2 Days & 29 Nights in Inaba

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Yhu Narukami

Original poster
This particular story takes place at the climax of Persona 4 the rpg without the true ending. So the night after witnessing the killer's "true" thoughts, things seemingly go back to normal. That is until an usual and lingering night reigns down on Inaba. More people are dying, odd sightings are poping up at the investigation team's school, and the peculiar crimson moon in the sky just refuses to leave.
Join Yu Narukami and co. In surviving the endless nights, learning the cause of this all, and helping put an end to the madness. Or simply drown in the abyss as Inaba is engulfed in chaos..

(Bear with me on this. I am utterly new to the site and haven't fully grasped how to work the apps here.) (For now, simply leave a response saying you're interested.)
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