inside the castle turned on the King and Queen in a shocking betrayal. The Princess Muireall "escaped" to the Pit as the King and Queen were killed. She is presumed dead.

It's rumored that the King's eldest brother that led this conspiracy in cooperation with their enemy kingdom. It was an unusual circumstance that led a younger son to be chosen to inherit the throne instead of the eldest, and it's believe that he bitterly resented this.

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A prophecy foretold...

A seer of sun and a seer of moon;
born at the break of dawn a child split in two;
gate unlocked once king's blood spilled;
strings of darkness woven till death devours.

King Boril of Bruarune
King Boril was a man content with his position of power, over-confident in his own cleverness, and secretly a coward. Knowing of the prophecy, but not truly understanding what it meant, when Boril had two twin daughters born at dawn, he assumed this prophecy could mean these children would be his death. In his wisdom, he decided the prophecy could not come true if one of the children died, which will still allow him to have an heir. Thus, in secret, he ordered to have one of the daughters to be quietly killed.

King Boril continued his reign in arrogance, assuming he always knew what was best. In the end, his ignoring of advice and warnings led to his death.

Queen Innes of Bruarune
Queen Innes married King Boril through a planned betrothal. An unassuming and quiet woman, with little personality and no real charisma or willpower of her own. However, her one shining moment of defiance was saving the life of her child. On learning her husband wished to kill one of the twins, Queen Innes secretly bundled up her child and sent her away to another world where she would be safe. She has held onto this secret for her entire life, up until the day she died.

Princess Muireall of Bruarune
Assumed Deceased: Actually In the Normal Realm

A spoiled but incredibly intelligent young woman. Princess Muireall was quite content with her life, was enjoying her time in court seeking her future husband, and content in the fact that she would inherit the throne as the next Queen of Bruarune. Except, Muireall had a secret of her own. In her mirrors she could see Truths. Closer and closer to the invasion she came to realize that her own doom and death were around the corner. She chose to save herself over her family and kingdom. Princess Muireall found a way to escape this world and trade places with the Twin she'd never met.

Rhiannon Alina Sutherland
Alive now in the Pit

Adopted as a baby to a quiet unassuming couple. Rhiannon's life was very mild and uneventful. She's always had very vivid dreams of this other world, that inspired her to begin writing stories. Rhiannon has now published two very popular books about her fantasy world, and is supposed to be working on a third. She is soon to realize she has the gift of Prophecy, and that she and a character she thought long dead may be the only ones that can save two worlds.

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Sir Hughes Ranulf Bertran Sagarus
A slender and fair-skinned gentleman, born to the Sagarus baronet, the likes of whom inherited the family name and bore the title of baron as the successor to his father. He was raised to be an everyman and a nobleman, and was fully prepared by the time he took on his role as the successor to his noble title. He performed an admirable job at his duties, such that his barony thrived under him, and the people of his land revered him. That said, as a noble of low status, he had little renown throughout the kingdom, and due to his integrity and refusal to align with other nobles in their political ploys, he was forcibly kept out of any influence beyond his own barony.

His family had a legacy of healing affinities, and his ancestor was granted the land that they continue to rule over, a small forested region on the periphery of the Bruarune kingdom. He, however, was determined to have an unusable affinity - one which those with information-discerning abilities were unable to fully decipher. All that was discovered about it was that it pertained to soul energy. However, without the mechanism through which it could be utilized, and without any concept of what use it served, no one was able to discern how to aid him in manifesting this ability. As such, he went about his life completely ignoring his affinity, and instead relied on his strong willpower and thorough education to achieve success in his duties.

He was at the age of 24 when he first encountered an unexpected conspiracy group within his barony. His trusted subordinates managed to discern that the conspiracy originated as a ploy of a neighboring kingdom that sought to undermine the Bruarune Kingdom's political stability and to invade. He attempted to communicate his findings to the king, but he was unexpectedly betrayed by the subordinates who discerned the information in the first place, who turned out to be members of this conspiracy themselves. Framed and dishonored by the conspirators, he was sentenced to death within the Pit of Bruarune.

