2. Annoying things about your body?

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Cat - Wolfspear

A whole lotta cringe
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I'm about to head to bed but I thought I'd post my second thread tonight.
What are things about your body that annoys you?
For me, it's my super sensitive stomach and either runny or stuffy nose, as in there's very rarely an in-between.
Oh - and the excessive sweat.​
The relentless fatigue...I think that may be number one.
So I have hypermobility in my joints. Double jointed, if you will. I mean I'm not super flexible! I'm not a contortionist or anything, but most of my joints bend just a little farther than they should.
It's not really a BAD thing, but what it does do is cause an awful lot of just random joint pain.

My knees and shoulders ache a lot after a long day of walking around or exercising, my back and neck are frequently sore, and of my knees really loved to randomly just uh... dislocate itself. Thankfully, it hasn't done that in a loooong ass time, because it hurts. A lot. 😂
Not at all fun having to uh... pop it back into place.
My sensitive skin really annoys me. I can't enjoy a large range of goods because I'll have an allergic reaction. Metals, scents, fabrics, soaps, and ingredients of several kinds will give me rashes and hives and such. x___x Can't wear certain belt buckles, can't use certain skin or hair products, and hell I just finished ordering a deodorant that supposedly won't give me allergies.
don't get me started ;3
I am always sweaty. From like... Existing. Even just sitting when it's not that hot, I sweat and it's why summer makes me so damn tired.
muh whole body is a hellscape of never ending pain and torture 8D

But *lately* I'mma go with fatigue D: clinical now seeing a doctor about it fatigue

The oiliness of my skin. It has calmed down a lot since puberty but it is still so oily that I will be shiny at the end of the day. Pros are that I'm wrinkle free and will be for a long while. Cons are that make up products won't stay and I'm SHINY.
Knees here, sadly. Extra strength chondroitin has helped a fair bit, but I just love being 32 with the knees of an old man.
My heart races from minimal activity sometimes. It's very annoying. I'm trying to up my exercise though to help improve that because I hate feeling suffocated just because I went up a small slight of steps. Also my hips sometimes hurt and I have to always stretch to make sure they don't.
Mannnn, I sweat a lot. Too much. I don't like the feeling or the smell, so I end up showering/bathing twice during the summer season. My nose is also sensitive to dust and pollen. Allergies suck. My back can get pretty sore at times too.

But in the grand scheme of things these are just small inconveniences. I'm grateful for this body, and I try my very best to take care of it.
Every damned but of mine. I often think I was put together with leftover parts.

My legs are shot, thanks to degenerative joint issues, my lower gut is chaos, my.meyabolism sucks, my balance has never been good (and I've always been clumsy).

About the only good thing I have is my brain, but even then, most folks think I'm a weirdo.
my joints crack really loudly lol, every morning my roommate stares at me in horror. I have eczema that was especially bad on my hands when I was younger which was a pain — it's not as bad now but I still get some flareups sometimes.

Also a few years ago I hurt my leg and now if I walk around too much my knee will ache :(

And I have a heart issue where my heart will start racing very quickly sometimes. It's not life threatening generally but sometimes my heart beats so fast that I get lightheaded or like, nauseous and stuff. Happens sometimes after I work out or I do heavy lifting or smth and it's very annoying :((((( Went to the gym once and had to follow it up by just laying in my car until I could see lol. Sometimes I'm just sitting around doing nothing and my watch is like "Your heart rate rose to above 120 when you weren't doing anything" like bruh let me chill 😭 tbf I don't think my 3 hours of sleep helps very much
Oh gosh. Well, my back and hip pain for one (thanks, Army.) And my jaw pain. I got into a pretty bad fight when I was younger and broke my jaw and never had it looked at. So I get to crack it back into place every morning.

Aside from that, my body has this annoying thing when it changes my allergies every couple of years. This year is avocado, virtually ANY fruit and chocolate.
That it is mine and is not good. Would trade for upgraded model.
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