Zombie apocalypse with a blind guy

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"We are nearly there." She said to him, as she dodged a zombie that was missing it's legs. She aimed down, and fired into its head. Just as Sayomi reached the bike, the forth and fifth fireworks went off at the same time. "Damnit! I didn't do it right. We gotta hurry."

Quickly she got the keys out of her pocket. And opened up the middle section of the bike. She took out the helmets, and placed them on the bike, and started putting the bag on her back in it. She needed to be able to drive. Her bag would set her off.

"I need another bag to put in here! Then we can go." She told him, as she put on her helmet. She checked the mic, making sure she could hear the static. Once they were close enough, she would radio mom.
[(It through me off when you changed your name!)]
Lucifer patted her back. "It's fine. There are not as much zombies as I expected... And they are slow. And stupid." He liked the double explosion. It sounded nice.

Once they reached the bike, Lucifer began to take the bags off his body. He didn't realized how sore he was. Three bags fitted perfectly in the middle section. A smaller sling bag was still on Lucifer, but it wasn't too heavy, so he didn't mind much. There was a problem with the three rifles, though.

"Can we strap this at the sides? Will it affect your footing?" He couldn't see the damn thing, so he had to guess. And he had never been on a bike before.
[(A bit. xD I looked at the name when it appeared in my alerts and was like 'who is posting in our thread!' >.<)]
Sayomi closed the seat, and looked at the rifles. She wasn't sure where they could put them. "I think we might be able to tape them down to the sides, but it has to be high up. That way it would be where our knees bend. Then it won't mess up my footing or anything." She opened the seat back up, and grabbed duck tape out of the bag. As she pulled a strip off, she hated the thought of messing up the pain on her baby.

She took the rifles from Lucifer, and started taping them on quickly, making sure to get them on tight, and with lots of tape. She put two on the left side, and one on the right. She hoped that it wouldn't cause too big of an interference with riding.

She handed him the Helmet. "Put this on. Just in case something comes up, we aren't taking any chances. There is a mic so that we can talk if need be. I'm guessing you have never been on one of these. It's a crouch rocket. So you will be a bit awkwardly seated. You will have to hold onto me. When I lean, you will have to lean with me. Which is the hard part. You cannot lean further than me, or we may tip. I can usually even us out if you do, but sometimes, I can't." She tried to explain to him how to ride the bike. But she wasn't sure if he would understand how to do it
Lucifer nodded slowly, trying to visualize riding the bike. "So I just need to follow your movement?"

The holding onto Sayomi was the awkward part, and Lucifer could feel a light blush tinted his cheeks. The only female he had touched before was his mother. He had no sisters and he repel girls. It would be a lie if he had said that he wasn't excited, though. He was still a guy, after all... A young man.

Long, bony fingers roamed the helmet, poking the mic and playing with the straps. It was so cool, a helmet with a mic. He put the thing on his head and strapped it in place.

"I think I can do this," he mumbled. "I'll try my best."
"Exactly. Just follow what I do. It obviously doesn't have to be perfect, but close makes it easier, and lowers the risk of crashing if something comes up, or just by going around the corner." She explained again, Just making sure that it was understood. She didn't want something to happen to the only means of transportation until they got back to her house.

She started up the bike, reving the engine a bit. It was not quiet. It was the third fastest bike in the world. It wasn't meant to be discreet in the least bit. A few zombies turned to start coming their way, she took them out without even thinking. The sixth firework went off. That left them with one more.

She got on the bike, keeping the kick stand down for right now. She put grabbed Lucifer's hand,and placed it on the back seat so he knew where to sit. "Lets get moving." She said, only audible through the mic's anymore. She tried to adjust herself so that her position didn't look as sexual as it usually did if she had someone riding on the back. Which was usually never. It didn't help much, which she knew would be the case, so she just hoped that he wouldn't realize how it would look if someone else looked at them.
[(So you know kind of like what the bike looks like2012_ZX-14R_21.jpg )]
Lucifer nodded to show that he understood. This was the only thing they had now, and he shouldn't complain when he was the one tagging along. Maybe they could steal a car later or something, since the owners were probably dead, and traveling like that would be so much safer and more comfortable. But for now, the motorbike would have to do.

The thing was awfully loud, and it attracted zombies. And the zombie groaning and moaning was drowned out by the noise. This was Lucifer's disadvantage. If he couldn't hear the zombies then he wouldn't know where they were, and when he couldn't locate them, he couldn't kill them. Sayomi took them all out by herself though, so he didn't really had to do anything.

The motorbike was a lot ...taller then he thought. But he had no trouble swinging his awfully long legs over. Then come the holding onto Sayomi part. He didn't know that they had to lean that much in front, making him feel awfully awkward. But he never complained, since Sayomi was trying her best to save both if their asses. "Let's go," he whispered into her ear. "More are coming."
Sayomi kicked up the stand, and maintained the balance of the bike by keeping her feet on the ground as they started to move. Once they picked up speed, she lifted her feet, bumping the rifles a bit. These roads weren't too congested. A few cars here and there, but other then that not much. She knew that there was bound to be cars piled up close to the freeway. So she had to take the back roads. There was zombies here and there, just walking aimlessly, she just went around them.

She was not an innocent girl in the least bit, but she wasn't super open either. So having Lucifer holding onto her, and knowing what the stance looked like make her a little uncomfortable. Sports bikes were not really intended for a second person to ride. The option was there for just in case, but mostly for men. So that the girl could be holding onto him while he shows off.

As they drove, she could hear static ringing in through the mic, meaning that she was getting close to the house. maybe 10-11 miles away. Mom could be heard anywhere from 8-10 miles. "We are getting close. I don't know if it is because of that we are far from the free way, so most people are not around here anymore? But there isn't any large amount of cars, or zombies." She said through the mic, feeling his body as they turned a corner.
"People probably ran away the moment they saw zombies," Lucifer said. "Get food and supplies in cars and get to a safer place. I'm pretty sure almost everyone on Earth knows what a zombie is."

