*ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster
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property tag
description and syntax

Determines the font of the given element.
font-family: family-name|generic-family|initial|inherit;
As far as I'm aware, this tag only works on "web-safe" fonts. If using a Google Font, use the Iwaku font tag. [font= ]Text[/font]

Specifies how white-space inside an element is handled.
white-space: normal|nowrap|pre|pre-line|pre-wrap|initial|inherit;
Read more about white-space here.

Specifies the line height.
line-height: normal|number|length|initial|inherit;
Negative values are not allowed.

Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element.
text-align: left|right|center|justify|initial|inherit;

Specifies the decoration added to text.
text-decoration: none|underline|overline|line-through|initial|inherit;
The text-decoration property is a shorthand property for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, and text-decoration-style.
*May not be supported in all browsers.

Specifies what type of line, if any, the decoration will have.
text-decoration-line: none|underline|overline|line-through|initial|inherit;
You can also combine more than one value, like underline and overline to display lines both under and over the text.

Specifies the color of the text-decoration (underlines, overlines, linethroughs).
text-decoration-color: color|initial|inherit;
The text-decoration-color property will only have an effect on elements with a visible text-decoration.

Specifies how the line, if any, will display.
text-decoration-style: solid|double|dotted|dashed|wavy|initial|inherit;

Increases or decreases the white space between words.
word-spacing: normal|length|initial|inherit;
Negative values are allowed.

Increases or decreases the space between characters in a text.
letter-spacing: normal|length|initial|inherit;
Negatives values are allowed.

Sets the size of the text.
To read more about font-size:
Property Tag
CSS Units

Specifies the font style for a text.
font-style: normal|italic|oblique|initial|inherit;

Specifies whether or not a text should be displayed in a small-caps font.
font-variant: normal|small-caps|initial|inherit;
In a small-caps font, all lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters. However, the converted uppercase letters appears in a smaller font size than the original uppercase letters in the text.

Specifies the indentation of the first line in a text block.
text-indent: length|initial|inherit;
Negative values are allowed. The first line will be indented to the left if the value is negative.

Controls the capitalization of text.
text-transform: none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|initial|inherit;

Sets a shadow to the specified text.
text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur-radius color|none|initial|inherit;

This tag specifies the color of text.
color: color|initial|inherit;
Color can be set in a variety of ways:
* a color name - like "red"
* a HEX value - like "#ff0000"
* an RGB value - like "rgb(255,0,0)"

Sets how thick or thin text will be displayed.
font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number|initial|inherit;

References taken or paraphrased directly from W3Schools Online - Compiled for reference use only.​

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Iwaku & Discord Username
rissa | #3339

yis pls

I work SMTWTHFS 7-4 EST Unless otherwise stated. | I'm usually online in the evenings, but available fersure on the weekends.

Thread Ideas?
Hoping for scenes and/or smol plot-lines that take place entirely outside of school. I'm really diggin' these sport suggestions too! Maybe some competitions? Esp school vs school? Ditto'ing the idea that both schools may have to unite against a bigger enemy - maybe even some kind of "evil" overtaking Japan? So... Mori works at this cafe that's actually a front for a Fight Club underneath the building. I think it'd be pretty neat if any interested PC's would like to get involved! I have two solid NPC concepts if you dig this idea! I really, really wanna have some races -- maybe even team races! Also: MINAMIGAWA UNITE!

Character Name
Kiyoko Mori

Character Model

School & Grade
Minamigawa Gakuen| 2nd year


In his Mezame, taking a form reminiscent of the Norse god Loki, Mori's fighting spirit evokes a powerful aura- if a bit chaotic and mischievous. Upon his face is a mask sporting serpentine horns and a vague, swirling face that shifts between base emotions. It is only removed in certain circumstances, such as duress in Mori or battling her bonded. In doing such, her abilities receive a slight boost in potency.