Or, so sayeth the Novel. His role within the story was to hint at the foolishness of the Bruarune nobility, and the unjust death of one of the last uncorrupted noblemen. But, upon entering the Pit, he was able to utilize his abundant skills and knowledge to find a safe area for himself. He survived on edible dungeon mosses and fungi for a time, but eventually, he ran out of nearby foods to sustain himself on, and had to hunt to survive.

This led to a confluence of misfortunes that forced him into a combat with multiple monsters that he could not flee from. He managed to take one down with an improvised weapon that he intended to hunt with and, in his desperation, he absorbed its soul energy. However, despite becoming a monster, as he initially expected, he discovered that he was able to take in the soul energy without issue. Further, he benefitted from the ability of the monster he was hunting, and managed to escape.

Thereafter, after attempting the same on several other monsters, he discovered that his ability was to purify soul energy. Through this ability, he steadily developed an arsenal of unusual abilities, and developed the strength to thrive within the Pit of Bruarune. Several years passed as he circumvented its traps, slayed the vile criminals that populated it, and devoured the soul energy of various monsters. He became a truly fearsome combatant, and developed an awe-inspiring variety of abilities. However, he was unable to leave the Pit no matter how hard he sought to do so. Even after acquiring the resources to shift dimensions, he was prevented from doing so by some sort of device.

So he wandered around, hoping to find some way out, all to no avail. Until, eventually, he found the princess of Bruarune wandering by. Before he was able to stop her, she approached the device and did something to it. Then, she disappeared, and some other lady appeared in her place...
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: Around 6'1"
Weight: Around 185 lbs
Appearance: See image above.

Personality: Sir Hughes hold great pride in his dignity and integrity, and he enjoys creative pursuits, such as art and technological design. He was enthusiastic about his position as a Baron, and in the accomplishments he achieved in his territory. He was devastated by the betrayal that led him to the pit. In the context of 5 years of isolation from civilized people, he has developed an intense distrust for others, and an impatience that has given him the propensity to execute threats without due process. He still seeks to root out the corruption within the kingdom which resulted in him being forced into the pit, and to return to his barony so as to continue its development.

- Creative: Sir Hughes enjoys coming up with new ideas and concepts, and he also enjoys seeing innovative ideas of others.
- Dignity: Sir Hughes is very deliberate about what he says and does. He gives great importance to the actions and decision that other people make, and the words that they say, and expects them to do the same to him.
- Distrust: Sir Hughes views the statements and intent of others with intense skepticism. He will avoid situations that leave him vulnerable to betrayal from his allies.
- Integrity: Sir Hughes maintains an inviolable moral code in which he strives for justice and truth. He will oppose decisions involving cowardice, selfishness, laziness, and disloyalty.
- Serious: Sir Hughes doesn't tend to utilize humor.
- Thoughtful: Sir Hughes does not act on impulse. He will carefully weigh the pros and cons of his decisions and their anticipated repercussions before making decisions, when given the chance. In situations where a quick decision is required, he will generally utilize a decision that he planned to take in advance.
The following is a summary of Sir Hughes' capabilities:
  • Soul Energy: ~15,000 units worth
  • Stamina: ~18,200 units worth
  • Health: ~1,700 units worth

