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fear me
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
  2. No Preferences

Alexandra 'Alex' Greenway

you cute peeps

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec accumsan mauris mauris, malesuada lacinia massa dictum quis. Vivamus suscipit fermentum neque, in ullamcorper nunc cursus quis. Etiam eget tortor est. Vivamus hendrerit justo nulla. Praesent convallis convallis mauris in condimentum. Sed dignissim, ipsum ac tincidunt tincidunt, justo odio condimentum erat, sit amet tempor magna sapien sit amet ipsum. Mauris fermentum odio nec nisl tempus, ac efficitur mi scelerisque. Nunc malesuada in nulla eget ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum eget consectetur nisi. Integer quis aliquam erat, vitae bibendum justo. Fusce ex est, viverra quis nunc id, pharetra convallis eros. Cras nec tempus magna, id accumsan erat.

Sed sed auctor felis, ac posuere enim. Nulla ullamcorper rutrum nibh ac mattis. In eleifend turpis sed auctor congue. Mauris sed tincidunt nulla. Sed ac mauris neque. Etiam metus leo, vestibulum nec tempus vitae, bibendum fringilla massa. Donec felis eros, aliquam sit amet nunc at, maximus interdum est. Morbi ornare pharetra nunc, nec lacinia erat placerat mattis. Donec a venenatis tellus, eu scelerisque ante. Cras lacus orci, semper viverra odio et, iaculis sodales odio. Etiam euismod ante ut libero fermentum, in imperdiet enim posuere.

Duis libero dui, imperdiet eget erat id, dapibus mattis libero. Donec at tempus mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam lectus eros, vulputate quis placerat eget, semper sit amet odio. Morbi porta elit at enim tempor, sit amet convallis lorem accumsan. Duis vitae felis dolor. In vestibulum in elit efficitur sodales. Nam sed rhoncus tellus. Pellentesque efficitur suscipit diam. Nunc interdum vehicula gravida.

Nunc dignissim ultricies justo ac luctus. Maecenas tincidunt ipsum ex, sit amet consectetur massa mollis eu. Morbi imperdiet purus et nunc elementum scelerisque. Vestibulum libero nunc, aliquet sed ultrices ac, malesuada at felis. Fusce pellentesque vulputate dui. Nulla aliquam, nisl id venenatis lobortis, erat tortor tempor massa, non suscipit diam eros vitae eros. Duis luctus nunc ac ante vehicula, eget ullamcorper massa aliquet. Pellentesque luctus laoreet tincidunt. Aenean quis nibh quis eros vehicula bibendum ut nec purus. Donec ultrices nunc at erat ultricies tincidunt. Praesent lorem risus, sollicitudin eu lectus eu, tempor vestibulum odio. Cras rutrum augue facilisis leo gravida, vel feugiat ligula consequat. Quisque rhoncus sapien nec ornare congue.

Vestibulum a neque neque. Sed maximus lorem non ligula maximus, at iaculis orci elementum. Morbi sit amet ante sed metus fringilla condimentum eu lacinia arcu. Curabitur nec augue arcu. Ut blandit euismod eleifend. Donec semper magna at tincidunt gravida. Morbi tincidunt tellus suscipit mauris blandit, eu ultrices magna fermentum. Pellentesque porttitor vehicula lectus, nec condimentum purus vulputate vitae. Sed ac tempor diam. Donec eleifend ex non neque finibus cursus. Phasellus gravida, urna et dignissim rhoncus, leo ligula mattis augue, sed auctor eros leo vestibulum dolor.

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Oliver Moore & Dylan Sparks
Chilling in Dylan's Apartment
It was stupid. Oli was trained to handle the unpredictable and the dangerous. Everything from potentially psychotic metas, to people bleeding out on the street, to children with measles. Hell, even in his free time these days he ran into burning buildings and situations he knew other vigilantes couldn't go into safely.

So why did he panic when the girl smiled at him across the corridor, running her hand through a crop of bubblegum colored waves and curls? It was bad enough that it had happened once, but after the third time he'd frozen instead of asking her out for a coffee or something, he'd called in reinforcements. If she was visiting his most favorite neighbor Dylan, then the pair were friends, right? So they'd have an inside track on the girl.

"Sophie, huh? Cute name. You're sure she's single? And not, like, a low key psychopath or something?" He was lounging in a chair, slouching enough to keep his gaze comfortably focused on the ceiling.

After having broken up with their past partner, someone they'd been with since high school, and then having moved to be on their own for the first time in their life, Dylan focused their newly found freedom on themself. They focused on their already existing friendships, like with Sophie, and learning how to strengthen it; they focused on newly friendships with Ezra, Signy, Lux, and that one kind that lived next door, Oli. Heck! They had even found themself strengthening their own powers with the help of their new found friends! But, that was a topic for another day.

Today's topic was about Sophie.

Dylan never thought they'd be one to play matchmaker, especially how poor their relationship with Acer had gone, but here they were. And honestly? They didn't mind it; Oli and Sophie would make a really cute couple.

