A character's sex life!

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Yes, I am full of interesting questions. >:D

What, you don't think it makes a difference either? You are wrong! How a character perceives and handles relationship situations is a big part of their personality as well as highlights points in their history. Whether a character has been involved with people, been alone forever, is a scary glittering stalker vampire, a girl obsessed with hunting boys - it makes for more interesting charries.

See if you can answer these questions about your character/s, and how it's affected their lives!

What is the sexual preferences of your character?

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

What does your character think about monogamy?

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

Can you take the challenge? >:D


What is the sexual preferences of your character?

Females of his own species

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

Virgin, Hasn'r gathered enough traits to be concidered useful in breeding.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Emotional bonds are like love are an alien concept, its about the offspring.

What does your character think about monogamy?

No opinion, it is as the shapers will it.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?

Every 'encounter' is a once off thing, unless it is repeated.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

Depends on what the partner if after but greatest gift would be to be protective of his partner and offspring, flaw would be he wouldbe likr that if she were his partner or not.


What is the sexual preferences of your character?


Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

Probibaly a virgin, has had little contact with anyone beyond the ocasional friend.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?


What does your character think about monogamy?

Values it and doesn't consider there to be an aternitive.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?


What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

Loyalty and the willingness to do anything for his partner.

Flaw: Alouf and will be unwilling to be tied down to one place.

Drake (vampire version)

What is the sexual preferences of your character?


Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

Not a virgin, the first time was an awakening, he had never imagined such intamacy and after a nervous start threw himself to the task, right up until he bite down.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Befinatly sex, he has never formed a relationship

What does your character think about monogamy?

Eh? what?

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?

Has never slept with the same partner twice.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

Gift, tough one, parhaps a big boner? Flaw, the tendance to kill his partners.

More to come............
*pushes Darkness into a puddle*

I've said it before, and I will say it once more:
I like these(technically I answered your underwear question first[in the c-box] and you know it!) but I doubt anyone would know which characters I was talking about as some of the characters I want to answer about are on other forums or lost to the internet.

Digging up an ancient one for this:
*** *******
What is the sexual preferences of your character?
None. Rather I imagined her as vaguely somewhere between asexual and bisexual. She flirted with both sexes and used her appearance to her advantage but never genuinely cared about anyone beyond their relation to her research. She seemed to develop ambiguous obsessions with anyone who could survive or advance her experiments.
Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
No. Probably happened during her final years as fully human. Probably the only time she ever came close to anything healthy in a long time. It was probably with a co-worker/mentor figure. She genuinely cared about him in her own way. Too bad he died.
Does your character value sex or relationships more?
Relationships. Mostly professional ones. Sex was a valuable tool though--the prospect of it at least. She wasn't very active at the actual act--being an amoral demi-human with more important things to do.
What does your character think about monogamy?
Didn't think about it much. Every partner would have either been an intended victim from the outset or the rare curiosity she would continue to pursue until she found a reason to lose interest, and those were fairly one-sided.
Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
Greatest gift: Intelligence. Spontaneity. General hawtness.
Biggest flaw: A lack of human compassion. May kill partner after losing interest.[/QUOTE]

Can you take the challenge? >:D
I see what this is now. Stop hitting on me. :(
......well, I've never thought about it (and now i have weird parts of my brain screaming that "what my characters get up to when i'm not around is none of my business")
What is the sexual preferences of your character? My persona, Julez, is....mostly straight? My character Julia in DW is straight as a pencil.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them? Persona, Julez lost her virginity to Deimon and it was.... interesting... Julia is a virgin...

Does your character value sex or relationships more? Julez fluctuates between what she values more. It depends on the time of the month. Julia is for relationships.

What does your character think about monogamy? Julez - Ehhh....maybe? But Julia abhors that.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right? Julez - depends, Julia, hello no.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw? Julez is a carefree, happy lover, but she can be naivee and hurtful without knowing. Julia can be extremely devoted and caring, but she can give into sparks of breakdowns and fits of frustration.

Can you take the challenge? >:D

This is going to take a while...

Lieutenant Julius Ryker, at yer service...

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Female. As fer species, 'uman or lycan will do.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
Mah first time was also the first time Ah learned Ah was ae lycan. 'At was back in 'igh school.

Imagine 'er surprise when Ah turned inside 'er. 'Course she ne'er went back ta the football players afterwards.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Ah'd like ta settle down an' start me own pack onna these days.

