3. Favourite class in school?

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Cat - Wolfspear

A whole lotta cringe
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Fantasy, Modern
School can mean any schooling, elementary, middle, secondary, or post-secondary
My school experience sucked so bad lol, except for post-secondary which I haven't done yet (hopefully soon :crossfingers: although I haven't quite decided what I'm going to take)
Probably the best one would be English. I was just good at English compared to all the other classes.​
My favorite classes were always English and History. This being because my teachers knew how to make it enjoyable for me and I enjoy reading and learning. I've always excelled at English which isn't a surprise to me because I love to write; even as a child, I was coming up with my own characters and stories. Math can go to hell where it belongs.
English and Legal Studies. English cause my grade 10 teacher helped me take an interesting in writing and encouraged me to go with it. (funnily enough this same teach will be teaching my son this upcoming year)

Legal Studies isnt a call offered anymore in school where I am at, but I loved learning all about the types of laws and jurdiscition. I would have gone on to be a legal aid if my grades in general didn't suck ass
In college, I most enjoyed my computer science classes and life science classes. Even though working with lab partners made me nervous, I learned a lot of neat things and got to have hands-on training.

I didn't like my grade school, middle school, or high school experiences very much. xP They were awful, actually. But I remember the Language Arts/English classes being my favorite. Teachers were always keeping my poems and essays as examples to show other kids in the class. I also finished my work so fast all the time that they eventually let me grade papers so that I wasn't sitting there doing nothing. Those times were cool. <3
I complained a lot during but I liked Law Philosophy. Probably will like it even better now since they have changed the curriculum to be more diverse and inclusive and you don't have to read about the thoughts and convictions of white men only.
I loved Biology.
It was such a great class and one of the few where I did get some good grades. My teacher was honestly a really damned good teacher for a school that sucked overall and was very poorly funded (except for the football team, of course). He took us on a lot of impromptu field trips and a science competition where a friend and I made a car powered rubber bands!
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English and Art were my top two classes, but also loved World History when I ended up with a teacher that actually made it fun to learn. He'd tell us stories about history like he was THERE, and of course that really sparked my roleplayer imagination. 😂
French and English were always my favourite classes when I was growing up! Once I got into uni, it became linguistics, sociology and psychology. If I could've majored in all three, I would've LOL