Currently, Dylan and Oli were hanging out in their apartment, Dylan rummaging in their kitchen in search for a suitable snack. They idly listen to their friend talk, ask questions about Sophie and they couldn't help but laugh a little at the last question. Peaking around the corner and into the small living space where Oliver sat, they grinned. "Definitely not a psychopath," They spoke as they moved out of the kitchen with a bag of pretzels, "Paranoid and blunt maybe, but she's a really great person to be around once you get to know her!"

Plopping down in a chair across from Oli, they brought their legs up and crossed them and then set the bag in their lap, "As far as I know, she is absolutely single. Unless she's been in a relationship our whole friendship and has never told me, but I doubt it."

"With my luck, she's been holding a torch for you all those years, babe." Oli cracked a grin. So far so good. Or not. Maybe she'd be easier to talk to if she had been a psychopath in disguise. Or if Dylan had been trying to sell her as being truly perfect, then he could tell himself that both his neighbor and their friend were trying to hide a horrific personality flaw, or a hidden tail or something.

"Nah, blunt I like. I don't have the energy to try and play mind games or to decode hints. Paranoid I can roll with." Oli sat up just enough in the chair to squint at Dylan and jab his finger at them in mock suspicion. "But if it's less 'shapeshifting men in black' paranoid and more anti-vaxx or 'the government is making the frogs gay', you're legally obligated to tell me before the third date ya know."

She didn't seem like the anti-vaxx type. If he squinted in the right light, she had a passing resemblance to the wife of one of the doctors he worked with on occasion. He'd made a mental note to ask her about siblings, although he guessed the weak coincidence wouldn't rule her out as a nutter entirely.

"Sooo, do you think you could set up a date? Or a party? Or any situation where she can see that I am not an idiot mute and where you can tell her just what a charming catch I am?" The paramedic pleaded playfully. He wasn't about to push past anyone's boundaries - Dylan's or Sophie's - but it never hurt to ask at least, right?

Dylan gave off a soft snort in response as they leaned back in their chair for a moment before sitting up straight and giving a slight shake of their head. "Oh, the government is definitely turning the frogs gay, what do you mean?" They joked as they opened the bag of pretzels, almost immediately grabbing a handful to munch on. They grinned and used their free hand to pick up the bag and offer it out to Oli, "I said paranoid, not a conspiracy theorist. I assure you she is not one of those weird anti-vaxx people—Though I'm pretty sure my mom might be-"

Their mom was a bit…odd. With Dylan having been back in touch with their parents more in the last few months after their break-up, Mrs. Sparks had become some over protective, helicopter mom, again. A 'cruncy, almond' mom as some people called parents like their mom (at least that's what Dylan believed what people said). Then again, it didn't matter right now. That was a whole other story for a different day.

Popping the last few pretzels in their mouth and reaching to grab their phone out, they gave a slight shrug of their shoulders. "I mean, sure, but I'm gonna see if other people can come 'hang out' too. I'd rather not be awkwardly third wheeling it while you helplessly try and ask Sophie on a date," They started off casually, but easily fell into teasing their friend. Sure, Oli fumbled whenever Sophie came by every now and then to hang out, but they didn't doubt his skills to actually get a date, he just needed a little nudge in the right direction!

Oli snorted in amusement, making a mental note to consider bringing along an audience of his own next time they faced romantic humiliation.

Their eyes turned to the screen of their phone, individually typing a message out to everyone from the little vigilante group (Ezra, Signy, and Lux), except Sophie.

>>> heyy, if you're free to come over i would greatly appreciate you !! my neighbor is trying to secure a date with sophie and i don't want to be the odd one out and awkwardly stand in the corner of my own apartment lol.

They clicked out of the last person's contact they messaged and went to Sophie's, clicking on the call button. Dylan brought the phone to their ear and gave a hum while the phone rang.

Oli watched with more anxiety than he thought was possible for such a silly scenario. He didn't even know the girl, why did she make him so nervous?

"Sophie! My dearest, most favorite friend! Do you wanna come over?" They said as the call connected, and then as if it'd sway her to come they added, "I have snacks."



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I'm Grumble, and I'm looking for some cute stories with a little spice.

About Me:

I'm in my late twenties and live in Europe.

I'm a queer person preferring they/them pronouns.

I've been diagnosed with a neurodiverse condition on top of existing mental health problems. This is not a personality trait, rather a transparent request for occasional understanding. I may need to ask you to clarify certain things, this aside I'm getting the assistance and support I need to function as a semi-normal person, so I don't anticipate any issues. It's also a warning towards a number of folks who self diagnose and then try to use it as an excuse for being rude or demanding.

About You:

Ideally I'd like a partner in their mid twenties at least, as we'll likely have more in common, but as long as you're over 18 I'm happy to chat!

You can write a couple of paragraphs per post. Typos happen to the best of us, but generally I expect a high level of spelling and grammar. Free spell checks exist, and even ChatGPT is happy to oblige in a pinch.

You're happy to add to the world building, plotline, and character development.