What does your character think about monogamy?
'At's me pref'rence. Ah'd rather 'ave ae soulmate than 'ave ae mistress.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
Outta the question. Yew keep faithful ta yer squadmates an' yew keep true ta yer significant other. Nae two words 'bout it.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

An' we all 'ave oor flaws. Ah won't admit which yins Ah've got though.

Colonel Archetype, your resident sexual deviant.

CAUTION/WARNING: Due to the graphic nature of this individual, reader discretion is advised...

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Anything breathing and walking.

If neither apply, then I'll make due.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
(Laughter. Lots and lots of laughter...)
My first time... God, that seems so long ago...

Well, I was fourteen then and in love with this hunky baseball player. I cornerd him in the locker room and *EDITED FOR CONTENT* with a catchers mit. He then grabbed a baseball bat while I got on all fours and *EDITED FOR CONTENT* until I bled. Then he *EDITED FOR CONTENT* a tube of toothpaste. When it was his turn he cried so much when I *EDITED FOR CONTENT* the bat. He then asked me for a baseball, so I *EDITED FOR CONTENT* three of them. We used four bottles of hand lotion to make them fit. By the time we were through there was so much blood in the locker room that you'd have thought someone either had an abortion or passed kidney stones the size of potatos.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
Need I remind you who you're talking to?

What does your character think about monogamy?
(More laughter.)
Useless to me.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
It's not cheating when you're not commited.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
I can be whatever my partner wants. Man, woman, easy...

And I tend to wear out lovers... Even tentacle monsters.

Ahh, Lieutenant Deimon Kisaragi...

Do I really have to do this?

What is the sexual preferences of your character?


Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
That's kind of... personal...

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

What does your character think about monogamy?
Julez is my soulmate. Anyone who disputes this gets two in the chest.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
Not just no, but hell no, and FUCK NO...

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

...Umm... I... I kinda have a thing for Sam/Arsenal...

Wow, I'm flattered.

Sam/Arsenal, Demi-god, vessel for Aji-Suk-Taka-Ne, Shinto god of Thunder.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Either or, depending on how I feel.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
Like many men, back when I was still human and in the United States Navy, I became quite promiscuous. A West Pac tour will do that to you, especially Austrailia and Thailand.

'Course you have to be VERY careful in Thailand. Never know when that girl you're hitting on might actually be a guy. I never complained, though.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
There are times when all I want is a good lay.

Come on, you can't tell me none of you haven't given into your more primal urges.

What does your character think about monogamy?
I'm not in it for the long run. One night stands are enough right now. Maybe later, say in five or six centuries.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
I'm not in a relationship right now, so it doesn't count at cheating.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
I'm flexible.

But I'm not looking to settle down, so anyone looking for more than a night of passion, move along.

There's too damn many to list in one shot, so this is going to be a series.
The creepieness that is Ryker aside...here is Jack Shade and Drake's answers.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?


Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

The first time was mostly uneventful, a strange inn in the back country of a land called Gaia...she might have been a vampire, I can scarce remember. I do, however, recall thinking it was pleasurable, but somewhat awkward with hay poking into our bare skin...but then and again, she was a vampire and I doubt she felt it.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Sex...relationships only seem to destroy

What does your character think about monogamy?

Mostly useless, you tie too much into one person and when they inevitably vanish...so does a good deal of your sanity.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?


What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

The greatest gift I have to give is my strength and protection...perhaps my romanticism. Of course my greatest flaw would be my inconsistency with commitment and mismatched sense of priorities.


What is the sexual preferences of your character?

In honesty the gender of my partner is inconsequential.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

The first time I partook in the joys of the flesh I was scarcely a man, not even old enough to grow stubble on my chin. She was a thin girl, hardly there at all...and I remember her smile the most...such a gentle face. We made love with clasped hands beneath the moonlight on the gentle hill rising above our village and several times afterward in varying locations. I remember the warmth and sense of belonging associated, mired in the passion. Sometimes I wonder where she is...who she ended up loving...but such times are long behind me.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Relationships...sex is only a byproduct of passion, and uncontrolled passion cannot found or maintain a relationship.

What does your character think about monogamy?

I believe that faith to your spouse is an honorable practice, speaking more for the character of an individual then they may think. To resist temptation in a world such as this is a difficult task, and those who can should be applauded.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?

No. I would not dare to betray the trust of someone so dearly kept within my heart.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

My greatest gift to my relationship would no doubt be my faithful behavior and unyielding values as my greatest flaw would be my passive approach at combat and conflict as a whole.
Part Two. Today we hear from Captain Road Rage, Lieutenant Travis, and Top.