These are abilities that Sir Hughes has been established to be capable of using:
  • Anabolic Acceleration: Can increase the amount of Stamina acquired through training. Can also increase the amount of Health acquired as a result of training for physical fitness and bodily condition.
  • Alertness: Can improve the salience of unusual stimuli and overall improve perceptiveness.
  • Enhanced Agility: Can move with improved coordination and speed.
  • Enhanced Durability: Can increase your Health.
  • Enhanced Endurance: Can increase your Stamina.
  • Enhanced Rest: Can improve the recovery processes that the body undergoes during rest.
  • Enhanced Strength: Can apply significantly greater forces with the body, while also increasing resistance against forces applied to the body.
  • Regeneration: Can rapidly repair damaged bodily structures or replace lost bodily materials or structures.
  • Siphonite Conduction: Can increase the amount of Soul Energy acquired when using Siphonite to absorb a dead creature's Soul Energy, or to improve one's own Soul Energy through training.
  • Soul Energy Purification: Can unify Soul Energies of different types within ones' self or within another creature.
  • Stealthiness: Can decrease the salience of the stimuli related to the body, or actions that it undertakes.

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Although there are no commonly-defined 'units' that people have used to define statistics like Soul Energy, Stamina, and Health, these statistics nonetheless can be evaluated quantitatively through observation and experimentation. The following are the statistics which have been defined up to this point, along with some contextual information related to them:

Health: This statistic indicates how resistant a creature's body is to damaging stimuli, such as impacts from weapons or intense bursts of energy. Health is represented by "units" that indicate discrete amounts of damage that can be caused to a creature's overall body without impairing its functionality.
  • A creature's Health is dependent on the properties of the creature's body, so it is impossible to 'train' Health directly. However, it is possible for a creature to indirectly increase its Health through training its physical fitness and bodily condition, especially through development of stronger bones and musculature. It is also possible for a creature to be able to increase its Health through the use of abilities and buffs.
  • A typical adult human will have 10 units of Health, a large beast like a bear will have around 100 units of Health, a hulking monster will have around 1,000 Health, and a catastrophic monster like a dragon will have around 10,000 units of Health.

Soul Energy: This statistic indicates how 'powerful' a creature's abilities can be. Soul Energy is represented by "units" that indicate discrete amounts of energy that can be delivered when a creature utilizes an ability, given the amount of Stamina utilized to do so is kept constant.
  • A creature's Soul Energy can be improved through training and use of Siphonite. It typically takes around a month of training to increase one's Soul Energy by 1 unit, though with sufficiently intensive training and abundant access to resources, it is possible to gain around 1 unit of Soul Energy a day.
  • A creature can absorb the Soul Energy of a recently deceased creature in its vicinity by utilizing Siphonite. With the typical quantity of Siphonite that a creature in the fantasy realm would have in its body, only 1 unit of Soul Energy can be absorbed at a time, after which around a day's worth of food would be required to replenish the Siphonite used for the absorption.
  • A typical adult human in the normal realm will have 10 units of Soul Energy, an adult human in the fantasy realm that can utilize its ability to a normal extent will have around 100 units of Soul Energy, a remarkably adept ability user will have around 1,000 units of Soul Energy, and a world-renowned ability user will have around 10,000 units of Soul Energy.

Stamina: This statistic indicates how well a creature's body can function while under conditions of exertion. Stamina is represented by "units" that indicate discrete quantities of exertion that the creature's body can undergo without impairing its functionality.
  • A creature's Stamina can be improved through training. It typically takes around a month of training to increase one's Stamina by 1 unit, though with sufficiently intensive training and abundant access to resources, it is possible to gain around 1 unit of Stamina a day.
  • All abilities cost Stamina to some extent, though most do not require exactly 1 unit of Stamina, since some can be used multiple times with the same unit of Stamina and others require multiple units of Stamina for a single use, based on the affinities of the ability user and the type of ability. Abilities with a duration tend to have a Stamina cost over time, rather than a cost on initiation, though some abilities with a duration have both, such as those involving transformation.
  • A typical adult human will have around 10 units of Stamina, a somewhat-athletic human will have around 100 units of Stamina, a remarkable athlete will have around 1,000 units of Stamina, and a world-renowned athlete will have around 10,000 units of Stamina. That said, it is possible for a non-athletic creature to have a large quantity of Stamina, since Stamina is independent of one's physical fitness or bodily condition.

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