4th World: Incident of Two Worlds (Sign-up)

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Ludwig Panzerfaust

Original poster

"Who are you? I may not know you, but introducing yourself could be easy to understand."






Astrological Zodiac:

Race: (Human, Elven, Demi-Beast, Android, Scarlet)


Personality: (2 paragraph minimum.)

"There is weakness, there is strength and no one is flawless. So know your pros & cons, carefully."

Character's Pros:

Character's Cons:

"Explain your past, your affiliation and thus, your personal life in the future."

Backstory: (4 Paragraph minimum.)


First Memory:

Criminal Records:

The reason of committing a crime?:

Previous Affiliation:

Current Affiliation:

Your ambition:

"You have some equipment, weapons and items that you're carrying right now?*"


Body Equipment:

Personnel Item:

Primary Weapon:

Secondary Weapon:

*: If your character, choose the path in using physical weapons, you cannot use magic, unless your character is a Scarlet. Delete this if it's unused.

"Do you have a magic up your shelve that is out of the ordinary?*"

Do you possess a Magical Manipulation/DAM?:

Magic Weapon:

Aura Type:

Aura Color:

Passive Ability:

*:If your character chose the path of using magic, you cannot use physical weapons, unless your character is a Scarlet . Delete this if it's unused.

"In a battle, what you do prefer with your best fighting tactics and your best skills?"

Special Fighting Tactics:

Offensive: ?/10

Defensive: ?/10

Supportive: ?/10

People Skills: ?/10

Teamwork: ?/10

Tactics: ?/10

(In the terms of using skill, for the example; putting your character skill in 1 is terrible. putting in 10 is well-trained.)

Advantages in fighting:

Disadvantages in fighting:
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