A strong bond with her Reikontate grants Mori a handful of abilities stemming from what she calls "Rifting" or Dimensional Portal Creation. With this powerset Mori is able to travel near instantaneously by creating dimensional portals. Along with this, she's capable of storing items in permanent Rifts.

The biggest weakness she has is only being able to open Rifts that are within her sight range. In the off chance that a Rift destabilizes mid-transport, there's a potential for the expended energy to shock her upon it's return, effectively paralyzing her momentarily, giving enemies a chance to strike.

Character Idea
As mentioned in Shizuochan's sheet, our characters share an Unmei no Kizuna, binding them together as rivals.

Kiyoko Mori has not lived a privileged existence, but the struggle has kept her sharp and willing to work and fight for whatever she desires. Headstrong and fiercely independent, Mori strives to better herself, her family, and the functionality of her bike. She prefers the exhilaration of racing versus that of fighting, but has never been one to back down from either, especially when it comes to Shimazu Hisayo. Subtly and mischeviously manipulative, Mori prefers to lounge in the shadows pulling strings than revel in the limelight. Growing up closely with her father, Mori heared the thrilling tales of Minamigawa at it's finest, and has always held a tiny sliver of hope that one day the student populace would reunite against a bigger enemy - Hokushin Gakuen.

Full Name (first and last name)
Nickname/Alias (self explanatory)
Age (14 - 18)
School & Grade (which school do they attend and are they a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year?)
Gender (self explanatory)
Part-Time Work (do they have a part-time job?)
Clubs (is your character associated with any clubs at school, and, if they are, what position are they?)
Gangs (are they a part of a gang, and, if they are, what position are they?)
Height (self explanatory)
Weight (self explanatory)
Ethnicity (self explanatory)
Description (feel free to list or write out paragraphs for what they look like. at the very least, I require a link to the character's picture in this section along with general information about their appearance that a picture doesn't capture)
Stats (refer to the Information Dump for more info)
Rank (refer to the Information Dump for more info)
Class (refer to the Information Dump for more info)
Reikontate (their name and appearance. feel free to either describe their appearance or link an image example of what they look like)
Mezame? (has it awakened yet?)
Powerset (expand on the fighting spirit's powerset and weaknesses in this section. powers and weaknesses should go hand in hand and reflect the rest of the information. they should also make sense to the mythical being you're basing the spirit off of. you can write this section as comfortably as you like such as breaking down each powerset, bullet pointing, or paragraph form. at most, I'd like like a "title" that sums up their powers in a nutshell).
Fighting Style (does your character know a form of martial arts, and, if they do, where did they get trained for this?)
Weapons (optional, but keep in mind the class system when it comes to weapons. guns will not be accepted at this point unless some nichijou/robot girl shit's about to go down)
Personality (feel free to list or write in paragraph form)
Biography (feel free to list or write in paragraph form)
Likes (5 likes)
Dislikes (5 dislikes)
Extra (anything else?)

Bungee Hairline Bungee Amiri



Etiam tortor augue, placerat ac posuere quis, sagittis a leo. Quisque sit amet enim rutrum, commodo turpis sed, scelerisque ipsum. Morbi sollicitudin vestibulum ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque non lacus diam. Vestibulum at purus eget urna sagittis tempor. Aenean non neque lacus. Fusce dictum fringilla convallis. Sed nec metus urna. Vestibulum nulla dui, accumsan lobortis feugiat nec, mattis vitae nibh. Vivamus fermentum ultricies mauris non sodales. Donec consequat risus at ornare accumsan. Nunc condimentum lectus a sodales rutrum.

