A Hades and Persephone Inspired Love Story

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Professional Bookworm
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
It all depends but mainly in the early afternoons to late evenings.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Realistic, Modern, Historical, Mythological, Humor, Romance, Horror (meaning gore), Adventure
For the longest time, he had his eyes set on one woman and one woman only. He was ancient and she was fairly new to the world. She was human, he was not. Every time he would get close to her in the past, something would happen and she would die, leaving him with a horrible heart break. This time though he was determined to get to her before anything else would so he has a plan in mind. Once she reaches twenty-two years of age, he plans to kidnap her and keep her close, wanting to slowly get her to love him. He has watched over her her whole life and she never knew it. He wanted nothing more than to protect her but all she sees is a monster who has kidnapped her. Will he ever gain her love or will she continue to hate him until she dies once again?

My rules:
  • No one liners. I refuse to RP with you if you're just going to do one liners. A paragraph or two will be fine.
  • Help contribute to the RP. Meaning, please don't be afraid to bring an idea up.
  • Post at least a few times a day please.
  • Give me a heads up if you won't be on at a certain time or day.
  • Don't be rude. I can come back at you with a terrible attitude and I won't hold my words back.
  • Don't force an action on a character.
  • If you're a drama fanatic (meaning someone who likes to break characters up without a good reason) please don't respond to this.
  • And please do not rape a character
I do want to play the main male character. If you want to play him, we can discuss it in PMs and come up with a happy compromise :)
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Hey I'm interested in playing as the female here. Do you still need a partner for this?