Captain Road Rage, CO of the 84TH Experimental Weapons Battalion, the Growlin' Wyverns.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Straight. Always been that way.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
Nope... Mah first time was with a Air Force Tech Sergeant. She really filled out that flight suit o' hers. It looked better onna floor.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
Ah'm not ready ta settle down or anythin' like that. So right now Ah'll take the sex when Ah kin git it.

What does your character think about monogamy?

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
Now that has too many negative waves commin' off it. You know Ah don' like negative waves.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

Stamina an' Ah'm hung like a horse.

'Course bein' infused with a rock wyvern soul kinda comes with a good many drawbacks. Ah've put a few people in wheelchairs, y'see...

An' don't git me started 'bout rock wyvern matin' season inna summer months. Ah git especially ravenous.

Ahh, Lieutenant Travis, Lieutenant of Marines for the 84TH.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Female. No deviations.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
N-no... I don't like to talk about my first time...

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
It's hard for someone like me to stick to a relationship. It's also awkward having to explain why I left a thick, slimy, thing wriggling around inside of her in the winter months, which is blob wyvern mating season.

Yeah, blob wyverns, being hermaphrodites, reproduce using whelps... It gets VERY awkward... So for now I'm content to use the services offered by State brothels.

What does your character think about monogamy?
I have a hard time getting a State sanctioned whore, people who aren't supposed to ask questions, on Friday nights as it is.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
When, and if, I ever find someone willing to accept my condition, I would give myself to them completely.

If they cross me then, well...

A-archetype says human flesh tastes like ham...

I like ham...

...and fish...

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
Devotion to the significant other. I would do anything to ensure their happiness.

What part of wriggling, thick, slimy whelp didn't you understand? I also have seven inches of man meat and C-cups. C-CUPS!!!


Do you have to hit me with all those negative waves so early inna mornin'? Ah swear, yer worse 'n Moriarty some days.

First Sergeant Top. Just Top. I don't give my name to just anyone, not even to the State.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?

I prefer women. It's only natural.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
Does a fish swim? Any who, the first time was back in college at Underbase 21. I had been studying for advancement to Sergeant at the time and decided to take a break one weekend to explore the entertainment opportunities. That's when I discovered the State sanctioned brothels. Cheap, easy, and no risk of infection. The Combat Medics at the Independent School of Medicine serve a residency at the brothels in the field of treating and containing infectious diseases, so all the girls are clean.

Oh, right, first time...

Her name was Cinnamon and she was very flexible. 'Nuff said...

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
I'm not ready to settle down. Maybe after I go into the Army Reserves I'll consider a substantial relationship.

What does your character think about monogamy?
Not my thing right now. I'm still in that stage of celebrating each sexual conquest.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
What reason would I have to? If a marriage started to get boring, I'd open dialogue to see what we could do to spice things up.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
I'm me. What else is there to say?
Know what? Fuck it, I'm bored. I'll base this off a character I'm making for a Star Wars story I'm writing.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?


Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

No. He was drunk, doesn't remember now.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

He doesn't want relationships but he's still into getting laid.

What does your character think about monogamy?

Not for him, but then again, he can't have much of a caring relationship with anyone.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?

He most likely would, self-destructive tendencies and shit.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

That it won't last long enough for there to be a fight.
Challenge excepted. I will apply these questions to a new character I've been dreaming up.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Straight, Female.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them? Yes. He's still very young. Approximately fifteen to be exact.

Does your character value sex or relationships more? Relationships. But only in terms of what they can do for him, or debts and repayment.

What does your character think about monogamy? Does not believe in your one true love, but feels that if there is someone special you should try and be with them.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right? Yes, if the it would be justified in the end.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw? Gifts = Strength, Protection // Flaws = Stubborn, hot-headed
Paorou is known to repress his own sexual urges. This leads to him swinging from uninterested and prudish most of the time, to the rare case of being outright deviant when angry. (RAEP RAEP RAEP)

However, I usually portray my characters as those who've lost their 'romantic' love already and focus more on love for friends and comrades.
However, I usually portray my characters as those who've lost their 'romantic' love already and focus more on love for friends and comrades.
I think I'm pretty close to that IRL, though it's not as bad as that sounds.
Captain Jeremiah Pliskin, 9TH SOCOM, Ghost Faces.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
I haven't had any in years. Maybe twenty years.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
An emotional relationship hinders one's operational capabilities. You start second guessing yourself and get distracted from what's important.

What does your character think about monogamy?
Devotion to a significant other is like the devotion one feels towards their squadmates. You do anything for them.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
Negative. Doing so would hinder unit cohesion.