Vivamus tempus odio quis odio finibus, id bibendum turpis condimentum. Proin sodales ex non est efficitur, sed euismod nulla tristique. Maecenas cursus mattis fermentum. Ut vel diam metus. Etiam ultrices odio lacus, non rutrum nulla faucibus a. Fusce nec mattis enim, quis ultricies lectus. In sem augue, volutpat et facilisis at, tincidunt eget augue. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum placerat ex est, quis porta nibh suscipit sed. Etiam laoreet sem at rhoncus sodales. Nam dolor ante, faucibus eu lectus quis, accumsan aliquet massa. Integer eu velit orci. In id dolor purus. Fusce porttitor elit eu nulla sagittis finibus. Pellentesque pharetra ligula mauris, et varius velit suscipit quis.
superpowers and technology

Etiam tortor augue, placerat ac posuere quis, sagittis a leo. Quisque sit amet enim rutrum, commodo turpis sed, scelerisque ipsum. Morbi sollicitudin vestibulum ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque non lacus diam. Vestibulum at purus eget urna sagittis tempor. Aenean non neque lacus. Fusce dictum fringilla convallis. Sed nec metus urna. Vestibulum nulla dui, accumsan lobortis feugiat nec, mattis vitae nibh. Vivamus fermentum ultricies mauris non sodales. Donec consequat risus at ornare accumsan. Nunc condimentum lectus a sodales rutrum.

Vivamus tempus odio quis odio finibus, id bibendum turpis condimentum. Proin sodales ex non est efficitur, sed euismod nulla tristique. Maecenas cursus mattis fermentum. Ut vel diam metus. Etiam ultrices odio lacus, non rutrum nulla faucibus a. Fusce nec mattis enim, quis ultricies lectus. In sem augue, volutpat et facilisis at, tincidunt eget augue. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum placerat ex est, quis porta nibh suscipit sed. Etiam laoreet sem at rhoncus sodales. Nam dolor ante, faucibus eu lectus quis, accumsan aliquet massa. Integer eu velit orci. In id dolor purus. Fusce porttitor elit eu nulla sagittis finibus. Pellentesque pharetra ligula mauris, et varius velit suscipit quis.

society and government

Etiam tortor augue, placerat ac posuere quis, sagittis a leo. Quisque sit amet enim rutrum, commodo turpis sed, scelerisque ipsum. Morbi sollicitudin vestibulum ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque non lacus diam. Vestibulum at purus eget urna sagittis tempor. Aenean non neque lacus. Fusce dictum fringilla convallis. Sed nec metus urna. Vestibulum nulla dui, accumsan lobortis feugiat nec, mattis vitae nibh. Vivamus fermentum ultricies mauris non sodales. Donec consequat risus at ornare accumsan. Nunc condimentum lectus a sodales rutrum.

Vivamus tempus odio quis odio finibus, id bibendum turpis condimentum. Proin sodales ex non est efficitur, sed euismod nulla tristique. Maecenas cursus mattis fermentum. Ut vel diam metus. Etiam ultrices odio lacus, non rutrum nulla faucibus a. Fusce nec mattis enim, quis ultricies lectus. In sem augue, volutpat et facilisis at, tincidunt eget augue. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum placerat ex est, quis porta nibh suscipit sed. Etiam laoreet sem at rhoncus sodales. Nam dolor ante, faucibus eu lectus quis, accumsan aliquet massa. Integer eu velit orci. In id dolor purus. Fusce porttitor elit eu nulla sagittis finibus. Pellentesque pharetra ligula mauris, et varius velit suscipit quis.

Etiam tortor augue, placerat ac posuere quis, sagittis a leo. Quisque sit amet enim rutrum, commodo turpis sed, scelerisque ipsum. Morbi sollicitudin vestibulum ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque non lacus diam. Vestibulum at purus eget urna sagittis tempor. Aenean non neque lacus. Fusce dictum fringilla convallis. Sed nec metus urna. Vestibulum nulla dui, accumsan lobortis feugiat nec, mattis vitae nibh. Vivamus fermentum ultricies mauris non sodales. Donec consequat risus at ornare accumsan. Nunc condimentum lectus a sodales rutrum.

