29. Surviving a zombie apocalypse?

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Cat - Wolfspear

A whole lotta cringe
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Modern
I'm not sure if I would go super hot or super cold. I think super cold just because water would be easier to access, in theory. I'm not going off of any show or anything, that's just my off-the-cuff opinion XD​
Well as the saying goes, if you need medication to live, plan on dying. in a zombie apocalypse I'd just stay home and wait until someone shoots or bites me.
I feel like I wouldn't even know right away that a zombie apocalypse is happening 🤣
I almost NEVER watch the news because it's gotten way too political and depressing and I live so far away from any major city that I would almost certainly have several days, maybe even several weeks of bliss before I realized something was horribly wrong!
Alone I would perish. But my husband is prepared for this shit, so as long as I follow him around and do everything he says, I might be fine. XD
Cold, the dead will freeze and it'll just be a standard apocolypse in like two years, also bring a ladder everywhere. Climb up something, pull ladder up, bam untouchable by the undead.
I feel like I'd just do something like in Mandy, make/get some cool ass weapons and just fight them off. IIRC zombies are pretty weak, so my only problems will be with getting food and water. Also not making noises- since that apparently attracts them. :p speaking of Mandy- I will be high as hell 90% of the time, who's gonna stop me?

I think the only negative part of this plan is that I'll probably go insane
I'd probably just grab my kids and to to work. Bunker down. It's a pretty large warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Food, water, clothes, emergency power, ammo, chemicals transport. all kinds of shit. Even if it isn't a permanent location, it'd be a good place to start salvaging.

Maybe pack up a semi and head to Kansas where one of my friends is already preparing if the roads are good enough.

Or I can head to wherever Fluffy and their hubs is in this state cause it's closer. Their husband will just have to give me a list of anything else I might be missing cause I am also not prepared in the slightest. 🤣