Though not many would thought that it would happen, a zombie apocalypse. And even less were lucky enough to survive. A zombie could have gotten into his house while he was sleeping, but it didn't happened. And Sayomi could have found another person in another apartment and left with that person, not him. He was very lucky, and he thanked god for that.

His parents were dead, and so was his brother. But he had a little sister who was 18 and her boyfriend, also his best friend. They were his only remaining family, but he wasn't too worried. Pandora was not a girl that people mess with, and Michael was stinking rich. He bought her an army van, of all things, for her birthday. And the army van was always stocked with food and weapons of all kinds, since Pandora was obsessed with apocalyptic kind of stuffs. Including zombies.
"This is very true. Everyone knows, and everyone has some sort of plans on what to do. Just the one thing that no one ever thinks about is where to go once it happens." She started to think about where to go once the generaters ran down. They needed to find somewhere with more people, and more hope for survival. Because there will come a time when just the two of them won't be able to survive anymore of them.

As they came around a large corner, she turned down a dirt road. The bike was equipped for off road. "Hello Sayomi. You are 3 miles from the gate." Said a good voice. It was obviously electronic. "Mom, Keep the gates closed. Do a radius check. Make sure that there are unknown objects on the property. Animals, and cold things. Keep the motion sensors up. Coming in hot. One other person. Bike weight between 250-300 pounds. Wait for the Que."

Mom was a system that operated the house. She controlled everything. With her dad in the military, a 4 star general. He knew things that most people didn't. He was always worried about people invading. So Mom was mostly a defensive measure. She had access to the house, controlling it, helping. She practically ran their lives. She was like something from Scify movies. "Mom, This is Lucifer. He will be staying with us. Prepare the guest room."

"Hello Lucifer."
Lucifer could hear everything the mechanic 'Mom' had said, being pressed right next to Sayomi, and he couldn't help but grin. "Hi Mom. My sis would fall in love with you."

He was liking Sayomi more and more, and he had gotten quite comfortable around her. She definitely wasn't like most girls, she was tough. Real tough. And she knew awesome stuffs. He wondered if they were to meet in a normal situation, not an apocalypse, would she noticed him at all. Most likely not, since he was practically invisible.

Pandora would get along with her extremely well.

"Hey," he said. "Do you have Wifi? And a computer or smartphone or something?" He need to contact his sister, who didn't have a number. She had a phone, yes, but for some reason she never got a number. But she was always online, though.
"What is there not to love about a computer that helps you with life?" Mom blurted out. She never spoke out of turn, unless they were coming or leaving, or if something was around. "Area clear. No unknown objects on the premises."

Sayomi grinned as they got to the gate. "Mom, Open the gates. Close right after entrance." The gate opened and she slowed down. The gravel that was their drive way could prove tricky to drive with a second person on the back. Within seconds of being inside, the gate was closed. She knew mom could check out side the house limits for objects, but right now, she didn't want to know how many were around.

"Ummm... I am not sure if it is all working. Just because the electricity isn't out just yet, doesn't mean that other things like cell towers and such aren't down." She answered. "We can check when we get inside." As they neared the house, it was obvious why it was chosen. The city underneath was clearly visible, as was most of the area around it, yet at the same time, it was fairly hidden. Slowly coming to a stop, she put the kick stand down once again and climbed off the bike. She took her helmet off, shaking her hair so that it wasn't all over the place. She didn't care if he could see or not what she looked like. She still wanted to feel at least decently looking

"Mom, will you start the coffee pot please?" She took a deep breath. Out here, it seemed like there was nothing going on. Everything seemed normal. Quiet and undisturbed, just like always. If they had the electricity to, they could stay here and wait most everything out, she had faith in mom. But the electricity would go out, and so would the generators at some point.
Lucifer grinned. "I love your house already," he said. "I'm so jealous... I have to live in a tiny apartment."

Lucifer got off the bike easily, pulling off his helmet and readjusting his ponytail. Why on Earth did he kept his hair so long anyways? It was getting irritating. He wondered for a moment how she looked. She was a lot shorter than him, because he was ridiculously tall and lanky, and she was fit. But he wanted to know more, like the shape of her face, and her eyes and her lips...

A light pink tinted his normally pale cheeks as he shook the thought out of his head.

"So... What exactly is 'Mom' anyways? She is totally awesome, but how did you get her?" He wanted something else to think about now, as he followed her. This place was tranquil despite the havoc outside, and Lucifer enjoyed the peacefulness.
"Any time I tried to move out, my father would convince me other wise. He usually told me, 'Why leave a big house, the quiet, someplace that you pretty much have all to yourself almost all the time, for a small place, in the crowded city, where you have to deal with many obnoxious people.'" Sayomi laughed as she walked into the house. She was ready for coffee.. And a possible drink. Today had been very intense.

She grabbed two cups from the cupboard, and placed them on the counter. "Do you drink coffee?" She asked him as she poured herself a cup.

"Mom has always been here since I can remember. Which is where she got her name. My mother left me and my dad after I was born.Mom was a female voice, that helped keep me on track." She started, pouring sugar and creamer into her cup, stiring it. She looked over at Lucifer, curious as to him. She was not very quiet like he was. She was fairly loud most times, and though she was extremely smart, Scoring herself a 1950 on the SAT test in high school, she hardly showed it. So she thought that he would find her annoying most times. Especially if they met under different circumstances.

"Mom was never this complex. She kind of grows when the newer technology comes out. I personally think that she started out as a trial run for the government, but my dad liked her so much that he kept her.'
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