Vivamus tempus odio quis odio finibus, id bibendum turpis condimentum. Proin sodales ex non est efficitur, sed euismod nulla tristique. Maecenas cursus mattis fermentum. Ut vel diam metus. Etiam ultrices odio lacus, non rutrum nulla faucibus a. Fusce nec mattis enim, quis ultricies lectus. In sem augue, volutpat et facilisis at, tincidunt eget augue. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum placerat ex est, quis porta nibh suscipit sed. Etiam laoreet sem at rhoncus sodales. Nam dolor ante, faucibus eu lectus quis, accumsan aliquet massa. Integer eu velit orci. In id dolor purus. Fusce porttitor elit eu nulla sagittis finibus. Pellentesque pharetra ligula mauris, et varius velit suscipit quis.

Bungee Hairline Bungee Amiri


YEAR: ???

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo enim ex, vel varius ante viverra et. Proin justo dolor, eleifend ac tincidunt ac, fringilla eu magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed accumsan facilisis sem, in semper ipsum dignissim vel. Maecenas ipsum quam, aliquet nec erat sed, luctus vestibulum sem. Cras quis fermentum quam. Aliquam faucibus convallis diam non consequat. Donec interdum nec ipsum at congue. Nam ut arcu lectus. Nulla cursus sollicitudin tincidunt.

Sed ullamcorper suscipit velit, id mollis odio mollis eget. Nunc eu tellus a quam molestie faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis suscipit urna eu mauris tempus, eu molestie turpis iaculis. Mauris vitae posuere ligula. Praesent malesuada, quam sed scelerisque finibus, mi elit dictum enim, sit amet dictum risus ipsum ut nisl. In vitae lacus aliquam, pulvinar tellus in, viverra est. Phasellus pretium nec eros in aliquam. Proin finibus leo auctor nibh tincidunt, at posuere mi dictum. Nullam et eleifend leo. Ut fermentum ipsum convallis ante molestie, nec auctor ligula convallis. Aenean eu eleifend lectus, quis aliquam lorem. Morbi maximus lacus ut euismod pulvinar. Praesent neque tortor, lobortis id felis vel, congue bibendum neque. Donec ut urna vitae nunc dictum scelerisque quis et ipsum. Nam feugiat feugiat erat, at luctus sem blandit non.

Ut eget lacus tempus, ornare velit eu, semper urna. Pellentesque semper aliquam nisi vel efficitur. Integer sagittis eros sapien. Donec sollicitudin dolor felis, id porta odio tristique ut. In vitae lorem elementum tellus iaculis iaculis vel quis velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed odio turpis, luctus vel scelerisque at, ultrices vel ipsum. Sed id scelerisque ligula. Pellentesque pellentesque malesuada cursus. Suspendisse quis ligula volutpat, egestas felis ac, imperdiet metus. Cras accumsan erat eu nibh gravida vestibulum. Sed rutrum lorem quis felis fringilla, a interdum purus venenatis.

dominic grey

Nickname: Dom and most unfortunately, "Nickyboy"
Birthday: January 24th, | Age: 23-26
Birthplace: Millennium City
Occupation: Part-time superhero, part-time bartender

Glow: Red-orange
Power: Speedster

Dominic's power grants him the capability of moving faster than the human or metahuman eye can track. It seems he has a natural resistance against the physical and rigorous impact his power is capable of, though it's worth mentioning that Dominic is never one to push too far, always erring on the side of caution. Due to his accelerated speed, a number of other bodily functions were accelerated as well:
lroemrs dfglfkhf ghdlfgkdfgjdjd,​


Medical Report
  • Age: Thirty-seven
  • Sex: Female
  • Height/Weight: 5'9" / 147lbs
  • Country of Origin:
  • Distinguishing Features: (In case of postmortem identification)

Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
Personal Statement:
Notable Skills:
Notable Accomplishments:

Character Assessment
Psychological Evaluation:
Possible Agitators:





Merl's Tavern
Three paths led to Merl's: one from the north, one from the northwest, and one from the southeast. Tucked away on a private ranch, Merl's Tavern was once known as the Calloway Estate, which hosted a quaint but high class bed-and-breakfast retreat. While it once hosted private get-togethers, honeymoons, and fine parties, the place is now prime real estate in the world after.