And I am talking about relationships.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
Again, should I ever settle down I'd bring the devotion I've shown my men to whoever I choose as my mate.

Unfortunately my emotional detachment, a must for wet works, is a turn off for most, save for the criminally insane.
Alright... I'll bite.

Zakk Bresnin: Valiant

What is the sexual preferences of your character?

He's sexist when it comes to the idea. Women only.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

Nope. He was like your typical rustic, and cliche soldier. He frequented the buy me, drink me bars on planets he was stationed at.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Sex mostly. Relationships other than the guys beside you while storming a stronghold isn't something he's delved into heavily.

What does your character think about monogamy?

If it was a medal of valor, he wouldn't have it.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?


What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

He's great at Tactical Support, but rather terrible when it comes to caring about other people's problems.

Ung Moak: This One Realm (Ma brainchild that never got off the ground thanks to ya bastards.)

What is the sexual preferences of your character?

Pretties... or what he calls human women.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?

That he is. Kinda hard to get some action when you were raised by Ogres, and still be ballin' with them.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?

Due to the animal nature of his upbringing... probably sex.

What does your character think about monogamy?

Dude was raised by Ogres. What the hell do you think he things about it? Is it edible?

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?

Uh... Ogres? Yes!

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?

Ung can seriously go hulk on someone's ass. Literally... THEIR ASS! He's also not good at reading the signs women seem to CONSTANTLY radiate... or books for that matter.
Ok, giving in. I've been watching this thread since it started almost (...Since I re-joined I think; I don't know for sure when it started) and while I was brought up not to discuss sexuality/illnesses/prettymuchanythingpersonal things like sexuality and religion are things I do consider when I make up a character- I just don't usually include such things in their bio, even where it exerts influence. But Margaret is a wierd one. I thought of including some of this but I doubt it has any real impact on the plot, so I"ll post it here instead.

What is the sexual preferences of your character?

Maggie is somewhere between a-sexual and bi-sexual. She has experiance with both, and cared little for either... What she feels for the creature that lurks at the bottom of the sea she has never really considered as something sexual. The feelings of love and lust are not something she has ever connected together before.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
I think between her creature mate, the five men she's been widowed of, and the mermaids, it's safe to say No.
Her "first time" she was thirteen years old, swimming by herself, when something caught her and pulled her underwater. She didn't really understand what was happening in her panic, but... need I really elabotate?
Three months later, she gave birth to a dead... thing, half serpantine, with a rough black hide and a fin running the length of it. It looked like some failed amalgum of a human, a seal and a dragon. One of her brothers, Donald, wrapped it in his coat and sunk it in the retreating tide. He left fishing to became a preist. Maggie didn't go swimming again for a long time.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
Relationships. She's an introvert, but she attaches to people in her own quiet way. She rarely has sex with people she loves, or maybe it's more accurate to say sex usually ruins her good will towards them. Not always, just mostly.

What does your character think about monogamy?
Maggie tries not to. It's a luxury she enjoys; being married, being off limits, but not something she's gotten to hold to.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
Now this is a tricky one: The creature father of her first child Maggie considers her mate, the one she answers to. In that sense, her husbands have been cheats. But while married she has never once willingly slept with someone else, nor does she swim while married. She was raised catholic, and she does believe in honoring marrage as a contract.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
Maggie is caring, and very patient, she always put her husband's interests before herself. Her biggest flaw is that when it comes down to it, in her heart, she has more love for the sea- and for her creature mate- than any man. She understands that when they go to sea without her they will die, but if that is their descision she does not mourn them.
I'll answer this about Mori~!

What is the sexual preferences of your character?
Female... and younger than him.

Is your character still a virgin? If not, what was their first time like for them?
No, he's a bit old for that. He was studious, a boy his parents wanted. His first time was when he was nineteen with his girlfriend, fairly unremarkable and they broke up not too long after.

Does your character value sex or relationships more?
Relationships are more important, sex and nothing more is for reckless kids or adults who never grew up.

What does your character think about monogamy?
A firm supportive of monogamy, it's time to settle down and have children, so says the biological clock.

Would your character ever cheat if the circumstances were right?
Steadfast and dependable, circumstances would have to have a severe factor to make Mori cheat, a fight, too much alcohol, potentially even more to be necessary. He wants to please everyone he thinks needs pleased, and that includes a significant other.

What would be their greatest gift to a relationship? What would be their biggest flaw?
Mori is gentle and reliable, trustworthy and stable. He brings balance and comfort to a relationship, but can often be too caught up in his own feelings and dilemmas to see things as another person might, and too conflicted to even think about their feelings.
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