A Complete Newb!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
As the above title suggests, I am a complete newb at this particular site. I am more familiar with things lik Yahoo and AIM, but at the behest of my friend Magentara, I am trying this out. Please be patient, as my sense of humor runs along the lines of Monty Python. Silliness is a prerequisite. You have been warned. :shroom:
Not bad for a newb. Already got most of the site in my dragony brain. Like the layout.
Spelling issues.... Spelled "Like" incorrectly. BLAST IT ALL! RARR!
Welcome to the site. I'm sure a friend of Maggie is a friend of ours.

I WOULD like to point out that you can EDIT your post, it will save in double posting if you just add whatever comment you wanted to add into your previous post through EDITING, you could also give the reason for the edit, though that's not always necessary.

I'm sure the welcoming committee will be here soon. They are MUCH better at this than I am ;)
...we have a welcoming committee?

WELCOME TO THE SITE! *Showers in presents*

Enjoy your time!
Hello and welcome to the Iwaku if you have any questions just ask and we can help you

*walks off into the shadows*
Thanks all. As to the multiple posts, i did know about post editing, however, I wanted to get the cbox to open. Sneaky, but effective.
Welcome to the site. o.o

*gives cupcake*

P.S: MAGGIE!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333 o___________________O
I'll be watching you, fellow...

State Security is always watching...
Hello new person.

Got questions? The staff is here to answ~ HEY LOOK, WHAT'S THAT?

*runs away screaming*
And there goes Orochi...Personally I'm surprised he's still alive.

Parties for food is an interesting way to manage a household.

But yes...queries? Direct em at the purple or blue.

The red will simply consume you on sight.