In the area surrounding the secret eden, dusk lingers for hours until finally gales of wind usher in a short blanket of darkness. When light rises so too does the temperature and often thunderstorms travel across the landscape in the afternoon hours.

Keen observation would allow one to realize that all three paths were strategically clear of large obstacles and despite the littering of the apocalypse, one could feel that the area was lived in.

First Church of Holy Requisition
A heavy mist hung around the area of Lake Lillinonah, as well as an ever-present fear that tested hope and strength of will. Nights fell early and dawn was forced to fight her way through every inch of darkness and dew that clung to the area. Days without mist were spent blistering hot and when the sun began to drop, so too did the temperature.

Bountiful as it is in blights and unease, Lake Lillinonah is also home to the First Church of Holy Requisition and an abundant amount of untouched supplies. The Holy Requisition is said to be the sword of light in a land of darkness and talk of its existence has spread across the east coast.


Verity Longstrom stood outside the Wall, quite a few yards away from the men and women working on the Wall's expansion and fortifications. She took turns studying the horizon for danger and the work that was taking place. She stood atop a car, boots planted firmly, a jug of water was strung up with rope and hung from her shoulder, and around her neck rested a small set of binoculars. She'd been there for hours and her shift was coming to end swiftly.

She could feel the call, three of them to be exact, and it was time to speak with Mr. Cadogan.

God's Writ is hidden within Boston. The city is half-destroyed but oddly enough, plantlife has somehow survived. Not only survived… but thrived. Plantlife covers what's left of the city and like the city, not everything is recognizable. Staying in one place for too long will call forth creatures other than blights.

The Scepter of Faith is hidden within New Orleans. The city is drenched with water and almost continuously receive nightly downpours. The rain is clean, however, and completely drinkable. Mosquitos are rampant, as they've always been in swamps, but they've been altered by the magical energy here, and are as large as hummingbirds.

The Chalice of Truth is hidden within Savannah, Georgia. The city is oddly untouched by destruction. A few windows are broken in, some doors hang open on their hinges, cars strewn about the landscape… but unremarkably so. Hauntingly, the city still remains flesh and bones. A light blanket of snow falls every night and melts by mid-morning. Although blights are plentiful, they seem to be newlings, unformed and rather unintelligent.
A lot of things have been left vague -- quite on purpose, of course. Take complete creative freedom in introducing your character. The only thing I ask is that you leave me a clue in your post as to where your character is heading. As paths are chosen and characters come together, more descriptive information will be revealed regarding the location said paths lead to.


Introduce your character. If you want to plot out relations with other PC's or any NPC's, now is the time to do so! To interact with the main storyline head towards a location of interest or if feelin' chancy, have your characters seek out an item of interest.

If you need a private plotting channel with another player, please let me know!


  • Merl's Tavern
  • The First Church of Holy Requisition


  • God's Writ
  • Scepter of Faith
  • Chalice of Truth
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  • Creepy
Reactions: firejay1

In the waning months of spring, the greatest of all galas is about to commence. The Soleaya Solstice nears and its accompanying festivities are taking place upon Marsea, in the old stronghold of Southmar. As the nobles of Orcosi and Marsea gather, the realm awaits the unfolding of the diplomatic outcome for the next year. But there is more hiding in the waters between the Three Known Lands; between assassination attempts, political strife, civil unrest, and the igniting of the cold war between the Vashskara kingdoms and Orcosi, a vindictive group of mages make their presence known, intent on furthering the chaos that is RoNaan's Realm.

And if that wasn't enough... the fabled Cult of Stars has reemerged, claiming the worst is still yet to come. If the stories hold true, there is only one reason the Cult of Stars reveals themselves: the breakage of the Seals of Lekaine, and the decimation of control over the Netherwell. To save themselves and the world in which they live, all must set aside their hesitancy to believe and heed their warnings. The new Heralds must be found or all will be lost against the coming storm.


iskaya skarrat
dr jax
kastlyn ruehar
kydris shieldew
lucillia milane
radio jelly
rorsha rukhal
mars walker
nathan periah


anuleisa rochaan
bellamy ryn
amat scrie

lorem ipsum dolor
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  • What a TWIST
Reactions: firejay1
Name: River Dakota Allington

Nickname: N/A (Everyone has their own nickname for River.)

Date of Birth: August 5th, 2004

Age: 18

Physical Description: River stands at about 5'7" in height and is rather willowy in build, despite all of Macintosh's relentless training. She has bright grey-blue eyes and light brown hair that's often braided by her older sister, Raini. She prefers to keep her face plain of any makeup, not that she would know how to apply anything if she did, and is often seen around the commons wearing thick, comfy sweaters and a pair of raggedy old boots that she just can't seem to get rid of.

Personality: River is soft, sheltered, and squishy. She wears her heart on her sleeve for all to see and isn't ashamed of it. She wishes more of her friends would allow themselves to feel, even if the guilt is too much of a burden. Due to this, she's often seen teary eyed and sometimes forlorn, before her inescapable ability to hope kicks back in. Almost childlike in her sense of wonder, she truly believes that they'll all come to terms with Macintosh and he'll let everyone free, and doesn't seem to be afraid to share this train of thought. All River wants is to be friends, to laugh, to smile, to see her friends happy and whole and getting along with one another. She'll often poke around the commons looking for someone to cheer up, not quite knowing that in doing so, it cheers her up even more.

Glow color: Dandelion yellow

Power Capacitor

Category: ???

Power Description: River has the ability to amplify metahuman powers by way of a limited form of energy manipulation. Though she cannot amplify her own powers, those of her teammates can be boosted far beyond their normal limits by simply being within River's area of effect. When she was younger, this ability was used unconsciously, unknowingly amplifying her sister's innate powers via touch and then, as they both matured, by simply being close to one another. However, once in the clutches of Macintosh and his relentless training, River has learned she can greatly expand her area of effectiveness by up to twelve feet in diameter and has even learned how to grant stronger, longer-lasting buffs via touch.

- When teammates are within her AoE they're granted a constant thrum of low voltage amplification. Energy stores last much longer, slow spikes of adrenaline boost physical activity, and meta-powers overall become more potent.

- When River touches a teammate and grants amplification that way— they're given a stronger burst of energy that lasts much longer, burns hotter, and can potentially even unlock new sub-abilities.

- Due to River's trigger— fear —when she's in a state of uncontrollable anxiety and fear, her powers amplify all of those around her to the point of devastation. Due to the nature of meta-powers and how they affect everyone differently, depending on the limits of teammates, losing control could be lethal and it terrifies her even more.

- When she's lost all control of her ability and no longer has any energy left, her innate energy manipulation seeks out the meta-powers around her, sucking them and then redistributes them at random. This causes wonky Freaky Friday affects where people temporarily have powers that don't belong to them. The only way to reverse this is to trigger the one who now has River's power, with River's own trigger.

History: Although River went through everything her sister Raini did, she was... sheltered. Protected. After everything she's been through, River still holds hope in her heart, due wholly to the selflessness her sister has shown. River is aware of this, now more than ever, and realizes that there's nothing she'll be able to do to repay her, though she desperately wishes she could. Though she remembers the bingers her Aunt Jodi used to go on, she can barely remember her parents name— and she's too ashamed to ask Raini —let alone their faces... And when she tries to conjure up the loving face of her mother, all she sees is Raini— the only person who's been by her side her entire life.

River and her sister were kidnapped by Macintosh when she was only thirteen years old and this life is almost all she knows. In the following years, River has been known to scream herself awake in the middle of the night due to nightmares and is often seen cuddled up in the commons, eating ice cream and reading any book she can get her hands on.
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